Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 259 Absorption


In the training room, the lecturer from Qiankun said to the two of them gently.

In the closed room, Lin Yuqing took Fang Lin to observe the surroundings, and came to stand in front of him.

Perhaps it was because this was the place where A-level exercises were taught. In Fang Lin's perception, this person was actually a C-level, but his breath was a little unstable, as if he had just broken through.

Last night, Fang Lin himself also entered the second spiritual core realm of the three domains in the B-level.

But at this moment, he still has a sense of urgency. Before his spiritual energy recovered, he could be ranked in the top five in Longguo.

Although the actual combat power is still the same now, there is almost one B-level practitioner in every province.

While thinking, Lin Yuqing asked, "Hi, what about Kaka? Is he here too?"

"of course."

While speaking, a scroll glowing with faint golden light slowly appeared, floating on the right side of the first scroll.

In contrast, this golden scroll looks very tall, and exudes a trace of history.

"This is a split body of the inheritance-level Supreme Treasure Daolu."

"After you meditate in front of it and have a reaction with Dao Lu, Dao Lu will automatically choose the most suitable exercises for you in the library."

"There are hundreds of C-level exercises, but there are only five copies of A-level exercises in stock."

"Because of the existence of Daolu, we can continuously create exercises suitable for everyone."

"I would like to remind a few of you that the admission letter you signed contains a confidentiality agreement, and you should have read it carefully. Everything you have learned in the Reiki Experimental Class is strictly confidential to the outside world, and it is forbidden to spread it outside."

"You two sense this, Kaka, that's yours."

"let's start."

Zhao Liangping looked at the golden scroll with envy in his eyes.

As a member of the big family, he naturally understands the importance of talent and skills.

The top skills are all mastered by Long Guo, and what he practiced before is only one level higher than Zhaoxia, but he can still feel a significant improvement in his practice speed.

Because under the dual effects of talent and skills, the improvement of the cultivation speed is exponential.

That is to say, under the same aura environment, regardless of any other factors, the cultivation speed of A-level talents will be four times faster than C-level talents.

This four times is based on the consideration that the spiritual core, body, etc. of A-level practitioners will be higher than those of C-level practitioners.

C-level requires two years to break through, A-level only needs half a year, and S-level only needs three months.

There are so many monsters in the high school, basically the rewards for future experience and so on will be divided up by those who awakened in advance.

And three months later, Lin Yuqing will be able to achieve this step in the junior high school with Kaka, sweeping all the resource rewards and soaring far away from them.

Thinking of this, Zhao Liangping looked at Lin Yuqing with some jealousy, and then sighed.

He is also an A-level talent, his cousin is not yet A-level, only B-level, why didn't he wake up five years ago?
It's outrageous.

But this is all fate, and there is no reasonable explanation now, and there is no need for an explanation.

And Fang Lin is quite curious about this thing. As expected of the universe, there are quite a lot of treasures.

But it's a bit of a joke to teach the exercises like this, right?It seems that the only role that the non-disclosure agreement can play is subsequent punishment. It seems that it does not make much sense whether it is really leaked or not.

"Whether the exercise is suitable or not will affect the practitioner's familiarity with the exercise and the display of the characteristics of the follow-up exercise."

"The initial stage of changing the practice method is relatively difficult. The top-level exercises even require thousands of meridians to be straightened out from the beginning. This is the most time-consuming step."

"According to normal circumstances, it will take a week for you to get familiar with this set of exercises, because you need to rest because of mental exhaustion."

"But because of the existence of Daolu, the time you spend will be greatly reduced."

"There is currently only one set of S-level exercises for spirit beasts, you can practice them first."

Seeing that the two of them had already sat down in front of Daolu, the teacher added the last sentence, then stood by the side and waited for the way to protect the law.

Fang Lin looked at Dao Lu in front of him and slowly closed his eyes, entering the state of internal vision in an instant.

At this moment, he seemed to see the sky full of stars.

After being absorbed into the body, the aura quickly turned into a dark blue liquid, running automatically along the intricate and innumerable meridians, just like a huge maze that automatically drew the correct route of bending and folding with blue light.

This is the most suitable exercise for Fang Lin, and it is also a treasure brought to him by this inheritance that spans time and space. With the blessing of this exercise and his own blood, both his body and spiritual energy reserves are far superior to those of the same level.

Then, Fang Lin slowly felt the scroll in front of him.

The moment a thought arose in his mind, the suspended Daolu radiated a stronger golden light, even a bit dazzling.

A mysterious and mysterious atmosphere swayed in the room.

With his eyes closed, Fang Lin seemed to see a fierce tiger roaring towards the sky in the dark forest with lightning and thunder. The domineering king's breath permeated the entire mountain forest, and countless creatures trembled.

That substantial aura directly disperses the dark clouds in the sky, and the expanded field makes the lightning disappear and the blue sky become clean.

Outside was the wrath of heaven and earth shrouded in rolling dark clouds, and the beasts trembled in awe, and under the domain of this fierce tiger, Fang Lin even saw the golden and warm sunshine shining on him from the blue sky.

The tiger's howl, dull as thunder, exploded as if it was right next to my ears.

"Tiger Shaking the Sky Art"

Fang Lin couldn't help but think of the name of this exercise, which made him a little surprised.

This Daolu is really interesting. It may be that there is only one copy of Curry's S-level exercises. Fang Lin did not feel the expected selection process, but directly began to accept the inheritance information of this exercise.

And at this moment, he finally understood why the C-level teacher said that with Daolu, the inheritance-level treasure, he could shorten the time spent on the first step of practicing the exercises.

At this moment, behind the intricate meridians in Fang Lin's body, there seems to be a phantom of a tiger emerging, with a terrifying power, he wants to control the movement of spiritual energy in his body, and directly inherit the trajectory of the corresponding meridians.

It is equivalent to going through the process directly in the body and engraving it down. What the follow-up practitioners have to do is to simply follow and repeat the copybook and it's done.

Get started directly, with almost no learning cost.

Fang Lin felt that this ability alone was already an extremely important treasure, and it had a very profound impact on a civilization.

If these were all treasures left by the ancestors of the human race, it would be hard for him to imagine how prosperous the human race was in the past.

What's more, the more powerful ruins and secret realms are slowly waking up one by one with the arrival of the age of spiritual energy.

If you really get on this ride, the speed of growth is not too much to describe as a rocket, no wonder those royal families are tempted.

I just don’t know if the civilization that created the Great Emperor’s space is as powerful as the human race that used to be. I can be regarded as the inheritor of the two civilizations, right?
Just when Fang Lin was secretly complacent, the situation in his body suddenly changed.

In the inner view, the tiger shadow behind the meridian is showing off its power, but a touch of moonlight suddenly appears, followed by the moon shadow all over the sky, which is suddenly bright and clean.

Compared with the arrogance of the tiger phantom, Yuehua is so elegant and warm, as gentle as a mother, and as vast as the universe, as if it is inclusive of everything.

The soft moonlight shone on the phantom of the tiger, and the mighty tiger slowly calmed down, from a vicious thug to a wronged child who wanted comfort in his mother's arms.

Fang Lin was dumbfounded by this scene.

He thought that if the internal exercises were advanced, there might be a fight between dragons and tigers.

But what is the situation right now? ?

Directly recruited?
This made it difficult for Fang Lin to judge how strong his supernatural power inheritance was, how could he tell without bloodshed.

Then, under Fang Lin's gaze, the tiger hummed twice as if hugging its own mother, and gradually dissipated and melted into its meridians in the warm moonlight.

However, the meridian route that had been running automatically in Fang Lin's body for more than half a year began to change directly, and meridians that had not been passed before were added to the automatic practice route.

The improved information immediately came to mind.

The effect is that as the practice progresses, Fang Lin's temperament will automatically enhance the power of the king, and his ability to enhance physical fitness has also been slightly enhanced.

Strange, isn't this already the most suitable?How can it be strengthened by looking at it like this?

However, there are less than a hundred extra meridians, and it seems that the degree of improvement is average.

Is this a stack buff?
If I keep looking for high-level cultivation methods, will I be able to have countless characteristics in the future?

I don't know if this skill characteristic can catch up with the effect of the supernatural power characteristic in the end.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin couldn't help thinking about his own magic power of the moon. What is the origin of it?Does it feel like something omnipotent?

The power of the moon, the yin of yin and yang?
Then do I have to find a Yang force and evolve everything?

Forget it, you really can’t use fictional things in novels to evaluate reality, no matter what its origin is, it’s over if it’s easy to use.

And when he was meditating and thinking, the Daolu in the practice room also had frequent visions.

The Daolu glowing with golden light is like a light bulb with bad contact, it lights up and goes off for a while, and now it just stops completely.

The teacher next to him hesitated for a moment and decided not to disturb the three people in the field. After all, Kaka seemed to be fine and his breath was very stable.

It's just that he looked at Kaka with a hint of surprise.

Kaka is not easy, he knows it.

After all, he is now one of the core members of Sioux City Qiankun at the C level, and he has seen his director bring it to play many times.

It's certainly not easy to be caught by the director before the spiritual energy recovers, but I don't know the specifics.

He looked at the two people in the arena, and he was full of emotion, it was really the wave behind the Yangtze River pushing the wave ahead.

The practice time always passed very short, and it came to noon in a flash.

Although the students in the Reiki experimental class went to school with other students in Ninth Middle School, basically there was almost no interaction.

Even the noise of the students' daily morning breaks has been shielded by the specially installed soundproof formation covering the entire playground, and the teaching building naturally has a corresponding formation.

It's a bit like a quiet corner in a noisy city.

No matter whether it is busy outside or crowded with people, the students in the Reiki Experimental Class are working hard to enrich themselves in this generous scene created.

At lunch time, there will be special personnel to distribute the prepared nutritious meals to the classrooms, and they will be collected after eating, which can be called a good service.

On the fourth floor, a dormitory was specially decorated for these 170 students. There are even soundproof formations for each bed in a room for four people, which is easy to operate.

As long as you input aura, your bed will be covered with a special layer of spiritual membrane. Even if there are people dancing in the dormitory, you can still sleep very sweetly. After lunch, you can go back to rest directly, and the afternoon classes will start on time at [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

Even if you want to live on campus at night, it’s not impossible, but the management is very strict. Sleeping here is really sleeping. Don’t even think about going out to play or play with your mobile phone.

Under the noses of a group of people like Qiankun, let's forget about the students' tricks.

All of these policies have one purpose and that is to save time.

Save all unnecessary time, reduce all unnecessary burdens, and try to make all the students in the Reiki experimental class not think about anything other than cultivation.

It can be said that for this group of future pillars, the official has done the ultimate.

Moreover, the identity of the Reiki experimental class will gradually become a business card, a business card that makes people feel privileged.

And whether it will become a name card of glory in the future, and people will give thumbs up as soon as they say it, depends on the future performance of these students.

And now, Fang Lin is in the dormitory of these future pillars.

Lin Yuqing had already finished eating in class, and now she brought Fang Lin to the girls' dormitory.

The fourth floor is separated by formations, the men's dormitory enters from the left, and the women's dormitory enters from the stairs on the right.

Although the bathroom is public because of the original structure, it is spotless under the effect of the array.

Fang Lin also ate in the classroom, but it was richer and larger.

To be honest, Fang Lin was a little embarrassed to hold a roasted whole lamb and eat it in front of a group of students.

When the roasted whole lamb exuding fragrance was carried in and beaten by the chefs in white uniforms specially for catering, the students in class one immediately burst into joy.

They thought the Reiki experimental class was so good, so they gave them extra meals.

The student who wanted to grab the best seat was politely driven away by the master, and pointed to Kaka next to Lin Yuqing who had already covered himself up, and told him that this was the lunch provided by the other party's parents with extra money, and it would basically be like this from now on.

To be honest, the nutritious meals for ordinary students are free, and the amount of meat and vegetables is also very large. It is also considering the consumption of their practice, and the supply is unlimited until they are full.

But looking at the golden-yellow and fragrant roasted whole lamb, tears of envy still flowed from the corners of their mouths.

In Lin Yuqing's women's dormitory, Yu Cheng was sitting on the bed in the upper left corner and changing clothes. Lin Yuqing walked in with Fang Lin.

When Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin saw this scene, they were at a loss for what to do. They were stuck at the door of the dormitory, not knowing whether to go in or come out.

On the other hand, the short-haired and cute Yu Cheng didn't feel shy at all. Wearing a C pink bra on her upper body, she walked towards Fang Lin with bright eyes and asked very familiarly.

"Wow Kaka! Is Kaka going to sleep with us in the future?"

Lin Yu glanced over there, and hurriedly closed the door in embarrassment, turning her head to remind: "Yu Cheng, your clothes."


Yu Cheng didn't care about anything, went back and put on soft pajamas for herself, and said with a smile: "We are women's dormitory, what are we afraid of, I went to see that there is a formation barrier over there."

"Tsk, it feels like I have traveled through time all of a sudden, and suddenly there are all spiritual creatures around me."

Hearing this, Zhao Hanya, who had already gone to bed, poked her head out.

Lin Yuqing shrugged, and walked towards the bed with her name on it. The bed and table were quite spacious and tidy, and the bedding was uniformly configured in blue and white tones.

Fang Lin felt the breath of youthful beauties everywhere in the dormitory, and suddenly realized the happiness of unicorns even more. He felt that his heart seemed to be much purer.

Scientific research shows that people who spend a long time with good-looking people will feel better.

Sure enough, science does not deceive me.

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