Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 9 Snowball

Chapter 9 Snowball
Fang Lin heard what Mama Yang said, although it was troublesome, but she still dressed in a grand manner to meet him, and she was still a little moved.

Although these words would feel like Versailles to outsiders, but now he feels that it is his own people who are troublesome to wear expensive jewelry, and Fang Lin does not feel uncomfortable at all.

What's more, Mama Yang also said that there will be a special welcome dinner in the evening, so Fang Lin, who is the protagonist, must be delicious, right?
Although the dog food in the pet shop is also carefully selected milk cakes suitable for his current development, but it is still too monotonous, so I can only say Yang Ma yyds.

Mama Yang added five points to her intimacy!

Fang Lin walked into the room with brisk steps, and immediately saw Papa Lin and Qingqing Xiaojie sitting on the sofa, surrounded by Snowball who had just come out of the cat bag.

And Xiaojie actually cautiously leaned aside and watched curiously.

Seeing this scene, Fang Lin couldn't help but wonder in his heart. It turned out that the sentence "Licking one man makes a dog, licking ten thousand people makes him a king." There is still some truth in it.

At the very least, when he saw a little jie who was sidling next to him and being courteous, and suddenly treated Xueqiu carefully, his heart was a little fluctuated.

What's so good about cats?As for?
Fang Lin walked over slowly, ready to see what they were doing.

Perhaps Xueqiu was shy of strangers when he first arrived at his new home, so he nestled in the corner of the sofa and remained motionless, looking at the few people timidly with his small eyes.

Xiaojie also lay on the sofa with his butt pouted and looked at him. Fang Lin walked up to him and let out a cry.

Xiaojie turned his head and touched his head, then stared intently at Snowball again.


How did this suddenly become obsessed?
Is the goal of you, a warm man, changing a little too fast?
Papa Lin coughed and read while holding the pamphlet distributed by the pet shop.

"Don't play with cats that you just brought home because of their cuteness and novelty, and be careful about emergency response."

As soon as she finished reading this, Qingqing slapped Xiaojie's pouting buttocks to keep him away from Xueqiu.

Xiaojie moved back with a wrinkled face.

"Don't change cat food frequently. Each cat food has different ingredients. Changing it rashly will cause gastrointestinal discomfort."

"Don't take a bath when you take it home, it may cause a stress reaction, and it may be life-threatening in severe cases."

Qingqing turned pale with fright after hearing this: "Is it so serious?"

Papa Lin comforted her and said, "Cats usually take care of themselves. We don't need to wash Xueqiu. It's fine."

Xiaojie remembered Fang Lin at this moment: "What about Kaka?"

Father Lin thought for a while and said, "At that time, the clerk told me that Kaka had just been vaccinated, and that she couldn't take a bath for seven days. Afterwards, depending on the situation, if it gets dirty and smelly, you can wipe it with warm water."

Xiaojie moved closer to Fang Lin and smelled it, but Fang Lin avoided it in disgust.

"It doesn't stink at all!"

Crap, I sure don't stink.

Fang Lin rolled his eyes in his heart. He could also feel that there were no bugs on his body, and the legendary lice were even gone. It was probably one of the benefits of rebirth.

"Well, the clerk also said that Kaka eats more than ordinary dogs. You can feed a little more depending on the situation, which will help his growth."

"Who eats a lot?"

Mama Yang just came out of the kitchen, took a pair of scissors, and answered a sentence.

"Kaka!" Xiaojie raised his hand and shouted.

"Oh." After speaking, Mama Yang hurried into the kitchen again.

"Dad, Snowball seems to be shaking."

Qingqing suddenly said worriedly.

Fang Lin also looked over. Xueqiu's whole body looked very loose and soft, as fluffy as a soft puppet, with dark blue eyes, and the soles of his feet seemed to be wearing white gloves, which were very cute.

But now this little cutie is huddled and shivering, and Dad Lin hastily flipped through the manual to find a solution.

"Well, this may be because I am too scared to go to a new environment. Let me see what I can do."

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Yang's mother also ran out of the kitchen when she heard the movement.

Xueqiu was still trembling, and Fang Lin's heart also tugged.

He suddenly understood now that this cat is like a younger sister in the family, gentle and quiet, and afraid of others, and the dog is like a bear child in the family, tough and tough, he, as an older brother, naturally has to treat his younger sister better.

So Fang Lin slowly moved up, put his head on the sofa, and slowly stretched out to Xueqiu's curled up side.


(Dog language, don't be afraid.)
Fang Lin yelled softly, not knowing whether it would work or not, then leaned his head towards Xueqiu again.

A miraculous scene happened, Snowball stopped trembling, her little head poked out a little bit from her curled up body, her dark blue eyes and Fang Lin's azure eyes looked at each other.

After a while, or maybe a moment.

Xueqiu also slowly stretched out his head, and the pink and tender cat's nose and Fang Lin's dog's nose touched together little by little.

The living room was suddenly in a quiet atmosphere.

Yang's mother looked excited, but she didn't dare to make a sound, she held the phone and took pictures of a dog and a cat.


"Shut up!" Yang's mother patted Xiaojie on the forehead.


Xiaojie climbed down obediently again with a bitter face. It turned out that Yang's mother leaned on Xiaojie who was crawling in order to maintain stability.

Hearing the sound, Xueqiu lay down quietly in the corner of the sofa again, but now he looked much calmer, with a pair of eyes occasionally looking around.

Geez, this is too cute!
Fang Lin finally understood why there were so many cat slaves.

Seeing the end of the movie, Mama Yang sighed and put away her phone, got up from Xiaojie who was already shaking, and then touched Fang Lin's head: "Kaka is doing well, I will give you extra meals tonight. Well, three Month-old puppies don’t know if they can eat meat.”

Yes, yes, yes!
Fang Lin roared in his heart. He felt that with his current digestion ability, he could completely digest chicken breast and the like.

It's a pity that I couldn't explain it to Mama Yang.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the sky gradually darkened a little bit, and summer nights always come slowly.

Fang Lin was lying on the soft cushion in front of the French windows in the living room to watch the scenery. Father Lin saw that Fang Lin seemed to like lying on the edge of the French windows, and put it specially for him.

On the fourth floor of the opposite building, there seemed to be a man and a woman arguing, with pillows flying around, Fang Lin watched with relish.

Suddenly, the previous blue light spots appeared in front of his eyes again, and there were quite a few of them. The blue light spots seemed to be far away in the sky and yet close in front of him.

Fang Lin looked back, and there seemed to be some blue light spots floating in the house, swimming up and down, like jellyfish moving slowly.

The sky is full of sunset clouds, the sun is setting, and the moon is rising.

Fang Lin stared at these dots of light with fascination, wondering what the hell they were?
It should not be the real thing, because Dad Lin and the two children in the living room did not respond at all.

Then why can I see it?Can I not see?

Fang Lin recalled some of the novels he had read before, thinking slowly in his heart that he couldn't see, couldn't see, and repelled.

Sure enough, the blue light spot slowly disappeared out of thin air.

He was startled, afraid that these light spots would disappear forever, so he quickly thought about those blue light spots again, and tried his best to feel them.

The blue light spots slowly appeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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