Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 266 The Fall of the Stars

The sky is still the fairy-tale blue, and in the endless golden desert, a magnificent city stands here, carrying the etching of time for thousands of years.

Whether it's the cruelty of the surrounding environment, the scale of the city, or the traces of the years on her body, they all tell the prosperity and heritage of her civilization to those who see her.

Perhaps, when Fang Lin and Basang came to the real world where the city of gold is located, what they saw was A-level walking everywhere, while B-level was not as good as a dog.

The warrior in golden armor is S rank beyond the emperor, and the ballista on the city wall is even more capable of destroying gods.

But it's a pity that now it's just a corner of the long river of time and space that has been intercepted, only showing a story that happened in the past, and the rules are still incomplete.

Fang Lin's huge body, more than three meters high, seven or eight meters long, not counting the tail, floated in the sky with Basang in the envelope of blue light and shadow.

It's just that compared with the whole city, the two people in the sky are like a grain of rice.

The dust covering the sky and the sun under his feet began to slowly dissipate, revealing the dilapidated buildings from the energy confrontation just now.

Ordinary people and even D-ranks who were close to the battle area in the secret realm just now were severely injured in the aftermath of the battle.

However, the rest of them emerged silently from the smoke as if their minds had been manipulated, looking up at Fang Lin and Basang in the sky maliciously.

And the crossbow arrows on the city wall also began to flicker, as if they were gathering strength.

Basang frowned, forced himself to maintain his figure in the sky and spoke to Fang Lin.

"Old Lin, there seems to be something wrong with these ballistas. I have a feeling of being locked, like a sword hanging from my head. Why don't we retreat strategically first?"

Fang Lin didn't answer, and looked at Basang, who couldn't hide his weakness, his sapphire-like eyes were full of doubts: "Are you wilted? It feels like you're about to fall."

As he spoke, he gestured to those large areas on the ground that were as dark as puppets with knives and knives.

If Basang falls, that scene.
Just thinking about it is exciting.

A drop of cold sweat fell on Basang's forehead, his throat moved under his beard and he said, "How could I wither so quickly? It's just refreshing."

"Then what, Lao Lin, can you carry me on your back, the knife is a little heavy."

Fang Lin: "..."

He looked at Basang, who was trying to save face, and couldn't understand the thoughts of men from the Western Regions.

"Then I wish you luck, and wish you luck."

While speaking, Fang Lin's giant wings fluttered.

Under Basang's shocked gaze, the silver-white streamlined body soared into the sky.

"Old Lin! Old Lin!"

"Where are you going?!"

"I'm still here hey!!!"

Flying high into the sky, Fang Lin ignored Basang, who was jumping up and down. He mobilized his spiritual energy calmly and prepared to pretend to be a good one.

He has recently gained a lot from understanding the supernatural powers of the moon, especially feeling the power behind the law of the moon at a deeper level, which is so inclusive, invincible, and powerful.

There is tenderness towards all things, full of holy compassion, and there is also ruthlessness that destroys everything.

It made him like his powers even more, because he really liked the moon now more than the sun, which he couldn't look directly at.

Fang Lin happened to have a stomach full of emotion, and just now he saw Basang blending into the momentum of the earth and his sword intent, the phantom shadow covering the sky is indeed a bit handsome.

After comprehending the power of heaven and earth, Level B can indeed produce many visions of heaven and earth according to his own comprehension, which is a very high level of life in itself.

It's just that these heaven and earth visions mobilized are handsome, but the essence is still not strong enough. When they encounter A-level fields, they will shatter when touched, but fried fish is handsome and easy to use.

The wind, across the cheek.

Silver-white hair dances in the wind.

In the blue sky, from the perspective of looking up, the handsome beast with wings on its back and the white clouds around it seem to be in harmony as one.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still for Fang Lin.

The majestic giant city under his feet, the noisy Basang, the gathering of more and more small black spots, and the power that had been accumulating on the city wall could not disturb Fang Lin in the slightest.

The spiritual energy began to surge rapidly in the body, and the spiritual cores bloomed with dazzling light as if inspired by something, and the five star cores that had been lit were like the brightest stars in the starry sky.

However, at this time, something unexpected happened.

The four unlit stars also began to glow slowly, and the nine star cores in Fang Lin's body exuded a mysterious aura and were linked together as if awakened for the first time.

At this moment, the spiritual energy stored in the star core in Fang Lin's body, which was like a vast ocean, suddenly set off a turbulent spiritual energy storm.

The tide rises, the waves rush.

A round of bright and clean full moon slowly appeared behind the nine-star star map with a deep and vast aura from ancient times, as if it had crossed endless time and space, and slowly revealed its figure in Fang Lin's body.

At the moment when the full moon appeared, a sudden change occurred in the sky.

Basang, who was yelling above his head for fear that Fang Lin would abandon him while trying to hitch a ride, was startled.

The big copper bell-like eyes like Zhang Fei's were suddenly rounded, and the mouth grew subconsciously, and spit out a sentence of Chinese quintessence.


It's not his fault.


God, it's dark.

The original blue and clear sky dotted with white clouds, when the sun should have been in the sky, became as dark as night fell.

In Basang's vision, the vision of the night behind Fang Lin seemed to form a new sky under the sky.

This majestic and majestic golden city was immediately shrouded in the descending darkness, and the shadows of the buildings appeared on the ground, enveloping the crowds of people.

But soon, the darkness was illuminated.

That's the month.

A round of vast and vast bright moon slowly appeared in this pitch-black sky, exuding a shocking power of heaven and earth, as if the winged beast shadow engraved in the bright moon is the master of this night.

"This is the power of the law???"

Basang was dumbfounded.

He quickly calmed down and felt it, and soon he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the power of law that he almost thinks about day and night does not appear in the power of heaven and earth that permeates everywhere.

It's really no wonder that Basang misunderstood it. In his induction, the vision of night with boundless power of heaven and earth summoned by Fang Lin almost enveloped the whole city.

If it is not A-level, it is difficult for him to imagine that he has the strength and background to summon such a large-scale vision and the power of heaven and earth.

Moreover, the amount of the power of heaven and earth is too large and too strong, so that the impression is too shocking to make people tremble. This is also the reason why he admitted his mistake at the first time.

But think about it, which A-level has the low-level power of the power of heaven and earth that will be seen after possessing the field of law?
"It can only be blamed on President Lin's amazing talent and huge potential."

Basang sighed while struggling to maintain his spiritual power output.

He is really exhausted now, that knife almost exhausted all the aura in his body.

The method of integrating the power of heaven and earth and all the momentum he has comprehended into one knife is so exhausting that he at B level can hardly maintain the continuous output of aura to mobilize the power of heaven and earth to maintain flight.

If it weren't for Fang Lin being here, and wanting to reverse Fang Lin's miserable impression before, and then pretending to be a little B again, he wouldn't use this trick he had studied for a long time.

But this time there was some progress, at least he didn't sit down directly on the spot.

It's just that who knew that President Lin directly pretended to be a big one with his backhand.

Basang muttered in his heart, and suddenly felt that the mighty beast above his head was looking at him.

He hastily waved his hand.

Then, under the night covering the sky, a crystal moonlight shone on Basang, exuding warmth like a mother's light.

Basang immediately felt refreshed all over his body, and the almost dry and damaged star core was repaired rapidly, and a clean aura regenerated in his body, making his whole body feel like a new life.

He couldn't help sighing comfortably, the double pleasure of body and soul made Basang's eyes shine.

It seems that President Lin still cares about himself.

Such talents, even if they don't hold real power at the moment, the future is boundless!

Basang arched his hands above his head.

Under the bright moon in the sky, Fang Lin nodded faintly as if a god descended.

When releasing this vision of heaven and earth, Fang Lin felt that he seemed to be able to integrate into the power of law that he had comprehended before, which made him extremely excited.

Because unless the body of law is formed, the power of law cannot be mobilized at all, because it will cause irreversible erosion to the body, so the power of law is recognized as the representative of A-level.

Because unlike other realms, for example, the amazingly talented human race can mobilize the power of heaven and earth through techniques and techniques. There are almost no exceptions to this power of law. It can only be used after forming a body of law, which can bear this kind of erosion. The body becomes an A grade.

This kind of power is so essential that it is like the key to truly understand the world, and there are too many thresholds for using it.

Perhaps it was because of the full moon and his background that he was able to mobilize a little bit of the power of law at B level. He could feel that if he really integrated this power of law, the vision of his summoning would have Earth-shaking changes.

But it's a pity, it seems that because of this secret world, the rules are incomplete, and it can't accommodate or exert the power of law at all.

Although it is a bit regretful, it is also a good thing, at least it means that I can walk sideways here.

foreplay is over,
Time to get down to business.

In Fang Lin's fighting posture, those eyes that seemed to be emotionless and full of killing and beauty quietly looked at the giant city under his feet, ready to release the big move he had comprehended.

However, at this moment he frowned.

An old sigh suddenly appeared, echoing in the Golden City.

Immediately afterwards, the voice that seemed to contain endless years spoke out tiredly.

"Large defensive formation, get up."

The moment the old voice sounded, the momentum of the entire Golden City seemed to change.

A series of complex and dazzling formations light up and emerge in the entire Golden City, and finally a huge aura formation with obscure graphics slowly rises from the ground and slowly heads towards the sky.

As the light and shadow of the sky-blue formation with various complex symbols covering the entire land slowly rose, an indescribable momentum and voice rang in Fang Lin's ears.

It seemed that thousands of people were shouting in unison in their ears.

"The city of forbidden gold, nine gates and twelve districts, all living beings, including gods, are forbidden to ascend into the sky!"

"All creatures are forbidden to mobilize the law!"

"All creatures, including gods, are forbidden to mobilize God's Domain!"


These shouts seem to contain endless blood and struggles, as if the city of gold has experienced wars and even confronted the gods, and it still stands proudly here.

Hearing these cries that seemed to come from the soul, Fang Lin's face became serious, quietly guarding against the upcoming rules and restrictions.

However, after a while, except for the large moat formation that had already been opened, those rules and restrictions did not affect Fang Lin.

The crossbow arrows exuding a destructive aura seemed to have also taken the opportunity to fully charge, and shot towards Fang Lin in agitation.

Fang Lin suddenly felt a little funny.

What the hell, this place is incomplete, how can it still have such a role that almost has the power of rules?

It is estimated that there is only one protective shell left that can be used.

Fang Lin didn't hesitate any more, under the night covering the entire city of gold, the tumbling power of heaven and earth, the light from the bright moon in the sky seemed to illuminate the entire night sky and the shadows under him.

He looked at the big city protected by the formation engraved with complex lines and spoke indifferently.

"Stars, let's fall."

Immediately, under the deep night, there were streaks of brilliance, which seemed to carry the shadow of the moon, wrapped in the terrifying power of heaven and earth, like falling stars, with long tails of light and shadow densely descending. It fell.

This brilliance is different from the warmth that shines on Basang's body, vividly showing the boundless power and coldness of the moon.

The crossbow arrows shot towards Fang Lin collided with these stars immediately, blooming in the sky like fireworks, and waves of terrifying power of heaven and earth vibrated in the air.

Some even hit Basang not far away, the power of which frightened him to quickly use the aura he had just produced to open the aura shield.

But like a boat with a single leaf floating in the sea, it will capsize at any time.

Basang looked up at the beautiful scrolls of falling stars, and then looked down at Fang Lin like a god, gritted his teeth and flew towards the "star bombs".

"My own people! My own people!"

"Be careful!"

While shouting at these stars, he showed the most beautiful retrograde.

Basang was suffering in his heart, there was really nothing he could do, if he didn't run to Fang Lin's side, the frightening rays of light that were rich in the power of heaven and earth and the energy turbulence caused by the collision of those crossbows with a destructive aura to drown him.

The falling stars far exceeded the number of crossbow arrows under the deep night, and they began to smash head-on on the opened formation.

The blue mask made up of countless formations suddenly began to vibrate violently, and terrifying energy fluctuations mixed with the power of heaven and earth oscillated back and forth on the formation.

Haoxuan rushed to the bright moon, and Fang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Basang looked down at his feet and his mouth twitched.

He glanced at Fang Lin quietly, his heart filled with endless doubts.

"Is this fucking human?"

At this time, those crossbow arrows have been offset completely.

Those beautiful meteors began to hit the formation one after another.

If one ignores the frightening fluctuations in the power of heaven and earth in front of the big moat that can almost annihilate everything, the current pattern is still pretty good.

At the bottom is a magnificent city full of history.

Upward is the big blue formation engraved with mysterious patterns.

Further upwards is the deep night that covers the whole city and the endless falling stars in the sky.

Basang looked at the large defensive formation that seemed to be covered by saturated artillery fire and the terrifying energy fluctuations that were constantly coming to him, calculated the intensity of the battlefield in his heart, and thought about what would happen if he was in that aura and falling. How long can Tuantuan's force of heaven and earth last between nuclear bombs.

Then swallowed.

It's not human, damn it.

Is this off?
It must have been cheating.

Basang felt the warm moonlight shining on him all the time, and couldn't help but rejoice that President Lin was one of his own.

After a while, the formation that had been tested by countless histories and was able to fight against the gods was finally shattered.

In an instant, the entire Golden City was submerged under the endless moonlight.

Buildings were broken, the earth was shaking, countless smoke and dust were flying up, and everything was being destroyed.

That old voice didn't appear again until the entire Golden City became a ruin.

a long time,

As the night faded away, some scorching sun shone on the golden city again, but the once stalwart city had become dilapidated fragments.

The world seemed to be quiet as well.

Basang looked at Fang Lin, who put away his aura and was quietly floating, looking at the wreckage below him, and after a few awkward laughs, he coughed lightly and asked.

"Well, President Lin, your trick is a bit powerful, what's it called?"

"Stars Fall."

"Stars Fall."

Basang said a few sentences that felt very appropriate, so he added two more sentences to enliven the atmosphere.

However, Basang found that the more active he was, the quieter the scene became.

Especially President Lin, who has been standing in front of him with a deadpan and extremely cold aura, examining his results.

The imaginative Basang even conceived an infinitely burning magic flame on Fang Lin.

An astonishing idea popped up directly in Basang's mind.

Chairman Lin, won't be blackened, right? ? !

He knew that these spirit beasts were very simple in character.

If you ruined the whole city this time, you won't feel that you have sinned so much that you won't be able to get out, or you will simply degenerate into a devil, right? ?

Thinking of the possibility of fighting Fang Lin, Basang shuddered and said quickly.

"That...Old Lin, you don't need to have psychological pressure."

"All the scenes in front of you, whether it's the city or the residents or others, are fakes generated by the secret realm. The real ones have been dead for centuries."

"If we didn't come to destroy the core, wait until we go out, and after a period of time when the secret realm has accumulated enough energy, the portal will be opened again, and these cities can appear again."

Fang Lin was a little surprised, he didn't know why Basang said this suddenly.

Seeing him finishing his big move, saying the name of the move calmly, and then posing indifferently, shouldn't he continue to praise himself?

As for what Basang said, he already knew it.

But after thinking about it for a while and understanding Basang's thoughts, he suddenly felt a little amusing.

So Fang Lin turned his head slowly and took a deep look at Basang, as if wanting to penetrate into his soul.

Then, with Basang's silly smirk, he turned his head and flew towards the northwest slowly.

Basang, on the other hand, was stunned for a moment and quickly chased after Fang Lin, babbling back and forth like flies around Fang Lin.

"President Lin, you must not feel pressured!"

"President Lin, this is the same as the game. Speaking of the game, have you ever played the virtual helmet version of the legend? Thousands of people competed for Sabac, and it was a bloody cut, but it was all fake!"

"President Lin"

"Stop! Shut up! I was teasing you! Stop rambling!"

"Ahahaha, I knew that President Lin, you are extremely talented, and you must have a very tough mentality."

"Hey, hey, President Lin, where are we going? Oh yes, Northwest"

"President Lin, what were you doing at that time?"

"To Grandpa!"

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