Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 18 He Actually Still Has an Excavator

Chapter 18 He Actually Still Has an Excavator
"Hey! Don't touch"

Xiaojie saw this scene from the corner of his eye, stood up in fright and wanted to stop him, but Xueqiu was right in front of him, so he was in no hurry to stop him.

Fang Lin was also focused on watching the two spinning tops collide passionately. To be fair, he also liked to play this game when he was a child, but he always played with his classmates on the main road.

Not to mention the fact that the gyro garbage can't spin for a long time, because the ground is uneven, and it is common for two gyros to stop touching until they stop.

They are clearly rotating each other in front of their eyes, but it is as if they are difficult to see each other across a moat.

Reminded by Xiaojie's shout, he finally saw this scene, so subconsciously stretched out his claws like lightning and slapped Snowball vigorously. up.

Everything happened between lightning and flint. Xiaojie's spinning top is a valuable professional spinning top. When I bought it, I saw this spinning top crushing an apple.

It was because he repeatedly promised to pay attention to safety and added that he got a perfect score in the math test at the end of the period, so Yang Ma decided to buy it for him.

Seeing that Xueqiu was about to touch the sharp spinning blade of the top, Xiaojie's heart was already in his throat, but fortunately Kaka quickly shot him away.

Fang Lin didn't know how strong his hands were, so he hurried over to check on Xueqiu's situation.

Fortunately, Snowball stood up unsteadily and there was no major problem.

"Aw! Aww!"






Fang Lin, who had a guilty conscience, took the lead in attacking from the commanding heights, and told Xueqiu not to touch things indiscriminately, she could only touch things when she saw him touch them.

Xueqiu approached and licked Fang Lin docilely, signaling that he understood.

Fang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Xueqiu was really stupid and naive, and made up his mind to treat her better in the future, starting from kicking him with his feet again.

Even if you snatch him to sleep in the bed, don't kick him anymore, if you kick him again, he is not a dog!

Xiaojie also ran over to check on Xueqiu's situation, and licked her by the way.

Xueqiu was kicked over and ordered by Fang Lin, but he was actually a little dazed, and he didn't resist Xiaojie.

So Xiaojie became the first person in the family to pet the cat for a long time, but soon Xueqiu ran behind Fang Lin.

Xiaojie didn't care, and when the two spinning tops stopped by themselves, he carefully put them away and stopped playing.

"Come up Kaka!"

Xiaojie put away the spinning top and ran to the bed, picked out a game controller and turned on the monitor hanging on the wall.

But Fang Lin's attention has been attracted by the toys on the ground. There are many car models and figures on the shelves on the wall, and an excavator is on the ground!Next to it is a half-finished LEGO sports car.

Fang Lin carefully observed the Lego excavator, which is black and white in color, with a crawler bottom and a lot of wires plugged into the bucket.

This can't really be electrified and can be mined?Do Lego toys still have electric ones?
Fang Lin was really sour now.

No boy can refuse an excavator. He himself liked it very much when he was a child. He often took his own small excavator to play in the sand, but he was playing with a plastic one bought on the street for ten yuan.

It doesn't have the texture of the excavator in front of me at all, what's more, this excavator may have been assembled by Xiaojie himself according to the drawings.

Alas, this is too happy.

Fang Lin looked at it for a while and suddenly heard some familiar drumming sound effects. He turned his head and saw that Xiaojie had already played Pokémon Sword and Shield on the bed with the handle.

It seemed that he was going through a plot, Fang Lin was attracted, jumped on the bed and watched it beside him.

Xueqiu also got on the bed and lay beside Fang Lin.

So one person, one dog and one cat lined up on the bed and watched the screen quietly, only the sound effects of the game echoed in the room.

The game time is always happy, but also "short".

Outside the window, the sun, which was hanging high in the sky and showing off its power, is gradually entering its twilight years, and the gorgeous sunset in the sky seems to be singing that the passage of time is gone forever.


The room door opened.

The three little ones lined up on the bed turned their heads to look at the door at the same time.

Yang's mother held up her mobile phone and turned on the light in the room and said funnyly: "I just said why no one responded when it was time for dinner, so they are all hiding here to play games? It's dark and you don't turn on the lights, you don't want your eyes?"

Both Xiaojie and Fang Lin turned their heads to look at the already dark sky outside the window, only to realize that it was getting dark.

Xiaojie scratched his head and said, "I didn't pay attention to mom, should I eat? I'm hungry."

"I still know I'm hungry, come down and eat when the meal is ready, three worry-free things."

Yang Ma came over and touched Xiaojie's head and said.

In fact, when she came in, she didn't want to disturb the harmonious atmosphere in front of her. People, cats and dogs were all sitting together and watching the screen, each of them was cuter than the other. Maybe when the child grows up, it will be difficult to see this kind of picture again, right?
A trace of sadness flashed across Yang Ma's heart inexplicably.

Lin Yuqing came up with Yang's mother. Just now, when Yang's mother called for dinner, she was the only one who went down. Xiaojie Fang Lin and Xueqiu were absent, so she followed her up to see the situation.

"Why are Kaka and Xueqiu both on your bed?"

Hearing this, Xiaojie said happily, "The three of us are playing games together!"

Lin Yuqing was speechless, she was a little envious, squeezed her little hands, and decided to watch variety shows with Kaka Xueqiu tomorrow.

School starts tomorrow?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuqing felt that the world was dark.

Fang Lin stood up, stretched his buttocks, and jumped off the bed gracefully.

He likes the current atmosphere, everyone seems to be happy, has their own favorite things, and cares about each other.

Yang Ma Lin Yuqing added 5 points!
Fang Lin glanced at Xiaojie's excavator again, yes, Xiaojie added 4 points.

As usual, dinner was the monotonous snowflake steak and dog food, and Mama Yang added something like vitamin tablets to it.

After dinner, Fang Lin waited on Xiaojie's bed early again. As soon as he came back, he continued to watch him play Pokémon.

Papa Lin quietly entered the door at nine o'clock, and smiled awkwardly at Mama Yang who was sitting in the living room waiting, then took a shower, and the two went back to the bedroom together.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lin Yuqing broke into the door, and under Xiaojie's dissatisfied gaze, forcibly took Fang Lin away.

Naturally, Xueqiu also followed. Now she saw that the family no longer hid, but they still only recognized Fang Lin, and they had to follow behind in everything, even if Fang Lin went to the dog toilet on the balcony to urinate.

Lin Yuqing, who gave a snowball as a gift, happily turned off the light, and Fang Lin and Xueqiu lay down at the end of her bed together to sleep with her.

Fang Lin tried to guide the aura particles while sleeping, and gradually fell asleep after some time.

(End of this chapter)

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