Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 262 Eve Desert

Than the background?
Jiang Baibai looked at his father and uncle Yuan in front of him, feeling a little helpless.

If it is only based on the current standard, it is true that Kaka is not good enough because of the forces behind it, but everything must be based on the perspective of development.

Kaka's master is the strongest among the practitioners in the ancestral land, and the strongest should not be underestimated at any time and anywhere.

It took Deng Jiefu five years to go from zero to king, and even the faster he was promoted, it can be seen that the opponent's talent and luck are far beyond the current state.

In the ancestral land where opportunities are everywhere, it may take only a year or two for the other party to be promoted to the emperor. During these half a year, she has seen too many miracles.

Even if she goes back and finds that Kaka has been promoted to B-level, she won't be too surprised, even if the other party has been practicing for more than half a year.

Thinking of this, Jiang Baibai couldn't help feeling a sense of urgency in his heart.

This time, because of the treasures of heaven and earth prepared by her father and Uncle Yuan, she can be said to have been promoted perfectly, laying an extremely solid foundation for breaking through the king and even being promoted to the emperor rank in the future.

Perhaps it is not necessary to fully fill the spirit cores of the three domains, the body can withstand the erosion of the power of law and start to shape the body of law.

At this time, Jiang Xuan reacted and questioned: "Impossible, how could that husky's talent break through the rules of blood inheritance, unless his parents are also emperors, how could he have an initial talent beyond the seven-star core?"

Jiang Baibai, whose thoughts were interrupted, shook lightly, and said with an elegant and indifferent expression: "Father, nothing is impossible, the truth is right in front of you, and his talent is far better than you imagined."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help adding: "There is a very interesting phenomenon in Zudi, that is, young people always represent the trend of the world, because they are more willing to recognize and learn new things, while older people always It’s because of sticking to the stereotypes and being extremely old-fashioned, stubbornly sticking to their backward thinking.”

"what do you think?"

The implication is that the vision of this extremely noble emperor in the spiritual world is too narrow, and his thinking is outdated and stubborn.

Jiang Xuan's already dark face sank a bit, and Jiang Yuan next to him quickly started to make peace again, and said to Jiang Baibai: "Baibai, don't say that, now the communication link between the ancestral land and our eastern race in the spiritual world is your father It can be said that he is the most discerning person in the spiritual world."

"Really? Didn't see it."

Jiang Baibai curled his lips and walked towards Midiwai.

Fang Lin had arrived safely at the teleportation formation in the Western Region provinces.

After the initial two seconds of dizziness, the powerful functions of the body quickly took effect.

Only now did he recall why that Qiankun member smiled so treacherously.

This teleportation formation is too barbaric, and it actually gave him a feeling of goblin technology. Just now he felt that the formation was about to explode. If it wasn't for the trust in Qiankun in his heart, he would have yo-yoed a long time ago.

"Welcome, President Lin, I'm here to pick you up, my name is Ha Munayi."

Just as Fang Lin was complaining, a clear female voice sounded beside him.

The three-meter-high body turned in place, and his mighty and cold eyes immediately found the woman beside him.

A beautiful woman in a black uniform with short hair around her ears, her face has a somewhat exotic atmosphere. I have to say that there are indeed beautiful women in the Western Regions of Longguo.

The huge wings flapped and then retracted to the side of the body. Because the wings were too huge, a gust of wind blew up all around, causing Ha Munayi to quickly hold down the hat on her head.

She looked at the huge monster in front of her, and her heart couldn't help beating.

Ha Mu Nayi is an old man who has been in the universe for a year, but she still hasn't come into contact with a B-level spirit beast so closely.

She could feel a faint but soul-shocking sense of majesty from the snow-white winged silver wolf in front of her, even standing in front of the general manager of the Qiankun Western Regions Province, she did not feel the same pressure.

Grade B.
A flash of longing flashed in Ha Mu Nayi's heart.

Fang Lin looked at the woman who looked up at him in front of his paws, a trace of doubt flashed in his dark blue cold pupils: "Where is Deng Jiefu?"

"Deng Deng is always at the edge of the Eve Desert, and I'm here to escort you there."

"How to go?"

"Well that"

There was some hesitation on Ha Mu Nayi's face, as if she was embarrassed to say it.

Fang Lin frowned: "Don't dawdle."



The Eve Desert is located on the edge of the Western Region province. Since the last century, it has been formed due to desertification of the land, and its scope is extremely wide.

But what is strange is that the situation of the Eve Desert varies greatly depending on the season. Sometimes the yellow sand fills the sky with endless sandstorms, and sometimes it is quiet and peaceful and can provide a road with the sound of camel bells, which is called Eve by the locals.

"What we are going to now is the northwest edge of the Eve Desert. After the spiritual energy recovered, for some unknown reason, the Eve Desert suddenly became abnormally active, and all the creatures that entered her range were swept out with sandstorms."

"According to the investigation of Qiankun Intelligence members, a level-B level of spiritual energy fluctuations were detected in the core of the Eve Desert. It is preliminarily inferred that the Eve Desert has been activated due to abnormal reasons and has its own consciousness."

"This is a huge potential threat to the surrounding villages and towns. Once it moves, it will cause very serious consequences."

On Fang Lin's wide and soft back in the night sky, Ha Munayi buried her head there tightly, spreading her hands and feet into a big character, hoping to have a larger contact area.

The strong wind whistled past her ears. If Fang Lin hadn't taken care of her to open up a layer of light blue aura mask, she wouldn't be able to raise her head, let alone speak loudly.

Ha Mu Nayi rubbed her head against the fluffy and warm white hair under her body, feeling satisfied for a while.

If it wasn't for luck, Deng Jiefu picked her up, and she would have never had the chance to take a Spirit Beast Airline up close. This experience is amazing, especially when President Lin very considerately opened up the aura mask to protect her.

But what Ha Mu Nayi didn't know was that if it was a male member of Qiankun who came, he would probably be hugging Fang Lin's paws now, and would he want to go behind his back?There are no doors.

Fang Lin's speed is very fast, and Ha Munayi seems to have a unique ability to recognize the direction, and she keeps pointing Fang Lin to the right path without using any direction recognition equipment.

Outside the Eve Desert in the northwest border of the Western Regions Province, a fully functional temporary camp has been erected. Large and small tents stand in the yellow sand all over the sky.

Perhaps it was because the Eve Desert felt a little threat. Even at night, there was a sky full of yellow sand that covered the entire area continuously for days, and even the villages and towns on the edge were greatly affected.

There was a thick layer of ash on the table. This happened before when there was no sand control decades ago.

In the camp, some formation masters braved the yellow sand all over the sky and began to arrange isolation formations around the entire camp. When they are completed, they will be able to block the sand, so that all members of Qiankun will not have to bathe in the sand.

Figures scattered over the busy camp, a white figure suddenly tore through the night and approached rapidly, with the sound of howling wind and astonishing spiritual energy fluctuations, full of power.


The earth-shattering roar of beasts came from the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

In this way, Fang Lin opened up his adjusted blood pressure and landed on the open space in the center of the camp with a stormy momentum, and the light and shadow of the moonlight falling with him flickered like a dream.

This is what he learned while reading novels.

When the mythical beasts in the novel appear on the stage, they must have heard their voices before seeing them.

After the shocking roar and momentum arrived, he finally made his grand debut.

And the special effects of my own appearance can also be adjusted and updated at any time.

The current one he learned from a third-rate web game, surrounded by silver lights and shadows, is quite handsome. Don’t say that although these web games are poorly made, the special effects are quite valuable for reference, and the Dragon Slaying Sword is pretty cool. dazzle.

Fang Lin looked at the black uniforms surrounding him, looked around the camp that had begun to take shape, and couldn't help but sigh: "Not to mention the world, the level of the camp is first-class. Whenever he comes, he can see the neat and tidy camp." Very practical camp planning.

He wondered if Qiankun taught this in a special class when he joined the job?
And Ha Munayi on Fang Lin's back felt the envious and jealous eyes cast by his colleagues, got up from Fang Lin's back very calmly, helped the huge wings beside him, passed the hand addiction by the way, and then went straight from the height of three meters. Jumped off his back and landed smoothly.

Even the experienced female members of Qiankun can't resist the temptation of spirit beasts. She has decided that one of her goals in the future is to find a cute and fluffy spirit beast as a partner.

It's just that there are not many similar animals in the Western Regions, and it is estimated that the difficulty is not small.

At this moment, Deng Jiefu walked out of the headquarters and waved to his showy apprentice to signal him to come in.

The surrounding black uniforms immediately moved out of the way, and a burst of light and shadow changed. Fang Lin slowly shrunk in size, turned into a two-meter-high miniature version of the fighting form, and walked into the headquarters.

The temporary command center is still structured as usual, except for various instruments and the operators in front, the 3D stereoscopic projection sand table is standard.

At this time, besides Deng Jiefu, there was also a middle-aged man with an exotic face beside the sand table.

"Let me introduce, this is Basang, the general manager of the Qiankun Branch of the Western Regions Province, with a B-level combat power."

Deng Jiefu gestured to the middle-aged man with his hand and said to Fang Lin, and then pointed at Fang Lin.

"Who is this"

"Hahaha, no need to introduce. Hello, President Lin, I have heard about your name for a long time, and today I saw a handsome and powerful appearance. It is worthy of being the number one spirit beast in the Dragon Kingdom. I have just entered B-level, and I will rely on you, President Lin, for this mission. helped."

Basang laughed and greeted Fang Lin actively. His figure was a bit burly, and his face might be a little flushed due to the wind and sand blowing all the year round.

Fang Lin was a little embarrassed by the number one spirit beast in the Dragon Kingdom. To be honest, it was the first time he heard this statement from someone else, even if he himself hadn't thought about it.

Okay, Basang can deal with this guy.

Fang Lin paused and said in Long Mandarin: "Hello, Director Basang, I can't talk about helping, let's cooperate together."

Basang laughed heartily again, and then looked at Fang Lin with some novelty: "President Lin, to be honest, this is the first time I heard a spirit beast standing in front of me uttering human words, and I was really shocked. "

"With the leadership of a hero like Chairman Lin, it seems that the power of our dragon kingdom's spirit beasts will soon grow into an indispensable trump card."

"If you have time, you can take care of our spirit beast training base in the Western Regions. The growth of our spirit beasts is also in the five-year plan."

Don't look at Basang's carefree appearance, Fang Lin's face was a little blushed when he was touting it, if it was a small drink at the dinner table, then nothing could be done.

Fang Lin's natural expression of indifference in the combat mode eased a lot, and he said, "Is the spiritual beast training base in the west located in the Western Region province?"

He had heard from Deng Jiefu before that the five great spirit beast training bases in the southeast, northwest and middle schools were used for the advanced training of the existing highly gifted spirit beasts, and they stood side by side with the demonstrative spirit beast school in Sucheng.

However, the spirit beasts in the training base have a strong style under the influence of the military. It is foreseeable that the spirit beasts that grow up with the students in the spirit experiment class will be more agile. Different manifestations in different growth environments.

Some are just like the military school students in the past few years and the national defense students who graduated from normal universities.

Facing Fang Lin's question, Deng Jiefu nodded.

Basang, on the other hand, acted in shock, his eyes widened under that rough face.

"President Lin, have you never paid attention to the spirit beast training base in our Western Region province? It's so heartbreaking!"

Deng Jiefu smiled and responded: "He has just adapted to human society, and Lu Zhou is helping him with the actual management of the Dragon Spirit Society."

Oh, it turned out to be a memorial archway.

Basang's enthusiasm suddenly diminished, and the smile that looked at Fang Lin's exaggerated and warm heart was a little bit less.

"So that's the case, President Lin, you should have said it earlier, I have to apologize for laughing for so long."

This situation directly made Fang Lin dumbfounded. Is this the boss who controls a province?

so real?

Deng Jiefu patted Fang Lin's arm and explained with a smile: "Basang is like this. He is relatively simple and straightforward, but his heart is for the good of the Western Regions. Don't care about these details."

Basang smiled at Fang Lin with big white teeth.

Fang Lin couldn't help but feel amused, this man was really informal.

Compared to those whose faces are extremely dark and unable to see their true emotions, Fang Lin still likes to get along with such people.

But having said that, maybe Basang is also a kind of Chengfu?
"Basang, is your surname Ba?"

Basang smiled: "No, my surname is very long, so I can call it simply like this."

"Okay, it's almost time for small talk, let me introduce the situation to you."

When Deng Jiefu brought the topic back to business, both Fang Lin and Basang were refreshed.

"Lin Fang, Ha Mu Nayi should have introduced the general situation to you on the road."

Fang Lin nodded and said, "Yes, it is said that Eve Desert is alive."

"Well, according to our survey, the abnormal activation of the Eve Desert is related to a secret realm in its core area."

"Secret realm?"

"Yes, there is currently an example of an area generating self-awareness, but it's very, very weak, basically no active awareness."

"We speculate that it is because a secret realm with a lot of aura energy and spiritual opportunities appeared in its core area. By coincidence, Eve Desert's consciousness penetrated into it, and merged with the secret realm under a series of reactions."

Fang Lin was a little shocked when he heard this, the fusion of desert consciousness and secret realm?

"There are such precedents in the records of some ancient books. In this way, the consciousness of the Eve Desert can be extremely powerful with the blessing of the profound spiritual power and chance of the secret realm, and the secret realm can also grow. Perhaps in the end, the entire Eve Desert will become A special secret realm, by then it will no longer be something we can handle at the moment."

"Now our plan is, the three of you and I will go to the depths of the desert, and I will open the domain to force Eve's consciousness and secret realm to appear, and you two will enter the secret realm to destroy the core."

Fang Lin frowned and questioned: "Didn't it mean that the secret realm is like a dungeon, there will be special areas that regularly appear in the same place, and there are no formations similar to relics?"

"Under normal circumstances, yes, but after the fusion of Eve's consciousness and the secret realm, a special core will be formed, which is also Eve's carrier. Destroy it, and everything will become normal."

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