Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 265 You Come, You Come

After listening for a long time, Fang Lin looked at Basang, who was drinking wheat wine and eating charcoal barbecue, and asked.

"Shall we go directly later?"

"Huh? Where to go?"

Basang was very happy to eat, and he seemed to go straight to the country and do as the Romans did, grabbing and gnawing, and there was oil on his mouth and hands when he ate.

At this time, while listening to the chatter of the people next to him, he concentrated on dealing with the things on the table, and didn't listen to Fang Lin much.

Fang Lin was a little speechless, his wings flexibly stretched out and scraped forward, and he moved the plate on which the barbecue was placed to the side.

Basang: "???"

"What are you here for? Traveling?"

Basang looked at Fang Lin, and casually pulled a short adventurer in a desert canvas suit to his side, and wiped the oil off his clothes inadvertently with his fingers.

"Oh, sorry brother, I admitted the wrong person, let's have a drink."

Under the inexplicable look in the other party's eyes, Basang took a big sip of wine and gestured.

Perhaps because of the faint pressure on Fang Lin and Basang, the adventurer turned around and left without hesitation.

Basang smiled and showed Fang Lin a simple and honest smile with a wide mouth.

Fang Lin was dumbfounded by this set of operations.

Why does the other party look so proficient, it's like a fish in water.

Also, as soon as he entered the city, Basang took himself to find those gangsters to "borrow money" on roads that didn't seem to be crowded.

"Have you ever entered a similar secret realm?"

Fang Lin asked Basang suspiciously.

Basang nodded and said comfortingly: "Don't worry about Lao Lin, since we came in, the flow of time in the secret area is different from that outside. We stay here for a month and then go out, and the outside is only a moment."

"And with you and me together, we don't have to worry about not being able to accomplish our final goal and being trapped here."

"Look at this exotic atmosphere, what's the difference from the time travel in the novel? It's more real than the virtual helmet."

Basang is also a person who has used Candle Dragon's virtual helmet, and he is also considered a loyal party.

Because I already like all kinds of adventures and adventures, and I love them even more after my aura recovers. Unfortunately, I can't leave the Western Regions because of my job.

In addition to performing official duties, the only thing that can be borrowed is a virtual helmet.

But it's a pity that although the Candle Dragon Helmet is almost [-]% virtual as advertised, the world inside was conceived by developers.

The worlds piled up by human beings are no different from playing online games in person, and cannot be compared with the real secret world, where everyone has different expressions.

So whenever he discovers a secret realm, he will take the lead directly, firstly to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, and secondly, to meet his own personal needs.

A secret realm is different from a ruin, and there are only two conditions for getting out of it.

One is to complete the hidden ultimate goal based on relatively obvious information. For example, he has almost determined that the ultimate goal of this secret realm is related to the once-in-a-century blessing of the desert goddess Naraku.

They only need to participate step by step in the past, and then get the first place or follow the story that happened in it to achieve it.

And the core must be there.

And the second way to leave the secret realm is even simpler, just wait until the time projection of the long river in this secret realm is over.

But I don't know how long it will take, depends on luck.

Hearing these reasons, Fang Lin thought for a while and felt that it made sense.

Coming to this kind of world, not experiencing the experience is indeed the same as never being there, and he is also a person who likes to see new scenery.

Noticing that Fang Lin's expression had loosened, Basang immediately cheered up happily: "You feel the same, don't you, Lao Lin? Let's come here and look at the cultivation level of these people around. They are about the same level as D-level and C-level. I still haven’t found any difference between B-level us and Weibo private interviews? It’s just giving out sub-questions.”

"Wait for me to drink two more glasses, let's go shopping in the city of gold, look at the commercial streets, and some goods for sale. I also want to buy some clothes for my wife and daughter. Everything can be taken out.”

Hearing this, Fang Lin's eyes lit up.

Can things be taken out?

Will there be gold here?Then this is taken out, isn't it posted?

After Fang Lin shared the news with Basang, Basang's reaction was beyond Fang Lin's expectations.

The other party actually looked indifferent.

"Old Lin, what you said is naturally possible. Things like secret realms risk staying here forever, aren't they just for cultivation resources or other things?"

"Of course gold can be taken away, and even jade or something is fine. But let me ask you, are you short of money?"

Fang Lin was taken aback, and shook his head.

"Isn't that right? Our cultivation base has long passed the stage of needing money, and the purpose is mostly for these precious cultivation resources. Civilized clothing or jade in the secret realm, just bring some as gifts for your family. "

"As for those with D-level cultivation, wealth is indeed more important to them. The resources they need, such as spirit stones, can also be exchanged for money in reality."

"But at the same time, the difficulty for them to obtain wealth in the secret realm is not the same as ours."

After speaking, Basang drank the last sip of wine in the wooden cup, put the wooden cup in front of his eyes for a look, clicked his mouth twice and put the wooden cup on the table.

Then he patted the table loudly and called the bartender who was running back and forth to come over and order two glasses again.

At this time, a group of people not far from Fang Lin and the other in the tavern suddenly burst into laughter, and even sang the popular ballad.

Bassang was immediately affected by the atmosphere, and happily clapped his hands and sang along to the rhythm.

Seeing him enjoying himself, Fang Lin sighed in his heart.

What Basang said is right, he has indeed passed the time when he needs money, so it can only be said that he pursues different things in different stages of life.

He now only feels that money is just an item needed in daily life, enough is enough, and too much is useless.

What I want more is to see a lot of scenery that I have never seen before.

Then just follow Basang?

Later, I will go to the commercial street to see if there are any gems for sale. I will take two back and give them to Xueqiu, the princess Xiaoyang and the others. I can also prepare a good-looking one for Jiang Baibai, after all, he has collected so many things from him.

However, just when Fang Lin began to think about how to plan this mission + travel life, the situation suddenly changed.

In Fang Lin's keen senses, an indescribable fluctuation swept past them from the space across the secret realm, and then continued to move further away.

This fluctuation gave Fang Lin a very complicated feeling, a little uncomfortable, a little obscure and uncomfortable.

In less than two breaths, perhaps because of the fluctuation just now, Fang Lin suddenly felt the keen sixth sense brought by the top bloodline frantically calling the police to him.

It was a feeling of being rejected by the world, and it seemed that there was malice all around.

Basang's sense was not as sharp, but he quickly discovered something was wrong.

Because from his perspective, the surrounding singing and noise suddenly stopped.

The whole world seemed to be suspended. Those people who were still drinking and singing, as well as his singing and dancing adventurers, bartenders, etc. all stopped their movements, very silent, and their eyes were full of disgust and anger. Staring at him and Fang Lin maliciously.

In an instant, the two became the target of public criticism.

These people got up slowly, silently but tacitly surrounding him and Fang Lin.

Without exception, there were malicious eyes, as if they were about to draw their swords at each other in the next second.

And the door of the tavern kept opening, and the pedestrians on the street, patrolling guards, etc. all gathered behind the human wall.

"what's the situation?"

Basang, who was originally smiling, turned serious. He smashed the wine glass on the table, kicked the chair beside him and stood with Fang Lin, and slowly put his right hand on the long knife at his waist. .

"The secret realm will not spontaneously reject anyone, but perhaps it is the fusion of the secret realm and Eve's consciousness that caused this."

Fang Lin nodded, mobilizing the aura in his body, and asked, "What should we do now?"

There was a flash of evil in Basang's eyes, and the face with the big beard carried an indescribable fierceness. It seemed that the foolish grinning appearance before was another person, and it seemed that the big man from the Western Regions himself had such a serious and vicious look. side.

"It's really unlucky. I originally wanted to go shopping more to let Eve's consciousness live longer, but I didn't expect to rush to die."

He licked his lips: "Just kill it, and then go directly to the northwest."

Fang Lin scanned the surrounding circles of people with different levels of cultivation and asked, "Kill them all?"

Basang hesitated for a moment and sighed: "Forget it, it doesn't feel the same as in the virtual game. I was drinking and singing with them just now. Let's just rush out of the city."

Basang, who was born as a child of the people, still has some persistence in his heart. When encountering enemies, he will naturally be as cruel and merciless as the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

But the unnecessary massacre is still a bit too much.

In the eyes of the two of them, there was no difference between these D-level and C-level people.

Fang Lin and Basang looked at each other, and an astonishing aura suddenly bloomed from his body. With the power of heaven and earth connected, he swung his claws towards the sky.

Five silver-white waves of incomparably sharp aura easily broke through the roof and blew a big hole. At the same time, they continued to fly to the distant sky, flying higher and higher until a ripple appeared on the edge of the space where the secret realm was concentrated. .

Basang felt the power contained in the wave of spiritual energy that Fang Lin hit just now, and looked at Fang Lin very strangely.

It seems to be wondering why it takes so much effort to break a roof.

If you sweep it around, blood will flow into a river immediately, and this section and that section are too horrible to look at.

"Let's go."

After Fang Lin said something lightly, his wings soared into the sky.

The people around ignored the terrifying gap as if they were desperate, and slashed at Fang Lin with their own attacks.

However, only the C level can release the aura, and those limited and weak attacks can't even arouse the ripples of Fang Lin's aura body protection.

The two flew into the sky one after the other, and flew out of the city.

At this time, a mighty momentum suddenly erupted in the central area of ​​the Golden City.

A man wearing gold armor and covering his whole body rushed towards the two of them with a long knife in his hand.

Basang's eyes lit up immediately, and he said to Fang Lin, "My hands are already itchy, help me sweep the formation."

After speaking, he went straight to the golden figure.

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows and wanted to see how they fought.

After B-levels comprehend the power of heaven and earth, every move and every move has a huge increase.

And Basang seems to have used his big move from the very beginning to make the battle directly heated up.

"Earth surge!"

In the sky, Basang raised the sword in his hand, and a huge phantom of the earth suddenly appeared in the sky behind him, and a momentum as thick as a mountain was crazily displayed.

In the wide and vast loess land, a giant that seemed to be formed of sand was born out of thin air. The giant raised its huge fist and roared at the golden armored figure, as if the air was slightly fluctuating.

Basang's eyes widened angrily, and while his body's aura was mobilized, these shocking phantoms immediately merged into the giant knife that was raised high, and slashed towards the opponent.

In Fang Lin's induction, the saber gesture seemed to carry a distant locking meaning, and the golden armor seemed to panic for a moment.

Until he couldn't dodge, he gritted his teeth and mobilized his spiritual power and the power of heaven and earth to prepare for a tough fight.

Seeing this, Fang Lin seemed to remember hearing Yang Zhen or someone mention the three realms of techniques, one of which was to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

Obviously, the technical realm of this golden armor is not as good as that of Basang.

The technique is one of the important factors for the human race to ignore the bloodline advantage and compete with other races head-on. The perfection of the technique can even bring extremely terrifying benefits, and it can leapfrog the battle.

Basang's sword that merged with the power of the earth was like a muffled thunder.

The two B-ranks who can also mobilize the power of heaven and earth burst out amazing aura fluctuations and light and shadows when the energy in the sky connects.

Dazzling rays of light that ordinary people can't look directly exploded in the air, and the shock wave of aura spread rapidly to the surroundings. No matter the houses or the ground on the path were destroyed without exception.

And the golden armor split from the sky into the earth, and after a loud noise, wind and sand filled the sky.

The earth seemed to be vibrating.

Apart from the two people in the sky, the buildings on the ground were already dusty and messy.

This is the power of B-level, even if the attacks of the two offset each other and wiped out a large part, the aftermath of the battle can still destroy most of the buildings.

This is why B-level combat power can be called a nuclear weapon, and it can easily destroy a city.

But Fang Lin's eyes lit up as he watched from the side. It turned out that he could still play like this.

If this level of attack is repeated several times, maybe it can really break through its own defense limit and hurt itself.

However, he doesn't know techniques, but after reaching B level, he can still feel the affinity from all things in the world. He may not need techniques to communicate, but he can also mobilize the power of heaven and earth to borrow the power of heaven and earth like this.

But the one with the most affinity is the power of the moon, not the power of the earth. the s
In the blink of an eye, Fang Lin has already conceived the appearance of his future big move, which will definitely be very cool and handsome, and it will definitely explode when used.

When the smoke cleared, an astonishing huge pit appeared on the ground, and the breath of the golden armor was faintly embedded in the depths of the earth.

"It's ok, it actually beat a peer in seconds with one move."

Fang Lin praised in surprise.

It seems that the current B-levels in this Dragon Kingdom are all geniuses, and they were probably invincible little masters of the same level in the past.

Basang seemed to be a little out of strength, and his flight was a little unstable, but he waved his hand indifferently on the surface.

"Small problem, small problem, just show it."

When I came here, I was bullied enough by Eve's consciousness, and I lost my adult in front of Fang Lin, but now I have regained a little bit.

At this moment, waves of terrifying energy fluctuations came from the city wall.

Fang Lin and Basang turned their heads to look, and it turned out that they were the giant crossbows with destructive power that Fang Lin saw at the beginning.

At this time, these huge crossbows were pointing at the two people in the sky, and the huge crossbows radiated dangerous light.

"Are you continuing to act?"

Fang Lin looked at Basang.

But Basang quickly waved his hand: "Come here! You have to give yourself a chance to show off."

And a drop of cold sweat had already flowed from the top of his head. To be honest, the aura and aura of his whole body had been integrated into the knife just now, and he withered immediately after the chop, so he could still resist this.

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