Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 7 Intimacy Division

Chapter 7 Intimacy Division

The backseat space of this Mercedes is very large, there is a large space between two small children.

Fang Lin jumped into the back seat, even though he found that some dust had been stepped on the pads of his paws.

If a person wants to achieve a goal, then he should set a plan for a higher goal.

After Fang Lin decided to go back, the sofa bed should be used as soon as possible. This is all a matter of quality of life.

If you go too far at the beginning, you will have a higher tolerance for him later on, as long as you don't go too far.

After Fang Lin jumped into the back seat, he lay down quietly, put the dog's head next to Qing Qing's legs, and observed the family.

Mama Yang has also put away her phone and did not record any more. After all, posting a video is to edit some essential parts to make a video. Now she is chatting with Papa Lin.

Qingqing put her hands on his head, leaned on the backrest and stared at the scenery outside in a daze.

But Xiaojie's attention was all on him, and he stretched out his hand to grab his tail for fun. As soon as he held his hand, Fang Lin flicked the tail to the other side, and Xiaojie reached out to grab it again.

Fortunately, this kid knew how to behave and didn't pinch his tail too hard, so Fang Lin was willing to tease him.

Along the way, Lin was also thinking about how to treat this family. To be honest, what Yang Ma said about the family at the time moved him a bit.

But now that I think about it carefully, I still have some subtle embarrassment, after all, what kind of family and brother protection
It can only be said that there are children in the family, and the parents speak with the childlike taste of Disney. His old soul in his twenties can't stand it.

He thinks that a family should live an ordinary life, care for each other, and don't need expressions such as "I love you, you love me, you are my homie", just speak with facts, just like he and his parents did before.

What's more, he didn't recognize him as the youngest one when he came up. If he was reborn as a cat and the cat's soul merged, it would be fine. Now he should directly regard this family as the oldest in his heart, right? ?
Fang Lin decided to formulate an evaluation standard for intimacy in his heart, and the full score should be 100 points, right?

Whoever scores himself 100 points, he really regards them as family members who can depend on each other for life and death. In this life, he has a wonderful premonition that he is not ordinary.

Well, Yang Ma, who is a beautiful young housewife with a protruding front and back, should have a lot of power to speak on weekdays. In addition to the previous remarks, let her be given 20 for the time being, so she can't let her go too far.

If I can continue to feed him delicious food in the future, I can feed her a little longer for a while.

If you can have some meat from time to time that is not dog food, it can be longer.

Fang Lin thought happily.

And Lin's father is a very sensible person with small glasses. To be honest, Fang Lin is a little afraid that he will find out some abnormal behaviors of his own, such as finding out that he is different from ordinary dogs' intelligence?

However, it seems that there are quite a lot of pets who have participated in the college entrance examination on Douyin before. Many netizens also said that they had seen them in the college entrance examination and sat at the table next to them.

Normal people wouldn't really think that he was a dog inside a dog, would he?
Father Lin will give you 10 intimacy.

Fang Lin looked up at the little girl who was stroking his head. She had short black student hair, fair skin, and a pair of big aura eyes calmly looking out of the window.This is a girl who is as quiet as Bingbing, who always speaks in a soft voice.

This kind of girl is likely to be bullied by those mischievous little boys in the class when she was young, Fang Lin decided to bite one after another.

Qingqing should give the same 20 points as Yang Ma, there is no way, Fang Lin wants to protect her when she sees her with such a weak temperament.

As for Xiaojie
Fang Lin still has a good impression of this little boy who will be happy when he touches his own tail. Judging from this short time together, Xiaojie should be the happiest and most satisfied with his arrival. Let him touch two more Will be happy next time, it belongs to a little licking dog.

Since ancient times, the true feelings cannot be retained, only the routines have won the hearts of the people, Fang Lin decided to give him 5 points to commend him.

Fang Lin was a little tired after thinking about it. Today was really a bit of ups and downs. First, he was almost bought by that female celebrity and led a life of uncertain future, and then he was brought home by Lin's father and Yang mother, which made him feel unreal .

I didn't close my eyes for a day, and Fang Lin's still-developing body couldn't take it anymore, so he slowly closed his eyes under Qingqing's caress.

When Fang Lin opened his eyes again, he found that he was being carried out of the car. Before he could see who it was, he felt a strong sense of weightlessness. His four paws thumped on the ground, and he almost fell to the ground.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be the little guy Xiaojie. He probably couldn't bear to wake him up because he was sleeping, so he wanted to carry him away, but he couldn't hold him firmly.

Fang Lin was speechless for a while, and silently deducted points from him in his heart, but he was also a little vigilant, why did he sleep so hard.

You have to know that he is an outrageous dog with sensitive five senses now. The car stopped, and several people got out of the car and didn't wake up. Could it be that he felt a long-lost sense of security?
After this little episode passed, the family took good things out of the underground garage together.

Fang Lin looked up and saw that the trees were shady, and there was a small pavilion after a certain distance. This community is not small, and the green coverage is outrageously high.

Moreover, there are only four high-rise buildings, and the layout of the houses is very novel. It seems that each house has a very large open-air balcony, and there are only two houses facing each other on the first floor.

Fang Lin stepped on the shade of the trees with his paws, looked up at this luxurious community, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart how wonderful this world was. He had never seen this kind of house when he was a human, but now he lives in it as a dog.

In the past, if he wanted to go out for a barbecue, he had to go out for a picnic with his family. If he lived in this kind of house, wouldn't he be able to grill it directly on his balcony if he wanted to eat.

He thinks that this kind of green area and this type of apartment can be described as a lot of money. He knows from the license plate that his current city is Sioux City. This type of apartment is not good.
Well, in fact, Fang Lin didn't know either, and he didn't bother to care about housing prices in other cities.

Even now he doesn't bother to care, he is a dog, as long as he knows that he can eat and drink without worrying about food tickets, why should he pay so much attention?

Could it be that Lin's father and Yang's mother can drive him a Mercedes-Benz even if he knows that his family is rich?

Along the way, Lin didn't see a few owners, but only saw a few security guards who seemed to be patrolling. He followed the four of them into Building B, and took the elevator up to the sixth floor.

As the elevator slowly ascended, Fang Lin also became a little nervous. He was about to see his future home, and he really didn't know what it would be like.

(End of this chapter)

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