Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 8 Kaka

Chapter 8 Kaka

With a soft sound, the elevator door opened.

Fang Lin followed the family step by step to the door on the right.

After Lin's father unlocked the door with his fingerprint, he saw a closed porch with some large drawers. Although these cabinets were already placed in this porch, it could still accommodate four people and a dog to move freely here.

Fang Lin watched several people take off their shoes and put on slippers, and he also raised his front paws to look.

Well, the pads are still a little gray, do I need to change my shoes?

Yang's mother noticed Fang Lin's movements, she let out a chuckle and said: "It seems that our dog also wants to change shoes, no, come, mother will take you to wash jiojio."

After speaking, he leaned over and hugged Fang Lin and opened the door. The future home was finally shown in front of Fang Lin.

So big and so tall.

This was Fang Lin's first impression.

It is a huge living room with floor-to-ceiling windows, a row of dark sofas, a giant screen opposite, a well-organized dining table and an open kitchen not far away, and a huge outdoor balcony on the other side, which feels like a garden up.

What surprised Fang Lin the most was that there was actually a second floor, and there was a staircase with transparent guardrails on one side to go up. He had only seen houses that could go up in videos before.

In this way, Fang Lin probed into Yang Ma's arms to observe the display of the house, while feeling the soft touch from his back, he was taken to the bathroom on the first floor.

As a puppy who just arrived at home, Fang Lin felt that he couldn't act too smart all of a sudden, let alone act like he knew everything.

He has to learn, preferably through the teaching of family members, and succeed after failing once. This will not only give a few people a sense of accomplishment that he is a good teacher, but also reflect his ingenuity, which is perfect.

So when Yang's mother hugged him and flushed his paws, Fang Lin deliberately stretched out his head to sniff here and lick there.

Who can stand up to an outstanding-looking Erha cub, sniffing and licking it in a restrained manner?
It's as if your lovely girlfriend occasionally acts like a spoiled child to you, so you don't feel so good, just buy, buy, buy?

But if you act like a baby with high intensity and uninterrupted every day, it will be a spoiled, and no one can stand it.

Therefore, Mama Yang's force on Fang Lin's paw became more and more gentle, until he saw Fang Lin put his mouth to the faucet to drink tap water, and then gave him a moderate slap.

"You are not allowed to drink tap water. Do you know that tap water is unhealthy? There are drinking fountains for you."

Yang Ma took out a new towel from the sink storage cabinet, wiped Fang Lin's paws, and put it on the ground for him.

"follow me."

As she walked towards the garden on the balcony, she uttered onomatopoeia to attract Fang Lin, fearing that he would not follow her.

Fang Lin followed her obediently to the open garden on the balcony. This garden is at least 40 square meters, with many green plants, two deckchairs and a table.

The six-meter-high roof can shelter the wind and rain, as long as it is not the kind of heavy rain that falls obliquely, it will not have any impact.

Yang Ma took him to a corner, pointed to a white machine and said to him, "You will drink the water here from now on, you know?"

As he spoke, he tapped the side of the machine with his foot. Fang Lin leaned over and observed that it was a transparent water basin placed on a small gravity-sensitive water purifier. When the water in the basin was drunk, it would start to replenish water.

Pretty smart, isn't it specially designed for dogs?
Fang Lin put his head into the water basin and drank it. It really felt like pure water, without the strange taste of tap water.

There was only a shallow layer in the water basin, and Fang Lin felt a little unsatisfied after drinking it, and wondered why the machine didn't replenish water.

He removed his head from the basin, and looked at the water purifier suspiciously, wouldn't it be broken?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved his head out, the machine started to beep softly, and then the water outlet on the top filled the basin with water.

Good guy, it also has an infrared sensor, so as not to splash your pet's head, it's really advanced!
Fang Lin reckoned that this thing should be more expensive than the water dispenser he bought for himself before, at least, at least not. Hundreds of dollars?
After drinking another layer of water, he turned his head and realized that Mama Yang raised her phone and began to take pictures of him at some point, while Papa Lin was also watching.

Yang's mother showed off and said to Lin's father: "How did I choose? Is it very smart? I learned how to drink water from the drinking fountain in one go."

Father Lin thought about it for a while, but did not correct that Mama Yang was picked by the two children, and echoed, "He is indeed very smart. I saw it just now when you took him from the bathroom to the balcony."

Yang Ma was a little curious: "What do you see?"

"He is not far behind you but not close. His eyes have never left you, and he has been following you."

Mama Yang raised her brows and said, "Lin Wenshao, can you finish your sentence without making a fool of yourself?"

Seeing that Mama Yang was anxious, Papa Lin hurriedly added: "It means that he is very focused and not easily distracted. He didn't look around when Xiaojie was still making trouble just now. It's not easy for a three-month-old dog." Now, it either means that he likes you very much and doesn’t want to take his eyes off you, or it means that he is very focused and smart.”

Yang Ma listened to the last sentence, and said happily: "Can't it be that he likes me and is smart?"

Father Lin nodded with a doting smile on his face.

Fang Lin listened enthusiastically from the side, as expected of a wealthy man, the way of coaxing women is really extraordinary, just a few words coaxed Mama Yang to smile so that her face turned red.

It's a pity that he is a dog now, otherwise he must ask for advice.

Xiaojie, who was Qingqing and bouncing around, also came over, Xiaojie shouted, "Give him a name?"

So the whole family turned their attention to Lin Wenshao. After all, father Lin did all the brain-making things in the family.

I saw Papa Lin folded his hands on his chest, stroked his chin a few times, pushed his eyes and said, "The cat is called Xueqiu, and the dog is called Kaka."

The three of them nodded their heads when they heard Papa Lin's words. After all, there was Xiaojie's Xiaobai named "Zhuyu" in front of them, and these two names were indeed very pleasant to their ears.

The most important thing is that I can't think of a better name than this one.

So Fang Lin successfully added an additional name, Kaka, and Fang Lin thought it was good to say it a few times in his heart.

He can think of Kakashi or the star Kaka, basically he likes them all.

"Okay, I'm going to take off these jewelry, and I'll die of trouble wearing it."

"It's not what you wear yourself."

"Welcoming a new member home, of course, must be more solemn, and there must be a sense of ceremony! I'm going to prepare for the welcome banquet tonight now. Go and play by yourself, don't bother mom."

"it is good!"


After Xiaojie and Qingqing responded, Father Lin also slipped away silently.

(End of this chapter)

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