Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 13 Shall I wash the dishes again?

Chapter 13 Shall I wash the dishes again?
Yang's mother opened the door and pulled the rope, but found that it didn't move. Looking back, Fang Lin pouted his buttocks in a shameless posture, and walked back with the door half hidden, and patted his buttocks.

"Hurry up, you have to exercise when you get up early, or you won't have any meat to eat."

Ah, so annoying.

How could someone threaten a dog with meat?
Fang Lin, who had been manipulated, had no choice but to go out with Yang Ma reluctantly.

It was inhumane to be taken out for a walk early in the morning without eating.

In fact, Fang Lin is not against going out for a walk, he hasn't played outside in the past few days, and he actually wants to go out in his heart.

But that doesn't mean he wants to be woken up at six o'clock in the morning, and Fang Lin observed Yang's mother wearing sneakers and slim sportswear, obviously this is a repeat offender!
Shouldn't I get up early and run every day?
However, Fang Lin's entanglement dissipated the moment he walked out of the corridor.

The greening of this luxurious community is indeed done with care. The fresh air in the morning refreshes Fang Lin's body and mind, and instantly refreshes himself.

It has been a long time since he saw the sun at six o'clock in the morning and breathed the morning air.

Many things, such as waking up early and exercising, are not actually because you think he is bad. On the contrary, you know that he is very good for you, but you are too lazy to do it or don’t want to do it. If someone pulls you to do it, you find it annoying at first.

But after you have tasted his benefits, you will start to rejoice and thank the person who led you to change.

Yang Ma did a few preparatory activities on the spot, stretched her muscles and bones, and led Fang Lin to run in the tree-lined alleys of the community.

The pace is really not slow, and Fang Lin's legs are much shorter than Yang Ma's, so he needs four feet to run at high frequency to keep up with Yang Ma's speed.

However, the dog itself has great stamina in running, and after yesterday's aura riot, the whole body began to change subtly, so Fang Lin gradually entered the state.

After 5 minutes, Fang Lin slowly adjusted to the most suitable pace and frequency, and enjoyed running while breathing in and out of his body.

After 10 minutes, Fang Lin's whole body became active, as if something latent had been aroused.

After 20 minutes, Yang Ma's speed began to slow down gradually, and Fang Lin felt that the pores all over his body were opened.

During the day, there were also aura particles, but they were not as active as at night. Because Fang Lin's aptitude hadn't improved before, he couldn't feel it.

Now, Fang Lin found that he could slowly absorb these particles while exercising, and even when the number of aura particles was insufficient, the absorption speed was not much different from that at night.

30 minutes, 40 minutes.

Mama Yang stopped slowly and started walking to relax.

Mama Yang, who was sweating all over after the exercise, was even more feminine. Her white, tender and rosy skin exuded a healthy radiance, a faint blush floated on her cheeks, and there seemed to be a pool of autumn water in her bright eyes.

"Huh, huh."

Her chest was rising and falling to adjust her breathing, and Fang Lin also stopped and relaxed her body.

After waking up and exercising in the morning, I feel really refreshed. Fang Lin is even looking forward to tomorrow's morning exercise.

But the downside is that his stomach is already growling, and Fang Lin needs enough energy to keep his body growing.

Now at the age of three months, he needs a large bowl of dog food and a large piece of steak. When he grows up in the future, the amount of food will increase several times. I don't know if Yang's mother will feel distressed at that time.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin sneaked a guilty glance at Yang's mother. After all, he was just a dog, and he didn't have much income. He only ate and didn't work.

After relaxing, Yang's mother took Fang Lin and walked home. It was [-]:[-], and she still had to prepare breakfast for the family.

She praised Fang Lin as she walked: "You did a good job Kaka, um, but it's too uncomfortable to run while holding a rope."

Yang's mother watched Fang Lin stop and fell into deep thought. Fang Lin stood upright to bear Yang's mother's gaze. While fidgeting, Yang's mother suddenly thought of something and laughed, and led Fang Lin back home.

"It's time to eat! Lazy and lazy!"

Mama Yang yelled upstairs while serving breakfast on the dining table.


Fang Lin squatted in front of his own rice bowl by the dining table and called out to her, urging Mama Yang to serve him food quickly, his chest was already hungry.

"What's the rush? Can you go and call them up first? Can't you see how busy I am?"


Is this treating yourself like a dog?
Fang Lin hesitated for a moment and felt that he could not go up to call someone. If he was obedient and called, wouldn't it be that he would reveal that he could understand people's words and would open the door again.

At least you have to get along for a while, and give yourself a learning period.

So Fang Lin continued to push the rice bowl, wailing.

"Aw~~~! Aww~~!"

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay! I'm so annoying!"

Mama Yang wiped her hands with her apron, poured Fang Lin a bowl full of milk cakes, and went to the kitchen to get him a boiled chicken leg.

"Eat yours quickly, keep barking."

After becoming a dog, Fang Lin's taste has indeed become a little weaker, but he also knows that his digestion ability has long been beyond the reach of ordinary pet dogs.

Ordinary pets have glass stomachs. Don’t look at tall dogs like Alaska and huskies. If you dare to let them eat something that doesn’t suit their appetite, they will vomit and diarrhea.

But it doesn't matter, he now thinks the chicken drumsticks without salt are quite delicious. This may be one of the happiness of being a dog.

"Crack clap."

The bones of the chicken legs that had been boiled for a long time were not so hard, and they were quickly crushed and swallowed in Fang Lin's mouth.

"Good guy, have you been feeding chicken legs these three months? Can the bones be bitten?"

Father Lin went downstairs at this time and saw Fang Lin eating a chicken leg, raised his mouth, and then sat down at the dining table.

"You're the one who talks a lot. Didn't you see that Kaka's food is so delicious? Hurry up and eat your meal, and you won't be able to stop calling for several times."

Papa Lin shrugged wittily and didn't answer, picked up his chopsticks and took a mouthful of vinegared potato shreds.

Whatever a woman says while doing housework, just listen obediently, and don't make yourself uncomfortable.

This is the experience Dad Lin has summed up over the years, but it doesn't mean that if you don't look for something, things won't come to you.

"Just start eating? Can you go and wake up your two children to eat first? I learn from you to sleep in every day."

Yang Ma said while bringing up the soup for the four of them.

Father Lin put down his chopsticks and raised his hand: "Of order, madam. I'll go now."


Fang Lin listened to the small theater next to him, and ate with relish. Being a dog, Mama Yang couldn't train her, and she was perfect as an audience, comfortable.

After eating the last bite of dog food, Father Lin also came down with Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing.

After eating and drinking, Fang Lin was ready to go back to his bed for a sleep. After exercising and eating, Fang Lin was already a little sleepy.

"Just throw the bowl here after eating?"


Fang Lin froze all of a sudden.

What about otherwise?Shall I wash the dishes again?
Fang Lin turned his head to look at the angry Mama Yang. Without confidence, his ears drooped, and he slowly moved into his nest.

"Why are you so angry with Kaka? I'll wash the dishes, eat, and eat later."

"What to eat? Have you fed Snowball? Go and add some to it."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Finally, the noisy home quieted down, and everyone started to eat breakfast.

ps: Newcomers and new books, everyone reading this shows that they still have a sense of expectation for the following stories. I hope everyone can vote or post this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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