Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 20 The cup that fell from the sky

Chapter 20 The cup that fell from the sky

Yang Zhen noticed two security guards walking towards him, and he greeted them calmly: "It's very responsible to patrol so early."

"Hehe, you two are the two police officers, right? They are quite responsible."

"Should, should, serve the people."

"Indeed, it's tiring to step on the spot early in the morning, isn't it?"


The two security guards showed half-smile expressions, and at this time a few more security guards rushed over and surrounded the two of them.

"I think there must be some misunderstanding." Yang Zhen rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"What's the misunderstanding? The certificate is quite real, isn't it?"

The one who spoke was the security guard who let the two people in at the door at the beginning, with an angry expression on his face.

He was scolded bloody by the captain on the road just now, but he was also very depressed in his heart, who would have thought that there would be such a bold person who dared to pretend to be a policeman?
Are dog thieves so arrogant now?

Yang Zhen sighed, and suddenly stood up straight and lifted the bangs covering his eyebrows, and said with sharp eyes: "I think you are veterans, right? I am actually a member of a special department on active duty, and my identity needs to be kept secret."

The security guards were stunned for a moment, as if they were all shocked by his momentary aura.



"This kid is still pretending, but don't tell me, he acted like that, hahaha."

Several security guards continued to look at Yang Zhen with a grin, as if they were still expecting him to play tricks again.

Yi Fei couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Call the police, the order for cooperation should have been sent to the person in charge of the local department long ago, and you will know as soon as you ask."

Several security guards felt that the woman was speaking in an unusual tone, so they exchanged glances.

The captain of the security guard pondered for a while and said: "Well, we have already called the police when we came, you two should stay with me at the security guard."

And Yang's mother had brought Fang Lin home a long time ago, and she had to take a bath to cook for the family.

Today is Monday, Lin's father has to go to work, and she also has to send Lin Yuqing to the Ninth Middle School to report.

And Xiaojie continued to stay at home, his summer vacation is not over yet.

The primary and junior high schools in Sioux City only start school now, because there will be a week of military training, and the whole city will start school on September [-]st.

So Lin Yuqing put on a depressed expression early in the morning. Not only did she have to end the summer vacation early and start military training, but what was even more frightening was that she was about to face class assignment.

Ninth Middle School is one of the three major junior high schools in Sioux City. Together with the Experimental Middle School Foreign Language Middle School, it divides up all the top students in Sioux City.

The Ninth High School also selected the best from the best, and organized six key classes, based on a test held at the end of July.

All the students who signed up for No. [-] Middle School took part in this exam. The subjects of the exam were Chinese, Math, and English.

Basically, students who enter the key class will enter the safe, and basically they can be admitted to the best high school in Sioux City, and in the future they can also be admitted to the university of their choice.

Lin's father didn't care about this matter. In his opinion, his daughter was happy, and the money he earned was enough for Lin Yuqing to live a carefree life.

But Yang's mother severely criticized his idea, because she felt that what girls need most is to have a smart brain.

So what does it mean to have a smart brain?In her opinion, the bottom line is 985, even if it is not good enough, you have to call 211, right?
She couldn't accept that her child would be so stupid that he couldn't go to a key university, and no matter how much money he left for her in the future, he wouldn't be able to keep it.

And this family's life is generally decided by Yang's mother, so Lin Yuqing's idea of ​​relying on Lin's father to resist Yang's dictatorship has long been shattered.

Now Lin Yuqing is sitting at the dining table, apparently peeling eggs for himself to eat, but in his heart he is thinking about whether he can enter the key class.

Ah, I seemed to have a big problem at the time and just dealt with it casually.

Who let it be summer vacation at that time, I didn't take it so seriously.

The breakfast prepared by Yang's mother today is poached eggs, tea eggs, toast with fruit jam and milk.

The preoccupied Lin Yuqing accidentally knocked over the glass of milk.

It just landed next to Fang Lin's head who was working hard.


The cup broke, and Fang Lin jumped out in fright, but the milk still splashed all over him.

In fact, according to Fang Lin's current perception ability, he can detect it, but the breakfast this morning is really delicious. It is the lamb chops that Yang Ma has stewed for a long time with a new taste of dog food.

The family was also taken aback. Lin Yuqing quickly knelt down and touched Fang Lin to check if he was hurt.

Yang Ma walked over with a broom in dissatisfaction and said, "Don't make any more trouble, you sleazy, first check to see if you are injured, Kaka was so scared that she flew out."

Father Lin also helped to clean up the table, the episode passed quickly, and the family continued to eat breakfast normally.

Fang Lin slipped into the living room early, he had already finished his breakfast, and Yang Ma wiped his hair with a hot towel just now.

Some wet hair brought a sense of discomfort, Fang Lin lay in the kennel speechless and looked at Lin Yuqing.

I don't know why this little girl went crazy in the morning, she doesn't usually look like such a frizzy person?

Could it be that you have no confidence in the test results?

As a dog with normal university experience, Fang Lin felt that he had seen through Lin Yuqing, and couldn't help gloating in his heart.

To be reasonable, he doesn't think it is necessary for Lin Yuqing to attend key classes, and such a study life is too stressful and depressing.

Everyone only saw the enrollment rate and grades of the key classes, but did not see how much pressure the children in them were under.

Isn't studying hard just to have more choices in the future and to do what you want to do?

In Fang Lin's view, Lin Yu had already reached the end of many people's hard work in the early morning.

Happy is over.

After breakfast, Xueqiu also came to Fang Lin's side to bother him, meowing and wanting to play with him, rubbing against him.

Although Xueqiu is very cute, it can't be so annoying, right?

Fang Lin was a little annoyed by being rubbed, so he held down Xueqiu and licked the hair on her back. The originally soft cat hair was licked in a mess.


Fang Lin spat out the cat hair and continued to lie down.

And Snowball ran to the side and began to lick and comb his hair slowly.

Fang Lin can finally be clean. It seems that this method is really effective. He has seen a video before.

It is said that in order to obtain a moment of peace, the cat owner wiped all the fur on the back of the cat with a hot towel, and the cat would hide aside and start to comb the hair slowly. After all, cats like to be clean.

Finally able to catch up on a good night's sleep, Fang Lin closed his eyes comfortably.

Father Lin went to work by himself after breakfast. After all, as the core of the company, he had to go to work early on Monday.

After everyone finished breakfast and cleaned up the mess, Mama Yang also carefully selected and put on a Xinyi dress.

"Kaka, let's go, let's send Qingqing to school together."


Fang Lin, who had just fallen asleep, expressed his frustration.

(End of this chapter)

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