Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 23 New Changes

Chapter 23 New Changes
Mama Yang was chatting enthusiastically with the clerk at the reception, while the two little girls found a sofa to sit and chat.

Fang Lin was enjoying the spa service here alone.

The female "nurse" took off Fang Lin's mouth mask and dog leash, and carried him into the bathtub.

"Such a well-behaved dog still needs to wear a muzzle~ doesn't it?"

While talking, he tried the temperature of the shower with his hands, and after finding the right temperature, he turned it on and put it aside.

Then I found a pair of thin and transparent gloves, rolled up the sleeves and put them on, picked up the shower and slowly sprinkled it on Fang Lin from the lower net.

Fang Lin squatted in the bathtub, the water temperature was just right and very comfortable, and the female shop assistant's hand was softer, stroking him along the water.

After getting wet all over, the female shop assistant turned off the water, put bubbles on Fang Lin's body and began to rub it carefully little by little.

"Come on, lie down."

The female clerk put Fang Lin down, lifted Fang Lin's hind legs and began to rub Fang Lin's abdomen.

To be honest, this posture is a bit embarrassing, but is it so comfortable to be touched on the stomach?

Fang Lin was single before and had never dated a girlfriend. Otherwise, he would have to try to see what it feels like for a girlfriend to touch his belly, and whether he is as comfortable as he is now.

"Is it comfortable? Haha."

The female clerk found that Fang Lin's dog's head was raised comfortably and his eyes were closed, so she continued to stroke his stomach.

"Haven't you been sterilized yet? Sterilization is good for your health."


Fang Lin sat up all of a sudden, glaring at the saleswoman.

"Aww! Aww! Aww!"

The female clerk was taken aback, but she didn't expect Fang Lin to understand, so she tried to comfort Fang Lin: "Never stop, never stop, good boy."

Picking up the shower head and turning on the water, a little bit of bubbles were poured over it.

Hmph, I will never be sterilized in this life!
Fang Lin turned his head away from looking at her, but let her flush the water.

The female clerk didn't dare to speak casually anymore, she took Fang Lin out with a new towel to dry off and dried him.

Yang's mother was outside holding a mobile phone to record the video of Fang Lin taking a bath for the first time.

As soon as Fang Lin went out and saw Mama Yang, he ran to her and glared at the shop assistant.


Called and sued.

Seeing that something was wrong, Mama Yang cast a questioning look at the clerk, and the receptionist next to her looked a little unhappy.

"I just took a bath and chatted with him normally, and I mentioned that he has been like this since he was sterilized."


The reception next to me was a little confused, what does this mean?The dog I sell is so smart?

Yang's mother was a little dumbfounded, squatted down and touched Fang Lin and said, "We don't sterilize."

Only then did Fang Lin calm down and stop barking.

The receptionist found that Fang Lin really stopped barking and said, "I didn't expect Kaka to be so smart. I've only seen Bian Mu who can understand people's speech before."

Fang Lin wouldn't be like this if it didn't involve his penis. What if the clerk sells a sterilization package to Mama Yang after taking a shower?
And no one would really think that Fang Lin would be as smart as a human being, and would always use his own point of view to explain this matter, such as understanding it by accident.

In short, a group of people finally got into the car after the farce.

Zhao Hanya, who had witnessed everything in the car, stared at Fang Lin with piercing eyes, then took out her key and threw it under the seat.

Then in Lin Yuqing's shocked eyes, he said, "Kaka, I lost my key, please pick it up for me."


Fang Lin glanced at the keys on the ground and continued to lie on his stomach, ignoring her.

"Kaka can really understand!"

"Yaya, he will definitely look at the things you dropped on the ground."


The two girls had a heated discussion on whether Fang Lin could really understand human speech.

From the rearview mirror, Yang Ma saw two little girls who were discussing enthusiastically and said: "The average intelligence of a dog is equivalent to that of a three- or four-year-old child, but there must be smarter ones. They can understand us after spending a long time with us." Our words are normal."

"By the way, it's past ten o'clock. Yaya, would you like to come to Auntie's house for lunch? Auntie Yang will cook something delicious for you."

After hearing this, Zhao Hanya became entangled and said, "Well, my family invited my aunt to cook for me."

"It's okay, let her rest for a day, and I'll just call your parents."

Ever since Mama Yang became a housewife, she especially liked to invite her friends or Lin Yuqing's friends to visit her home.

"OK then."

"Wuhu! We can go to my bedroom to watch a movie together after dinner! Are you leaving at night?"

"Ah, let me talk to my mother, if she agrees."

Yang's mother saw the little thoughts of the two girls, so she said: "Don't worry, I'll call your mother, and you can just have fun. At that time, Uncle Lin will deliver it to your door at night."


The two girls suddenly became excited and began chatting about what movie to watch or what variety show to follow, leaving Fang Lin's affairs behind.

Sitting in the middle, Fang Lin sighed inwardly listening to the continuous sound wave attacks from the left and right.

Can two girls really talk like this when they get together?He silently drooped his ears and temporarily blocked his hearing from the voices of the two girls.

The world is clean.


Hearing the movement, Xueqiu waited at the door early and complained why he had been out for so long.

Fang Lin also blocked Xueqiu's voice, and ran leisurely to the kennel to wait for dinner.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Xueqiu quickly jumped onto the sofa to rest.

Xueqiu has gotten used to the environment now, knowing that this is her new home, she will not follow Fang Lin as tightly as if she entered a haunted house.

Naturally, Fang Lin was also happy to be at leisure, lying in the nest and experiencing the movement of the aura particles in his body.

Today, there were some changes in his body again. Before, the aura was only gathered in his first empty slot, but now the speed of accumulating aura in the empty slot has become faster, but a part of the aura entered the empty slot and was released into his body, slowly. Strengthening his physique.

Fang Lin felt that after entering the body, the aura spread evenly to the muscles of all parts of the body.

This should be a good thing. Combining the experience he had seen before, Fang Lin felt that he should not only accumulate spiritual power, but also train his body part-time.

I don't know if everyone is like this, or is it just unique to beasts?
After all, no matter whether you see spirit beasts in novels or movies, they are all made of steel and strong inner strength.

But when does this have to be strengthened?
Getting rich first and then getting rich later, Fang Lin decided to try to focus on strengthening one place first.

Now the accumulation of spiritual power in the empty slot has been on the right track. Although it is not possible to practice while sleeping at night, it can already be in a state of constant cultivation and guidance during the day.

Judging from the current progress, the first empty slot will be filled in two months. To be honest, I am looking forward to what will happen by then.

However, Fang Lin doesn't need to worry about the training of the empty slot now, and now he has enough time to study the direction of physical strengthening.

Hmm. It seems that I have seen sacrifices to the five internal organs in the novels of cultivating immortals. How about starting with the heart?
(End of this chapter)

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