Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 264 Entering the Secret Realm

All three of them quickly noticed this change.

Relieved, Basang finally recovered, wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, this bitch is scared!"

Fang Lin glanced at Basang next to him and felt a little funny. This person's mentality was quite optimistic, as if he wasn't the one whose body shield was about to collapse just now.

Deng Jiefu didn't speak, but once again pushed the field with all his strength, and the golden world expanded to 800 meters again.

But here seems to be the limit. It seems that this kind of exaggerated field really cannot be expanded too far.

Next, the golden area swept around the core area of ​​the Eve Desert like a minesweeper, and within 10 minutes, Deng Jiefu discovered the abnormality with a flash of light.

He stopped over a relatively flat desert valley that was not too steep, and under the urging of the aura, his body burst into dazzling golden light.

At the same time, the entire field is like a sophisticated machine running suddenly, and layers of light similar to scan chains analyze the entire desert valley.

Soon, a teleportation portal with a vast and mysterious atmosphere gradually emerged in the center of Sand Valley reluctantly.

Basang on the side was overjoyed: "I found it, I found it!"

He was gearing up, and was about to go in and have a big fight. He was bullied by Eve's will just now, and he probably had a burst of anger in his heart.

Fang Lin could tell at a glance that the round hole with faint space ripples should be the portal of this secret realm, which was somewhat similar to the ruins he encountered before.

And the entire Eve Desert is like a person whose family property has been stolen and suddenly becomes incompetent and furious. Apart from this area of ​​several hundred meters, the vast area spanning [-] kilometers is instantly filled with dust.

Deng Jiefu smiled, shrinking the scope of the domain and firmly controlling the stable appearance of the portal of the secret realm, Fang Lin and the two said: "It is getting anxious, you two go in now, and it will naturally teleport out after destroying the core."

Basang said with some regret: "Looking at the secret realm of fluctuations, the level should be quite high, which is not bad. It's a pity, after this time, it may not be slowed down for more than a hundred years."

Fang Lin became more and more puzzled the more he listened: "How did this secret realm come into being?"

Why did he listen to this secret realm and still need to repair himself?

Although it is equivalent to chatting with no one else in the link between the two armies facing each other, Deng Jiefu still took time to answer Fang Lin's question slowly.

"The formation of the secret realm is very strange, a bit like a spectacle, both natural and man-made."

"Some secret territories are just a special area, in which there are some special beings that exist repeatedly."

"However, some even have complete historical stories, civilizations, and cities, but this is like editing a short section of the long river of history somewhere to generate a secret place out of thin air."

"Even if you inquire about tens of millions of years of history from people in the secret realm, and you have a huge map spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers, you still exist in this corner of history."

"For example, a city or a small town is experiencing the stories and events that happened here in a certain period of time."

"There is no obvious end condition for the secret realm, so you can only explore by yourself, waiting for the time to automatically end or complete the hidden conditions, but most of these have obvious hints."

"These unreasonable secret realms like spectacle have their own logic of absorbing energy and storing energy. There is currently no information to show what kind of energy they rely on, aura? Or the power of heaven and earth?"

"It's like no one knows the logic of their generation, and there are still no relevant records of the secret realms artificially created by the Supreme Power that are shown in the literature."

"The only thing I know is that secret realms will only appear in areas where the aura reaches a certain standard."

In this gloomy night, Fang Lin looked at the spectacular desert vision around him, and listened to Deng Jiefu's explanation about the theory about the secret realm, he felt a strange impulse all over his body, his blood was boiling, and he felt a little nervous all over his body. Can't live.

He once again felt the novelty and fun of this new era.

A spectacle that cannot be analyzed and understood.

A piece of history intercepted from the long river of unknown time and space, spanning an unknown number of dimensions and latitudes and projected into Fang Lin's world.

What a majestic force this is, it is simply an unimaginable miracle.

And Deng Jiefu didn't make it clear, but the implicit meaning is that they don't seem to be alone.

In the past, human beings tried their best to find life with the same intelligence in this vast universe, but now these civilizations in different time and space seem to be greeting each other in this way.

Maybe, because of the interference of different cosmic strings, the same self exists in the secret realm of a certain world?
Fang Lin couldn't wait to enter this secret realm to find out.

Deng Jiefu, who could see Fang Lin's thoughts, nodded to the two of them and made a gesture.

Basang took a deep breath after receiving it, and flew to the portal with ripples in time and space, and Fang Lin flapped his wings and followed closely behind.

The sky is blue, transparent and clear.

The white clouds are floating in this clear and pure sky dotted one after another, just like the carefully drawn scrolls in anime, just looking at it gives people a kind of spiritual enjoyment.

Under the sky is a golden desert.

Unlike the somewhat gloomy Eve Desert under the night sky, the desert under this sky is like a piece of gold, shining golden under the sunlight.

And in this boundless desert, there is a desert city.

The city wall is tall and towering, there are many caravans and pedestrians.

But now, Fang Lin and Basang were standing in front of the desert city, watching the camel caravans enter the huge city in front of them one by one.

Basang looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise, and turned his head to share his opinion with Fang Lin beside him, like a wise man.

"This time and space is not simple. You can see that the city in this desert is tens of meters high. At first glance, it cannot be built by ordinary manpower."

But Fang Lin rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to him at all.

A fool can see this kind of thing, okay?

Not to mention the tens of meters high city wall, the exaggerated and destructive giant crossbow on the city wall is not ordinary.

Moreover, the caravans or pedestrians passing by Fang Lin and Basang are all fully armed, wearing clothes with local characteristics, basically holding weapons, and there are extraordinary aura fluctuations on their bodies, but most of them are D-level, and a few are C-level. class.

These people just glanced at the two of them with interest and then quickly looked away without looking at them for a long time. It seems to be some kind of customary etiquette, but this also means that the appearance of the two people is not the same. Very strange.

However, after observing it, Fang Lin felt that it was exactly the case.

The camels in these caravans are somewhat different from the real ones. They are bigger and even have three humps.

Moreover, many of the other mounts were also creatures with scales, and their weapons were exaggerated. Fang Lin even saw a man in armor riding a fiery red horse, with a long-handled giant knife similar to the Qinglong Yanyue knife straddling the horse.

In contrast, Fang Lin, who had wings on his back to hide his breath, and Basang, who was wearing a black combat uniform with a knife behind his back, looked extremely normal.

What makes Fang Lin feel a little funny is that if their looks appear in front of the real world people, it may cause quite a stir. Life is such a bloody thing.

Suddenly Fang Lin's thoughts moved, calling for Qi Ling in his heart.

Maybe the space tool spirit from this background knows some information about the secret realm.

"What's the matter, master, I'm busy."

Qi Ling suddenly heard a voice of dissatisfaction and disturbance in Fang Lin's heart.

She has become more and more humane recently. Ever since Fang Lin accidentally discovered that Fang Lin seemed to like the word master more, she has completely abandoned honorific titles such as emperor.

Fang Lin felt that he was upright and corrected him several times to no avail, so he let her go.

Recently, Qi Ling's body and mind are spread on wool and development space.

According to her, Fang Lin's world recently has been a blowout leap, a bit like a reincarnation and reconstruction of a great power, the overflowing power of the world makes Qi Ling pick up so happy that he can't sleep.

And it seems that it is becoming more and more difficult to open up the decaying and dilapidated ruins in the dark, and she needs to be constantly watching and adjusting beside her.

At present, Fang Lin's emperor's space is as big as a school, and the various areas are planned in an orderly manner, just like a brilliant school in the style of a fairy.

This is also the result of her communication with Fang Lin, and she feels that the school-like architectural style and planning are quite suitable for future development.

"Qi Ling, I have come to a secret place, do you know anything about the secret place?"

After Fang Lin briefly passed some information he had just learned to Qi Ling, a flow of information quickly surfaced in his mind.

Qi Ling told Fang Lin that the information in her database was similar to what Deng Jiefu told him.

The translation of the secret realm called by an ancient vocabulary also means miracles and wonders, and Qi Ling also told Fang Lin that there is no need to dig into the bottom of everything he encounters.

Because the whole world is too big, there are countless planes, countless dimensions, and countless universes. There are too many incredible things and too many cosmic wonders. There is even a record in her records.

It is said that a group of immortal and disorderly camps suddenly appeared at a certain moment in a certain universe. They seem to have no beliefs, values, or even racial concepts. They can join any camp and fight each other.

But they all have a characteristic that they seem to be able to quickly become stronger by absorbing souls through killing, and they can be resurrected after death, and soon become the high-level power of that universe.

But for unknown reasons later, all these people disappeared in an instant, disappeared into the world, and evaporated as if they had never existed before.

This is one of the wonders of the universe that cannot be explained.

After listening to Qi Ling's description, Fang Lin suddenly felt very familiar, and there was an amazing idea in his mind, and he didn't know if he could say it.

It's amazing.

Fang Lin shook his head, and asked her something serious: "How about showing me this secret place?"

Soon Qi Ling replied: "I detected energy fluctuations similar to A-level."

"Eh? But it's so strange, this space seems to be broken, the rules are not perfect, I don't feel the power of the law, it seems to limit the power of B-level and above, but how can there be A-level energy fluctuations? "

"As for the speed of time, it should end in about a month, and the hidden condition for early completion should be in the northwest direction."

"Ah, master, there are people from Qiankun next to you. Next time, the master of this kind of ruins or secret realm, can you please stop disturbing me? I'm sorry to ask me to take the benefits directly. It's a waste of my time and energy."

Qi Ling complained, as if she couldn't forget the loss at the ruins last time.

Fang Lin felt a little helpless when he felt Qi Ling whose voice had disappeared.

There is nothing he can do about it, he is really too embarrassed to grab the opportunity of the universe, if he finds out that it is okay, this kind of collective wool will always make him feel guilty.

When I got along with these lovely Qiankun personnel, I already felt indebted. Even though I am a B-level, there is always a feeling that these D-level and C-level people are desperately protecting themselves.

At this time, Basang interrupted Fang Lin's thinking. He said excitedly, "Old Lin, let's go to the city. There should be some clues."

Fang Lin thought about it for a while and didn't say anything about exploring to the northwest immediately. It's better to follow experienced people. Anyway, Deng Jiefu said that it seems that the traces of the final goal will be obvious.

And the core they are looking for, based on the experience of reading so many novels, should all have something to do with this ultimate goal.

So one man and one beast walked towards the city with these people.

"Recently, the vicinity of the Golden City is not peaceful. There seems to be a desert goddess appearing in the depths of the northwest desert."

"What is the appearance of the desert goddess? It's just a gift from the goddess once every hundred years. Where did you hear that you didn't understand it and you are just talking nonsense here."

In a tavern, Fang Lin and Basang, who had shrunk to two meters, sat in a corner and listened to the messages exchanged by these mixed people in the tavern.

One of the interesting attributes of the secret realm is that all living beings can communicate here without any hindrance. No matter what you say or what the other party says, you can communicate without hindrance as if it were your mother tongue.

Not long ago, Fang Lin followed Basang and claimed to be a wandering warrior and beast, and successfully entered this magnificent city.

Facing Basang, who seemed to be quite strong, the guard also briefly introduced the relevant matters of the city.

This city is called the City of Gold, and the reason for this name is that it is the largest transit hub in the Naraku Desert, which spans tens of millions of kilometers.

Whether it is the Tianluo Kingdom in the east, the Xisen Alliance in the west, or the various principalities in the north and south, if they want to trade with each other, they must cross this vast desert.

Unless you want to go around in a big circle, and then pass through various territories that want to suck blood.

The desert city at the center of these forces is ruled by the Bossino family, and the core is freedom and trade.

No matter what your identity is, even if you are a criminal who is wanted in a certain country and cannot gain a foothold, as long as you don't kill and set fire in the city to violate the rules, you can have your own place.

Coming to such an interesting world, Basang seemed to be more excited and adaptable than Fang Lin. He took Fang Lin into a tavern carelessly with the giant blade on his back.

I found a remote corner and smashed the exaggerated big knife on the table, and soon a waiter came over to ask.

After ordering two glasses of classic wheat wine and roast meat, the two began to eavesdrop on information here.

What?Where does the money come from?

Naturally, I borrowed it from the gang on an unknown alley.

"This gift from the goddess is a trial held by the desert goddess Naraku every hundred years. At this time, the phantom of the goddess will wander around the corner of the desert, and the lucky ones who meet first will be blessed and passed on to try Refining news."

"However, the gods seem to have disappeared in recent decades. I didn't expect that there would be a phantom of a goddess this time."

"Hahaha, this is Naraku! The goddess of the desert! It's not the pirated soft-legged shrimp like the God of Light."

"You don't want to die? No matter how weak you are, you are still a god!"

"What are you afraid of? There has been no news for decades, and my own country has been wiped out by the Sun God's Tianluo Kingdom."

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