Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 255 Jiang Yun

While these people were observing the furnishings and students in the class, Fang Lin was also looking at them with raised eyebrows.

It has to be said that there is still a gap.

The cultivation level of these students from the imperial capital is indeed much higher than that of ordinary people.

A normal C-level qualification student can break through in two years. From the practice of spiritual recovery on the first day of the new year to the present, they basically complete the complete practice of the big week once or twice a day.

There is still a long way to go if you want to fill up the first spiritual core from E-level to D-level.

If Fang Lin sensed that the spiritual core filling rate of the other students was a fist, the students from the imperial capital had at least as many plates.

This means that they have practiced the complete Great Circuit more times, or they have gained more benefits from each practice.

The first possibility is that their talents are beyond ordinary people, so each practice consumes less time and energy, and can withstand more practice every day.

The second possibility is that the exercises they practice are better. After all, the "Zhaoxia" exercises announced to the public are too universal, which means that they are more common. In addition, they may have some treasures that can increase the speed of cultivation, The place where you live has a high concentration of aura and so on.

However, in Fang Lin's perception, most of these people's talents cannot be compared with Lin Yuqing's. Only one surrounded by a few people is considered similar. It seems that A-level qualifications are still rare.

Lin Yuqing's cultivation progress is only a little lower than that of the most outstanding person, and he should also suffer some disadvantages in the cultivation method.

At this point, Fang Lin began to think.

With his status, how could it be possible for Lin Yuqing to lag behind others in terms of skills or cultivation resources?This slapped Emperor Ha in the face too much.

It would be easier to directly expose one's talent, because the creatures awakened under the influence of the moon's supernatural powers will naturally be blessed, and will be directly given the most suitable moon skills, just like Xueqiu and the princess.

But at the moment, he doesn't want to do this. If he changes too much at once, he will be shocked instead of surprised. It seems that he still has to find Deng Jiefu.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, in addition to absolute strength, I still have thighs, this is also a matter of words.

With this in mind, Fang Lin took out the candle dragon helmet from his space equipment, put it on and left a message for Deng Jiefu and Yang Zhen.

He is now using a storage space that Jiang Baibai gave him when he was about to return to the spirit world. It has a strange shape, a wooden ball made of things like willow branches.

Through the gap, you can still see some gray power of space, Fang Lin fell in love with this immediately.

According to Jiang Baibai, it was made of a willow branch. At that time, she and Xiao Yang had strange expressions, but Fang Lin didn't pay much attention to it. It might have some symbolic meaning.

But Fang Lin didn't care whether the meaning was good or bad, the main thing was that it was too pretty.

The quaint willow branches have a mysterious feeling. They are really low-key, luxurious and connotative. They look like him, and they have a lot of space.

Immediately, he transferred everything that could be used into it.

The movement made by Fang Lin was immediately noticed by other students, and Lin Yuqing, who was sitting in the corner, became the focus for a while.

"Wow, is that Candle Dragon virtual helmet?"

"I really want it, but it's a bit expensive. My family is going to see if the price will be lowered after a while."

"Don't wait, it's really easy to use, you can wear it while sleeping, and you can simulate practicing in it all night."

"so smart??"

"Well, this is what I personally tested. I bought the family version at home, and my parents use it for me at night, but you can also secretly play virtual games haha."

The attention of the rest of the class was on Fang Lin's candle dragon helmet, whispering in twos and threes.

However, this is not the case for the few people standing near the podium now.

"Brother Mu, is that space equipment? That husky took out the helmet in an instant."

Among the students from the capital city, a petite and cute girl with short hair curiously asked the boys surrounded in the middle.

However, the boy seemed a little displeased: "Yu Cheng, call me Brother Yu, don't call me by my last name, your name always reminds me of my brother."

After Mu Yu finished speaking, he continued to answer the girl's question: "Well, it is indeed space equipment, the one worn around the neck."

"Brother Yu, where's yours?"

Another student next to him joked that the expressions of the people around Mu Yu were a little weird, as if they were saying that you are not as good as a husky.

Mu Yu suddenly couldn't hold back: "A few days ago, my dad said he was going to give me one, but my brother snatched it away. He said I would lose it here, so he saved it for me!"

"And, that husky is not ordinary, okay! It's S-class!"

"Yes Yes Yes."



While Lin Yuqing ignored the gazes around him coldly, he secretly rubbed Fang Lin's belly with his foot.

After Fang Lin left her words, she put away her helmet and looked at Lin Yuqing suspiciously. She bent down and whispered, "There are too many people, you are too attractive to others."


My excellence is indeed something that cannot be concealed.

Fang Lin is innocent.

But after getting along for a long time, and because of the supernatural power of the moon, Lin Yuqing could understand Fang Lin's expression pretty much. She rolled her eyes helplessly and chatted with Zhao Hanya who was seated next to her.

It was not yet eight o'clock when the class officially started, and Mu Yu and the others sat down directly in the front row, and the things they talked about seemed to be more high-end.

After a while, the seats in the classroom were almost full. It was the first day of the Reiki experimental class, so the students came early.

In this new class where the students come from different schools, most of the students hold their hands upright, but their eyes occasionally peek at the more prominent positions.

Apart from those from the imperial capital in the front row, there are only two beautiful girls in the corner and Fang Lin in this conspicuous position.

When the new students enter the class, the atmosphere will be rather strange. Most of them are familiar with each other, and then whisper about the new class, new life, and other students.

Whether a student is a star figure in the class in the future can be seen from the first day of enrollment.

In this strange atmosphere, the people in the first row suddenly burst into enthusiastic laughter, which directly attracted the attention of others.

After the laughter, Mu Yu stood up from the seat in the first row, looked up and looked around the class, and walked straight towards Lin Yuqing who was sitting in the corner.

Seeing this scene, all the students in Class [-] subconsciously stopped talking and stared closely at the upcoming exchange between the bipolar figures in the class, and Mu Yu's friend seemed to be looking forward to it.

Mu Yu walked to Lin Yuqing's seat, looked at Lin Yuqing who was sitting quietly on the seat with a beautiful appearance and elegant demeanor, coughed lightly and stretched out his right hand and said.

"Get to know me, my name is Mu Yu, and I'm from the imperial capital."


There was silence, the voices of the whole class stopped strangely at this moment, and a needle could be heard.

Many people held their breath subconsciously, as if they didn't want to miss or disturb the next thing.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.
Mu Yu's right hand stopped in the air and froze in place.

He felt that it was not right for him to let go, or to continue to freeze, it was really embarrassing.

Fortunately, Lin Yuqing opened his mouth to break the eerie silence.

She frowned slightly, and considering the face of her new classmates, she tried her best to ask strangely with calm and undisgusted eyes: "Do all the students in your imperial capital meet like this?"

It's so weird.

Lin Yuqing feels that she only shakes hands when adults meet with her parents when she attends some evening parties.

When students of their age meet and shake hands like this, it always feels too fake and too pretentious.

"Eh, no, I'm just."

Mu Yu didn't expect Lin Yuqing to ask such a question, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Cough, it's alright."

He couldn't stand the innocent, curious, and foolish look in the big eyes of the beautiful girl in front of him, so he turned his head and walked back.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"I can not make it."


Following Mu Yu's return, his friends couldn't hold back immediately, and each of them covered their stomachs with laughter.

Lin Yuqing, Fang Lin and Yaya looked at each other and continued chatting as if nothing happened.

Ever since she accidentally appeared in Kaka's video before, several boys approached her every day, and she was used to it.

No one is blind, and people will involuntarily approach beautiful things, but Lin Yuqing doesn't even like them.

Just when the class was a little chaotic, a wave of power suddenly came from the door of the class.

A man in a black uniform with an indifferent and menacing aura and sunglasses walked in slowly, glanced at the class at the door, closed the door and stepped onto the podium.

Level D, Fang Lin could see the strength of this Qiankun member at a glance.

This level is now regarded as the backbone, so teaching junior high school is naturally no problem.

On the podium, the people who came saw that the class was quiet, and slowly restrained their aura.

He took off his sunglasses to reveal a pair of stern eyes, with a scar across his left eye.

"Let me introduce myself. My surname is Jiang, and my name is a word cloud."

"Former member of the special operations team of Sucheng Qiankun Branch, with D-level strength."

"Good at armed infiltration, assassination, blasting, special driving and knife skills."

"In the next two and a half years, I will accompany everyone to spend together, and hope that we can get along harmoniously."

After finishing speaking, the class was quiet, and everyone seemed to be immersed in his momentum and self-introduction just now.

Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows: "Why is no one applauding?"


The applause rang out in the classroom all of a sudden, which was extremely enthusiastic.

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Yun's mouth.

"Hey Qingqing, this teacher doesn't seem as scary as it looks."

In the corner, Zhao Hanya whispered to Lin Yuqing next to her.


Lin Yuqing silently motioned her to stop chatting. This was not in the previous class, where good grades were privileged, and the teachers didn't care much about her chatting in class.

But she was not the only one in the class who whispered, but they all stopped soon.

Jiang Yun's ears moved, his originally indifferent face changed, and a familiar temperament came over Fang Lin immediately.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Yun strangely, this special operations team, wouldn't Yang Zhen be the boss, or belong directly to him, right?
This looseness and unruliness unique to veterans is a bit engraved in the bones, and once the environment is familiar, it can't be concealed.

Jiang Yun pulled the chair next to the podium over, took out the list he brought in, flipped through it and said.

"You all know me, let me recognize you."

"Take a roll, and those who are called raise their hands to signal me."

"Lin Yuqing."

Lin Yuqing didn't expect that she would be the first one to be pointed out, so she quickly raised her hand.

Jiang Yun nodded with a gentle smile.

"Mu Yu."



The list was photographed on the podium, and for a moment, the class was completely silent, and many students trembled from Jiang Yun's sudden appearance.

"Did you speak up? The students in the imperial capital are so unruly?"

Mu Yu: "."

He's not stupid, he just shut up when he felt such an obvious sting.

Jiang Yun was a little surprised to see Mu Yu's unexpected wit.

"That's right, I'm much smarter than those idiots at the Qiankun Emperor's headquarters. Don't give me a chance to stand up."

The other students in the class tried their best to keep quiet, but they listened curiously to some gossip revealed by Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun stood up and looked at Mu Yu, who was motionless, and smiled: "But don't be nervous, there are many students from your capital, and I specially selected you as a small group, do you know why?"

Mu Yu looked up at Jiang Yun with a hint of questioning in his eyes.

The people in his class are all children from other families headed by his Mu family. Because of their own strength and the relationship with Deng Jiefu, the Mu family has been quite proud recently.

But Nuo Da's imperial capital naturally cannot do without other tycoons, and the other three major families, the Zhao family, the Liu family, and the Xu family, also have their own descendants.

And among them, they are naturally prepared with both hands, some will be sent over, and some will continue to study in the imperial capital.

A real big family never considers the illusory face, what is the proud master of Beijing, is there a chance?

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "Because our chief and your Mu family are our own people, I'm here to take care of you."

Mu Yu was taken aback and suddenly understood.


The elder of the Mu family, who was uncompromising, had a good relationship with Zhan Tianjian, and Yang Zhen, the director of the Sucheng Qiankun Branch, was also Zhan Tianjian's apprentice.

Jiang Yun in front of him is Yang Zhen's subordinate again, this is a proper one of his own!
Mu Yu enjoyed listening to the whispers about him from the class.

This feeling of being the protagonist is familiar from birth.

He thought of his family's education, and when he was taken care of, he had to express his gratitude to the other party, so he couldn't help but look at Jiang Yun and said, "Thank you."

Jiang Yun also smiled at him, then his complexion changed abruptly, and a sharp aura suddenly came.

"Who told you to speak at will? Stand back for me!"

The sharp eyes are like a long knife drawn out of its sheath, making Jiang Yun and his friends around him twitch.

Mu Yu: "."

Is this man sick? ?What about your own people? ? ?

He complained frantically in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. A good man would not suffer from immediate losses, but he knew how black-bellied these Qiankun people were, especially those from Su Cheng.

Mu Yu got up directly and walked towards the back of the classroom. On the way, he noticed Lin Yuqing's gaze and turned his head quickly.

After he stood upright, the other seven students from the imperial capital couldn't help swallowing quietly, feeling a little nervous.

"Yu Cheng."

The short-haired girl sat up straight and carefully raised her hands in an extremely standard posture.

Jiang Yun nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that the people from your imperial capital are not so high-spirited, like to find troubles for nothing, and are still very obedient. Then I can rest assured that we should get along more happily in the future."

Mu Yu who was standing against the wall behind wanted to cry but had no tears.

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