Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 5 I'm Actually Okay

Chapter 5 I'm Actually Okay

"He has beautiful eyes."

The girl said softly in a clear and ethereal voice, and the man beside her touched her head.

Lei Lei and Sasha came up and introduced Fang Lin's bloodline and appearance to them in detail, chatting about a bunch of rating systems.

He even took out a grading manual, showing the family what kind of eyebrow-eye distance, what kind of body length ratio, etc. What grade is it.

In short, Fang Lin is a three-month-old husky with healthy body and mind, pure pedigree, and perfect appearance. The price is 19999.

The man carefully discussed these rating standard figures with the clerk with great interest, and kept nodding. The woman's expression didn't change after hearing the price at the end. She just squatted down gracefully and said to the two children: "I have to go and have a look." Any other dogs?"

The little girl still looked at Fang Lin quietly, holding on to the railing with both hands.

The little boy shouted: "I want to buy him!"

The woman nodded after seeing the reactions of the two children, patted the little boy and said, "You should take him home, do you understand? From now on, he will be our family and your younger brother. Take good care of him."

"Well, I will take good care of my brother."

The little boy kept nodding.

The man went to the front desk with Lei Lei to pay.

Fang Lin saw that he was about to be bought by this posture, so he also stood up and walked to the dog pen to observe the family carefully.

He heard what the woman said just now. Reasonably, he still has some feelings as a dog. He feels that his life in the future should not be too bad. After all, she said that she wants to treat it as a family member.

Family, a long time ago.

The little boy clapped his hands happily, and tried hard to reach into the railing to caress Fang Lin.

Fang Lin looked at his naive look, and felt disgusted in his heart. You still want to protect me like this?
I couldn't help shaking my head in my heart, and then moved to the side of the girl. The girl smiled innocently and sweetly, and reached out to touch Fang Lin's head.

Fang Lin lowered his head to give the girl a more convenient angle to exert force, and licked the little girl's palm by the way.


The little girl's palm was licked, and she bit her lips in surprise and looked at Fang Lin brightly.

The little boy on the side looked straight at him, pouted and said anxiously: "Sister~ sister! Let me touch it, I want to touch my brother too."

Reluctantly, the little girl patted Fang Lin again, and gave way to the little boy. The little boy was overjoyed, and ran to where the girl was just now, and patted Fang Lin's head as well.

Although Fang Lin prefers to interact with little girls, he has not come home as a pet, so he can't hide from little boys.

In case this naive human cub cries: "My brother doesn't like me."

Who knows if her mother is still a family member with him?
To be honest, he saw that this family is very good in terms of economic foundation and cultural construction, and it is already the top choice.

Fang Lin didn't want to miss it, and was tired of staying in this dog pen. It was enough, so he decided to be nice to the little boy for the time being.

At this time, Sasha came over with a chest-back dog leash and opened the dog fence. Fang Lin put his front legs in very cooperatively, as if wearing a small vest. The rope was tied to a buckle on the back.

He knew that as a pet dog, he would inevitably be led on the road. Fortunately, it was not the kind worn around the neck. He always felt that the kind would get stuck in his neck.

Sasha led Fang Lin out and handed the rope to the little boy.

Fang Lin observed the little boy. Speaking of which, the little boy was quite cute, and the genes of this family seemed to be good.

The little boy took it excitedly, and carefully stroked Fang Lin's head and back.

Not bad not bad, the strength is just right, not a frizzy troublemaker.

Fang Lin gave a hutch with satisfaction, and suddenly found that the female husky in the dog pen was looking at him.

The female husky stood by the fence and looked at Fang Lin timidly, then howled twice.

"Are you leaving? (To the effect, the author's dog language tenth level translation is almost the same)"

"Whoah (yes, bye)"

"Ow (bye.)"

The girl quietly watched the communication between Fang Lin and the husky, then pointed to the husky and asked Sasha, "Are they friends?"

Sasha smiled and said, "Yes, that's just a girl inside, well, it should be his sister."

Fang Lin was stunned and realized at random that the female shop assistant must be younger than him, after all, he didn't feel the feeling of being connected by blood.

Both the girl and the little boy touched Fang Lin, looked at the husky inside that was still squatting by the dog pen, and quickly imagined a sad scenario in which a brother and sister were forced to separate in their minds.

The girl suddenly reached out and patted the little boy lightly, then gave him a wink.

The little boy looked at his sister in confusion, not understanding what it meant.

The girl sighed resentfully, seeing her mother chatting with the clerk, she leaned into the little boy's ear and whispered.

Fang Lin was speechless. Although his voice was small, he could hear it clearly.

If this volume is in a very quiet room at night, humans can still hear someone whispering, but in a noisy pet shop during the day, it is impossible for humans to distinguish with normal hearing.

But Fang Lin could still extract the information clearly, these two people actually wanted to find him a partner.

But he doesn't reject it, after all, this husky is also completely based on his aesthetics, but he shudders at the thought of being with a dog.

His current situation is very strange, because after being reborn, he has some special abilities that other dogs do not have, and at the same time, he has no impulse towards normal human women, only appreciation.

But the problem is that he still has some instincts of a dog, such as subconsciously wagging his tail when he sees someone he likes, and having feelings for a beautiful bitch, etc. Some of them are acceptable to him, but some of them are beyond the rationality of human beings before him. Very repulsive.

However, he felt that as he grew up, he should and could gradually control these instincts.

At this time, the two human cubs also completed their plan, and the little boy suddenly pulled his mother and said, "I want one more, just two dogs as companions!"

My mother was chatting with the clerk to a happy place, and the two of them were beaming with joy. He frowned and said, "No, one is enough."

The little boy backed off immediately, but when he turned around and saw his sister staring at him, he hesitated and continued to snark: "Isn't he my brother? My brother will be alone, so find him a sister!"

His mother looked at him and said, "He will have a younger sister, but it will be a cat sister. Originally, mother didn't want to buy a dog. You really wanted it, right?"


"Mom agrees too, right?"


"Then my mother wanted to raise a cat since she was a child, so you must buy a cat, right?"


"Then if we buy another dog, it will be very tiring if there are five troublemakers in the family, right?"


"Very good, be good, be obedient."

The little boy felt the secretly increased strength of his mother's stroking hand on his head, and nodded heavily.

The mother continued to chat with the clerk in satisfaction.

The little boy looked at his sister with an expression of trying my best, and the girl sighed inwardly.

She thought that if she and her brother were separated, she would be very sad, right?

So he squatted down and gently stroked Fang Lin with a doting face, his eyes full of distress and comfort.

Fang Lin looked at the girl who wanted to comfort him, and seemed to feel that he should really cooperate with the sad, so he stuck his head into the girl's arms and rubbed it back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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