Chapter 16

"Come here, Kaka."

Father Lin sat on a chair and waved to Fang Lin.

Fang Lin hesitated for a moment and walked towards Father Lin.

It always felt weird to be in the bedroom with a man, especially if he let himself pass.

"Tsk, it's really long."

Lin's father patted Fang Lin's dog's head and said, "Come and shoot, I will take you to the reservoir to fish in the afternoon after shooting."

Speaking of fishing, Dad Lin laughed happily, and Fang Lin was also a little moved after hearing it.

There is also some urge in his body to go out and play, just like running in the morning and exercising. He feels his whole body warming up and activating while running.

So Fang Lin sat down very cooperatively, raised his head and yelled at the camera.

"It's ok, perfect."

Father Lin turned his chair to operate on the computer, dialed a number, and soon a young voice came from there.

"Hey, boss, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Wang, your sister-in-law added another ending, and the requirements and video have been sent to you. You can add it after the finished product just now."

"Ah, boss, you ask me to cut videos for my sister-in-law every day with my skills?"

Father Lin laughed and scolded when he heard this: "What nonsense, let me cut it?"

"Okay, then I'll send it to Xiao Liu who just arrived and ask him to cut it."

"Hehe, big lazy and little lazy, give it to me before 12 noon."

"It's 11:40 now, boss."

"Oh, give it to me before 50."


After finishing speaking, Dad Lin hung up the phone directly.

Fang Lin was dumbfounded when he saw Dad Lin's coquettish operation. Was all this work outsourced?

Lin's father leaned back on the chair and turned around, then looked down at Fang Lin and said, "If you said to show her before eating, your mother should let us go fishing in the afternoon, right?"

"You don't know how delicious it is to catch freshly baked."


Fang Lin groaned in agreement, and after staying with Father Lin for a while, Fang Lin slipped out through the crack of the door. It was too boring to stay with the old man all the time.

It was time to eat, Fang Lin thought for a while and went downstairs to the kitchen, ready to see what delicious food Mama Yang and Liu Jing were preparing.

"Go, go, wait while you go, don't get in the way here."

Seeing Fang Lin approaching, Mama Yang stretched her legs to drive him away.

The kitchen is an open kitchen, not very big. Yang's mother and Liu Jing are busy washing vegetables, cutting meat, and arranging dishes, and Fang Lin's feet are really getting in the way.

Fang Lin obediently walked outside the kitchen and waited. He saw Yang's mother cut a lot of meat, which looked like beef and mutton.

But what about myself?Have you prepared anything for yourself?

"Aw~ ow~ woo~"

Fang Lin squatted not far away and began to attack with noise.

Yang's mother also understood what Fang Lin was thinking, but it was easy to guess, squatting by the kitchen and yelling after dinner must be greedy.

"It's ready for you, don't bark, see? This plate is yours, I'll cook it for you later, and go play with it."

Yang Ma pointed to a plate of meat on the side and said.

Fang Lin took a look and found that the plate was indeed full, so he left satisfied.

Otherwise, I always saw someone commenting that I was not as good as a dog.

Fang Lin now takes it for granted. He exercises in the morning and eats breakfast, sleeps until nine o'clock, and then wakes up and lies in Liu Jingwen's soft and fragrant arms to watch TV for two hours. Eat shabu-shabu.

It's really flattering.

Fang Lin had nothing to do while maintaining the guidance of the aura particles, while running to the cushion by the floor-to-ceiling window and climbing down to watch the scenery.

The sun is very strong at noon in summer, and the humming of cicadas keeps ringing in the shaded community, expressing passion.

Looking at it, it felt very hot outside. Fang Lin suddenly didn't want to go to the reservoir. The temperature in the house separated from the outside world by a floor-to-ceiling window was comfortable, and the sun was warm on his body. Why did he go out and suffer?
Why do you go fishing on such a hot day?There are probably a lot of mosquitoes.

Fang Lin has read a saying before that it is because men like to be quiet in their bones, especially after they reach middle age, their favorite thing is to sit or lie down.

For example, lying down and playing with a mobile phone, or sitting and playing games, it looks like you are consuming energy, but you are actually resting.

And women are happy to move in their bones, such as shopping, they seem to be walking all the time, but they are actually resting.

Especially when people reach middle age, they can't stay idle, either shopping, dancing in the square, or on the road.

So fishing, an activity that takes one afternoon to sit, is especially favored by men, while women rarely participate in this activity.

Thinking about it now, Fang Lin still seemed to make some sense, so he hiccupped and continued to look at the downstairs community.

A young woman walking by with a Samoyed caught Fang Lin's attention, and Fang Lin took a closer look.

Oh, it's a male dog.

Soon Fang Lin averted his eyes. It is difficult for humans to distinguish male and female dogs from their appearance unless they turn over to look at their stomachs.

But for Fang Lin, this is too simple, it is a combination of vision and smell, like the difference between long hair and short hair, whether you wear perfume or not, you can feel it just by looking at it.

Perhaps the sun was too comfortable, so Fang Lin lay down on his side and closed his eyes to take a rest like a human being.

But he suddenly sensed something, he raised his head while lying on his side and looked behind him, it turned out that it was Xueqiu who quietly ran out of the cat bag.

It seems that she is also familiar with the environment and smell of the home, and feels that there is no threat to her.

Would a normal cat be this timid?
Xueqiu looked around and saw Fang Lin lying by the French window basking in the sun, and walked over slowly but gracefully.

Under Fang Lin's unbelievable gaze, he lay on the cushion in his arms.


Snowball's big, furry tail flicked and brushed against Fang Lin's nose.


Fang Lin snorted with an itchy nose, stretched his foot on her back and gently pushed her off the cushion.


Xueqiu didn't understand why he fell, so he turned his head and got on the cushion again and lay down in Fang Lin's arms.

Is this cat a social terror?
But this time Xueqiu's big tail didn't reach Fang Lin's head, so Fang Lin didn't bother to care about her, put his head down and continued to lie on his side to bask in the sun.

"It's time to eat, ah!"

Yang's mother saw Xueqiu lying in Fang Lin's arms when she was calling for someone, so she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and took a picture.

"Yeah, there's also a puppet cat!"

"Don't touch her. This cat is too timid. It just dared to come out for a stroll. Let's eat and leave it alone."

Originally, Fang Lin was used to Yang's mother taking pictures of her back and forth, so she lay down and didn't want to move.

Now hearing the word "eat", Ji Ling stood up and threw the snowball off his body.


Snowball protested.

Fang Lin ignored her, and followed Mama Yang to the dining table in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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