Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 260 Damn

At ten o'clock in the evening, the night wind was a bit cold, and the moon was like a hook in the dark night.

In previous years, the night in Sucheng at this time was not only bitterly cold, but also damp and cold.

But because of the revival of spiritual energy, the ecological environment of the entire Aquamarine has changed, as if it has come alive, full of vitality.

Experts predict that even the hottest stove city will not have a temperature higher than 34°C this summer.

Generally speaking, the temperature difference becomes smaller, the summer is not so hot, and the winter is not so cold, which is more suitable for the continuation of life.

However, not only the living environment of human beings has improved, but also various plants and animals have quietly started their own evolutionary journey, which may be a new opportunity and challenge for human beings.

The biological explosion brings about the development of life sciences, which naturally also includes medicine. Maybe a certain mutated plant is the key magic medicine to fight against incurable diseases.

However, the best opportunity is still cultivation. When a cultivator becomes C-level, not only will the aura transform into a liquid state, but the activity of the body will also undergo a qualitative leap, which is already similar to a breakthrough in life.

After all, there is no ordinary person who can release the aura and cut out the sword, light, sword, shadow, sword, and Changhong, right?
At this time, it was the end of school time for the students of the lower spiritual energy experimental class. These students walked out of the school gate under the moonlight, and there were many parents waiting for their children outside.

There is not much traffic in the early ten o'clock, but the luxury cars on the side of the road are very conspicuous, most of them are carrying Beijing license plates, or if they are picking up the children from school, others would think that someone is opening a bar in Jiuzhong.

Compared to Liu Jing who was somewhat curious, Mama Yang looked very calm and earnestly stared at the students who were walking out of the school one by one, and waved after seeing Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin from a distance.

From 10:[-] in the morning until [-]:[-] in the evening, the students in the Reiki Experimental Class were naturally a little tired, but their eyes seemed to show excitement, and they were happily talking about today's affairs with their parents who came to pick them up.

And Fang Lin and Lin Yuqing have also walked to Liu Jing and Yang Ma.

"how do you feel?"

Yang Ma looked at Lin Yuqing who looked a little tired in front of her, took the initiative to take the schoolbag from her shoulder and asked concerned: "A little tired?"

At this moment, the beautiful Yang Ma exuded the radiance of love all over her body, and her gentle tone made people feel as if she was in a warm embrace, and her heart was opened for it.

It was the first day for her daughter to come to the Reiki Experimental Class. Naturally, Mama Yang had to take good care of her. Even though she usually took pleasure in teasing her, she couldn't be sloppy now.

Lin Yuqing felt the gentle maternal love she hadn't experienced for a long time, nodded heavily, and began to complain as soon as her small face wrinkled.

"It's like running around all day long. I'm tired all day, and I have to go to math class in the evening. The teacher talks about half of the book at once, as if someone is chasing him behind."

"Huh? So miserable?"

"That's right, I heard that tomorrow afternoon I have to practice physical fitness in the technique class, woohoo."

Mama Yang was a little surprised when she heard this, she smacked her mouth pitifully, and then patted Kaka who was yawning beside Lin Yuqing: "Kaka is yawning, it seems that you have worked hard."


Fang Lin took advantage of the situation and rubbed against Yang's mother to express his agreement.

"I'll go back to give you extra meals in the evening."

Fang Lin was overjoyed immediately, is there such a good thing?
And Lin Yuqing broke it down with grief and indignation: "Why is it so tired, it sleeps next to me all afternoon and night!"



Mama Yang looked at Fang Lin fixedly, and Fang Lin wagged his tail innocently.

This can't be his fault either, the basics of aura knowledge and grading that I talked about in the afternoon, if he was interested in these half a year ago, he would already know by now.

And at night, he was talking about mathematics. Good guy, he was the one who taught it to others, and he didn't have anything else to do except sleep.

The teacher in class also received a special notice from above, telling him not to take care of Fang Lin's affairs, so he just laid a cushion next to him to sleep when a group of people were in class.

No privileges either.

In fact, Fang Lin didn't affect anyone in the corner of the classroom. A class of more than [-] students were all engrossed in class, with eyes that wanted to catch the teacher back and make a small fuss for themselves, and had no chance to observe others.

What made Lin Yuqing feel the most unaccustomed was that all the classmates around him started to curl up for no reason.

In the past, apart from Zhao Hanya who was beside her, there were always classmates like her who occasionally performed poorly in class.

Now after entering the Reiki experimental class, whether it is the practice class, the theory class, or even the knowledge class at the end of the night, the students around are like chicken blood.

She couldn't understand why, what stimulated them?
On the other hand, Zhao Hanya was also curled up beside her, feeling refreshed and rosy all day long.

I just feel sorry for her, she has always been more Buddhist.

She wants to take a rest and fish. Seeing people around her who are less talented than her fiercely practice and study fiercely, she feels a little embarrassed if she doesn't do this.

Belonging to a Buddhist salmon influenced by catfish, Miss Lin who was influenced by the surrounding environment had no choice but to practice hard.

After all, in the past, no matter how Buddhist she was, it didn't matter, but now the times have changed, and the Internet is full of all kinds of remarks clamoring that money is useless in class transformation. In the eyes of those people, it seems that the rich people now will soon become rich people Just like the beggars around.

Although Lin Yuqing knew that a small number of people were barking, she still felt that she should do her part for the family.

It can only be said to change slowly.

Even Fang Lin couldn't believe that Lin Yuqing, who was so lazy before, actually insisted on studying hard all day.

When the three of them were standing on the side of the road chatting together, the voice of greeting came frequently.

"Goodbye Qingqing~Goodbye Kaka~"

This is Yu Cheng, the only one who greeted and brought Lin Yuqing.

Zhao Liangping, Mu Yu, Mu Xi, Liu Lingling and others simply smiled and nodded to Yang Ma, and then greeted Fang Lin.

"Bye bye Kaka~"

"See you tomorrow, Kaka~"

Then he got into the luxury cars on the side of the road, stepped on the accelerator and left.

Mama Yang looked at Lin Yuqing with raised eyebrows and said, "I didn't expect you to be quite popular? I always thought you didn't like these kinds of interpersonal interactions."


Lin Yuqing was a little speechless and explained: "Mom, didn't you see that they are all greeting Kaka? I am not as popular as him."

As he spoke, he glanced at Fang Lin, who was beside him, and said, "He's become a big star, and he doesn't have time to talk to me after class. Where can he enjoy other people's massage and feeding?"

"Oh (●°u°●)"? "

Liu Jing, who likes gossip, suddenly became interested.

So, a group of people went to the parking lot and drove home, while listening to Lin Yuqing adding oil and vinegar.

I directly described Fang Lin in the class as a character like the Jade Emperor and Dong Zhuo. When he stretched out his paws, there was a beautiful woman hugging and kneading gently in his arms, and when he opened his mouth, he was fed with jade hands holding spiritual fruits.

Fang Lin was a little skeptical when he heard it. Did he enjoy it so much?

After returning home, Mama Yang brought out the prepared supper.

It is relatively light, steamed spirit fish and some spirit fruits.

It's not tasty and too greasy at this time, but the two children really need to replenish after a day of tiredness, especially Kaka, who must be hungry.

Mama Yang even smoked steaks for Fang Lin on the balcony.

After serving the table, the whole family gathered around the table and listened to Lin Yuqing telling the story of what happened today while eating.

Liu Jing was next to her with her mobile phone to record the video, Yang Ma and Lin Papa listened quietly with smiles on their faces, while Xiaojie sat next to his sister with his hands on his chin, but his eyes kept glancing at the fish, which was more concealed.

The hairy children gathered around Fang Lin who was eating steak, and the owner of Xiaoyang Princess had all the snowballs.

After the 360-degree rotation of the video, there is an indescribable sense of warmth in the screen, like the sense of happiness in the last episode of watching a family with children.

At this time, Mama Yang responded to Lin Yuqing's attack on Kaka.

"I feel pretty good. The spirit fruit is usually quite expensive for you. Wouldn't it be nice if someone delivered it to your door?"

"Kaka, listen to my mother, you should eat and drink, although I don't know why they do this, but you just take it as a gift from God, a gift from nature, and the blessing of Buddha Sanqing, don't feel pressure in your heart, don't think Who owes it to."

Father Lin next to him couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Mama Yang's education, he paused for a while and interjected.

"The reason why they flatter Kaka so much is because of the Spirit Master?"

"Spirit master?"

Lin Yuqing was a little puzzled.

"Ninth High School has been selected as a demonstration school for cultivating spirit beasts. It is said that there will be spirit beasts from the spirit world and some local spirit beasts attending classes like ordinary students."

"Those of them who transferred from the emperor should have received the news early at home, and they want to come over to establish a relationship with the spirit beasts. If they see the right one, they can become partners and become spirit masters."

Lin Yuqing was a little confused: "Then why are they flattering Kaka so much?"

"Because Kaka is a spirit beast, or an S-level spirit beast, wouldn't it be easier for them to ask Kaka to help them talk good things?"

"I thought they were trying to steal my Kaka."

Lin Yuqing twitched her lips after hearing this, and turned to Fang Lin, who was eating steak next to her, and said, "Kaka and the others are too scheming, don't help them."

Fang Lin didn't care about this.

Reasonably speaking, if these people can really treat spirit beasts with sincerity, it would be a good thing for these spirit beasts.

The family has resources, and their own talents are also good. With such a person, the spirit beast can enjoy many things that they did not have before, and the road to growth will be much smoother. Generally speaking, it is a win-win situation.

Look at the protagonists in the novels who start poorly and poorly. From the very beginning, the spirit beasts who have been with them are not frugal, go through dangers, and sometimes even have to make great sacrifices to obtain such benefits.

And the advantage is that the protagonist takes it first, and then it's the turn of these spirit beasts.

The reality is much crueler than the novel. If a spirit beast and a person of ordinary talent and family background see each other correctly and recognize each other, then it will really suffer.

As for whether you can make the best of the hardships later, it really depends on luck.

From a certain point of view, the spirit master and the spirit beast are really a bit like marriage, which is the feeling of redistribution of social resources.

Sometimes working hard is not as good as marrying or marrying well.

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

Lin Yuqing ate a grape and asked Xiaojie strangely.


Xiaojie, who propped his chin up and watched the spirit fish being eaten, was in a greedy and sad state of mind, when he suddenly heard Lin Yuqing's question, he couldn't react for a while.

Instead, Mama Yang answered directly.

"He has nothing to say after school normally."


Lin Yuqing's big eyes were full of question marks, how could there be any difference?
Father Lin explained with a smile: "They are too young, and the Reiki experimental class in elementary school is mainly based on theory, and even the Reiki training class is only once a week, so they are not too busy."


After hearing this, Lin Yuqing was only left with envy.

Because they are short of time now, whether it is cultivation, techniques or sub-professions, they are all carried out in theory and practice.

It was even said that some teachers in the technique class believe that being beaten in actual combat is the fastest way to grow, which made her feel a little uneasy about tomorrow's class.

"After eating, go to wash and rest for a while before going to sleep. Don't feel tired. You are lucky to have such an environment. I heard that many places in foreign countries are no longer suitable for human habitation. We can only temporarily evacuate and wait later. Clear."

For Yang Ma's words, Liu Jing quickly agreed, and then shared the latest news she got.

"We also have it, Shahai, do you know? It is said that there is a desert over there alive, not only can move slowly, but also devour the creatures inside. It should have been sealed off by martial law at this moment, but fortunately, that piece of desert was originally inaccessible place."

"Hehe, that's right, your teachers have already said, now it depends on them, and the future depends on you."

sand sea?


Fang Lin had already finished eating the steak, and he still couldn't get enough of it. His current level resonated with the world. In fact, eating was considered an entertainment rather than a necessary activity.

But isn't practice just to enjoy happiness and happiness for a long time?
He doesn't want to put the cart before the horse.

It seems that Liu Lingling said that he will bring him better food tomorrow, so I am looking forward to it.

At eleven o'clock, taking advantage of Lin Yuqing's time to wash up, Fang Lin skillfully summoned the shadow clone and lay down on the bed as a pillow for Lin Yuqing.

And he put on the Candle Dragon helmet and blended directly into the shadows.

How can such a good time be wasted like this?
Candle Dragon virtual helmet is called an epoch-making technology that can change the world, and it is not a casual boast.

When people's consciousness enters it, the body is actually in a dormant state, which can perfectly replace the sleep time, but it will cause a certain burden for the mentally weak if it takes too long.

But it can also save a lot of time, which can be regarded as liberating productivity to a certain extent, especially working and studying in the virtual world.

The reason why the world hasn’t changed yet is because the cost hasn’t come down yet, and not every household can afford a helmet worth [-] to [-] yuan, so it hasn’t been publicized on a large scale for the time being, so as not to create a sense of tension The atmosphere of class differentiation, but many people on the Internet have discovered this thing and started to show off.

However, under the circumstances that the official only said that it would cause mental burden to some people, most of those who bought helmets still insisted on normal sleep. After all, it is a high-tech, and it would be miserable if the body collapsed.

And Dragon Kingdom is already working hard to send pioneers to explore the spirit world. Once it finds cheaper materials, it will really take off.

But for a practitioner like Fang Lin, 24 hours a day doesn't matter.

As soon as Fang Lin went online, he received many messages.

Some belonged to netizens, Fuchen: "Fuck, Brother Dadi, where are you? We agreed to download a dungeon together today."

This is a friend that Fang Lin made recently in a real mmorpg game played with a human body. Because Fang Lin's top-up is quite arrogant, he is considered one of the mysterious big local tyrants in which guild.

One must know that anyone who can afford a helmet at this stage has some assets, one can imagine how much Fang Linkrypton has.

Fang Lin's current salary at this level and status has reached the point of exaggeration. Of course, most of it is cultivation resources, but it is a huge sum of money to change it casually. For example, five standard spirit stones can be 100 million.

As for Fang Lin's current combat strength, no commission is included every month, and the basic allowance is 200 Lingshi.

But the 200 spirit stones Fang Lin said would be enough for one day if he absorbed them violently, which was about the same as the large piece of spirit stone mine that Jiang Baibai took out at that time.

In the game, Fuchen is the president of the Prosperity and Wealthy Guild in the Xuantian Great World. It is very difficult. Every time, he has to balance the time for a group of uncles and get together a team to play the game.

After Fang Lin comforted the chairman casually, he looked at another message.

"After receiving it, immediately transform into a body and go to the Qiankun Branch of Suzhou City, and take the teleportation array to the Western Regions. Some things need your assistance, and the specific situation will be discussed in detail.—Deng Jiefu"

Western Regions?

Could it be the living desert that Liu Jing mentioned?
Fang Lin raised his eyebrows. He planned to eat Liu Lingling's fruit tomorrow.

Look at the time, 07:30 in the evening.

Doesn't this have to leave overnight?
Civil servants are too difficult!

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