Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 19 Finding Suspicious Persons

Chapter 19 Finding Suspicious Persons
The summer sun always feels very close to us.

At 05:30 in the morning, the sky was completely lit up, and Cicada, who was sleeping soundly and turned on the light, was struggling to vent her dissatisfaction.

"Zhuo! Why did I start work at 05:30 in the morning! Why!"

At the gate of Fang Lin's community, a young man with disheveled hair was wearing a white T-shirt and overalls, his bangs covered his eyebrows and ears, and he complained to the young woman beside him.

The young woman has handsome short hair and looks heroic and energetic. She glanced at the man and said dissatisfiedly, "Yang Zhen, can you cheer up? This is an A-level aura fluctuation. There's a big problem!"

The man named Yang Zhen said impatiently: "If it's really as serious as you said, how could you let us come? Yi Fei, ask yourself, have you reached the D level yet?"


As if being poked at a sore spot, Yi Fei turned her head away without saying a word.

Feeling that his words were a little too much, Yang Zhen scratched his head and explained: "There are such big fluctuations, but there is no notification of the opening of the channel, so there are only two possibilities.

Or it's just fluctuations caused by the interference between us and the spiritual world at night, and there have been precedents before.

Either someone as talented as you has awakened. We have been detecting it for so long, and it is probably the first possibility. "

After speaking, he poked Yi Fei, and when she turned around, he winked at her.

Yi Fei smiled angrily and said, "Yang Zhen, if you really can't speak, you are a mentally handicapped person, then shut up, okay? You don't really think that what you said just now is a compliment to me, do you?"

Yang Zhen spread his hands innocently.

Yi Fei shook her head and said, "Hurry up and finish the last inspection of the Yunting District, you wait, I'll complain to the captain when I get back."

"Don't! I'm wrong, can't I?"

"I was really wrong, why don't you tell the captain?"

"Yi Fei! I warn you, if you dare to go back and make a small report with the captain, I will never end with you!"

"Miss! Just spare me, I just haven't woken up!"

Walking to the door of the security room at the entrance, Yi Fei finally said: "Okay, we're at the door, Yunting is a high-end residential area, so be normal and don't cause trouble."


Seeing two strangers, the security guard took the initiative to ask, "Who are you?"

Yi Fei took out an ID from her pocket: "We are from the nearby police station, and the leader told me to come to Yunting for a walk today to eliminate some potential safety hazards."

The Yunting Owners Committee often visits the nearby police station during the holidays and brings some fruit to express their respect for the public servants of the people, so the nearby police stations are also very concerned about Yunting.

The security guard took a look at the ID and there was nothing wrong with it, so he let it go and said hello, "It's quite responsible for coming so early."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Yi Fei and Yang Zhen entered the community smoothly.

At six o'clock in the morning, Yang's mother woke up Fang Lin on time, and the snow fan opened his eyes in a daze to take a look and continued to curl up and sleep.

After leaving the bedroom door, Fang Lin stretched his waist and stretched his body.

He woke up today feeling refreshed and full of strength. He could feel that his own strength was growing every day. Although the progress of the empty slot was slow, it was indeed slowly improving.

It's great to feel the experience of progress every day!

Fang Lin followed Mama Yang to the porch, this time Mama Yang did not take the dog leash, and took out a cover under Fang Lin's suspicious eyes.

Why does this look like a set of mouths?
"Yesterday I added money to find errands to buy, and your dad took it back yesterday. Come, how about trying it?"


Yang Ma "talked to herself" and pressed the muzzle on Fang Lin's head.

Fang Lin shook his head, but he didn't feel any discomfort, because the mouth cover is hollowed out so it doesn't affect breathing, and the material is soft and doesn't hurt his face after all.

"Perfect, you are by my side."

After going downstairs, Mama Yang moved her body a bit, and took Fang Lin to run.

So a muzzled husky followed closely beside the beautiful woman doing morning exercises, forming a beautiful landscape.

"What are you looking at? Are your eyes straight?"

Yi Fei patted Yang Zhen and said in dissatisfaction, then followed his gaze and suddenly realized.

"Oh~ So you were looking at her. You actually wanted to sexually harass legal citizens at work. I will report you when I get back."

Yang Zhen became anxious: "What are you talking about? Why are your thoughts so dirty? I'm looking at that dog!"

"What happened to that dog?"

"You don't understand it."

"Hehe, you know, you are just looking at that woman and think she has a good figure."

"Hey, didn't I train dogs in the army before I woke up? That dog's fur is soft and shiny, its muscles are perfectly developed, and its body proportions are also very good. It looks like a good seed."

While running, Fang Lin had noticed these two people a long time ago, and when he heard this, he subconsciously tightened his chrysanthemum, and quickly checked whether he had properly concealed his spiritual power fluctuations, it was too scary.

He guessed that maybe his movement was a bit loud the day before yesterday, and these two people might have come to investigate.

Fang Lin stared at the aura particles around the two of them, and was indeed attracted to them vaguely. It seemed that the two of them did not practice while working like him, and they were not diligent at all.

"Then have your military dogs awakened?"

Yi Fei asked curiously.

Yang Zhen looked at her like a fool and said, "How is it possible? I heard from the captain that the interference between the two worlds has not yet reached the threshold. Only geniuses with a strong affinity for aura can feel the aura."

"Well, I see, they are here, don't talk about it."

Yang Ma and Fang Lin gradually ran to them along the road.

Yang's mother looked at Yang Zhen, and she found that this man seemed to be staring at her Kaka from a distance and still giggling, just now he was whispering to the woman next to him.

Now that he ran up to him, he nodded and smirked at himself, with a wretched look on his face, he was not a good person.

Yang Ma frowned and stopped near the two of them, asking, "What do you do?"

Yang Zhen put on a friendly smile and said to Yang's mother: "We are from the nearby Federal Police Station, and we come to our community to eliminate potential safety hazards."

"When did you get assigned here? You look so young. Are you capable?"

"I'm an old policeman, don't worry haha."


Yang Ma didn't stop and continued to run away with Fang Lin. When she reached the corner, she saw two security guards on patrol.

The security guards in Yunting are all veterans. They were openly recruited by the owners' committee, and the property management did not interfere. According to their ability, their monthly salary is at least 1 yuan. If they have performed well in the army, they can start at least 2 yuan.

Therefore, the security guards are also very responsible. The security captain used to be the squad leader, and specially formulated a schedule for day and night shifts, and the responsibility for how often to patrol.

"Sister Yang."

"Hello, Miss Yang."

The two security guards took the initiative to say hello to Yang's mother, but Yang's mother did not say hello but reported the two people she saw just now to the two security guards.

"There was a man and a woman pretending to be policemen over there. Before the Dragon Boat Festival, I went to the police station as a representative to take gifts to condolences. I basically saw everyone. The man's hair was not cut, and he was staring at my dog. Look, I suspect it's a dog thief, go and have a look."

The two security guards became serious in an instant and said, "Don't worry about Sister Yang, you stay away first, we will go to ask about the situation now."

One of the security guards walked and picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Suspicious people have been found near Building C, repeat, suspicious people have been found in Building C."

 Thanks to book friend 20190226185825815 for voting for a chapter monthly ticket, this is the first real monthly ticket I received for writing a book, thank you.

  It's a pity that I can't remember a series of numbers, or I can write them down in a small notebook.

(End of this chapter)

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