Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 21 The Worst Head Teacher

Chapter 21 The Worst Head Teacher

Yang Ma took Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin, who was wearing a muzzle, to the underground garage.

Fang Lin saw the G63 and was about to go there, but Yang Ma pulled him back halfway.

"This way."

Fang Lin raised his head suspiciously, and found that Mama Yang was standing next to a black car with BMW logo.

Yang Ma handed the dog leash to Lin Yuqing, and sat in the cab by herself.

Lin Yuqing took Fang Lin to the back seat, and Fang Lin took the opportunity to take a look at the rear of the car, and found the words V12 written on the back.

What does this mean? Fang Lin only knows about X5 and the like, but the car has two big exhaust holes on the rear, and the whole car looks cool and domineering, so it shouldn't be too cheap.

Alas, is this the power of money?There are several luxury cars in the family.

Fang Lin also saw a statuette parked in the parking space next to him, could it be...
The handsome husky couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Lin Yuqing is wearing the school uniform she used to wear in elementary school today, with a shirt on the upper body and a skirt on the lower body, and a pair of small leather shoes on her feet.

The whole person looks peaceful and beautiful, but there is an expression of worry undisguised on the small face.

Yang's mother remembered her seat belt and looked at her in the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "Hehe, now that you know you are worried, why did you do it early? If you are not in the key class later, all your ipad and mobile phone will be confiscated. I'll send it to you at the weekend."


"Ah what, there is no need to discuss."

Lin Yuqing, who was sitting in the back seat, hugged Fang Lin beside him and put him on his lap depressedly, lowered his head and kept rubbing his back without saying a word.

There was an eerie silence in the BMW.

Tsk tsk, is this a war between women?

Fang Lin enjoyed the back massage while looking back and forth between Yang Ma and Lin Yuqing.

What turned a beautiful young woman into an aggressive evil mother.

And what turned the well-behaved and quiet young beautiful girl into a sad-faced wronged daughter.

This is life.

Fang Lin sighed and fell asleep on the girl's smooth lap after finishing his life.

Sleep is a strange thing sometimes. You may clearly sleep for two hours, but after waking up, you feel a sense of exhaustion deep in your soul.

But maybe I only slept for a few minutes between classes, but I feel that the whole world is much clearer and my spirit is brighter.

This is how Fang Lin feels now. Yang's mother actually arrived at the school in less than 10 minutes after driving out, and found a place to park around.

Fang Lin jumped out of the car in high spirits, shaking his hair comfortably.

The two of them came out of the parking lot with a dog, and the school gate of No. [-] Middle School was diagonally opposite.

It is now [-]:[-], and many parents and students have gathered around the gate of No. [-] Middle School. It seems that even on Monday, many parents have asked for leave to accompany their children.

Because elementary school and junior high school belong to the stage of compulsory education, they go to school separately. Except for the students who pay the tuition fee to go to school, the others live not far away.

So the school initially encouraged students to report independently, and there were indeed some students who came together at the school gate, and they seemed to be friends from the nearby elementary school.

When Mama Yang brought Fang Lin and Lin Yuqing to the school gate, the school gate also opened.

It's better to come sooner than later, Yang's mother led Fang Lin and followed the flow of people in.

The security guard at the door saw that Fang Lin was still relatively young and had a muzzle on his mouth, and Yang's mother didn't go up to stop him in the middle of the crowd.

So Fang Lin successfully mixed into the campus.

(Please do not try to bring a dog to school in reality.)
"Hey, Qingqing!"

A girl in a white skirt carrying a small pink schoolbag shouted out in surprise.


Lin Yuqing was also very happy to see the girl.

"Hello, Aunt Yang!"

Yang Ma smiled and said, "Yaya, did you come here alone?"

"Well, because I live not far away, my mother let me come alone."

"really brave!"

Mama Yang praised.

Yaya blushed a little embarrassedly and nodded.

"Is Yaya confident to enter the key class?"

Mama Yang asked.

"Well, I think I answered it well at the time."


Lin Yuqing pinched Yaya lightly and gave her a look.

Mama Yang glanced at Lin Yuqing calmly, and said nothing to lead them to the teaching building.

"This is Kaka, right? It's so beautiful!"

When Fang Lin heard her praise himself, he also ran over and rubbed her with his tail to express his return.

"Hey, it's so cute."

The two girls started whispering and chatting privately.

A group of people walked into the teaching building and found that on the wall of the first floor, there were many big red papers posted in rows, with names written on them densely, and a group of parents and students stood below.

"That's the class list, right? Go and have a look."

So Yang Ma led the curious Yaya and the restless Lin Yuqing towards the red paper.

The closer he was to the red paper, the faster Lin Yuqing's heart beat, and his heart almost jumped out when he walked under the red paper.

Lin Yuqing kept praying in her heart that if God allowed her to enter the key class, she would definitely change her past and not watch dramas or variety shows, and study hard every day!
The school considers the factor of the flow of people, so each piece of red paper is posted relatively high, and it can be seen from a little distance.

With Mama Yang's exquisite clothes and makeup, coupled with the unique body and temperament of a mature woman, and leading two cute little girls and Fang Lin with a muzzle, the surrounding parents will subconsciously get out of the way.

Mama Yang didn't squeeze in, she stopped where she could see the name.

The first red paper, no.

Lin Yuqing's heart turned cold.

The third name at the beginning of the second red paper found Zhao Hanya's name.

"Yaya, you're in class two."

Yang Ma announced the good news to Zhao Hanya, but Zhao Hanya was still browsing the red paper intently, suddenly she jumped up and shouted: "Look! Lin Yuqing! Qingqing, you are also assigned to the second class!"

Lin Yuqing hurriedly looked at the red paper, and the third last name was her.


"Ha ha!"

There are sixteen red papers in total, and the first six are the key classes.

Both Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya jumped up happily. Not only were they both assigned to key classes, but they were also in the same class. What kind of fate is this?

Seeing this scene, Mama Yang was also very happy: "That's good, good, let's go, I'll take you to the second class to report."

Classes [-] to [-] are on the first floor of the teaching building. The head teacher of Class [-] is standing at the door of the class to welcome the students. She is a middle-aged woman who looks a little serious.

Seeing this scene, Fang Lin estimated that Lin Yuqing's junior high school life would not be too easy.

He once heard some rumors that the most difficult class teacher to mess with is the more serious middle-aged female teacher. Generally, this kind of teacher is more strict and likes students to abide by the discipline. Any mistake is her fault. The eyes will be magnified ten times.

And the most popular ones are young male teachers. Generally, this kind of teachers and students are more friendly and can get along well with each other.

But whoever is strong and who is weak in teaching quality can only be a mule or a horse.

(End of this chapter)

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