Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 11 9 Stars Lianzhu

Chapter 11 Nine Stars Lianzhu
The original erha is just like the female erha, who saw a dog being bought in front of his eyes with envy, so he also planted this seed in its not very bright mind .

Now that Fang Lin has truly joined this family and become a member, he has fulfilled a wish of his predecessor, and Fang Lin's soul has completely mastered this body.

This caused Fang Lin's aptitude to soar, so he could see such endless blue light spots.

Fang Lin controlled the light spots in his field of vision to disappear. Although the light spots disappeared as before this time, he could still feel their presence, right beside him and everywhere in the room.

Fang Lin couldn't hold back the idea of ​​trying to absorb the light spots. He wolfed down the dog food and steak, ran to the balcony, drank some water, and lay down on the soft cushion by the French window.

In all the novels he had read, he closed his eyes and channeled special energies such as immortal energy and spiritual energy with his heart, so Fang Lin also closed his eyes and imagined that there was a black hole in his body slowly rotating to absorb all matter.

Then he carefully began to guide the black hole to absorb and touch these blue light spots.

Sure enough! ! !

I saw the blue light spots around him slowly sinking into Fang Lin's body, and Fang Lin, who found that the idea was successful and had no adverse reactions, continued to absorb it.

But in his excitement, he didn't notice any changes in the surrounding blue light spots.

You've all seen an hourglass, and you've all seen a sink full of water unplugged.

The dense blue light spots in the space seem to have been pulled out of the plug at this moment, exposing the drain, and the drain is slowly getting bigger and sucking more and more urgently.

By the time Fang Lin realized something was wrong, he could no longer control the situation.

He saw that the surrounding light spots seemed to be pouring into his body in a huge vortex, and this vortex gradually expanded to the entire community.

Looking down from the air, the light spots in the nearby area were gradually drawn into the vortex.

Fang Lin was taken aback by this, but after observing it himself, he found that he didn't feel overwhelmed, but a sense of stimulation that gradually became stronger. It felt like climbing a ladder before the climax. A little bit closer to that limit.

With a bang in Fang Lin's soul, Fang Lin's mind went blank. Nine clusters of shining blue starlight suddenly appeared in his body, and these nine clusters of shining starlight gradually connected together. After the Nine Stars Lianzhu, the wolf phantom appeared and screamed upwards.

Fang Lin, who was so shocked that his brain went blank, shuddered. When he came back to his senses, the starlight and the phantom of the silver wolf all disappeared, leaving only nine empty slots embedded in Fang Lin's body.

The empty slot does not really exist in Fang Lin's body, just like the Dantian Zigong in the novel, Fang Lin can feel it carefully.

With the appearance of nine empty slots, the vortex over the community gradually calmed down.

When Fang Lin tried to absorb it again, he found that the blue light spot was gradually attracted into the first empty slot, and the speed was far less exaggerated than before.

With such an obvious phenomenon, Fang Lin also understood that his future path is to fill up these nine empty slots one by one. Is he on the path of cultivation?
Haha, the needle does not poke.

In the southern province, in a base with a sense of technology.

"What happened to the aura fluctuation just now? Have you locked the specific location?"

"The time is too short, and there is only an approximate range. There are no reports of related incidents so far, and the possibility of opening a new channel is ruled out."

"Damn it, can the aura radar made by the R&D department work? Let me see."

"Such a large area??? Zhuo! Forget it, send an action team to Sioux City to check it out, and remember to notify the Sioux City area, don't cause trouble, and seek stability."


Fang Lin, who closed his eyes and absorbed it for a while, felt the progress of the first empty slot, and then he was discouraged to find that he could barely feel the empty slot being filled, as if the progress bar hadn't moved for almost an hour after downloading.

This has to be filled in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

Fang Lin stood up and was about to relax and do some activities. It was definitely not fishing, after all, he had to combine work and rest.

He also found that his strength had increased a lot due to the accident just now, but it was more like an optimization deep in his body, just like the evolution of the gene sequence. The actual strength did not make such a terrifying progress, but he felt that the five senses had changed. Much sharper.

But Fang Lin also suddenly thought about a problem.

Since he can feel the blue light spot, there must be people in this world who can feel it. At least the Dragon Kingdom government must know about it. Otherwise, how could there be such a peaceful and stable life?

Will he be found?He was found to be able to sense and even absorb blue light spots, wouldn't he be absorbed as a military dog?
That's too difficult, this wonderful life has just begun, and he hasn't had enough snowflake steak yet!
As soon as he had such doubts, the blue light spots around him sent a message to him. It turned out that when he formed nine empty slots, he got a kind of ability-to cover his own body according to his own needs. any fluctuations.

What's the situation?Why do you feel that this spot of light is like a buddy to yourself?So sweet and friendly.

It seems that I have a high probability of being a genius!At least the friendliness with Guangdian has been fully drawn.

Fang Lin, who would not be dragged away to be a police dog except for one worry, breathed a sigh of relief and began to patrol his territory.

"Hey, Kaka woke up!"

Xiaojie, who was lying on the sofa watching cartoons, noticed that Fang Lin did not "sleep" on his stomach but started to move, so he sat up from the sofa and wanted to hug Fang Lin to watch together.

Fang Lin passed him nimbly and swept his butt with his tail.

What's so good about "Legend of Nezha", I've seen it before, and it's boring.

"Li Jing! Hurry up and hand over Nezha!"

"Boom! Boom! (Lightning)"

Fang Lin turned his head to look, and the scene of flooding Chentangguan was being projected on the giant screen. The Dragon King of the Four Seas was hanging over Chentangguan, with lightning and thunder, dark clouds covering the sky, and heavy rain pouring down.

It turned out to be this episode.

Immediately there will be a classic scene, Nezha resolutely commits suicide in front of the Dragon King of the Four Seas in order not to hurt the people of Chen Tangguan.

Fang Lin unknowingly jumped onto the sofa and lay down. Xiaojie and Qingqing did not dare to blink, and focused on watching the next development of the plot.

The flood caused by the Dragon King of the Four Seas submerged villages and farmland, and countless people lost their homes.

With the people under his rule on one side and his son on the other, Li Jing took off his shirt and knelt down in the direction of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, willing to pay his own life to beg the Dragon King of the Four Seas for forgiveness.

Nezha didn't want his father to be humiliated, so he ran forward and pulled out the long sword from Li Jing's waist, and killed himself on the edge of the cliff.

Xiao Longnv was still a step too late, seeing Nezha dead, she shouted to the Dragon King with tears in her eyes: "Father! Nezha didn't steal the dragon ball!"

Xiaojie couldn't help but burst into tears: "Sisihai Dragon King, it's too bad!!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo""

Tears welled up in Qingqing's big eyes, and Fang Lin shook his head as he watched the two children's reactions.

After all, it is still a matter of strength. In the animation, the Dragon King counted the lost Dragon Balls on Nezha for no reason. If Nezha can easily skin the Dragon King of the Four Seas, do you think they dare to come to ask for an explanation?

Suddenly remembering that his current world seemed not as simple as it seemed on the surface, Fang Lin couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

Although he believed that Long Kingdom could guarantee the safety of the territory, what if?What if one of them also absorbed the Spotlight Bandit?

Fang Lin looked at the two crying children, and decided to practice after watching one more episode.



(The revival of spiritual energy does not affect the style of writing, even the daily writing in skins, 90.00% will be daily, and it is still the main theme of relaxation and leisure.)
 The main theme of this book is still relaxed and casual, and the recovery of aura does not affect the style of writing

(End of this chapter)

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