Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 6 The Muppets

Chapter 6 The Muppets
After a while, the store manager followed the man with a smile on his face, talking while walking.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for choosing our pet home. Our pet home provides not only the best quality pets, but also the best service."

Fang Lin looked at the man in casual clothes with an easy-going face, but the pet store manager was smiling with him. Maybe this is the charm of a man?

Well, I only know that his surname is Lin, so let's call him Papa Lin for now.

Father Lin waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, let's talk as we walk, we still have to pick a cat." Then he smiled and said to the woman, "Okay, Qian, let's go pick a cat for you?"

The store manager couldn't help but smile when he heard it. He noticed that although Dad Lin was dressed in casual clothes, they were also of high value, not to mention the famous watches looming under the cuffs of the casual clothes. Didn't see clearly.

And the clothes of the women here are clear at a glance, Chanel's black dress, all kinds of jewelry, and the diamond-encrusted female watch, this is walking wealth.

This kind of woman buys a dog for 19999. Would it be cheaper to buy a cat for herself?If you don't recommend a 49999, isn't it because your sales ability is not good enough?
The store manager hurriedly said, "I don't know how to address you?"

The woman said hello to the clerk and said goodbye, "My name is Yang."

"Okay, Ms. Yang, you want to pick a pet cat, right?"


"Uh, did you decide on the breed you like before you come? Come, please go this way."

The store manager enthusiastically introduced it to Mama Yang, and Papa Lin rubbed his waist and followed with a bag.

He is already used to this kind of situation. Every time he goes shopping, the clerk communicates with Mama Yang in the front, and he just carries the bag and pays in the back.

The boy held the leash tightly and walked side by side with the girl at the end.

Fang Lin originally thought that he would be the only pet in the family in the future, but he didn't expect to have a cat in view of the situation.

Hmph, I hope this cat can be a little bit more sensible, otherwise
Mama Yang and the store manager walked around the front as arrows, while Papa Lin chatted with the two children in the back, and Mama Yang asked a few people for their opinions symbolically from time to time.

After walking around this circle, Fang Lin also learned some information.

First of all, the girl's nickname is Qingqing, and her surname is Lin. I don't know if it is Lin Qing or Lin Qingqing, while the boy's nickname is Xiaojie.

Yang's mother is a housewife. Recently, she uses Douyin and wants to buy a cat to accompany her at home.Qingqing and Xiaojie strongly recommend buying a dog, so they decided to buy a dog and a cat.

Hearing this, Fang Lin became more fond of Xiaojie and Qingqing.

On the other side, Yang's mother finally chose a four-month-old puppet cat with complete vaccinations among the puppet and the English short.

The store manager also sent a cat bag and some cat food, and at the same time gave a lot of precautions very carefully, and finally took out a manual, which recorded all the common problems that cats will encounter after they arrive home.

I also talked a lot with Yang Ma about the annual free medical examination and cleaning package for three consecutive years and so on.

Dad Lin continued to chat with the two children in a boring way, until he heard that there was a group of pet parents, which would be voted by the group of friends to hold regular activities, and he strongly asked to join with Yang Ma.

"Hehe." Mama Yang smiled at Papa Lin and gave him a look for him to understand.

Fang Lin observed the little furry thing through the transparent part of the cat bag.

This little guy is four months old?Didn't you say it belonged to your sister?

In the end, the store manager explained to Yang’s mother that since both of them are competitive-level and expensive pets, I hope that Yang’s mother will carefully decide whether to neuter or not. If they are neutered, they have a well-qualified pet hospital, which is absolutely safe and painless.

Fang Lin felt chills when he heard that, although he didn't intend to have sex with a bitch in his life, but he didn't need to cut it off.

Sterilization is impossible.

Finally, when everything was ready, the store manager sent the family of six out of the gate.

Fang Lin finally saw the world outside of the pet shop. The pet shop was on the first floor of a luxury business district, with luxury shops next to each other.

Xiaojie still held the dog leash tightly with his right hand and refused to let go, and held the small bag containing Fang Lin's rice bowl in his left hand.

A cute little boy dressed in trendy clothes, holding a handsome and charming little husky, attracted a lot of attention.

Xiaojie looked at the gazes from the people around him, tried his best to pretend to be calm, and the corners of his mouth were already grinning.

At this time, he noticed that the elder sister walking on his right wanted to take the dog leash away, and silently changed the dog leash to his left hand, causing Qingqing to give him a supercilious look.

Lin's mother, on the other hand, was holding the cat bag at first, and after walking too far, she found it too heavy and handed the cat bag to Lin's father for him to carry. She walked behind him and teased the puppet from time to time.

Fang Lin was thinking as he followed the steps of the two little cats. Now it seems that Mama Lin has more power to speak, but why does she seem to prefer that puppet cat?
How can I win her favor and make my future life more comfortable?

This is a subject that requires persistent research.

As soon as he stepped out of the mall, Fang Lin felt a heat wave. It turned out that the air conditioner in the mall was so comfortable, and the pet store even had a 24-hour air conditioner to create a comfortable room temperature.

Fortunately, it was four or five in the afternoon, and the hottest time had passed.

It was the first time that Fang Lin stepped on the concrete floor outside with his dog's paw. This feeling was very strange, like wearing air-cushioned shoes, but the ground was a little hot.

He has already decided that no one will pull him out at noon in the summer, and the ground will probably be scalded for his dog's paws.

And the perspective of the pet dog is also very strange, he is now only about the height of an adult's calf, and he has to look up to see people's faces.

Walking in a crowded place is like walking through a pile of moving pillars. If ordinary pets don’t have a leash, it’s easy to get lost if you don’t pay attention when there are many people.

The family took Fang Lin to the underground parking lot, preparing to drive home.

Fang Lin liked the temperature of the underground parking lot very much. It was very cool and comfortable. He felt that his IQ tended to decline in hot places.

Under the comfortable temperature, Fang Lin followed more seriously with four legs.Fang Lin felt like a novice who was taken to the dungeon, didn't know the route, and followed the big guys with all his attention, afraid of making any mistakes.

Fang Lin walked and found that the four of them stopped in front of a big wheel. He looked up and saw that it was a Mercedes-Benz that looked like an off-road vehicle.

In his previous life, he didn't pay much attention to the brand of the vehicle, he only knew the Mercedes-Benz logo, and he didn't know what the G63 on the back meant.

But if you want to come to the Mercedes-Benz G63, it shouldn't be too cheap, right?Hundreds of thousands must be there, right?It seems that my food is really not too bad.

Ever since he found out that he eats a lot, he is a little worried that the person who buys him will make him eat too much. After all, Huskies are considered large dogs and they eat a lot.

The family started to get in the car, while Yang's mother took out her mobile phone and started talking and taking pictures.

"There are two new members in the family today!"

As she spoke, she pointed the camera at Fang Lin who was about to get into the car in front of Xiaojie.

The phone camera suddenly pointed at him, and Fang Lin was suddenly a little nervous. Since his parents passed away, he has been more autistic. Although his heart has dissipated a lot after his rebirth, he is still a person with some social fears.

He didn't know whether he should jump into the car now or stand still and watch the camera, but he only hesitated for a second before jumping into the car with a kick.

However, due to excessive force, he did not stop and knelt down in the car all of a sudden.


Yang's mother opened the co-pilot's door and sat in. She also took a shot of the cat bag that Lin's father handed over, and then pointed the camera at the two little cats sitting in the back seat with their feet dangling in the air.

"What shall we name it?"

The two children were used to the camera in Mama Lin's hand. Xiaojie twisted in the back seat to find a comfortable position, then raised his hand and shouted, "The cat's name is Xiaobai! They all have white fur!"

"Ahaha, let's go back and talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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