Chapter 24

But the result of the experiment surprised Fang Lin a little. He tried to guide the aura for a long time but it didn't work.

Because there is no way to sense his own heart, which is obviously beating vigorously, it is still useless for him to guide the spiritual energy to converge in the beating direction, the spiritual energy will only slowly blend into the body.

Fang Lin thought for a while and felt that maybe he hadn't reached the stage of inner vision in the novel. At least he had to be able to sense the organs before he could manipulate the aura to gather it.

Since the organs are not good enough, the muscles are the head office, right?Fang Lin decided to strengthen the implementation effect of the two claws first.

When the aura began to concentrate on the muscles of the right paw, Fang Lin could clearly feel a tingling sensation. This method seems to be feasible, so Fang Lin temporarily set the four paws-body-head order to strengthen.

The feeling of my body getting stronger little by little is very good, and a little bit of effort will pay off a little bit. This kind of positive feedback makes Fang Lin a little immersed in it.

During the meal, Fang Lin speed lay down by the window and closed his eyes pretending to sleep after eating, lying in the kennel when someone passed by the living room would always come to touch him, if he ran to sleep next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, no one would do anything else When I was working, I touched him.

The two little girls watched TV dramas in the bedroom all afternoon, and even had an extra dinner before reluctantly leaving. Father Lin, who came home from get off work on time, sent her back.

Fang Lin, on the other hand, has been practicing in practice, so besides eating, he has practiced for three days.

Fang Lin, who got up early at five o'clock on the fourth day, continued to practice. At this time, he suddenly felt a swelling pain in his right paw. After feeling it carefully, he found that the entire right paw was filled with blue aura particles. These aura particles It's like a whole flowing along some kind of mysterious and complicated trajectory.

After observing for a while, Fang Lin activated his ability to hide the spiritual fluctuations of his right paw without any results.

At six o'clock, Fang Lin, who was taken to exercise by Yang's mother every day, slipped into the woods and slapped the dirt with his paw.

The aura in the right paw suddenly became active, and Fang Lin only felt a huge blessing in the right paw.


There was a dull sound, and a large pit appeared on the ground, and the mud splashed everywhere. Fang Lin could step into this pit with half his body.

The soil is the kind of soil in a normal garden, but Fang Lin doesn't know how powerful it is to make a hole from top to bottom.

At least he was definitely unable to do it as a normal man in his 20s before, and he didn't try his best.

Fang Lin dug the soil to fill up the ground and then stared at a stone next to him.

This is a white blocky stone that can be seen everywhere every day. It is as big as a football and flat.

Fang Lin looked at his right paw, feeling a little eager to move.

Now it's like he just bought a big hammer, and he wants to smash everything he sees.

But he flinched a little. After all, he has no experience in smashing rocks with his hands. Who has nothing to do with smashing rocks with his hands?

What's more, he is still a tender dog's paw with pads.

But Fang Lin would feel too bad if he didn't take this shot.

come on!

Fang Lin made up his mind. He had an inexplicable feeling that he could be smashed.

So he mobilized the spiritual power in his right paw and slapped it with all his strength. The white stone fell apart in an instant as if it had been attacked by a steel sledgehammer.

Good guy, it can really be smashed, and there is no pain in the hand.

Fang Lin tried not to mobilize his spiritual power again, and smashed a stone with his body alone.


Well, rocks are really hard.

Fang Lin understood by now that if he didn't use his internal force, his physical strength would still not be enough to smash the stone.

In the beginning, Fang Lin only absorbed spiritual power with his body, and there was no means to use spiritual power for the time being.

Now that his right claw has been tempered with spiritual power, he has a weapon for the time being, and a means to use spiritual power.

What's more, this kind of consumption is very small, like a flat A with magic damage.

And don't forget, as a dog, what Fang Lin is best at is not slapping.

One can imagine what his explosive running power and endurance, scratching and biting power will look like after his whole body is tempered.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin also stopped the test, and planned to wait until the whole body tempering was completed.

After all, the whole body is a whole. Now he runs with his right paw alone or swings his paw for a long time. Who knows if it will cause strain or something, although he doesn't feel any discomfort now.

When Fang Lin came out from the green bushes, Yang's mother was already waiting aside, and she didn't care when she found Fang Lin slipped in halfway through the run.

The security of the community is very good. She is not worried about what will happen to Fang Lin, and Fang Lin will not bite anyone with a mouth mask. It is also the nature of the dog to play by itself. After she continued to run, she came back to him.

But when he saw Fang Lin's white hair on the belly of his legs was covered with a lot of dirt, he still frowned.

Fang Lin followed his gaze and found that there was indeed a lot of dirt on his body, which should have been left when he cleaned up the scene.

There was no way, Fang Lin pretended to be a child who made a mistake and was cautious. Yang's mother sighed and said nothing, and led Fang Lin home.

As soon as he entered the house, he took him to the bathroom. It was the first time for Fang Lin to come to the bathroom. The bathroom was very big. In addition to the shower, there was also a large bathtub. There was also a machine for playing music discs next to it. It should be for taking a bath. When listening to music.

And this is the bathroom on the first floor. Mama Yang usually takes a bath in the bathroom on the second floor, so there should be more facilities than this one.

Yang's mother took Fang Lin to the shower, adjusted the water temperature, and wet him decisively. She picked out a green orange-flavored shower gel for pets from among the many paper bags in the cabinet, and lathered Fang Lin's body. Bubble.

Fang Lin lay on his back and enjoyed rubbing and stroking. After rubbing his stomach and legs, he turned around and rubbed his back. "You really know how to enjoy it? Why do you feel that you have grown up a lot?"

Mama Yang's feeling was correct, but Fang Lin felt that he had grown up a lot in the past few days.

A normal husky usually stops growing after 10 months. Fang Lin doesn't know how big he can grow according to this posture.

The biggest dog Fang Lin had ever seen before was a Caucasian dog that he saw in the video, weighing a full 150 kilograms. Playing with the male owner on the sofa could crush his whole body under him.

After making all the bubbles, Mama Yang flushed Fang Lin.

After taking a shower, the hair on his body was full of water, and Fang Lin felt as if he was wearing a down jacket, which was very thick and uncomfortable.

"Kaka! Don't!"


Fang Lin flicked the water comfortably like a front-loading washing machine, and immediately felt relaxed.

It was only after the dumping that he noticed that Mama Yang was looking at him silently.


It's still sportswear anyway, and I'm going to take a shower soon, right?

(End of this chapter)

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