Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 263 Into the Desert

It turned out to be the case.

Listening to the ins and outs of the activation of the desert, Fang Lin felt that the world is so big that there are no surprises, and that a desert consciousness can merge with the secret realm.

After Deng Jiefu saw that Fang Lin had almost understood the situation, he said directly: "It is not too late. We will go directly to the hinterland of the desert to find Eve's consciousness. After she merges with the secret realm, the place where the secret realm is located should be where her consciousness is."

"Although the Eve Desert has become a relatively special B-level combat force because of this opportunity, its former flexibility is gone, giving us room to eliminate it."

Fang Lin nodded to express his understanding, but he still had some doubts in his heart: "Can't we recruit it somehow?"

Regarding this question, Deng Jiefu and Basang looked at each other and shook their heads.

"No, we have no way to guarantee its stability, and it has already shown a tendency to expand, and any unstable factors are not allowed on the territory of the Dragon Kingdom."

Hearing this, Fang Lin suddenly realized. According to Deng Jiefu, if this activated desert appeared outside the Dragon Kingdom, there would be no problem. Anyway, this kind of thing is not allowed to appear on his own land.

Thinking about it this way is also true, keeping such a weird and threatening thing is harmful but not beneficial. If such a large desert can be rehabilitated and turned into an oasis or something, the value will be much higher than it is now.

"But isn't this too anxious? Don't you wait until tomorrow daytime to act?"

Deng Jiefu glanced at Fang Lin with some surprise: "Doesn't the night affect your display of strength?"

"It doesn't affect."

Even enhanced a little bit.

"Only the three of us can participate in this operation. You have reached B-level and should know the meaning of B-level."

"Because of its special nature, the Eve Desert has a terrifyingly high affinity with heaven and earth after becoming a B-grade. If it wants to, it can blow a spiritual sandstorm containing the power of heaven and earth in the entire desert area. B-grade The practitioners below are simply unable to resist."

"At the same time, it has a very strong sense of control over itself, and any wind and grass in the desert cannot escape its induction. This is why the entire Eve Desert is now blowing sand. In fact, it has discovered our existence, so Start making appropriate threats."

Fang Lin felt the sky full of yellow sand outside, and for some reason, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

A little girl with yellow hair, who was very wary of their arrival, was showing off her might with her teeth and claws.

But maybe they realized that Deng Jiefu was not easy to mess with, and he didn't dare to go too far, so he could only blow the ordinary wind and sand in order to make them retreat.

Unfortunately, it's useless.

When Basang heard this, he said with emotion: "This kind of conscious life has almost no defects except that it has no entity."

Deng Jiefu smiled: "They are a defect in themselves."

"The strength of this kind of life is almost difficult to improve, and its strength has been fixed from the moment it was born. If it was born in a hell-like environment full of magma and rich aura, it may have A-level strength as soon as it becomes conscious."

"However, most of them are ignorant and weak beings who don't even have a clear consciousness. If this Eve Desert hadn't been extremely lucky to merge with a secret realm by chance, she would not be able to reach her current strength, even if she could, It will be a thousand years later."

"Let's go, I still have a lot of things to do here, and I can get away early to get busy with other things. This camp can also be used as a public camp for secret exploration in the future."

"It's [-]:[-] in the morning, gather at the gate of the camp at [-], you can go and get ready now."

This sentence was actually said to Basang. As the direct leader here, it is natural to take a little time to explain things. He and Fang Lin left the temporary command center first.

After passing the saluting guard post outside the tent, the two walked among the busy Qiankun personnel coming and going, and walked out of the camp little by little.

The temperature difference between day and night in the provinces of the Western Regions is extremely large, and the night wind is very cold.

However, it is said that the starry sky here is very beautiful, because of the terrain, the sky full of stars seems to be close at hand.

It's a pity that the vision is not clear because of the yellow sand floating in the wind.

The wind blew across Fang Lin's face, and his silver-white hair fluttered slowly.

Walking in such a camp, Fang Lin somehow felt unreal.

Especially the eyes of those Qiankun members around, looked at him and Deng Jiefu with a respectful look, which was a little different from what I thought.

Generally speaking, what Fang Lin saw was shock or something else.

When the two walked out of the camp, their vision suddenly widened.

Deng Jiefu noticed Fang Lin's strangeness, and chatted with him casually: "Why, have you never seen such a scene?"

Fang Lin looked at the endless dark sea of ​​sand hidden in the night and shook his head: "No, it's their eyes."

Such gaze made Fang Lin feel heavy.

Yang Zhen turned his head to look at the camp in surprise, then burst out laughing.

"It's normal, and you'll get used to it gradually in the future."

Fang Lin looked at him with some doubts.

Deng Jiefu took a step forward. Although he was much smaller than him, his broad arms seemed to be able to withstand countless wind and rain.

At this time, for some reason, the wind and sand all over the sky suddenly became bigger, almost becoming one piece, completely obscuring the bright moon in the sky.

"Do you know why?"


"Do you know why they look at you like that?"

Fang Lin thought for a while and replied, "Because I have a high level of cultivation?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Deng Jiefu suddenly let out a burst of hearty laughter, and the laughter spread to the camp along with the wind, attracting many people to watch secretly.

"No, it has nothing to do with strength."

"Even if a god is standing in front of him, Qian Kun will not change his face."

"And there's only one reason they respect you, and that's because you're doing something meaningful."

"Meaningful thing?"

"Well, they are all local Qiankun members of the Western Regions Province. For the Western Regions Province, if there is no other way, they will definitely not ask the Qiankun Headquarters for help and trouble us."

"Heroes have always been worshiped here, and their will is tenacious. Perhaps before we came, facing the clothes desert that threatened the surrounding villages and towns, they had made arduous efforts and even paid a lot of sacrifices, but there was no way."

"It's very realistic that if it wasn't for Eve's consciousness to control the power of the wind and sand and not exert all his strength, otherwise there would be no B-level qualifications to enter the desert."

"Not to mention going deep into the hinterland to find the secret realm and enter."

"And you, as a strong supporter who helps solve local disasters, will naturally be respected by them."

"What makes me proud is that so far, Qiankun is a group of very simple and lovely people. I hope that after the society becomes public, it will still not lose its true colors and pass on its excellent will."

Deng Jiefu turned around and looked at Fang Lin, with anticipation in his eyes: "I hope you can grow into such a person."

The sandstorm is getting bigger and bigger, it seems to be reflecting some kind of tense emotions.

The crooked moon was completely covered by the dark sky, and the sand sea in the distance became even more gloomy.

Fang Lin at the gate of the camp did not respond after hearing Deng Jiefu's words.

There was only the sound of howling wind blowing between the two of them.

To be honest, Deng Jiefu's expectation was a bit too heavy for him.

He can only say that if he has spare energy, he will not sit idly by.

But if it's a near-death situation where someone needs to be sacrificed in exchange for the safety of other strangers, he's not sure he'll stand up as unhesitatingly as these lovely people.

No, he would definitely hesitate.

In the silence, Basang walked out with a smile.

His appearance changed drastically, a black headband was tied on his head, and an exaggerated big knife was carried on his back. There was a faint icy coldness, and his body also changed into a tighter combat uniform.

"I'm ready! Let's go, I can't wait to clean up this Eve."

Deng Jiefu looked at Fang Lin and walked in front of him and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't feel pressure, just do your best."

Fang Lin looked at Deng Jiefu's gentle eyes and nodded.

"What pressure? What kind of pressure will President Lin have if he is so strong, besides me. Don't worry, as long as Mr. Deng reveals the secret realm that merges with Eve's consciousness, the two of us will definitely kill each other."

Basang, who is also surfing with a virtual helmet recently, spoke a new word.

"Okay, let's go."

Deng Jiefu smiled, and took the lead in flying into the sky.

And Fang Lin also stretched his body, returning to the normal shape of more than three meters high between the light and shadow changes. After the follow-up period.

The members of Qiankun who stayed behind looked at the figures of the three people who were gradually going away, and saluted standardly in the password that one person roared out.

The three formed a triangle with Deng Jiefu as the center, flying at high speed facing the wind and sand.

The more you move to the depths of the desert, the more you can feel the force of heaven and earth permeating the surrounding wind and sand constantly impacting your body.

And the deeper it entered, the more intense the impact it received, and it had already reached the point where the C-level couldn't bear it.

If the C-level is here, it will be cut to pieces in a short while by the sharp wind and sand that contains the power of heaven and earth.

In Fang Lin's current situation, the strong wind that has reached more than ten levels is no longer an important problem.

After flying at high speed for 10 minutes, Fang Lin could clearly feel that Eve seemed to be in a hurry.

Seeing that the huge wind and sand and the power of heaven and earth could no longer resist the three people who entered his body, it directly condensed the range attack into a single attack.

As a special form of life like it, the attack of condensing wind and sand carrying the power of heaven and earth is like instinct, and other normal B-ranks can hardly pour out the power of heaven and earth with such a large range like her.

However, the condensed outbreak is similar.

Basang felt the pressure early on, and stopped playing the game of "who can physically resist longer" with Fang Lin beside him. There were some knife-like scratches on his clothes.

Before the attack contracted, he had already opened the protective spirit cover, and his own spiritual energy and the power of heaven and earth filled his whole body for defense.

But after all, a large-scale defense is not as good as an offense. Under the attack of Eve's shrinking range and doubled attack power, Basang felt a huge pressure and was very aggrieved.

If they fought face to face, he would really have to give it a knife in the head!
But now facing the 360-degree all-round attack of pumping cold, he can only see the body shield around his body fluctuating, and it will be penetrated if he is not careful.

Fang Lin next to him continued to fly as if nothing had happened.

Basang, who was next to him before, might have been on a whim, and he didn't open the body shield at the beginning like a provocation, as if he wanted to compare the strength of his physical body with him.

As the future Emperor Ha, how could he refuse such an interesting game invitation.

So until now he has not opened the body shield.

This is really because Fang Lin's physical strength is too exaggerated.

The first is the top-level spirit beast bloodline after time and space changes. The existence of this kind of bloodline itself will have higher physical strength than ordinary spirit beasts, and spirit beasts of the same level are stronger than humans.

At the same time, after being promoted to level B, the power of the bloodline became stronger and stronger, and the skin on his body seemed to have physical and magic reduction effects. Basically, after [-]% of the attacks reached Fang Lin, half of the power would be left.

Perhaps this is the reason why those divine beasts are invincible at the same level.

In addition, Fang Lin himself has not been recognized by the black slate, but is equally powerful physical talent.

After being promoted to level B, the mysterious lines engraved in the flesh and bones seem to be connected as a whole, which greatly enhances the basic strength of the body, and at the same time, when the aura is activated, it will obtain extremely terrifying gains and damage reduction.

Now, even in the face of Eve's targeted attacks, he still remains calm.

This surprised both Deng Jiefu and Basang. Although they expected that Fang Lin's physical strength would be much higher than normal humans of the same level, they did not expect it to be so exaggerated.

Especially Basang, he thought that Fang Lin didn't mobilize his spiritual energy, and simply let go of this stubborn resistance.

As the initiator of the game, he has long been convinced and admired.

But he was uncomfortable.

Eve seemed to realize that Deng Jiefu and Fang Lin were not easy to mess with, so she directed all her strength at Basang, and the wind and sand around her became much less.

It seemed that he was slashing at Basang while holding his breath.

Seeing that Basang's aura mask could no longer hold up under the continuous high-frequency attack, Deng Jiefu said.

"It's almost there. I opened up the domain to find the entrance to the secret realm that merged with Eve. After I found it, I used the domain to suppress the secret realm to prevent it from disappearing. The two of you quickly entered the secret realm to find and destroy the core."

As soon as the words fell, Fang Lin saw familiar golden lights flying out, and quickly opened a field shrouded in golden light with a diameter of 500 meters around the three of them.

In this golden domain, Fang Lin, who is now more cultivated, feels a sense of peeping, analysis, sharpness, cutting, etc., which seem to be the characteristics of the domain.

Everything in the domain returned to its essence and became the power controlled by Deng Jiefu. The disturbing wind and sand stopped in mid-air immediately, and then slowly fell.

The range of 500 meters is Deng Jiefu's private territory.

But this time, because Fang Lin was not targeted, he didn't feel the suffocating sense of oppression, and he didn't have the crazy warning that his whole body would be crushed by the hydraulic press in the next second.

Eve, who felt the pressure, suddenly panicked.

It seems that Deng Jiefu's position of flying all the way is getting closer and closer to the mysterious core area. Seeing that resistance is useless, she immediately removed all the wind and sand.

The desert under the entire night instantly turned into a quiet golden world, a piece of peace.

It was as if telling Deng Jiefu that he was not threatening, so stop moving forward.

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