Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 10 you are my homie

Chapter 10 you are my homie
After Fang Lin's constant exploration, he can finally freely control whether he can see these blue light spots.

He had a guess in his mind, could this be the aura or elements in the novel?Can you practice after breathing and absorbing?

If he succeeds, wouldn't he become a super dog?
But why did I only see a sporadic blue light point last night, but now I can see so many?

Fang Lin looked at the dissipating sunset glow and the gradually falling night outside the window, and felt that there was a possibility that the blue light spots would be very active at night, otherwise, there was no way to explain the blue light spots he saw both times at night. Haven't seen it during the day.

As for being able to see more today, it may be that the ability to sense these blue light spots in my body has become stronger, like the upgrade of the spiritual root in the fairy tale novel.

Fang Lin shook his head to get these distracting thoughts out of his mind.

What are you thinking about so much, just try to see if you can absorb it. Besides, he has an inexplicable intimacy with these light spots, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Fang Lin had just recalled several methods, and before he started trying, Yang's mother called the family to start eating.

Hearing this voice, Fang Lin suddenly felt his stomach start to growl. Looking at the wall clock on the wall, it was already eight o'clock.

Then let's eat first, don't rush this for a while.

Fang Lin stood up from the cushion and ran to the dining table. He used to see those pets being very active when they heard eating. He might be a super dog soon, and he had to behave more normally.

Mama Yang put a plate of cut lobsters on the dining table, looked at Fang Lin who was wagging his tail around her and said with a smile, "Have you heard that Kaka is so active in eating?"

"Look at you! Didn't you hear me when I said dinner? It's better for Kaka to be obedient."

Yang Ma turned her head and scolded the three people who were still dawdling on the sofa.

Father Lin shrugged and turned off the projector, and Xiaojie wailed, "Ah~! My Nezha!" However, it didn't help at all, and he could only stand up and sit at the dining table with Qingqing.

Soon, the table was filled with various delicacies, such as salt-baked lobster, steamed hairy crab, boiled fish, grilled steak, and vegetable soup, all of which were fragrant.

Fang Lin was already going crazy with hunger, he felt his stomach was already protesting frantically after being called by Mama Yang to eat, now the smell of delicious food was wafting in the room, and his nose started to rebel.

"What about Xueqiu?" Qingqing sat in her seat and asked Mama Yang.

Father Lin then said: "I'll put her back in the cat bag, and then put some cat food in the cat bag, maybe she'll be more comfortable there, but she's too afraid of life now, she'll be fine in two days .”

Soon, after Lin's father settled the snowball, he washed Fang Lin's small rice bowl and brought it over.

Seeing that Fang Lin was getting hungry, Mama Yang poured dog food and milk cakes into his rice bowl.

No way?No way?That's it?

Fortunately, after Yang's mother added dog food to him, she turned around and went into the kitchen to bring him a piece of steak and put it on the dog food.

Not bad, Fang Lin looked at this steak with snow patterns on the surface, and his appetite whetted.

But the question now is, should he start eating?
Fang Lin squatted in front of the full rice bowl, watching the family on the table pouring drinks into the cups, Yang's mother poured himself a small glass of red wine, obviously to clink glasses, he wanted to eat first Or wait for the family to eat together?

Alas, Fang Lin sighed inwardly, he still hadn't fully adapted to being a dog.

Normally, he should have started eating the dog food as soon as Mama Yang poured it out, but he didn't.

Yang Ma went to get him steak and put it in the rice bowl. He should have started eating too, but he hasn't.

Fang Lin saw Papa Lin's gaze and cast it over now, well, don't fuck it up.

Now that they have already shown their peculiarities, let’s carry them forward and wait until they let themselves eat them. It’s not like there are no dogs that can restrain their eating instincts.

"Mom and Dad, look, Kaka is sitting there looking at us, why doesn't he eat?"

Yang Ma didn't notice it at first, but now she saw it and said in surprise: "Isn't it waiting for us to let him start eating?" Then she ran over to get the phone.

Fang Lin was speechless, he felt that his saliva was about to come down, why did Yang's mother still go to get the phone? ? ?

Fortunately, Mama Yang was also very fast, and she was also worried that Fang Lin couldn't resist eating first. She quickly turned on the recording, took a picture of the food and family on the table, and then pointed the camera at Fang Lin to start explaining.

"Our family is very lucky to have two new members today, the handsome Kaka and the lovely Xueqiu sister, but Xueqiu is too afraid of being born, so I haven't appeared on the scene for the time being."

"Let's welcome them with applause!"

Xiaojie was the first to clap his palms excitedly, even about to stand up, really a qualified atmosphere group.

Lin's father and Qingqing also smiled and clapped their hands to cooperate with Yang's mother.

Fang Lin's feelings in his heart are very complicated now. The life of this family is so ritualistic, it's like living in a movie.

Mama Yang, who can cook with whimsical ideas and is full of childlike innocence, always loves Mama Yang with a smile on her face, Papa Lin, who cooperates with her best, and two children who can be seen to be kind-hearted at a glance. He is a little envious of this family state of life.

What I envy the most are Qingqing and Xiaojie, the superior family environment, and Yang’s mother who lives her life like a fairy tale. What would a child who grew up in such a family be like?
He hasn't felt the feeling of home for a long time.

He has also shaken his previous views. He used to think that life should be ordinary, and so should the family.

But it seems that this is not bad now?If you blend in, you shouldn't have some joy, right?

"very good!"

"I announce that Kaka and Snowball are officially part of our family! Let's raise our glasses!"

Following Mama Yang's rising tone, the whole family picked up the drinks in front of them and drank them.


Xiaojie took a sip of the chilled Sprite and couldn't help but let out a happy voice.

"Let's eat!"

Mama Yang turned the camera to Fang Lin and said this.

Seeing them start to move their chopsticks, Fang Lin lowered his head and began to eat, his heart still agitated.

To be honest, when he heard the toast just now, he was also moved.Almost overcoming the shame in his heart, he let out a groan.

But, this is still not a small hurdle for his somewhat socially fearful heart.

Forget it, the days will be long in the future, right family?

Thinking of this, Fang Lin looked up at the few people who were eating with relish, and grinned.

At this time, he suddenly felt a refreshing feeling coming from the depths of his soul. This kind of pleasure gradually swept through his whole body from slow to fast, and he couldn't help closing his eyes and screaming.

After the pleasure, there is an unprecedented sense of relaxation, as if the whole person has lost a few catties.

Fang Lin exhaled and opened his eyes, but was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Dense blue light spots appeared in front of his eyes, as if the entire Milky Way had dropped from the sky to his side.

He could feel these points of light cheering and jumping for joy, and an unreasonable intuition appeared in his heart.

It turned out to be the case.

Fang Lin smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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