Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 14 Next Door Liu Jing

Chapter 14 Next Door Liu Jing
"Tomorrow is August 8th, should you report it?"

Yang Ma rolled a tea egg in a circle, and while peeling the egg skin with her hands, she raised her head and asked Lin Yuqing.


Lin Yuqing seemed a little nervous when he heard this sentence.

"The No. [-] Middle School has not heard anything about the class placement. How is your class placement test? Are you sure you can get into the key class?"

"Mom, you've asked me this many times."

"Hmph, you're still annoying, let's talk about it when we don't go in tomorrow."

Lin Yuqing looked at Papa Lin with a bitter face. Papa Lin coughed lightly after receiving the news and said, "Hey, it's good for the child to be happy."

Before Lin Yuqing was happy, Yang's mother glanced at Lin's father and said: "The most important thing for a girl is to have a brain, otherwise she won't know when she is being watched, and she will be tricked away without listening to a few sweet words." .”

Father Lin was speechless and did not make a sound.

After Yang's mother solved Lin's father, she said to Lin Yuqing: "Mom is not very demanding. Your father and I both graduated from magic communication. You can at least go to ordinary 985 or 211? You have entered the ninth middle school now. There is still a little bit of hope for the key class, otherwise hehe."

Lin Yuqing buried her head in the bowl and remained silent.

She is also very helpless, not everyone is good at studying, and she didn't understand the chasing questions in the previous placement test.

Xiaojie is in elementary school, maybe because of his genetic problem, he can get [-]% in the exam even if he plays hard, especially elementary school math is easy for him, so whenever this time he can stay out of the matter.

From the cat bag in the corner of the living room, Xueqiu poked his head out to look at the family.

Fang Lin sensed her lying on the mat, turned his head and stuck out his tongue at her to express his friendliness.

Xueqiu and Fang Lin looked at each other for a while, then shrank back and ate the cat food.

Fang Lin continued to listen to the chat at the dinner table for a while, then gradually became sleepy and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

It was past nine o'clock when Fang Lin opened his eyes again.

He hiccuped and got up from the kennel, stretched his buttocks, and trembled comfortably.

Looking around, he found that Mama Yang was laying out a yoga mat in the open space of the living room, doing yoga in her yoga clothes, and there was a mobile phone holder beside her.

It looked like it was recording a video, because The Legend of Zhen Huan was being projected on the wall, it didn't look like a live broadcast.

"Here the hands should be open and stretched as far as possible."

It turned out to be a serious teaching video. Fang Lin squatted aside to observe for a while, and found that the explanation was still very good.

But looking at Mama Yang's curvy figure, Fang Lin guessed that there are not a few men who learn yoga.

The home on Sunday was also relatively quiet, Lin's father Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie were doing their own things in their respective bedrooms.

And Xueqiu finally walked out of the cat bag. After carefully observing the surroundings, he quickly walked into the litter box next to the cat bag, went to the toilet, and quickly ran back.

Why is this sister Xueqiu so timid.

Fang Lin jumped on the sofa to practice for a while, but was soon attracted by the plot on the projection.

Because it's actually going to be a blood test! ! !

Mama Yang also stopped recording, sat next to Fang Lin, and put him on her lap as a pillow to watch.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity for Doctor Wen, why did he leave the palace?"



The doorbell rang.

Fang Lin looked towards the door, and his keen senses began to work after the transformation. Soon, a perfume air mass with a plum fragrance aftertaste appeared in his mind about 1 meters tall and 59 kilograms in weight.

Feeling that there was no threat to Mama Yang, Fang Lin ignored it and continued to watch TV with relish.

Unexpectedly, Yang's mother paused the TV series just after getting up, and Fang Lin sighed and got off the sofa.

As the dog of the family, guests have to follow along to greet them, after all, dogs are a bit crazy.

After the door opened, a woman with a perfect fat body and a childish face was also wearing a yoga suit, standing at the door.

When she saw the door open, she burst in happily.

"Hey, Liu Jing, change your shoes."

"Oh, I forgot, forgot, hehe."

The woman called Liu Jing by Yang's mother has a small round face, giving people a simple and simple feeling.

"Ah, this is Kaka, right? Come, Auntie, give me a hug."

Fang Lin is now three months old, and it is just right to hold him in her arms, so Liu Jing hugged Fang Lin in her arms and rubbed her.

Fang Lin was a little helpless, why are you so enthusiastic?

However, Liu Jing, who claims to be an aunt, is more comfortable in her arms than Yang Ma. If Yang Ma has a perfect body after giving birth to two children, if she is thin where she should be thin and fat where she should be fat, then Liu Jing will be fat even where she should be fat. , but the thin place also has a round and plump feeling.

In fact, with Fang Lin's previous aesthetics, he prefers Liu Jing's figure.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin suddenly sneaked a guilty glance at Mama Yang.

As soon as Yang Ma and Liu Jing entered the door, they started chatting about family affairs, and the two of them quickly sat on the sofa.

"Ah, a blood test? This is it! Continue!"

Seeing two women in yoga clothes sitting happily on the sofa watching Zhen Huan Chuan chatting, Fang Lin thought of the scene of playing games with high numbers in front of the computer.

Fang Lin listened to the TV series for a while and then understood. It turned out that Liu Jing lived opposite Fang Lin's house and was also a housewife.

But it seems that Liu Jing's husband is very strict with her. Even though her husband is not at home, she still has to report when she goes out by herself. Now she just took two hours off to visit Mama Yang's house.

"How can it be like this? He went out to work and still monitored whether you were at home from the surveillance?"

"Hey, he cares about me!"

Liu Jing's optimistic Xiaoyuan face showed no dissatisfaction with her husband.

"But your old Lin is so nice, he's already the boss, and he can still take weekends off on weekends."

"Hey, what boss, he's a stinker, and he's on the right track now. You don't know when he started his business, he didn't know how to eat at eight or nine in the evening. By the way, how is your family doing now? gone."

Hearing this, Liu Jing's face showed a hint of worry.

"It shouldn't be very good. The physical supermarket he runs is not doing well, and he doesn't talk to me about the details, but he hasn't been in a good mood when he comes home recently."

"What do you mean? Did he go back to show you face? Then there is this kind of person, who can't tell the difference between public and private, and brings his bad temper home. He asked you to stay at home in the first place."

"It's okay, he is really stressed, I can understand."

"Hey, you! Why don't you do Douyin with me? I share some daily routines every day, do yoga teaching, and I have hundreds of thousands of fans. I don't make much money, but it's still a way to pass the time."

Liu Jing seemed a little moved, looked at the mobile phone on the side of the yoga mat, and finally shook her head and said, "Forget it, he doesn't like me showing up in public, and I don't know how to edit videos."

"No, you can learn. You can't be a housewife and you won't make progress at all. What should you do if you won't be abandoned by him then?"

Liu Jing got a little angry: "Sister Qian, don't say that, I believe him."

".All right, all right, I'll teach you when you're willing. By the way, when are you two going to have a baby? Are you almost 30?"

A blush appeared on Liu Jing's white and tender face: "He's 29, he's been under too much pressure recently, it's been a while."

"It's time to think about it. I gave birth to Qingqing when I graduated from university at the age of 21. It's not good for you if it's too late."

(End of this chapter)

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