Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 4 Give me a shit shovel officer

Chapter 4 Give Me a Shit Shovel Officer

When Sasha heard this, she folded her arms on her chest and propped her head on the other hand, and sighed: "I really convinced you, okay."

After speaking, he approached Lei Lei and put his arms around her and said softly: "Next time, you can't do this again. What if he tells the store manager that you have a problem with the dog? Are you still doing it?"

Lei Lei asked in surprise, "Why did he tell the store manager this?"

Shasha squeezed her throat and said in a thin voice: "What's the matter with your store? Are you still selling problematic pets?"

While talking, he pinched his orchid fingers and pretended to be domineering.



Smiling and laughing, Lei Lei couldn't laugh anymore.

"Okay, I won't dare anymore."

After the female star left, there were no customers with clear goals who wanted to buy dogs.

Fang Lin felt that as a flavoring agent in the high-end pet cat sales point, the price was so expensive, and the audience was indeed too small.

I really don't know when it will be bought back.

When Fang Lin was just reborn as a husky yesterday, he was still a little nervous, not knowing how to face the person who bought him away.

Is it colder?Or lick the dog a bit?
Is it to make him feel my enthusiasm or my aloofness and handsomeness.

Although he can't restrain the urge to wag his tail when he sees more friendly people now, he still has a soul in his 20s, and he still feels a little ashamed.

However, the past two days of life in the dog pen really made him a little bored.

It’s just such a small venue, eating and sleeping in it, sleeping and eating, as a wise husky, how could it be possible to endure it.

He decided that he would treat the shit-shoveling officer who bought it home today as a family member, and quickly come to a reliable one to take me away! ! !

Fang Lin suddenly became happy while watching, and silently shook his head in his heart at the carefree female husky jumping around.

What an ignorant and naive dog, who will never understand the distress of having wisdom.

Although he himself was bored in the afternoon, he had already thought about the play house script of the king and queen ruling the territory (dog fence) many times in his mind.

In addition, he will also study his own body.

He seemed to be able to feel that his physical strength was a little bit stronger than yesterday. Although it was very mysterious, he could really feel this slight increase.

After all, each meal is twice the normal amount, and it is not for nothing.

Fang Lin felt that as a reborn person, even though he was reborn as a dog, he must have some special abilities.

I just don't know if being able to eat counts, and being able to feel subtle changes in one's own strength should be considered a special ability, right?
It also has its own sense of sight, smell and hearing.

He went to a normal school at university, and occasionally read some popular science books, in order to make his classes more interesting in case he became a teacher in the future.

Fang Lin remembered that he seemed to have seen it from somewhere. Dogs should be red-green color blind?Not only can he distinguish various colors now, but his eyesight is also quite strong.

His sense of smell was even more outrageous. After trying continuously yesterday, he could actually distinguish the number of scent clusters.

Moreover, Fang Lin is only a few months old now. As he continues to grow, he feels that sooner or later he will be able to obtain a 3D map of smells.

It can not only distinguish the quantity, but also distinguish the space.

He has this self-confidence, which is instinctive self-confidence.

As for hearing, Fang Lin discovered a special function when he woke up the other dogs yesterday, that is, he can filter out the noise he doesn't want to hear like wearing earplugs, so he can sleep happily.

And the blue light spot he saw last night, he subconsciously felt that was the most important thing.

It's just that he hasn't seen it again today.

At this time, the female husky came to his side again, looked at him with the same blue eyes as him, and kept sticking out her tongue to invite him to play.

Fang Lin just wanted to test his own strength. This female husky should be about the same size as him, so it should be a standard.

So he stood up from the mat.

Seeing him standing up, the female husky felt that he wanted to play with her, so she jumped up and down happily.

Turned around Fang Lin twice, stuck out his tongue and kept asking him what he wanted to play.

Fang Lin raised his front paws, and at the same time his body jumped up slightly in a pouncing posture.

The female husky knew that he wanted to play a pounce game, so she raised her paw excitedly and rushed towards him.

At this time, Fang Lin patted her shoulder with his paw.

The female husky was knocked to the ground immediately, she was stunned for a moment, then got up quickly and continued to jump towards Fang Lin happily.

Fang Lin didn't move this time, and felt her strength. He stood motionless, and the female husky kept jumping up and down on him.

Fang Lin didn't know how much force the animals would use when they were playing around. He just used [-]% of the force just now.


Fang Lin signaled her to be stronger.

The female husky was stunned.


Seeing that she didn't quite understand, Fang Lin had no choice but to repeat.

It seems that the IQ of such a big dog is still not good enough.

This time the female husky finally understood a little bit of what he meant, and after standing still, she rushed towards him again "aggressively".

Fang Lin felt that her strength was indeed a little stronger than before, but it was still limited.

If this is based on her [-]% strength, his strength should be more than three times hers now. Although there is a gender difference, Fang Lin feels that he may have changed something when he was reborn, such as aptitude and strength. , just these few meals should not make such a big difference.

The female husky was still bouncing around, Fang Lin felt a little irritable thinking, so he used a little more effort to pat her around.

This time she stayed in a stretched posture and waited for a while before getting up, and honestly lay down beside Fang Lin's cushion like a doormat.

So the husky dog ​​pen was caught in a strange scene.

Different from the dogs in other dog pens that are bouncing around, barking and playing, here is a handsome and humble husky lying on all fours on the cushion, the dog's head is looking straight ahead.

The whole dog actually gave people a melancholy and dusty temperament, although Fang Lin was just thinking about things in a daze.

Temperament is actually a matter of appearance. For example, if a handsome guy is in a daze, he will show a feeling of cuteness or melancholy according to his appearance characteristics. With a smile, it will be very flirtatious.

Fang Lin is in such a situation now.

Then there was a husky lying not far away from him, with the dog's head attached to its front paws, but its eyes kept looking around innocently, and occasionally glanced at Fang Lin.

"Mom, husky!"

A little boy who was jumpy, wearing a short letter T on his upper body, and overalls and sneakers on his lower body, ran over and grabbed the railing and shouted, pointing at Fang Lin while shouting.

Hearing his shout, three people walked towards here.

Fang Lin was also attracted to look at several people.

Among them, the woman wearing a black dress has delicate and fair skin. The black dress perfectly outlines her sexy curves and snow-white skin. She wears exquisite jewelry on her neck and ears, and on her wrist is an outer dial that will shine under the light. compact women's watch.

This should be the little boy's mother.

The man on the other side is dressed more casually, wearing casual clothes, wearing a pair of frameless black eyes, smiling, holding his daughter in one hand and carrying a small black female bag in the other, giving people a sense of science The feeling of a handsome uncle.

The daughter looks a little older than the boy, very quiet, wearing the same casual clothes and white shoes as the man.

"Why does this one look so quiet?"

The woman asked a little strangely.

The man pushed his glasses, took a closer look at Fang Lin who was also staring at them, and then said with a smile, "Well, there is a restrained feeling, very calm, is this a husky?"

The daughter let go of her father's hand, and squatted down by the dog pen to stare at Fang Lin, blinking her big black eyes with crystal water on their surface.

Fang Lin found this little girl with aura eyes, and he also looked at her with sapphire-like eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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