Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 256 Expectation

After Jiang Yun killed the chickens to warn the monkeys, things became extremely simple in the future.

There was no whispering in the audience, and everyone sat very upright.

After the name roll was successfully completed, Jiang Yun put away the roster with a smile, stood on the podium and spoke without asking anyone's opinion.

"If there are no accidents in the next two and a half years, the monitor of our class one will be Mu Yu, and he will serve you for two and a half years. Everyone applauds."

Mu Yu, who was standing at the end of the classroom, stared wide-eyed. Before he could react, he heard a messy sound coming from the next door of the classroom.

Fang Lin sensed it curiously, and found in the 3D map in his mind that the black-clothed teacher from the second class was grabbing a student by his collar and throwing him out the door.

The students in class two suddenly exclaimed.

And this movement also attracted the attention of the surrounding classes, including Class One.

Standing on the podium, Jiang Yun's eyes lit up when he heard the voice, and walked to the door happily, opened the door and leaned against the door frame to watch the show.

He turned his head, looked at the students who were still sitting upright in their seats and asked suspiciously: "Don't you like to watch the excitement?"

Hearing this, the students who were still controlling themselves suddenly moved to the window to watch.

Seeing Jiang Yun taking the lead, the students also became bolder, and even opened the back door and stood outside.

And Lin Yuqing's seat happened to be in the corner by the window, so Zhao Hanya and her looked out of the window nearby.

Interestingly, the other windows were crowded, except for the two girls, no one came. Fang Lin also did as the Romans did, leaning on the window sill and looking outside beside the two girls.

Coincidentally, the incident in the second class made progress again.

The students who were dragged out of the classroom by their clothes looked at the four classes on the first floor. All the teachers and students watched their own good show at the same time, and their faces suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Gritting his teeth, anger flashed in his eyes, and he wiped the bracelet on his wrist, and he held a long sword with a black scabbard and strange patterns in his hand.


The nearly 120 students crowded by the windows on the first floor subconsciously woke up.

The second class was taught by a big man in a black uniform. He looked very strong and strong, with rattling muscles.

He looked at the student who took out the long sword and said with a teasing smile: "I didn't expect you to use a sword, and you are worthy?"

Jiang Yun, who was leaning against the door, made trumpet-like hands: "Lao Gu, don't get beaten up!"

The strong man whom he called Lao Gu rolled his eyes and gave him a middle finger.

And Jiang Yun started the rhythm again.

He looked at a group of students gathered by the bed and outside the back door and said, "I'm calling my name, and you're shouting, come on, do you understand?"

As he spoke, his eyes focused on Mu Yu who agreed to sneak out behind him, making Mu Yu shudder and nod repeatedly.

Mu Yu looked at the excited Jiang Yun, and the other three teachers from the former Sioux City Qiankun Branch, and silently shouted to Zhao Liangping to throw money.

Zhao Liangping came from the Zhao family in the imperial capital, and the Zhao family belonged to a relatively deep-rooted traditional wealthy family in the imperial capital. The Mu family just took advantage of the recovery of the spiritual energy, otherwise they would still be shorter than this kind of family.

But maybe Zhao Liangping was young, young and vigorous, and had never been targeted like this, so he actually got involved with the teacher.

Fortunately, my father and elder brother specifically warned me before they came, otherwise, according to my temper, I would have to talk back.

And looking at Jiang Yun's black-bellied appearance, if he really gets it, there may be consequences.

"Zhao Liangping!"

"come on!"

"Zhao Liangping!"

"come on!"

Jiang Yun seemed to be socially obsessed, so he actually called out Zhao Liangping's name.

Mu Yu hurriedly yelled to cheer up with the rhythm. The old coin actually knew Zhao Liangping's name, and it must have been premeditated.

Maybe the four unscrupulous guys made a bet in private, which class of student union from the imperial capital would be the first to be unable to bear this pressure.

It's too scary, this is a game against the students of their imperial capital!

Mu Yu couldn't help but stand up.

"excuse me!"

Zhao Liangping still had a sliver of reason in his heart. After the last courtesy, he suddenly drew out his long sword and attacked forward. The sharp long sword shone brightly under the sunlight.

It can be seen from this move that he still has some strength.

After Fang Lin sensed it, the progress of his aura was higher than that of Lin Yuqing, and the other three small groups were weaker than Lin Yuqing.

In the face of pure talent, unless it is a very precious treasure that assists in cultivation, it is difficult for a person with low talent to surpass someone with high talent.

Moreover, his swordsmanship seems to be decent, and it looks like he has received special training, but it is still far worse than the Mu Xi he has seen before.

In other words, this Mu Yu looks very familiar. Could it be that he has a close blood relationship with Mu Xi?

Just when Ai Fang Lin was thinking, the outcome of the field was instantly decided.

One second before, Zhao Liangping was still rushing forward with his sword raised, and the next second, the long sword in his hand was taken by Lao Gu in the blink of an eye, and he took a beautiful sword flower behind his back.

Then he put his foot on Zhao Liangping's buttocks where his long sword was taken away and he was kicked to the ground.

Everything happened so quickly, it seemed that it was over before it even started, and the students watching the play on the first floor hadn't reacted yet.

Lao Gu used a crushing method to completely crush some people's arrogant self-esteem.

Then a loud roar echoed across the campus.

"Zhao Liangping!"

"You can either go run twenty kilometers now, or go back to the imperial capital!"

"This is not a place for you to run wild, trash!"

After shouting, Lao Gu signaled his students to return to their respective positions and return to the classroom.

The door of class two was slammed shut.

This old Gu also mobilized his aura, and Fang Lin reckoned that the whole school could get a general idea of ​​it.

Anyway, Zhao Liangping's name change should be famous in the four classes and even the whole school.

"Go back? Haven't seen enough yet?"

Everyone was shocked and hurried back to their seats.

On the podium, Jiang Yun and the others almost sat down and spoke.

"It's a pity that the students in our class are so obedient that I couldn't find a chance for a while."

"Since this is the case, I will start to give you a formal class. Today is the first day. I will explain some details and concepts."

Jiang Yun coughed lightly, put away the indifferent smile before, and was very serious.

"First of all, congratulations on successfully entering the Reiki Experimental Class. Being able to enter this class means that your talent far surpasses other ordinary people and has reached a very high standard."

"However, strong players have their own strong players. No matter what talent you are, C-level, B-level, or A-level, don't relax yourself. These two and a half years have been very busy for you, but you will gain a lot of time."

"A form will be sent to each of you soon, fill in your personal information and the elective courses you are interested in."

"Everyone has to choose one of skills such as swords, spears, swords and halberds, and at the same time choose one of sub-professionals such as: Imperial Spirit Master, Array Master, Alchemist, Casting Master, etc."

"In principle, everyone can choose one or more techniques and sub-professionals in the first year, but they have to undertake corresponding tasks."

"Remind everyone, both techniques and sub-professions are extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming. It is best to only choose one of them. After all, one's own spiritual power cultivation is the most important thing."

"Your usual course time is also very tight. During the day, you will receive courses such as Reiki training, and at night you will continue to study the corresponding cultural courses. There will be an assessment once a week. The results of the assessment will affect your training subsidies."

"If you fail one subject, you will lose one spirit stone from your cultivation resources for the week, and two will lose two spirit stones. If you fail three subjects, you will be given a serious warning. If you fail for three consecutive weeks, you will be disqualified from the spiritual energy experiment class."

Hearing such serious consequences, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Seeing that everyone seemed to understand the consequences of failing the exam, Jiang Yun smiled and comforted him: "But you don't have to be too nervous, the weekly exams are not very difficult, and if you work hard, you won't fail. pass."

"Then the next step is your cultivation resources."

"C-level talents can get one spirit stone every month, B-level talents can get 5 pieces, and A-level talents can get 10 pieces."

As he said that, he paused and looked at Kaka next to Lin Yuqing: "S-level 20."

"Spiritual stone is a kind of ore rich in spiritual energy. After special treatment, practitioners can directly absorb the spiritual energy in it. For most of you now, one spiritual stone contains enough for you to practice for a month."

"Using spirit stones can allow you to absorb more spirit energy in a big cycle that takes two to three hours to run, but it will not reduce your mental consumption. Therefore, people with higher talents have higher cultivation efficiency, and the amount of spirit energy used bigger."

"This is one of the resources you can enjoy as students in the Reiki Experimental Class. Make good use of it, and don't do things that destroy your path."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun's tone was somewhat meaningful.

"In addition to relying on Lingshi to increase our cultivation speed, there are other ways."

"But all the methods have a key point, which is to increase the concentration of aura around you during cultivation. Cultivators will consume the natural aura in the area, and aura is generated slowly, not immediately replenished after using a little."

"Therefore, if you can go back, you can arrange a spirit-gathering array at home to increase the concentration of spiritual energy. Otherwise, with so many people practicing in the residential area, your efficiency at home will be very low."

"Or you can practice in the training room on the third floor. There is a spirit-gathering formation arranged there, but each person is only allowed to practice in it for one big week every day. If you want extra time, you need to exchange it with glory points."

"The glory points are obtained by you through daily assessments or some competitions and tasks."

"There is another one that can be carried with you. It has a treasure that gathers spiritual energy attributes, and it can also increase the speed of cultivation, but it is still relatively rare and not popular at present."

"Mu Yu."

As he spoke, Jiang Yun waved to Mu Yu, who was punished to stand behind him, and then nodded his neck.

Mu Yu took off the pendant around his neck very speechlessly, went up and handed it to Jiang Yun.

"Look, everyone, this is a kind of spirit-gathering treasure. As for the effect of improving the speed of cultivation, it depends on the level of these things. Return it to you, keep it safe, and don't lose it."

Jiang Yun waved to him, signaling him to continue standing behind.

Then he glanced at the many young and innocent faces in front of him and continued to speak slowly: "The things mentioned above are sold on the Longguo Reiki Resources website, but the price is relatively expensive, and it is not uncommon to have tens of millions. "

Fang Lin couldn't help looking at a jade pendant hanging around Lin Yuqing's neck.

This was purchased directly by Yang Ma through Academician Lu. It depicts a very top-level spirit-gathering formation, as well as a corresponding protective formation that can resist attacks after being activated in danger.

The price of just such a jade pendant is almost 2000 million, which can make Lin Yuqing not weaker than others in terms of starting point.

And the space ring made of ten thousand willows that Jiang Baibai gave him has this function, but for Fang Lin now, these are just insignificant aids, and it doesn't matter much if they have it or not.

"If you have the conditions at home, you can ask your parents when you go back. The advantage you have at the beginning of the practice may play a huge role in the future. It is the so-called step by step. For example, Lingshi is also sold outside, 20 pieces."

As soon as these words came out, the students in the class suddenly exclaimed, and chatter broke out in all directions.

After a while, Jiang Yun signaled the audience to be quiet and said seriously: "The training resources given to you by the Reiki Experimental Class are very important to you. I hope you don't make fun of your future. Long Guo, a student living in poverty, will also provide corresponding resources. Interest-free loans, don’t do things that destroy your future.”

"If the assessment fails to meet the standards, the consequences will be very serious."

That's all for now, Jiang Yun won't repeat the content here.

"The last thing I want to tell you is the exercises."

"The exercise "Zhaoxia" that everyone practiced before is a very universal exercise, and all awakened people can complete a big circle of cultivation."

"But for you, "Zhaoxia" is too simple."

"There are countless meridians in the human body, criss-crossing, and the more top-level exercises will pass through more and more complicated meridians."

"Cultivation consumes more energy, and requires higher aura talent, but the final benefits are exponentially increased. The aura filled with A-level exercises for a week is 8 times that of ordinary exercises. And the time spent is not far behind.”

"Some of you will soon stand out, the most important thing is the study of new exercises."

"Maybe half a year, someone will break through to D-level, and some people may break through smoothly when they graduate."

When they heard this, the students couldn't help but subconsciously cast their eyes on Lin Yuqing in the corner.

Seeing this phenomenon, Jiang Yun smiled and said.

"The way of cultivation is like this, it is more realistic than reality."

"You are very lucky to be in a new era where everything is changing rapidly. What is even more fortunate is that you are still in a country that allows you to grow safely in the new era."

"Work hard, students, the life of the Reiki Experimental Class is fulfilling, busy and difficult."

"I hope you will fly as high as you can and as fast as you can in the days to come. We will protect you by your side and clear away all external obstacles for you."

"Long Kingdom is looking forward to your growth."

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