Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 254 Admission

Chapter 254 Admission

Just as Fang Lin was reading the document seriously, an unrestrained laughter came from Fang Lin's side.

Fang Lin, who was disturbed by the laughter, frowned and looked at Yang Zhen who was watching the case with him.

"Didn't you say that you handled this case? Why do you still want to laugh?"

Yang Zhen shrugged: "I just led the team to catch this starling back. I'm too lazy to interrogate and restore the case. I didn't expect it to be so interesting."


Fang Lin didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to read. The next action of the starling was described in the document, which was actually quite clear.

Old people already believed in these gods and ghosts a lot, especially when the spiritual energy was revived again. If it hadn't been for the official announcement of the truth from the beginning, I really don't know how many versions of superstitious rumors there would be.

After all, hearsay is also a major feature of the nation.

But even now, many old people who don't like the Internet and are somewhat old-fashioned still feel that it has something to do with some gods or something.

With the help of its own special spiritual talent, this starling easily brainwashed the old man who fed him during a meal of threats and sweet dates.

The old man usually has various activity groups for the elderly, such as square dance, runaway group, mountain climbing group, sunset red group, etc., and after looking for a place to contact offline, they were all brainwashed by this starling.

These old people also pooled their money to set up a remote warehouse as a place for everyone's usual activities, listening to myna preaching and so on.

But this starling didn't do anything further, it just sat on the "throne" in the warehouse every day and was served by all the old men and women.

A group of old men and women were also divided into various official titles from the first rank to the ninth rank, including generals and prime ministers who entered indiscriminately, and the first rank commanded the first rank.

The appointment of official titles is naturally decided by mynah, and whoever offers a lot of delicious food will naturally be promoted.

And how was this discovered?
It turned out that the children of an old lady accidentally saw the chat records between her and a remark of "conquering the general Li XX". In it, various role-playing parties asked the old lady to obey orders.
In the end, the old lady's children were naturally furious and called the police directly. When the police caught the old man for interrogation, the other party confessed the existence of the starling and said that they were all bewitched.

The policeman notified Qiankun when he felt something was wrong, and Yang Zhen naturally knew about the following things.

"Tsk tsk."

Yang Zhen sat on Fang Lin's desk with his arms folded with emotion on his face. He told Fang Lin about the scene of rushing into the warehouse.

"The starling sits on the top, and there are two old ladies feeding her grapes standing next to her, and two fans behind him."

"Mynah's master is the old man who was first bewitched, and he is talking excitedly in front of a group of "officials."

"It's interesting."

After hearing this, Fang Lin pondered: "This starling has a strong spiritual talent? He can influence so many people just after awakening."

"not necessarily."

Yang Zhen shook his head: "Perhaps at the beginning, the old people were indeed a little scared, but I feel that they are very cooperative in the future."

"I come here to play house every day when I have nothing to do. After practicing together, I can also role-play. Those who like to order and those who like to be ordered are very happy. It is said that they have become two or three couples in the sunset."

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders."

"Tell me, how do you think this starling should be handled?"

Yang Zhen looked at Fang Lin with a strange expression, ready to listen to his thoughts.


After thinking about it for a while, Fang Lin said, "Let's talk about deeds and mind."

"First evaluate how harmful the starling's actions are. Even if you find out from the incident that it made the organization do no further bad things just to enjoy eating and drinking for yourself, you must also evaluate whether these old people have used it to create a hierarchy in private. to do something against the will of others."

"If there is, it will naturally bear the main responsibility for these consequences. For example, those couples who are in love with each other in the sunset, let's see if their union is my true idea. If not, it will definitely be punished by law."

"Then, I used all kinds of methods to intimidate the starling, making it say what I really thought at the time."

"Look at what kind of mentality it is out of to do this, whether the purpose is serious or not, and use it as a basis for increasing or reducing the sentence."

Yang Zhen nodded and said: "Fortunately, the old people are fine, and the special couples among them are also voluntary. I heard that when they were brought together to take notes, they complained about their children meddling in their own business."

"It depends on what the relevant laws require. I think this is quite tricky, because the starling may not know the consequences of doing so, and it is not considered a violation of the law, but it does have criminal facts."

"However, if you look at the whole more dramatic incident, the crime of cult seems a bit too heavy, and the profits from crime seem to be those fruits."

After listening to Fang Lin's answer, Yang Zhen smiled and said to him: "Yes, so laws and regulations related to spirit beasts will be introduced soon to deal with such similar cases. They will be considered comprehensively based on the facts and results, and finally they will be determined. come to a general conclusion.”

"And these are actually things that you want to participate in in the future, and they are what Lu Zhou is doing for you now. A bunch of endless meetings will be discussed from morning to night. When those experts discuss a version, you have to listen to their opinions once. It's very troublesome."

Fang Lin frowned immediately after hearing this, thinking about the scene, he thought it was outrageous.

Sitting in the middle and dozing off, a bunch of experts next to him were fighting with each other.

Forget it, it's good to be a mascot yourself.

"Come here this week, I'll take you back."

Fang Lin felt a little strange: "That's the end? You just listen to me and it's over? They didn't ask you to rate me, did they?"


Yang Zhen looked smug: "Why not? Lao Deng personally arranged it. How about it? Why don't you ask senior brother, I'll tell you something nice."


Fang Lin rolled his eyes and turned away.

"Hey, wait for me, you can't just walk around in this building."

"My authority should be higher than yours."


The pleasant weekend passed quickly, and the anticipated Monday came as scheduled, never late.

But this Monday is slightly different. The family is getting ready to go, and Qingqing and Xiaojie are also a little nervous.

Today is the time for the opening of the Reiki Experimental Class, and the entire Long Kingdom will start to enroll and officially start classes today.

All the demonstration primary and secondary schools in Sioux City are no exception.

On the BMW in the garage, Mama Yang glanced at the rearview mirror with her mobile phone and said, "A text message came, saying that there are four experimental classes in total, Qingqing, you are in class one, and Xiaojie, you are in class three."

Lin Yuqing asked excitedly, "Mom, how many classes do we have?"

"Four, more than 30 in a class."

"Four? So many?"

Yang's mother was also a little puzzled: "I don't know, but I heard from Yang Zhen that there seem to be many students from the spiritual energy experiment class from the imperial capital."

"Imperial Capital?"

Lin Yuqing was very surprised.

"Yes, I don't know why they came to Sioux City."

Moreover, as far as Mama Yang knew, the admission qualifications and location of the Reiki Experimental Class were quite strict, and it was basically impossible for them to go across regions like they used to go to school.

When will Master Jing start to look up to schools in other places?
Fang Lin, who was leaning on Lin Yuqing's lap and yawning, had some ideas in his mind.

The first batch of descendants of the royal family in the spiritual world who came to study today will come through the dimensional channel, and it is estimated that they will officially enter the school the next day.

There are three batches in total, and each batch is of different generations, strengths, and ages among the descendants of the royal family, and then they will enter the demonstrative junior high school, high school, and the Reiki Department of the university for exchange, study and life.

And the place they chose was Sioux City, and it was the Ninth Middle School.

This means that the students in the Ninth Middle School's aura experimental class have more opportunities to get along with these descendants of the royal family. Maybe if they see each other right, they can become friends and fight together?

Among the transfer students of the imperial capital, Fang Lin's fame can be regarded as a push.

However, only a part of the top circle in the imperial capital has come, and many are still waiting and watching.

Because the royal families from the spiritual world that have come over so far are not all the eastern royal families in the spiritual world. Those old royal families and even the top royal families did not choose to establish diplomatic relations with the Dragon Kingdom, but seemed to know nothing, and there was no movement at all.

It includes the three holy places of Long Island, Feng Island and Qilin Cliff.

Except for these three holy places, according to the distribution, the seven or eight spiritual royal families headed by Jiuyou Xuanmao, Xuangui, etc. accounted for about one-third of the power, and those in the north of the eastern continent were still on the sidelines.

However, the entire spiritual world is now being overwhelmed by Jiang Xuan's alliance, which is why Jiang Baibai is still on guard when he returns home, even though he is at his own door.

According to Fang Lin's understanding, those people in the imperial capital are probably also planning to try to contact other clans in the future, to see if they can invite them to communicate there after establishing diplomatic relations.

This is purely a matter of interest exchange. I said before that the branch of the permanent dimensional channel on the eastern continent of the spiritual world is very similar to the province of the Dragon Kingdom, roughly one province corresponds to one channel.

In the spiritual world, where a passage is located, there is basically a royal family who has designated a territory. For example, the passages of the seven or eight royal families in the south of the eastern mainland of the spiritual world that established diplomatic relations this time are also distributed near the southern part of the Dragon Kingdom.

People here hope to obtain resources from the spirit world, and the royal families in the spirit world expect nothing more than the many opportunities here.

It can be seen from this that the allocation of future ruins, secret realms, and spiritual veins may still be secretly contested in various places, but these are all headaches for a coordinator like Deng Jiefu, and Fang Lin does not intend to deal with them.

What he was interested in were the three holy places in the north, east, and west of the spirit world, Fengdao, Longdao, and Qilin Cliff. Fang Lin had never really seen these mythical creatures.

I don't know which bloodline is better than my own?
Thinking of this, the mutated sacred blood flowing through Fang Lin's body actually boiled. After finally coaxing him, Fang Lin and Lin Yuqing finally came to the Ninth Middle School together.

The moment the two entered the Ninth Middle School, or even before they entered the school gate, they had already become the focus of everyone.

Countless eyes of admiration, envy or jealousy gathered on Lin Yuqing, but those who looked at Fang Lin were all enthusiastic. In Fang Lin's spiritual sense, it seemed that he had become the sweetheart of these students.

A little unbearable, Fang Lin took the initiative to lower the sensing range.

Alas, being too good is really not a good thing.

If you are too much beyond ordinary people, you will only get infinite admiration, just like yourself now.

Fang Lin reckoned that this situation of watching giant pandas would continue for a long time, and it would be better when the students got used to it and the spirit beast citizens gradually became active in various places in Longguo.

In the new era, there will naturally be a time for change.

"Qingqing, this way!"

In front of a notice board on campus, Zhao Hanya spotted Lin Yuqing and Kaka and hurriedly greeted them.

After the two passed by, Zhao Hanya said happily: "Qingqing, we are all in the same class!"


Lin Yuqing was also very happy.

"Well, I wrote it over there, and then the classroom of the Reiki experimental class is arranged in the new teaching and research building, and the whole building has been allocated to us."

Lin Yuqing was stunned when she heard this. The new teaching and research building was renovated just before they entered school, and it was used for teaching and experimentation. Unexpectedly, it was directly allocated to the Reiki experimental class.

"Let's go, let's go first."

"How is Li Rui?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Hanya's expression was a little dark: "Recently, he has started to sense the spiritual energy and run every day, because the official video said that everyone has a chance to awaken, and the probability of awakening after slowly experiencing the spiritual energy will increase. , the better the physical fitness, the better the chances, so besides studying, he is doing these two things.”

"Isn't that nice?"

"But... this weekend, I went to run with him, and he said that we are not suitable, and wanted to break up with me."

Zhao Hanya wanted to cry as she spoke.

"Hey, don't cry, this Li Rui is too bad, it's okay, at worst, I'll find a new one later, how old are you?"

"Qingqing, don't say that, he's not bad, but he just thinks it will drag me down."

Lin Yuqing: "."

Is this the love brain?
She doesn't care who she loves.

Fang Lin looked at the two beauties who were fighting and sighed in his heart, this is the beauty of youth, and the poor self-esteem of teenagers.

When the top-notch duo entered the first class together, the dozen or so people who had been chatting in the class suddenly quieted down, looked at the newcomer, and discussed in low voices.

"Is this the A-level girl?"

"Damn it, it's so pretty."

"That's Kaka! I love it so much!"

"Hey, keep your voice down, your eyes are blurred, and let others hear you."

"I just like it, so let's not talk about it."

Lin Yuqing heard some discussions but remained calm, acting like a cold goddess.

Basically, she always looks like this in front of people she doesn't know well, but Zhao Hanya has always been more feminine, with a kind of heroic beauty.

Lin Yuqing took a closer look and found that she basically didn't recognize it, because it was gathered from the middle school students in Sioux City.

She and Zhao Hanya looked at each other and sat down in a corner of the class.

Fang Lin, on the other hand, looked at the configuration in the class carelessly, and felt that it was quite good.

Single table for one person, there are about 30 seats, so there is a lot of space.

But it seems that there is no place for it?Just squat on the ground? ?

This is not possible, you have to react with the above.

How can the class environment of Yulingshi's spirit beast be so bad! !
He doesn't want the whole bed, at least the whole upholstery, right?

And who do you react to?
As soon as Fang Lin thought about it, his expression was a little weird, and he felt as if he could respond to himself.

Isn't the biggest leader related to this yourself?
OK, let's arrange it when we get back.

After the two sat down, the classroom resumed the previous chatter, communicating in twos and threes.

Suddenly, the atmosphere fell into silence again.

Fang Lin looked towards the door, and seven or eight men and women who seemed incompatible with other personalities entered the classroom.

These people seem to be born with a sense of arrogance, looking at the furnishings of the class as if no one is in their own home and complaining to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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