Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 17 He Actually Has a Gyro Game

Chapter 17 He Actually Has a Gyro Game

After Fang Lin arrived at the rice bowl next to his dining table, he sat down obediently, waiting for the other members to take their seats.

Seeing Fang Lin leaving, Xueqiu hesitated for a while, followed Fang Lin on catwalks, and squatted behind Fang Lin.

Xiaojie came down from upstairs and saw Snowball and shouted: "Wow, Snowball came out!"

As he spoke, he wanted to walk towards Fang Lin and touch her.

Xueqiu heard the movement and tried to hide his body behind Fang Lin, but the puppet cat was a big cat, and Fang Lin was only three months old, so he still showed a tail.

"Lin Zhijie! Don't make trouble for me, go wash your hands and eat."

Yang's mother took a picture of this scene with her mobile phone, and then intercepted Xiaojie's actions.


At this time, Papa Lin and Lin Yuqing also came down, Xueqiu poked his head out from behind Fang Lin and looked at the family.

Father Lin observed for a while and said, "It will be normal in two days. Xueqiu is cute but a little timid."

Then I slapped my head and remembered something and said to Yang Ma: "I have already edited your video, I can go in the afternoon."

Before she finished speaking, Yang's mother had already taken the lead: "Don't worry, there is another video about Xueqiu. I recorded some videos of him shaking on the sofa yesterday, and then Kaka comforted her. If you get some, you can cut a finished product for me."

Father Lin sat down helplessly, and Liu Jing brought the mandarin duck pot to the table and began to heat it up. All kinds of meat and vegetables were also ready on the table.

After the family sat down, Liu Jing said to Yang's mother: "What video, let me watch it first."

So Yang Ma beside her played yesterday's scene to him.

A cute kitten was shivering in the corner of the sofa, and it was hard to breathe. At this time, a handsome husky passed by, whining and howling as if to communicate with the cat.

Then a dog and a cat touched their noses historically, and the cat slowly stabilized.

"Wow, my God, is Kaka so capable? This makes me want to keep a pet. Did you just buy Kaka? Is she already so smart?"

Hearing Liu Jing praise Fang Lin, Yang's mother narrowed her eyes in joy and said, "Well, it's that pet house. The clerk also told me that Kaka is special and eats a lot. Eating makes you smart, right? How about you raise one too?"

Liu Jing hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said, "Forget it, my husband doesn't like pets very much, and he's under a lot of pressure recently. It would be bad if he couldn't sleep because of the noise at night."

Speaking of this, Liu Jing rolled her eyes and said, "I can come to you for a while in the future, which is equivalent to raising me haha."

"Okay, then you can be his godmother."

Fang Lin: .
In such a short while, I had an extra godmother, and Yang Ma was too casual and didn't ask her opinion.

At this time, the pot boiled, and Liu Jing took the initiative to take over the responsibility of feeding Fang Lin.

She put Fang Lin's plate of beef in the clear soup pot for a while, then fished it out, filled it into Fang Lin's basin, and went to fill him up with a basin full of dog food.

When pouring out the dog food, he found that Fang Lin didn't finish the beef first as he expected, so he was a little puzzled.

After asking Yang's mother, he learned that Fang Lin would not start eating until he heard Yang's mother say that he would eat, so he gave him a thumbs up and praised him for a while.

Fang Lin felt a little sad when he looked at the beef that was under pressure, but it is not impossible to save the best for the last.

Smelling the scent, Xueqiu came out from behind Fang Lin and sniffed Fang Lin's rice bowl. Fang Lin was so spoiled by her that he slapped her away.


Xueqiu yelled at Fang Lin pitifully.

After Yang's mother saw it, she asked Fang Lin to start eating, and then asked Lin's father to take Xueqiu to eat cat food in the cat bag.

Fang Lin was afraid that the boiled beef at the bottom would be cold, so he devoured the milk cake on top, and finally got his wish and ate the beef that was still warm on the ground, which was comfortable.

After Fang Lin finished eating, he went back to his den to rest, while the family and Liu Jing chatted and ate, and ate lunch for more than an hour.

Liu Jing insisted on helping to wash the dishes and went back to take a nap, while Lin's father hurriedly went back to the bedroom to edit the video. Fang Lin guessed that Xiao Liu's Sunday vacation was in vain again.

However, Mama Yang disagreed with Papa Lin taking Fang Lin to the reservoir, because Fang Lin had just been vaccinated and couldn't take a bath.

Originally, the hot weather outside, annoying mosquitoes, playing with the reservoir and eating grilled fish were constantly swinging on the balance in Fang Lin's mind.

Now Mama Yang directly helped him make the decision.

After Lin's father arranged the task, he spent a while with Yang's mother, and soon went out with an expression of excitement.

"Change your car, don't drive that G63, it smells like fish."

"okay, got it!"

Fang Lin saw that Lin's father went out, Yang's mother also returned to the bedroom, and he and Xueqiu were left in the living room on the first floor.

Snowball went to sleep in his den again this time, why did the female cat cling to him?

Originally, he still wanted to take a nap, so Fang Lin went up to the second floor to see what the two children were doing.

Fang Lin, who got up from the nest and walked out for a while, looked back. He knew that Xueqiu would not dare to follow him to the second floor because he was afraid. It seemed very tangled halfway.

Fang Lin ignored her and ran up to the second floor bouncing around.

But to his surprise, Xueqiu followed him in the end, and it seemed that he was determined to follow him to death.

Is it because I am too attractive?Attracting the opposite sex across breeds?
Fang Lin first went to Lin Yuqing's door to listen, but there was no movement. He was probably taking a nap. Girls usually sleep all afternoon, so he didn't bother him, so he continued running to the door of Xiaojie's bedroom.

Xiaojie's bedroom door was not closed. It seems that Yang's mother and Lin's father usually respect his privacy and would not go to his bedroom easily. Otherwise, such a big child would have closed the door to death.

After Fang Lin squeezed in along the crack of the door, Xueqiu also walked in and looked around.

Xiaojie's bedroom is not small, and there are all kinds of toys. He is playing with a spinning top next to an oval plastic field.

He was very happy to see Fang Lin and Xueqiu coming in. He ran over to touch Fang Lin and then took him to the spinning top to show him.

Xiaojie picked up the starter, buckled a top on it and pulled it hard, and the top spun rapidly in the field at a very fast speed.

He picked up another starter and activated the other spinning top. The two spinning tops collided in the field, and sparks even appeared.

Snowball was taken aback and hid behind Fang Lin to watch the two tops collide. Fang Lin was a little curious. He liked this kind of toy very much when he was a child, but it was still dangerous, right?Father Yang and Mother Lin are quite at ease with him?
Seeing the two spinning tops constantly colliding, Xueqiu was suddenly curious, and walked to the side of the field to touch the two spinning tops with her snow-white paws.

(End of this chapter)

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