After subconsciously giving way to Zhao Liangping, Lin Yuqing suddenly felt that something was wrong.

She stared sharply at Li Xian who was still trying to pass her, making him stop in place with a smirk.

And Fang Lin felt more comfortable.

Before Liu Lingling finished eating the spiritual fruit, Zhao Liangping took out another box with a different taste.

They are all good comrades.

These spiritual fruits are currently luxury goods, not the kind of necessary cultivation materials.

Because the spiritual energy contained in it is actually very limited, but because it is a spiritual fruit, the taste is very good.

Before the research institute developed more advanced spiritual fruits, these were actually luxury goods to satisfy the appetite, and the price was also very expensive, with a box costing 10,000+.

Even though Mama Yang hurts him, she can't feed him every day.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin couldn't help but nodded at Zhao Liangping again and said softly.


Zhao Liangping was stunned, turned his head to Lin Yuqing and asked, "What do you mean?"

When Lin Yu was innocent, he said angrily, "Kaka said you are a nice person."

She still wanted to say something, but when she saw Zhao Liangping's brows brightened, she turned her head and said to Fang Lin.

"I must be a good person, don't worry, there are still enough spirit fruits to eat, please take care of me in the future."

Lin Yuqing frowned and looked at the two of them: "Class will start soon, won't you leave?"

As soon as Liu Lingling and Zhao Liangping came up, they went to Kaka, and the key point was to feed him some expensive spirit fruits.

Logically speaking, it should be considered a good thing, but why does she feel that something is not right?

This is my own Kaka!
A sense of threat flashed through her heart, she paused and said, "Don't you students in the imperial capital have their own spirit beasts?"

Liu Lingling, who was smiling and touching Fang Lin's head, looked at Lin Yuqing very seriously when she heard this.

"Kaka is Kaka, unique and number one in the world. In my eyes, other spirit beasts can't compare with him. I have already started to like him."

Speaking of her temperament like a savage princess, the eyes she looked at Fang Lin became gentle and watery.

Zhao Liangping also quickly answered: "I really don't have a spirit beast, the main reason is that I saw Kaka on Douyin first, and since then I have no feeling for other spirit beasts, alas."

Lin Yuqing: "."

I'm really convinced by these two old sixes, I can't understand what fairies are saying, can I?
She found that Fang Lin was enjoying Liu Lingling's massage while eating the delicious spiritual fruit, and secretly glanced at herself.

Immediately, he stared at him with wide eyes, signaling that enough is enough.

Fang Lin pretended not to see it, put his head in Liu Lingling's embrace and closed his eyes comfortably.

While enjoying the delicate touch from the neck, while sniffing the fragrance from the tip of the nose, which is completely different from Lin Yuqing.

"Is it heavy?"


Lin Yuqing felt a surge of energy and blood, and then saw Mu Yu who was eager to try and Li Xian behind him: "What are you two doing?"

Mu Yu also took out a box of spiritual fruits from his schoolbag just now, and he was hiding behind his back at this time, pointing at Fang Lin with embarrassment: "That."


Lin Yuqing didn't speak any more, and sat down next to Zhao Hanya, out of sight and out of mind.

But he was thinking in his heart that he must make Kaka look good when he went back at night, and actually put his head in the arms of other girls in front of his own face.

It's too bad, you forget your righteousness for profit!

She looked at her watch, 10 minutes until class.

Lin Yuqing decided to endure it first, otherwise she would appear to be too stingy.

However, what she didn't expect was that four more people came soon!
And these four people look a little older than them.

These four people seemed to have different temperaments. She could even feel that the boy in the lead gave her a very dangerous feeling, a bit similar to Jiang Yun who let go of his aura at the beginning.

When these four people came, they seemed to stand out from the crowd, and everyone focused their attention on them.

The ordinary students were fine, and the students from the imperial capital who stayed outside the gate greeted those they knew.

"Is this also a student from the Imperial Capital? From the high school?"


Some students already had guesses in their minds.

Fang Lin felt a familiar aura all of a sudden.

He raised his eyebrows, isn't this Mu Xi?

The one who was tortured by himself.

It seems that he has just broken through to D rank, and his aura is still not stable. If his marksmanship is included, his strength should be considered pretty good.

But this good refers to those experienced members of Qiankun.

Should be considered a supermodel in the student days, right?

If the most core disciples of a big family like them had spiritual talent and awakened in advance, they would have started relevant training as early as five years ago.

It can be said that they even started earlier than some Qiankun members, with a better foundation.

Now the aura has fully recovered, and because of his age, he can enter the aura experiment class.

In this way, they can completely occupy the rewards of various games and leagues, and eat all the way to university.

It can be said that the high school in the current Reiki experimental class is an abnormal hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

Maybe it's not fair to other people, but the fact is that there is no way, and the person who rushes will naturally have an advantage.

After three years, everyone will be on the same starting line, but this still cannot restrain the take-off of these people.

And according to Fang Lin's understanding, a corresponding higher education mechanism will be introduced soon.

Because in the New Era Reiki Experimental Class is very important, the benefits mentioned just now are just a drop in the bucket.

It can be said that the purpose of the Reiki experimental class is to cultivate future pillars and to support the appearance.

So if you want to be promoted from the junior high school to the high school, you need to pass an assessment. It doesn't mean that you can pass it based on your age after two and a half years.

And those with excellent talents can progress faster than those who were awakened before in this era of abundant resources after the recovery of aura.

For example, those Qiankun members who were awakened before, because of the problem of the content of aura between heaven and earth, it was very difficult to cultivate. It took two or three years to break through to D level, or even unable to break through.

But now, after Lin Yuqing practiced the A-level exercises, he might be able to break through in half a year. This is the gap brought about by the torrent of the times.

Of course, Qiankun members with a solid foundation will inevitably accumulate a lot of strength, and their strength will rise rapidly in the future.

This is a bit like training with heavy shackles for three years, and taking off these shackles when fighting in the ring, directly changing from hell difficulty to easy.

Jiang Yun, for example, was already on the verge of a breakthrough.

Fang Lin glanced at Lin Yuqing, and felt that she should really break through to D level quickly, and then skip to high school.

Things experienced like that would be more interesting, and Fang Lin himself would not feel bored.

After all, it is possible to go directly to the ruins for the high school experience. He is an amazingly talented S-level man who can show his skills. He is always pretending to be a bunch of kids. It was interesting at first, but it may become boring after a long time. .

"elder brother!"

When Mu Yu saw Mu Xi coming, he hurried forward to say hello.

And the others also opened their mouths to say hello to those in their clan.

Among the four newcomers, Mu Xi and another boy who looks a bit delicate are the main ones.

Li Xian came to stand next to this boy in embarrassment.

He had just enjoyed the resources of the Li family not long ago, so he was not very familiar with them.

"Brother Yu."

The delicate boy smiled gently: "Why are you standing by yourself?"

When they came in just now, except for Li Xian, everyone else squatted beside Fang Lin, which can be said to be surrounded.

Li Xian was embarrassed to speak, but Li You patted him on the shoulder and didn't speak again.

Mu Xi looked at Fang Lin, and a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

In the battle a long time ago, he fully felt the sense of powerlessness that surged in his heart when facing the opponent.

The decisive blow that he was proud of couldn't even break the aura shield.

Now that he has made a breakthrough, he knows how exaggerated Kaka is at the C level, but he, Mu Xi, will surpass it one day.

Mu Xi's warm eyes caught Fang Lin's attention. Seeing Fang Lin looking over, Mu Xi nodded with a tacit understanding between you and me.

But Fang Lin glanced at him and then looked away. The boy had no interest at all, and there was no meeting ceremony yet.

Alas, I am not sensible.

He opened his mouth and ate a grape that Liu Lingling stuffed into his mouth, and he kind of understood Dong Zhuo's fun.

Lin Yuqing looked at the new group of people and sighed inwardly. What's the matter with these people?

Kaka so hot?

She could feel that although these people greeted her first, their actual purpose was to have a relationship with Kakara.

Strange, are they all former fans of Kaka?
She thought about it for a long time and there was only this possibility.

Originally, she was afraid that she would be too conspicuous, so she couldn't keep a low profile here.

It turned out that everyone was fan of Kaka?

Sitting in Zhao Hanya's position, she waved her hand to Mu Xi who wanted to come over, and pointed to Kaka to signal him to go directly to the final environment, instead of going through the process by herself.

Zhao Hanya stood next to Lin Yuqing looking at this scene with some amusement, her big eyes sparkling and she didn't know what she was thinking.

But before Mu Xi came to Fang Lin's side, Jiang Yun walked into the class with a dark face.

First, he asked the students in Classes [-], [-] and [-] at the door, "Why are you gathering here? Do you want to practice?"

Under the extremely oppressive momentum, these students were very loyal. They waved their hands and left the few who were still in the class and rushed back to their own class without any nostalgia.

"There are four of you, are you busy in high school?"

Here, Jiang Yun stared at the leader Mu Xi very seriously.

In Mu Xi's spiritual sense, he felt a dangerous feeling like being targeted by a poisonous snake.

These experienced Qiankun members really cannot be underestimated, not to mention that they have just broken through.


After Mu Xi finished speaking, he took the three of them and left here neatly.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, Jiang Yun also lamented the background of these families in his heart.

Because of the previous accumulation, the overall strength of Qiankun is leaping forward with each passing day.

At present, in addition to the C-level Yang Zhen, the Sioux City Qiankun Branch also has three C-levels.

However, if this speed goes up, it starts to slow down, and the B-level who comprehend the power of heaven and earth is no different from nuclear weapons when they let go of their hands and feet.

In order to normally teach these family core children who broke through to D-level, Su Cheng specially dispatched a C-level to come.

But the strength of the vast majority of high school students is actually not much different from those of these junior high schools.

It can only be said that the first Reiki experimental class did have some loopholes, but it did not affect the normal operation, it was nothing more than that they would get more benefits.

Naturally, Qiankun also has its own D-level students, who belong to ordinary family children who were awakened before the spiritual energy was revived.

They said that these more than a dozen people specially formed the first class of the high school department, and after these talented people practiced for a year or two and broke through to the C level, they could be promoted to university.

They don't need to think about this terrible thing, and the junior high school and high school can run smoothly.

It is foreseeable in the future that students may be the strongest part of Dragon Kingdom apart from the official power.

There may be scenes of college students going to the spirit world to perform tasks.

Seeing Jiang Yun coming, Liu Lingling and the others were reluctant to say goodbye to Kaka and left the class.

Soon, the bell rang.

"Ring ring ring ring ~"

As the bell rang, the second class began.

Jiang Yun waited for everyone to sit down and announced the arrangement of this class.

"From now on, you have officially started the study and life of the Reiki Experimental Class."

"The first teaching you will carry out is the study of exercises, which is the most important thing."

"Now everyone line up according to the current seating order and go with me to the spiritual training room on the third floor."

"On the third floor, the teacher who will teach you the exercises is already in place. You can go to your own practice room to receive training according to your talent level."

"Mu Yu, lead the team well."

So Fang Lin got up and went up to the third floor with Lin Yuqing.

After going outside, the other three classes also lined up in an orderly manner and began to go upstairs.

Fang Lin glanced around and understood a little bit. The teaching of this exercise is still taught separately.

But it is also true, judging from the previous statement, exercises are indeed a very precious thing.

He pondered for a while and felt that he still had to use Yuehua magical powers to generate a set of exercises suitable for her.

Although this little girl is pouted now and looks like she is jealous and angry, but she is her own person after all.

But the timing has to be chosen carefully, find a suitable opportunity for her, and it doesn't matter if she is practicing A-level exercises first.

Didn't it break through in half a year?

After the breakthrough, see if you can jump directly to the high school. If you can experience a relic, you can go smoothly.

Following the crowd to the third floor, you can see a long corridor covered with carpets. The overall color tone gives people a very heavy atmosphere, which makes people afraid to make loud noises.

One-way transparent doors of unknown material closed each practice room, some large and some small.

Fang Lin walked all the way and saw some special ones, such as the house number with gravity room and so on.

It was this design that made him a little regretful. He thought it would be that kind of stone gate with a feeling, and there would be another cave after opening it.

But when you think about it, this situation is indeed a bit exaggerated in the technological age.

"This is where the C-level exercises are taught. C-level students can come in. There are still two rooms ahead. Please continue to move forward for other more talented students."

Under the guidance of the teacher, a large part of the student group began to divide, and they began to walk into the practice room one after another.

There are about 160 students in the entire junior high school. At this moment, everyone seems to feel a little difference.

Those students who lined up to enter the training room couldn't help but look up at the small group of people who continued to walk forward.

Maybe the gap starts here.

Soon, there were only a dozen or so left beside Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin, and most of them were students from the imperial capital. It seemed that the quality seemed to be much higher, no matter in terms of talent or appearance.

The only people Fang Lin knew were Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya next to him.

When they arrived at the B-level training room, Zhao Hanya nodded and bid farewell to Lin Yuqing, and a dozen people entered the open space in an orderly manner.

At this time, only Zhao Liangping, Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin were left in the corridor.

Maybe it's because the sound insulation effect is so good, the third floor has also returned to that kind of silence, as if walking on the carpet, you can hear the sound of your own steps.

Zhao Liangping smiled at Lin Yuqing, and then began to wink at Fang Lin beside her.

Fang Lin ignored him directly, and followed Lin Yuqing with his eyes ahead.

After all, Qingqing was a little angry just now, and this Zhao Liangping wanted to seduce herself with anything.


Lin Yuqing looked at the well-behaved and honest Kaka, and couldn't help but hum in her heart, and the complaints accumulated in her heart just now had gone away a lot.

And Fang Lin, who could feel her mood, couldn't help but sigh, this little girl seems a little easy to coax
Soon the two came to the last practice room. The door of this practice room was open, and the rich spiritual energy seemed to be continuously overflowing.

Fang Lin glanced inside, it was a very empty and spacious room, and there was a smiling member of Qiankun standing inside.


He gestured to his side, and a white and transparent scroll quietly floated in the air, exuding calming waves.

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