Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 22 Take a Bath

Chapter 22 Take a Bath
"Hello, I'm the head teacher of Class Two, Xu Xiaoyan."

The homeroom teacher standing at the door saw Mama Yang walking towards her with two children, and took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, hello, I'm Lin Yuqing's mother, and I'm here with two children to report, come, introduce yourself to the teacher."

Yang's mother turned sideways with a smile, leaving the center to the two children.

Zhao Hanya seemed to be a very outgoing girl, she said carelessly: "Hi teacher, my name is Zhao Hanya."

After hearing this, Teacher Xu's expression brightened and he touched her head and said, "Not bad, you are No.3 in the class, keep working hard."

Hearing this, Fang Lin thought about it. Zhao Hanya was the third name on the red paper, so it can be reasonably inferred that Lin Yuqing, who was the third last name on the red paper, was the third last name in the class.

As a high-quality talent, Yang Ma's simple deduction questions are naturally the same as Ming Jing's. She also reached out and touched Lin Yuqing's head, just like touching the silly son of a landlord's family, with a trace of worry in her eyes.

Fang Lin didn't know Yang Ma's psychological activities, and was a little surprised by Yang Ma's eyes, why there was still a trace of firmness in her love and affection.

Is it determined to protect the silly daughter for the rest of her life?

At this time, Lin Yuqing also said to Teacher Xu in a light voice: "My name is Lin Yuqing."

Teacher Xu responded with a smile: "The name is as good as the person, and the voice is so nice."

Lin Yuqing was still immersed in the joy of entering the key class, and smiled happily.

Seeing Lin Yuqing's pure smile, Mr. Xu thought that it was inappropriate for him to only comment on Zhao Hanya, so he patted Lin Yuqing's head and said, "Come on, kid, the future is promising."

Lin Yuqing nodded inexplicably and said, "Thank you teacher."

Fang Lin decided to give Lin Yuqing another five points, after all, he felt that she needed some special care.

This morning it was just a report and no class. After all the children arrived at [-] o'clock, Teacher Xu gave a speech, introduced himself, praised the students, and looked forward to the future.

Then he explained that the military training will start on time at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, and everyone should prepare military training uniforms before tomorrow. If it is convenient, there are people selling them at the school gate, or you can buy them yourself.

At this point in time, the students and their parents basically found the organization, and the parents gathered around the gates of their respective classes. When the students started pouring out, the parents also surrounded Teacher Xu.

"Ms. Xu, how do I pay the tuition?"

"Yes, yes."

Teacher Xu asked everyone to calm down, and then said: "I have the contact information of [-] parents in our class. I will add everyone's WeChat one by one, and then create a group. When the school starts, everyone just send me a red envelope, my child." Easy to hold and lose.”

"it is good!"

"Teacher Xu is really responsible!"

"What a good teacher."

The parents praised Teacher Xu one after another, and the scene was harmonious.

At this time, an uncle with a loud voice said: "The current society needs such a responsible teacher as Mr. Xu. My son is Niu Zhuofan. If he is disobedient, you can beat Mr. Xu at will. If not, I will be there."


The scene was quiet for a moment, and then boiled again.

"Ms. Xu, my child's name is xxx, you can come as you like!"

"My child's name is xxx"

Fang Lin huffed and squatted next to Yang's mother, watching with interest the parents who wanted to impress their children in the head teacher's heart.

The novelty is understandable, but the main kids are out now.

That little chubby standing next to the uncle with a look of lovelessness is Niu Zhuofan, right?It is estimated that he is already famous among his classmates.

Even Lin Yuqing looked at the little fat man surnamed Niu curiously.

When Mama Yang saw the two children coming out, she waved to them.She didn't join in the fun, and took Fang Lin to stand not far from the door.

Zhao Hanya caught sight of Mama Yang and waved her hand, leading Lin Yuqing to this side, imitating: "My child's name is Niu Zhuofan~hahahaha."

Lin Yuqing took her hand and said, "Yaya! You can't call boys by nicknames like you used to in junior high school."

"Hey, I know, I think it's fun, okay, okay."

When I was in elementary school, there were always some boys in the class who were skinnier, and Zhao Hanya was more skinny. She was always at the forefront of the struggle, and whenever she got a chance after class, she teased those boys to play. toward her.

The boys who came and went walked around her, and even with Lin Yuqing, no boy dared to talk to her.

Zhao Hanya came closer and knelt down to rub Fang Lin's head.


Fang Lin pulled the dog's head out of her hand with a speechless expression, then walked around to the other side of Mama Yang and squatted down.

This little girl is too out of touch.

Seeing Fang Lin slipping away, Zhao Hanya stood up resentfully.

"Kaka just likes to be quiet, it's not that he doesn't like you, right Kaka?"

Lin Yuqing comforted Zhao Hanya and talked to Fang Lin by the way.

Fang Lin squatted on the side and looked up at Yang Ma and Lin Yuqing who were staring at him, as well as Zhao Hanya's expectant eyes, and could only respond with a groan.

"Look! He said he liked you."

"Wow! He can understand human speech! So smart! I only saw it on Douyin before."

"of course."

Some students passing by cast curious or envious eyes.

Mama Yang said, "Then I'll be fine today? I'm going to take Kaka to the pet shop to take a bath, Yaya, do you want to come with me?"

"Okay, Mom and Dad are both at work, so it's not interesting for me to go home by myself now."

"Okay, let's go then."

So the group left the school gate. At the school gate, Mama Yang bought two sets of military training uniforms at the booth and gave Zhao Hanya one set to put in her schoolbag, then went to the parking lot and got on the car.

Originally, Fang Lin wanted to sit by the car window and enjoy the scenery. Originally, there were two seats in the back seat. He and Lin Yuqing were just on the left and the other on the right. Now he can only lie between the two girls, smelling two completely different fragrances. .

After arriving at the underground parking lot, Fang Lin found it somewhat familiar, and soon remembered that this was the parking lot under the Pet House.

It turned out that Yang's mother took him back to take a bath again.

Pet House also provides pet bathing services, but does not provide medical treatment. They have a regular pet hospital that they cooperate with.

The store manager saw Mama Yang coming up to say hello kindly: "Sister Yang, are you here?"

Mama Yang nodded and said, "Give Kaka a bath."

The store manager was stunned for a moment and then nodded with a smile: "Yes, Kaka should be able to take a bath a week after the vaccine, this way."

The store manager took several people to the pet bathroom on the side, and the female clerk inside went up and led Fang Lin in.

Fang Lin glanced at Sasha and Leilei a little regretfully, but unlike Sasha and Leilei who wore black silk uniforms, the female shop assistants were wearing nurse uniforms and white stockings.

"You are so cute and clean~"

The young saleswoman smiled and picked Fang Lin up and put him in a white and smooth bathtub.

(End of this chapter)

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