Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 12 No one really exercises at 6 o'clock in the morning, right?

Chapter 12 It's not like someone does morning exercises at six o'clock in the morning, right?
"It's ten o'clock! It's time to sleep!"

Mama Yang's voice came from the bedroom on the second floor.

However, both Xiaojie and Qingqing are selectively deaf, and continue to watch The Legend of Nezha, pretending to be dead.

After waiting for a while, Mama Yang found no response, and her voice rose: "Lin Zhijie! Lin Yuqing! It's time to sleep! Don't make me yell a third time!!!"

Hearing his mother's ultimatum, Lin Zhijie sighed. The pressure of life made him a little unbearable as a primary school student, so he picked up the remote control and prepared to turn off the projector.

However, halfway through the finger press, a very exciting plot of Nezha reincarnated appeared on the screen, and Lin Zhijie stopped holding the remote control again.


There was the sound of the door opening on the second floor.

Lin Zhijie and Lin Yuqing were excited, quickly turned off the projector and ran to the bathroom to wash up.

Fang Lin looked at the two children who had fled and the oppressive Mama Yang standing quietly on the second floor overlooking the living room, and felt like laughing.

It seems that no matter what kind of family the children can't escape the script of fighting wits and courage with their mothers.

But Lin Yuqing is such a good name. On a rainy morning, Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing who was flustered and washing up pretending to be calm, and felt that this name matched her temperament very well.

As for Lin Zhijie, well, it looks like the name his parents thought of.

Lin Zhijie will continue to call him Xiaojie in the future.

Lin Yuqing was wearing a pink pajamas with a Winnie the Pooh pattern on it. After washing up, she asked Mama Yang who was standing on the second floor: "Mom, can Kaka sleep with me at night?"

"No, there is his bed next to the sofa."

Yes, besides the soft cushions beside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there is also a large basket-like thing next to the sofa, with soft cushions inside. This was specially prepared by Yang Ma for Fang Lin.

It's just that Fang Lin prefers to lie on the sofa while watching TV.

"But you promised me earlier, Mom."

On Lin Yuqing's pretty face, her mouth was pouted, and her two big eyes seemed to feel her emotions, and the corners of the eyes drooped lonely.

"It's been a week since Kaka was vaccinated, and he can take a bath three days later. Let's talk about it after he takes a bath."

"But Kaka isn't dirty."

Fang Lin is indeed not dirty. After the aura storm (officially named in this world) just now, the fur of Fang Lin's entire body seems to become shiny and smooth. Become as if it has been carefully taken care of.

There is still a slight fragrance on the body, you need to get close to smell it.

Yang's mother also looked at Fang Lin under the light, he seemed to be quite clean, and then looked at Lin Yuqing who was acting like a baby, thinking that he had been vaccinated anyway, and said helplessly: "Okay, but he is not allowed to go to your bed , just sleep on the ground, don’t touch him before going to bed.”

"Okay, Mom!"

Yang Ma looked at Lin Yuqing who readily agreed, shook her head and went back to the bedroom, muttering: "Okay~Mom~, I believe you are the only one to blame."

that's the truth.

In Lin Yuqing's Disney princess-like room, Fang Lin has been invited to climb into bed.

Xiaojie also came in to join in the fun, looking at his sister enviously, he didn't dare to make such a request with his mother, it's not like he hasn't mentioned it before, butt blossoms.jpg.

Fang Lin also knew that after being baptized by the blue light spot, his body was cleaner than Lin Yuqing, otherwise he would not have climbed up.Moreover, his continuous absorption of light spots might be of some benefit to Lin Yuqing.

"Sister, can you tell my mother for me to let Kaka sleep in my room tomorrow?"

"You are already in the third grade, why do you want others to sleep with you?"

"Then sister, you will be in junior high school soon!"

"Hey! Talk back, don't you? I'm a girl, can I be like you?"

"Oh fine."

From childhood to adulthood, whenever he had any conflicts with Lin Yuqing, no matter whether it was Lin's father or Yang's mother, he would always scold him head-on, and gradually he didn't dare to get angry with his sister anymore.

However, the sibling relationship is still good.

"Okay, stop touching, it's night and you shouldn't be in the girls' room anymore!"

Lin Yuqing drove the reluctant Xiaojie back to his own room, happily climbed onto the bed, touched Fang Lin's head, and then got into bed.

She has been resolutely driven to sleep in her room by Yang's mother since the first grade, no matter what happens, she is not allowed to sleep with her.

Although Lin Yuqing is used to sleeping alone, she is very happy to have Fang Lin with her now.

Fang Lin lay down at her feet.

"Good night, Kaka."

Lin Yuqing said goodnight to Fang Lin, reached out to turn off the light by the bed, and then quickly retracted into the bed.

In the dark, Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing who was wrapped tightly by the air conditioner, and said good night in his heart.

Maybe it’s just that the money is not bad. Fang Lin feels that all places in the house except the balcony are more than 20 degrees, and the central air conditioner is turned on 24 hours a day as long as someone is at home.

It was only past ten o'clock, and Fang Lin himself was not very sleepy. Lin Yuqing was already sleeping, and he had nothing to do by lying at the end of the bed. Although it was the first time he entered a girl's bedroom, he didn't feel anything in his heart.

Let's practice for a while.

So in the dark, where ordinary people couldn't see, spiritual power began to slowly gather in Fang Lin's body.

You can't keep calling him the blue light spot, can you?Fang Lin decided to give them a name first, let's call them Lingli.

Fang Lin thought of the name subconsciously.

However, why is the spiritual power discrete one by one?In the novels I read before, it seems to be as smooth as air or water.

After thinking for a while, Fang Lin decided to give up thinking about this boring question. The spiritual power has been clearly presented in front of him, and light has the properties of particles.

As for the authors I read before, do they know how to practice?

Under the moonlight, the spiritual power seemed to form a slightly rotating nebula, filling the first empty slot in Fang Lin's body, slowly but firmly.

Before he knew it, Fang Lin fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the door opened with a click.

Fang Lin sharply opened his eyes this time, only a little light came in from the window covered by the curtains, and the room was still very dark.

But the darkness did not affect Fang Lin and the man who opened the door.

"I knew it."

The visitor murmured, then tiptoed over, took Fang Lin into his arms and hissed softly.

Fang Lin didn't even think about resisting. At the beginning, he smelled the unique fragrance of Yang Ma's body, and was obediently held by Yang Ma in her arms and leaned on the soft cushion.

But does the booing really work for dogs?
After taking Fang Lin out, Mama Yang closed the door.

Fang Lin, who followed Mama Yang downstairs, glanced at the wall clock in the living room, it was six o'clock in the morning.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the rising sun has just appeared in the sky, and the sky is full of red clouds.

Why did you bring me out so early?Fang Lin looked at Mama Yang suspiciously.

Mama Yang was wearing a tracksuit and said to Fang Lin as she walked, "Come on, I'll take you to morning exercises."


Without expecting Fang Lin to reply, Mama Yang had already come to the entrance to change his shoes, took out Fang Lin's leash and put them on for him.

The shocked Fang Lin subconsciously cooperated with Yang Ma's movements, and Fang Lin didn't come back to his senses until the dog leash was put on.

Seriously?Morning exercise at six in the morning?
Can I not go?

I went to bed late last night, a three month old needs plenty of sleep to develop!
Fang Lin pouted his butt in some resistance, and leaned back to resist Yang Ma's dragging, hoping to resist the beautiful young woman in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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