Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 15 That's right, that's the end

Chapter 15 That's right, that's the end
Fang Lin was originally paralyzed in Liu Jing's arms, comfortably leaning on the cushions to watch TV dramas, when he heard this, he immediately became energetic and calculated quickly in his mind.

Lin Yuqing should be 12 years old after graduating from elementary school, so Yang's mother is 33 years old now.
But when she graduated from university at the age of 21, then Yang's mother took the university entrance examination at the age of 17?

Skip a grade?Lin Yuqing really had no temper at all when she was scolded for skipping the exam.

If your parents didn’t go to college and urged you to study every day and blamed you for not studying well, then you can still refute why your parents didn’t study hard at that time.

If both parents... well, poor Qingqing.

Liu Jing's body was too soft, and Fang Lin was uncomfortable lying down for a while, so he ran to the sofa between the two of them and climbed off.

Try to practice while watching TV dramas, if you can succeed, it doesn't matter if the efficiency is a little low.

After all, he could watch and practice all day, Fang Lin was stunned by his genius idea.

Just like he used to practice doing homework while watching TV.

However, unlike him who used to put down the pen after a while, Fang Lin quickly got on the right track after failing a few times at the beginning.

Fang Lin found that he could easily devote a little attention to maintaining the absorption of spiritual power particles, and the absorbed spiritual power particles would automatically fill the first empty slot.

Ordinary people can do it in a short period of time if they want to divert their attention from time to time and keep it on another matter.

For example, watching a live broadcast while reading a novel, or watching an action movie with two video players.

But if you want to maintain it stably for a long time, you may need long-term hard training and even a little talent.

But now, Fang Lin has become smoother and smoother, except that the plot of the TV series was so exciting at the beginning that he temporarily forgot to maintain that little concentration and interrupted his practice.

Looks like it really works!

Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

Fang Lin had been channeling his spiritual power for two hours while watching a TV series, and the empty slot could finally be filled with a little bit of progress.

These two hours of hard work allowed Fang Lin to skillfully maintain the guidance, even if he saw the intrigue scene, he could continue.

Next, Fang Lin planned to maintain guidance during the daytime activities.

Since God has given me this ability, of course I have to use it rationally.

When this kind of guidance becomes muscle memory and becomes an instinct, maybe Fang Lin can also practice automatically while sleeping.

Sleeping can also make you stronger, this is simply the gospel of salted fish!
For this yearning life, Fang Lin suddenly had infinite motivation in his heart.

"Ah, it's been more than two hours, I should go back."

"Hey, he's not at home. How can a man be so sensitive? Just have dinner at my house at noon."


A look of excitement and hesitation could be clearly seen on Liu Jing's face.

"Why do you act like my Xiaojie wants to go to a classmate's house to play? Is it okay if I call your husband? Call me."

Liu Jing also didn't want to stay at home alone, so she half pushed and dialed the phone to Mama Yang, and waited expectantly.

The phone was dialed.


A low male voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"I, Yang Nianqian."

"Oh, hello, hello, why is Jingjing's phone number?"

"She's at my house right now, and it happens to be eating hot pot at noon. I asked her to have it together. She was afraid that you might be worried, so she insisted on notifying you."

"Yeah okay, I see, you let her go, I agree."

Yang's mother rolled her eyes vaguely when she heard the three words agreed.

"Okay, then I'll hang up."

Yang Ma returned the phone to Liu Jing, looked at her happy face and said, "Did you hear that? He agreed."


"I said, why are you so obedient? You need his consent to come out for a meal. You really...forget it. I'll cut the meat and prepare the dishes. Let's have hot pot at noon."

"Hey, I'll help you."

Fang Lin looked at Liu Jing who followed Yang Ma to the kitchen happily, and couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Although he is already 29 years old, Que always feels that he still has a naive heart, a little too naive and weak.

It's just that every family has its own way of life.

only the guy drinking water knows it's cold or hot.

Before anything happened, Fang Lin couldn't imagine a bad ending.

But in this aspect, he admired Mama Yang even more.

Although she is also a housewife, she manages her life and family in an orderly manner. She wakes up early for morning exercises but does not affect cooking for her family.

Papa Lin loves him, Qingqing and Xiaojie are also very obedient, and they often add some unique sense of ritual to family life, so that everyone in the family can feel the warmth of home.

What's more, I will also take time to develop some of my own hobbies or careers, just like Yang Ma said that she still has hundreds of thousands of fans.

As for Liu Jing's naive way of putting everything on her husband's moral bottom line, Fang Lin could only bless her in his heart, hoping that kind people would have a happy ending.

Well, Aunt Liu Jing who is so comfortable in her arms must be a kind person.

At this time, Father Lin opened the bedroom door, poked his head out from the second floor and shouted, "I finished editing your video, can I go fishing this afternoon?"

Yang Ma, who was chatting and laughing with Liu Jing as she prepared the dishes, quickly took off her apron, and dragged Liu Jing upstairs together.

"Don't worry, I haven't added an ending yet."

On the way, Fang Lin was also called up.

"Is Liu Jing here? I didn't even notice haha."

Father Lin who found Liu Jing smiled and said hello.

This smile is very casual but can give people a sense of sincerity, making you feel that he is sincerely welcoming you.

Fang Lin followed with some doubts, what does this have to do with him.

Three people and one dog gathered in front of the computer, and Dad Lin sat on a chair and showed them the edited video.

Fang Lin leaned over to take a look, and it turned out to be some images from yesterday.

After a few people entered the pet shop, after seeing the luxurious decoration of the pet shop and the prices of some pets, it came to the scene of buying Fang Lin and Xueqiu.

Another turn is the parking lot, Fang Lin jumped into the car and fell like a dog eating mud, with subtitles hahahahaha.


Without Guan Fanglin's speechlessness, the video continued to play.

Soon came the scene where Fang Lin was sitting in front of the full rice bowl, and after Mama Yang ordered to eat after clinking glasses after finishing her lines, she began to eat with relish.

This is the end of the video. In just a few minutes, the video inadvertently shows the luxury of the pet shop and the expensive pets. It also shows the superior family environment of Fang Lin's family in terms of travel tools and residential environment.

In the end, it also showed the cuteness of the two children. Fang Lin's perfect appearance and good quality also showed the beautiful living atmosphere of the family.

It can be regarded as Douyin's standard "sharing other people's beautiful life".

Mama Yang nodded in satisfaction after reading it.

"What else do you want to add?"

Papa Lin asked.

"You record a video of Kaka squatting and yelling at the sky as the end of this video, do you understand what I mean?"

"Just like the lion head of cat and mouse?"

Father Lin thought for a while and continued.

"Use the Douyin circle icon to surround this ending screen. After Kaka groaned, the + sign below was clicked to follow, and it became, meaning to pay attention?"

"That's right, that's what it means. Take your time, Liu Jing and I are going to cook."

After speaking, he dragged Liu Jing down again.

In the bedroom, Fang Lin squatted on the ground and stared at Father Lin, falling silent.

(End of this chapter)

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