Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 261 Talk About Others

In the cute pink room, Lin Yuqing, who was wearing Winnie the Pooh pajamas, walked into the bedroom with her little hands clapping her face up and applying facial essence while humming.

Looking at it from a certain angle, she looks like a noble lady like Mama Yang, her skin exposed under the light is very white, tender and translucent.

This is what Yang Ma taught her. She said that if you feel too tired during the day, you need to take care of it at night, otherwise your skin will get worse.

Although Lin Yuqing usually secretly fights against Yang Ma in her heart, she still trusts her very much when it comes to skin care.

With her face up, Qingqing glanced at Kaka's position lying on the bed from the corner of her eye, carefully sat on the bed, moved to the side, and leaned comfortably on the soft back.

She continued patting her face and said.

"Kaka, let me tell you, I'm angry today."

"The one named Liu Lingling is too green tea. You are not allowed to eat her spirit fruit tomorrow. Did you hear the one my mother bought for me?"

"Hmph, she's still provoking me there today, and I'm so mad."

However, the only sound in the quiet room was her talking and slapping, and there was no response at all.


"Are you asleep?"


Lin Yuqing frowned, ignored the essence on his face, and put his little hand under Kaka's nostrils to feel it.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered to Snowball, who was also curled up next to Kaka, "Look at him, he's sleeping so fast after sleeping all day, he's so lazy."

She curled her lips and didn't bother to speak again. After cleaning up, she turned off the lights, and closed her eyes against the furry stove next to her.

The one sleeping in the bedroom was naturally Fang Lin's doppelgänger.

He himself had already turned into a fighting form and blended into the shadows to fly over Sioux City.

There is one thing to say, Jiang Baibai's racial talent supernatural powers are quite easy to use, and with his own hidden supernatural powers, as long as he is not A-level, he can't find himself in the six senses.

The night sky tonight is very clean. When I raise my head, I can see the bright stars at a glance, as if they are very close to me, but feel very far away.

The hazy moonlight shone on Fang Lin, and a very full sense of strength emerged from him.

This is the power of his moon power.

Fang Lin felt that the already strong aura had completely become inexhaustible, like a plug-in with infinite blue bars.

The cold wind howled, and the hair on his body in the battle form fluctuated somewhat messily along with the wind.

What kind of experience is it to go for a ride at a height of [-] meters at night?
One word, cool.

Speeding with the windows open late at night is weak.

Above the head is the clear night sky inlaid with thousands of stars, and under the feet is the never-night city decorated with thousands of lights.

Fang Lin couldn't help sighing how many beautiful scenery he had missed before.

Peaks, deep seas, snow-capped mountains, deserts, rainforests, he, a cultivator, must go and see them all.

Fang Lin flapped his wings, and the spiritual energy was galloping happily in his body, and his body turned into an afterimage and quickly approached the Qiankun branch in Sucheng.

When Fang Lin removed the shadow and concealed magical powers over the Sioux City Qiankun Sub-bureau, the aura radar in the sub-bureau suddenly gave an alarm and flickered red, and it took two seconds for it to turn green to show that Fang Lin's unique aura fluctuations were recognized.

This sudden change made the hearts of the Qiankun members on duty jump directly into their throats, and they almost thought that there was an attack from a strange B-level force to raise the alarm.

After he slowed down, he connected the member of the action team on duty: "President Lin of the Dragon Spirit Society is here. At the gate of the administrative building, he is going to use the teleportation formation to go to the Western Regions. Please welcome him."


After the person on duty hung up the voice, he communicated with the people around him unexpectedly: "I was shocked just now. I didn't expect President Lin to be able to avoid the aura radar like Mr. Deng."

"Didn't you inform Chairman Lin that he might be coming at night?"

"That's what I said, don't you be surprised when you suddenly see the instrument is all red, and the earphones are frantically alarming?"


On the open space in front of the office building of the Qiankun Sub-bureau in Sucheng, Fang Lin stretched his snow-white giant wings twice and then slowly retracted them. Spots of moonlight appeared and disappeared around him like dreamy bubbles. A beast that came out of mythology.

The members of the action team who came to greet him were stunned. They stood in front of Fang Lin and raised their heads to look at the behemoth with admiration in their eyes.

"I want to use the teleportation array."

Seeing that there was no movement from the visitor, Fang Lin took the initiative to talk about his intentions.

"Oh, alright."

The visitor came to his senses, and led Fang Lin along the road to a tall one-storey building deep in the Qiankun Sub-bureau.

As soon as I entered, I saw that there were densely packed array runes carved on the central open space. In the middle, a primate rod of unknown material was inserted in the center of the array, and the blue aura light and shadow shrouded the runes. Blue modules that rotate around the central axis are formed above the array.

"This is the teleportation array?"

Fang Lin raised his foot and stepped into the building, looking curiously at the teleportation array in front of him.

He has only sat in the teleportation array of the ruins and Deng Jiefu's space passage, which seems so miraculous that he has never tried it.

"Yes, President Lin. You should use it frequently in the future. The area you want to teleport to is the Western Region. The distance is relatively far, and the experience will be more wonderful. I wish you good luck."

Before Fang Lin could question his background, he guided Fang Lin to stand in the middle and activated the teleportation formation.

All of a sudden, the aura in the room surged.

The ground also seemed to be made of a special material, and the complex patterns carved on the ground suddenly lit up, and the aura characters in it slowly rose from the ground to the sky and hovered beside Fang Lin.

Within two seconds, Fang Lin's surroundings were filled with complex formations slowly rotating.

The pattern turned faster and faster. At first Fang Lin felt quite normal and curious, but slowly he realized that something was wrong.

The speed of the formation seems to be a bit too fast, even the spirit guide rod in the middle began to tremble, and the whole formation burst into dazzling light, as if holding back some big moves.

If he didn't say it was a teleportation formation, Fang Lin thought it was going to explode?


Finding that Fang Lin was a little confused, the Qiankun member smiled and shouted loudly: "This is normal! Good luck all the way!"

As he shouted, the light of the teleportation array suddenly shrank, and Fang Lin was swept away by the aura array and disappeared in place as if in a flush toilet.


Turn around.

The night is so bright, the starry sky is so beautiful, the morning star seems to be close at hand, and you can pick it up.

It's just that the stars are crumpled together
In the teleportation square of the Qiankun Sub-bureau of the Western Regions Province, the patterns on the ground shone with dazzling light.

Fang Lin and these aura patterns appeared in mid-air and then fell. The patterns landed precisely in the engravings on the ground, and Fang Lin also came to this land.

It's so fucking uncomfortable, it feels like the force of time and space has twisted your body, including your internal organs, together.

Fang Lin wondered whether this effect would give everyone the same experience regardless of level, unless it was those ruthless people who had mastered the power of time and space.

The spirit world, the territory of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan.

In a dense ground with rich spiritual energy, the powerful power of heaven and earth was mobilized.

At one place in the secret place, the shadow power visible to the naked eye spreads around a white shadow as the center, and the aura of soaring to the sky is continuously displayed.

The aura of the entire secret land also formed a huge vortex centered on this figure, which was slowly absorbed by her.

In a hidden corner outside the secret place, Jiang Xuan and Jiang Yuan stood here quietly observing the movement inside.

There was a hint of anticipation and tension on their faces.

Jiang Yuan waited a little anxiously, looked at Jiang Yuan who was beside him and coughed lightly and said: "Ah Xuan, it seems that you are still worried for nothing."

Jiang Xuan snorted and turned around disdainfully: "I'm not worried about her, does she need me to worry? She doesn't need that Kaka she needs, she can't wait for that husky standing here!"


Jiang Yuan was a little speechless, how could Jiang Xuan, who had always been wise and powerful, be like a child who didn't grow up.

"Why are you still jealous of that husky? You are her father, no matter what you do, it won't affect you, right?"

"Even if it's nothing to do with him in the future, then"

Jiang Xuan stared at Jiang Yuan when he heard this: "Stop! There is no such possibility! I disagree!"

Jiang Yuan rolled his eyes directly.

Has this father not understood the situation until now?

He asked speechlessly: "Respected Emperor, can you control your thoughts in vain?"

"Unless you imprison her, her future is her own business, and she is not the kind of character who would like others to control her, just like you."

Seeing that Jiang Xuan still wanted to say something, Jiang Yuan hurriedly continued: "Don't worry, I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry, listen to me."

"I think that husky named Kaka is really okay."

Jiang Xuan: "???"

"I warn you, Jiang Yuan, you must stand in the same camp as me in this matter. If you dare to isolate, we will practice together."

He couldn't hold back anymore and interrupted Jiang Yuan directly.

A trace of helplessness appeared on Jiang Yuan's dark cat face, his right paw covered his face speechlessly and replied.

"Look, look, you're in a hurry! I'm teaching you how to get along with your daughter. Anyway, I get along better with my wife and daughter than you. You really should learn how to get along with important people. Get along with each other instead of hurting their hearts by doing unnecessary things."

"Listen to me and let you take care of this matter slowly. You are his father, so it's okay to care about her, right?"


"My daughter wants to fall in love, and you have the right to make suggestions, right?"

"Yes! Then I"

"Stop! Listen to me, you just have the right to make suggestions, not orders, and she also has the right not to listen to you. You and her have a common characteristic, which is rebellion. The more you don't let me do something, the more you want to do it. .”

It's hard to imagine that in a hidden area of ​​the spirit world, a supreme emperor and king would quarrel like ordinary people until their faces turned red.

Jiang Xuan sneered: "You mean that I agree with her to be with that Kaka, but she will not want to? You are wrong, she is just selective and rebellious. When I asked her to go to the treasure house to pick gifts for herself and treasures Why didn't you see her rebellious?"

"Of course I didn't mean that. If you want her to change her mind about something with such a personality, you have to follow along first, and then wait for her to relax her vigilance and give some guidance slowly."

"For example, you first pretend to agree with her, and then slowly analyze Kaka's situation with her, find out where it is inappropriate, and use words that care about her and think for her."

"When there are more and more inappropriate places like this, she will naturally consider whether this matter is appropriate or not, and whether it was impulsive."

Hearing these words, Jiang Xuan was stunned. After careful consideration, he thought it was very feasible: "Avoid the sharp edge and keep Chen Cang in the dark. This is a good move for you."

"There is a huge gap between her and the husky in Zudi in terms of talent and background. How can she be suitable? She will definitely meet better ones. When she breaks through, I will be like this."

"It's really you, Jiang Yuan."

Facing Jiang Xuan's praise, Jiang Yuan thought about it strangely, and decided not to tell him what he learned about Kaka.

After a long time, in the tightly guarded dense ground, the strong power of heaven and earth suddenly dissipated invisible.

At the same time, a force of heaven and earth with a personal touch appeared in the sky with infinite momentum.

The white figure rushed straight up to the sky under the shadow, as if it was testing its own strength.

The shadows all over the sky seemed to cover the entire sky, and there seemed to be something terrifying gathering in the shadows, and terrifying fluctuations came from time to time.

If there is a C-level spirit beast on the ground under Jiang Baibai, it will feel the sixth sense frantically alarming, as if the sky is about to collapse.

After accumulating for a long time, a ball of shadow exuding a little destructive force slowly condensed out, and under Jiang Baibai's control, it hit the ground with a destructive momentum.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xuan twitched the corners of his mouth: "Look at her, is it plausible? Just after breaking through, this is trying to blow up Midi, right?"

Jiang Xuan waved his paws: "It's not a problem, how normal is it to try it out just after breaking through? You and I are here, just wait until the moment of explosion to destroy these energy fluctuations?"


Jiang Xuan rolled his eyes: "Just spoil her, my daughter is spoiled by you, stay away from now on."

"Hehe, you don't favor much, this time I wish the entire treasure house could be stuffed into Zhetian Ling."

While speaking, the ball of shadow that compressed the power of heaven and earth touched the ground, and the terrifying fluctuation spread in an instant.

All traces of life on the ground withered and disappeared the moment they touched it, and an earth-shattering explosion was about to appear.

At this moment, Jiang Xuan made a move, and God's Realm suddenly opened for a moment. This shadow ball containing countless energies and the explosion that was about to occur were like a stroke that was accidentally written on the drawing board and was easily erased, leaving nothing behind. The next trace.

Seeing the two coming, Jiang Baibai slowly fell from the sky.

"How did you come?"

Jiang Baibai said to his father indifferently.

Sure enough, the previous touches were all fake, quarreling was the normal state between her and her father, it seemed that she would not be happy if she didn't quarrel.

Jiang Yuan coughed lightly and said, "Baibai, your father has figured it out, you are fighting for your own happiness, and he decided not to interfere."

"Huh? Really?"

Jiang Baibai raised his eyebrows when he heard this, did the sun rise in the west?
Jiang Yuan made a comparison with him, and Jiang Xuan pondered for a while and said, "Well, the Emperor agrees, but I want to give you some advice from the father's point of view, is that okay?"

Jiang Baibai looked at Jiang Xuan and Jiang Yuan with a strange expression, thinking in his heart what bad idea did these two people have?
She knows these two too well, it must be Uncle Yuan who gave the father a move.

Still, she wanted to see what to say.

"No, you said."

"Well, you are the royal princess of the spirit world. Let's not talk about your identity and background. It's too unfair to you."

"This emperor is only talking about personal strength and talent with you."

"What about you, Venerable level, with seven spiritual cores at the beginning, and it will be a matter of course to step into A level in the future. And what about the husky? An ordinary spirit beast in the same ancestral land, maybe both parents are still ignorant animals. This talent is different from yours. It can be said that there is a huge difference, if a hundred years have passed, wouldn't you two have to part because of his lifespan?"

The more Jiang Xuan spoke, the smoother he was. He looked at Jiang Yuan nonchalantly to express his approval, and then kept talking.


Jiang Baibai felt a little funny: "Father, Kaka is an S-level talent, born with nine spiritual nuclei, innate Taoism, and accompanying supernatural powers. After practicing for more than half a year, he has already reached the messenger level."

"I was worried about being overtaken by him, so I hurried back to break through."

"And he is also very lucky. I met an unimaginable opportunity with him. Forgive me for not being able to tell you two for special reasons."

Jiang Xuan: "."

He looked at Jiang Yuan, took a deep breath and remained silent.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan quickly helped him recover.

"Ahem, that's in vain, why don't we talk about the family background?"

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