Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 253 Trying to Work

Chapter 253 Trying to Work ([-]-word chapter)

"Why is there no one here?"

"All the departments haven't moved here, of course there are no one here, otherwise you won't be allowed to come here without changing your body. There are only a few maintenance and garrison personnel in the entire development building, but the office and everything are ready."

Speaking of which, Yang Zhen took Fang Lin to a very conspicuous position in the structure distribution of the third floor. In front of the two of them was a huge space covered by a spiritual air curtain.

This spiritual flow curtain seems to be functioning as a gate in the past, but because it is too gorgeous, it feels a bit unreal like a water curtain hole.

There is a sign hanging on the light curtain with the words flying and dancing, Dragon Kingdom Spirit Beast Protection Association.

Fang Lin looked at the headquarters of the Dragon Spirit Society in front of him, feeling strange in his heart.

To be honest, it's cool to be cool, but it's just a bit contrary.

Because the overall open building gave Fang Lin the biggest feeling of being advanced all the way through the walk.

The overall style is bright and breezy, intelligent robots and 3D developed light curtains can be seen everywhere, various signs and touch screen guidance are all of this technology.

As a result, the Dragon Spirit Club on the third floor was assembled, and a spiritual flow curtain with unknown effects was installed. Even the entire glass automatic door looked simple and elegant, but now it is a bit gimmicky.

The most important thing is that on the third floor, he saw many departments, including some derivative authorities after the recovery of Reiki, such as the Reiki Education Committee, the Basic Residential Practice Welfare and Security Bureau, and so on.

They are all very simple and elegant automatic glass doors, and then you enter a very elegant office hall.

In the end, how could Longling have such a painting style?

Fang Lin frowned and looked around, and found another place that shocked him.

It turns out that the opposite of the Dragon Spirit Society is the Qiankun Branch of Sucheng, and there is actually the same Lingliu Su gate as the Dragon Spirit Society, but the color has changed.

Fang Lin glanced at Yang Zhen with a strange expression.

Yang Zhenzheng looked at Fang Lin with a proud expression, and asked proudly after noticing his gaze.

"How is it? Isn't this door rich?"

"This is the gate skin that I specially paid for us to choose from the list given by Academician Lu. It also has the effect of gathering spiritual energy. It is both beautiful and practical. How about it?"

"And don't worry, don't we people who go to work usually need to clock in? You come."

He took Fang Lin to the place where there was a star mark on the side of the aura curtain, and stretched out his hand.

Immediately, the spiritual curtain flowing like water in front of the eyes extended out a layer of three-dimensional spiritual energy layer with flat eaves.

This aura layer began to spread to Fang Lin who was standing below, and the bright aura enveloped Fang Lin like silk and mist.

Soon the smoke cleared, and a burst of festive music sounded.

"Welcome, President Lin."

These words suddenly appeared on the huge screen.

Fang Lin: "."

"Hahaha, that's great."

Fang Lin looked at the happy Yang Zhen and hesitated for a moment, but turned his head and asked, "Add more money? What kind of money should I add?"

"Of course it is deducted from the department's funds. If you want to be cool and different, of course you need to add money."

"Oh, by the way, relatively important departments like ours generally have relatively sufficient funds. If we move now, there is also a fee. You can choose to arrange some gathering spirit formations, etc., which are part of the member benefits."

Fang Lin was a little speechless: "Then why don't you set up a simpler gate like those departments, and then set up a special spirit formation. I think the spirit gathering effect of this gate is average?"

Yang Zhen curled his lips: "What do you know? They don't have enough funds. Besides the skin of this door, we can also set up some formations."

"Besides, it's very expensive, okay? Academician Lu specially reminded me that there are exclusive service items. I chose it for a long time."

Fang Lin felt his eyebrows raised, why did it sound like a trap?

But it can't, why would Academician Lu care about Yang Zhen's funds, but Fang Lin asked: "Scholar Lu can agree to this flashy thing? Why don't we make it all into a spirit-gathering array, and the aura is not too much." Rich, isn't he taking charge of the Dragon Spirit Society for me now, making you waste like this?"

"And, I have a key question."

"How do people get in?"

Yang Zhen was silent for a while and said: "Just pass through the light curtain directly, and all the people who have been detected in the database can pass through without hindrance."

"But don't you need to go through a test to enter this complex?"

". Wouldn't it be better to be safer?"

Speaking of Yang Zhen, he also thought about it and felt a little fooled. This gate really doesn't seem to be worth that much.

Lu Zhou charged himself two full months of funding on the grounds of technical difficulty, which is tens of thousands of standard spirit stones when converted into spirit stones.

He couldn't hold back anymore, and didn't want to listen to Fang Lin's words: "Hey, don't preach, just don't brag, and you're a senior, or am I a senior? We can earn money by developing a ruin or exploring some secret realms." return."

"Hehe, that depends on strength or
age. "

Yang Zhen: "???"

Walking through the very spacious office hall, Yang Zhen led Fang Lin into an area that was not open to the public.

One must know that the Dragon Spirit Society here in Sioux City is the national headquarters, so one can imagine how big the area will be.

In addition to the seemingly ridiculously large office hall, the number of office departments in the back is also exaggerated.

There were even offices for representatives of various provinces. Fang Lin walked along and found some rooms with names that seemed to be the names of races in the spirit world.

Diplomacy is here too?
Fang Lin was a little puzzled.

He suddenly felt that this Dragon Spirit Society was not a simple place, it seemed to be very busy.

If he, the president, really took over the job in the future, wouldn't he be too busy to explode? ? ?
Beat workers?
No, it's impossible.

It would be fine if academician Lu could act on his behalf, and he could practice hard to improve his strength and become a mascot, and he would not have to go to work to enjoy the status.

He recently studied the body of law that needs to be built from B-level to A-level. After re-entering the mysterious field through the black stone tablet in the emperor's space, he also tried where to absorb the so-called law energy.

Converted into supernatural powers, it should mean that you have to absorb the energy in your own supernatural powers to form a corresponding body of law.

It's just that according to what Deng Jiefu said, if the body does not reach a certain level, it will not be able to carry the energy of the law and will be eroded. Therefore, most of the B-levels will try to guide the energy of the law into the body after the spirit cores of the three domains are all filled.

It's just that Fang Lin's own talent is a bit too exaggerated, so the foundation of his fourth spiritual core Dzogchen can slowly absorb the energy of the law into the body, but the speed is really slow.

He is also quite curious about the characteristics of his body of law. The power of Yue feels a bit too broad, and it is also difficult to transform when absorbing energy.

Hope the result is good and give an invincible base.

Yang Zhen led him all the way to the innermost chairman's room.

Originally, Yang Zhen lost his temper because of Fang Lin's previous words, and actually tried to get his brother's position in vain.

In addition, after coming in, he obviously felt that the concentration of aura here was much higher than his own.

Suddenly realized, the cost of this thing is not what Lu Zhou himself said.

Using the credibility of the elders to deceive myself about how cool and long the gate is, other Qiankun branches came to visit and were shocked by this momentum.

Reluctantly agreeing with his own idea, he also got one for the Dragon Spirit Society, but it seems that the funds of the Dragon Spirit Society were still spent on the spirit-gathering formation.


But what's interesting is that Yang Zhen still doesn't know that his Sioux City Qiankun branch has long been famous in the spiritual energy departments across the country, and is regarded as a big dog.

He is the most powerful and lucky, and the princess of the royal family of the spirit world is still in Sucheng. In the future, Sucheng will be a proper center with a lot of resources, and many people want to get something from him.

It's just that those of the same level and his strength can't beat him, and those with a higher status than him dare not end, after all, where is Deng Jiefu standing.

Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Lu Zhou can be regarded as a temporary idea. After all, the stalls of various research projects under him are too big, and he is eager to recover blood.

Too many strange aura applications like the aura flow curtain have been developed.

It belonged to Taigong Jiang who took the bait. He wanted to give it a try, but he couldn't pull it down. Unexpectedly, Yang Zhen didn't seem to be very smart. Academician Lu had no choice but to accept the tens of thousands of spirit stones with tears in his eyes, and gave him a whole new life. Cool door.

You can also customize the display images on the aura curtain, and it is not impossible for Yang Zhen to get himself up one day, it is some other functions that he really can't bear to fill.

Fang Lin looked at Yang Zhen who was walking in front of him with an unhappy expression, thinking that he was still sulking at what he said before, and said helplessly, "What's wrong? Are you still angry? In my heart, you will always be my senior brother."

Yang Zhen's heart warmed after hearing this, but his face was still dark: "I'm not angry with this, but with that surnamed Lu."

"I just said that those people in the court were so enthusiastic when they came to the construction, and they even praised me. It is usually said that they are cold, even if they are ignoring the person who placed the order. Do you want a picture or not? attitude."

"I thought I was attracted by my personal charm, but it turned out that I looked like a fool, Zhuo!"


Amid Fang Lin's joyful laughter, Yang Zhen led him to push open the door of the chairman's room.

As soon as the door is opened, a solemn and solemn atmosphere rushes in. The overall interior is designed in a simple style, with solid wood floors, tables, bookshelves, and black and brown sofas.

In the center of the floor is a white patterned carpet that looks very good. A red flag stands on the left, while on the right is the flag of the Dragon Spirit Society. On the pattern is a strong palm and a furry animal paw. together.

Fang Lin slowly approached the office, the bright sunlight outside the room poured into the room from the window, filling the serious room with a touch of softness.

He walked very lightly, quietly looking at the entire chairman's room, is this his own office?
This feeling is a bit miraculous. After my reincarnation, I actually became the leader of an important organization and held great power.

Yang Zhen looked at Fang Lin's suddenly restrained look and asked with a smile, "Why, I'm not used to having my own office?"

Fang Lin nodded.

"Naturally, I wasn't used to it at first, and Lao Deng and the others didn't expect you to deal with important affairs from the beginning."

"Your task now is to continue to practice, improve your strength, and then slowly learn to develop these abilities. Come on, this is the topic of this week."


Fang Lin walked behind the solid wood table in doubt, and jumped on the chair specially made for him.

It’s more like a soft bed than a chair, similar to the dragon chair in TV dramas, it’s pure black and very imposing.

After he squatted on it, his chest happened to be on the table, and there were a few pieces of paper on the table.

"This is a question for you. There are fictional ones, but there are also recent examples. Let's see how to solve it."

Fang Lin looked at these pieces of paper with great interest.

The first question that caught my eye.

"Suppose you are a little fox at the counter in the hall of the Dragon Spirit Association, and now a person brings his spirit beast to go through the formalities of controlling the spirit master. But after your inspection, it is found that the procedures are not complete, and the spirit beast has not been subjected to the Dragon Spirit Association. Formal training."

"Besides, this spirit beast obviously has scars on its body and is mentally exhausted. What should you do?"

Fang Lin: "."

"What the hell is this? I'm a little fox working here? And there are spirit beasts working here?"

Yang Zhen shrugged his shoulders: "Of course, before the spiritual energy recovered, we collected a batch of awakened spirit beasts to cultivate them. It may be that the current time period of our world is a bit special. Even spirit beasts have a slow cultivation speed. Not slow."

"However, in the past five years, no one has broken through to C-level. If you want to improve rapidly, you still need to find relics or blessed land resources related to spirit beasts."

"However, since our policy is to absorb some spiritual beasts who have reached the standard of talent or strength to become citizens, then of course we will treat them equally."

"These spirit beasts enjoy the allocation of resources while being protected by us, but they still need to pay for these things, such as cultivation, daily life, food, drink, housing and transportation."

"Those with high cultivation can naturally follow us to open up the spirit world, or explore ruins, practice with us, etc. in exchange, while those with low strength will naturally rely on part-time jobs to make money."

"Training and on-the-job training, no deception, each department will have special two-way translation equipment, and you may see spirit beasts in any official organization in the future."

"However, these are usually temporary workers, because many spirit beasts who are not talented enough, but still awakened and have wisdom want to live in the Dragon Kingdom, so naturally they have to do these things."

"Don't underestimate the little fox in this topic, maybe she is a civil servant with a formal establishment."

Fang Lin: "."

Although he felt a little magical, he still thought about it and replied.

"Stabilize them, then report to the supervisor, and send enough security personnel to investigate?"

Hearing this, Yang Zhen was a little surprised.

"I thought you would say something about questioning in person, but I didn't expect you to be quite smart."

Fang Lin rolled his eyes, did Yang Zhen really think he was him?
"You are right. This is actually a test of whether you are familiar with the various policies of the Dragon Spirit Society. For example, the question involves the protection of spirit beasts by the Dragon Spirit Society. We absolutely prohibit practitioners from using any non-resource means to Forcing spirit beasts to be your partners involves long-term development in the future, and if found out, they will be severely punished."

"So you have to deal with this illegal fact, but practitioners may be very powerful, and you, a teller, naturally have to notify your superiors and professional members to deal with it."

"Not bad."

Faced with his praise, Fang Lin was a little speechless: "This has nothing to do with me, right? Why do you take these exams?" Isn't he the president? ?

"You have to learn from the beginning. Can't you just teach you how to be so tall, and let you decide the development policies and guidelines for the next few years?"


There was no way, Fang Lin continued to watch.

After answering four or five more questions, I finally came to the last question.

"This is interesting. It is a recent instance that happened in Sioux City. I happened to lead a team to assist at that time."

"Why you? Shouldn't it be the law enforcement department of the Dragon Spirit Society?"

"Isn't the law enforcement department of your Dragon Spirit Society also approved by me? Is it okay if I report it to you? In fact, it is generally based on whoever discovers it first. When it comes to spirit beasts, notify the Dragon Spirit Society. Just one word is fine, it’s not a major matter and the two won’t cooperate.”

"Look at the question."

Fang Lin shrugged and looked at the topic.

This look made him a little shocked, but at the same time he wanted to laugh.

In the description of the case, it turned out to be a fraud case planned by the spirit beast, including pyramid schemes, xiejiao and many other crimes.

And this spirit beast is actually a starling! ! !
This black-haired starling was originally a pet kept by an old man. The old man liked to listen to dramas and watch TV dramas about history. He watched them from all dynasties, such as Three Kingdoms, Qin and Han, and Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

After the recovery of the aura, the starling unexpectedly awakened, but it was smarter in the human language and did not choose to expose it at the first time. After observing and collecting information for a long time, it finally took action.

One night, the old man took him home from the park and hung it on the balcony.

People of this age like to save money. The living room lights are turned on, but the bedroom connected to the balcony is not turned on.

So in the night, the black starling on the balcony spoke lightly to the old man in the shadow of the bedroom.

"Chen Moumou."

When the old man heard the sudden voice, his heart trembled.

Then, the majestic voice came again, mixed with some special spiritual gifts.

"I am the reincarnation of Qin Shihuang, and a little soul is stored in this bird, which coincides with the recovery of spiritual energy and the awakening of the true spirit."

"You, wish to become my subject. When the army returns, I will give you a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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