Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 267 Defeating Eve's Consciousness

Desert, desert or desert.

Looking around, there are almost no other landscapes except the sky full of yellow sand and scorching blue sky.

A few oases passing by occasionally gathered many animals and adventurers in the desert.

It seemed that after Fang Lin destroyed the entire Golden City, the malice from the creatures in the secret realm disappeared. It seemed that Eve, who had merged with the secret realm, knew it was useless.

Fang Lin is not surprised that Eve's consciousness can control some creatures in the secret realm. After all, the entire secret realm world is evolved from the core of the secret realm.

At this moment, Fang Lin and Basang were flying rapidly towards the northwest of the Naraku Desert.

Things have developed to the present, and the two of them have no interest in continuing to play and explore. They are going to destroy the core quickly and go back home.

Basang was thinking about a lot of his business affairs, and of course he was going to continue this unfulfilled trip to another world in the Candle Dragon virtual helmet.

And Fang Lin was still immersed in his extremely handsome big move.

It was the first time he used his full strength just now. In the past, he could only feel that he was quite strong, but he never had a specific concept.

Now I know what I know. First, Basang, a human genius who has just stepped into B-level, is used as a reference. Second, the scene like the end of the world can represent something.

There is really nothing wrong with saying that a B-level is comparable to a nuclear weapon. As long as this B-level has enough aura and can mobilize enough power of heaven and earth, it can theoretically sweep and destroy modern civilization all the way.

It's just that the vast majority of B-levels don't have Fang Lin's terrifying savings, but even if the scope of the stars falling just now is narrowed down, and only a large area falls once, it can cause incalculable losses to any city.

Fang Lin understood why Deng Jiefu had to take such decisive action against Eve's consciousness. Such high-level unstable factors were indeed too risky.

"Is it almost there?"

At this time, Basang grinned and shouted beside Fang Lin, and his rough voice echoed in the sky above the desert.

Fang Lin felt it carefully and replied: "Well, you should be there after flying over the sand dunes in front, you can see that the oasis over there is obviously not right.

Then he squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky, adding lightly: "And that disgusting smell is getting stronger and stronger."

Disgusting smell?
Basang next to him couldn't help shrugging his big nose, and sniffed it carefully but found nothing.

Why didn't I smell it?
He rubbed his head and muttered to himself, feeling a little confused.

But he soon felt relieved that it was normal for a spirit beast like President Lin to have some unique sensory abilities.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry, and everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

Although Guild President Lin has good talent, high cultivation base, and profound background, he is not as strong as himself in sword skills, right?
Basang looked at the claws under Fang Lin beside him, and couldn't help but feel happy. He felt that he had found the value of his existence again, and the infinite self-confidence in the past was back.

Oases are patches of fertile soil in the vast desert, appearing in places where fresh water flows continuously all year round.This oasis is like a beautiful pearl in the vast sea of ​​desert, inlaid in the desert, shining with magical colors.

Moreover, the location of this oasis has deviated from the usual path of the caravans in the Eve Desert, and it is so inaccessible that it belongs to the restricted area for ordinary people.

Some white camels are quietly drinking water by the lake, and the ferocious vultures in the past are quietly falling beside them, like a monk who has been ordained and has no desires.

The whole oasis has a holy atmosphere, it seems to be a place of pilgrimage.

The clean and clear lake reflects the blue sky and white clouds. In such a beautiful landscape painting, an exotic beauty sits quietly beside a white camel.

She wore a thin white veil in front of her face, behind which her peerless appearance was faintly visible.

The woman's clothes are also full of exotic styles. Two desert-colored cloth belts crossed from the shoulders across the chest, and then tied to the skirt of the lower body, revealing a large area of ​​fair skin. Some jewelry on her body set off her temperament. Even more unattainable.

The scorching wind in the desert seemed to become a bit cooler after coming to this oasis. This woman seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, exuding an intoxicating atmosphere.

But soon, this calm was broken.

An air ball mixed with strong power of heaven and earth quickly fell from the sky, and it was falling into the lake in front of the woman.

The surging energy fluctuations immediately exploded into astonishing splashes, and the water in the entire pool seemed to be blown up and scattered around.

The first to bear the brunt is the beautiful woman sitting by the lake with a pair of jade feet placed in the lake.

She frowned and waved her hands, a spiritual energy barrier appeared out of thin air, perfectly blocking the water spray and the energy fluctuations that shot towards her, and then looked up at the sky indifferently.

Splashes of water fell one after another, forming a puddle in place again, but this puddle was much smaller than before.

At least the woman's feet were on the exposed sand.

The shadows of a handsome and cool silver wolf with two wings on its back and a somewhat rough-looking man floated on the newly formed pool water with some ripples.

It was Fang Lin and Basang who came.

Fang Lin has a spirit as a tour guide, and he easily found this oasis in this boundless desert, and found the fusion of Eve's consciousness and the core of the secret realm.

The rest is very simple.

"I didn't expect it to be a girl."

Basang looked at the beautiful woman at his feet in surprise and said, "It's a bit like a woman from our Western Region province."

Fang Lin glanced at Basang and said nothing, but Basang was dissatisfied.

"What do you mean President Lin, all the women in our Western Regions provinces are so beautiful."

Fang Lin didn't bother to pay attention to Basang, who had a strange brain circuit, and looked at Eve at his feet and said lightly: "Do you have any last words?"

Eve didn't seem to be afraid. Her beautiful eyes with a color different from those of the people of Longguo looked at Fang Lin calmly, and then asked, "Why?"

"what why?"

"Why do you and humans join forces against me?"

At this time, a trace of doubt appeared on the woman's calm face: "Aren't we all considered intelligent beings in this world? Birth is full of difficulties and miracles."

Basang sighed and prepared to speak.

To be honest, he felt a little fond of Eve after seeing her transformed into a beautiful woman from his hometown. In fact, this appearance integrated all his impressions of beautiful women from the Western Regions.

But it is a pity that the two sides have different positions, and he has a mission, and many things cannot be tolerated by himself.

What's more, he is also the person in charge of the Qiankun Branch of the Western Regions Province. Most of the time, what he has to put on is a machine where Mount Tai collapses in front of him without changing his color, and everything focuses on the overall situation without any personal emotions.

It is only when he is with his own people who are similar in status and strength like President Lin, that he feels relieved of the burden, or in the virtual world of Zhulong where they don't know each other's real identities.

"It's just that we have different positions, and the timing of your appearance is not suitable. If it is a few years later, maybe you will receive an invitation to cooperate with us and enjoy our funding."

Basang spoke slowly.

Fang Lin nodded after listening.

The fact is true, the current moment is too sensitive, and everything about aura in Longguo is starting from scratch.

After the fusion of Eve's consciousness and the secret realm, it has gone out of control.

No matter how sharp a sword is, it must be able to be held in the hand. The Dragon Kingdom does not lack talent or opportunities, but what it lacks is a golden time for stable development.

At present, Deng Jiefu and Academician Lu are the only ones with the highest A-level strength. After the fusion of Eve's consciousness and the secret realm, it has reached B-level, and all indicators are close to the limit of normal B-level. Except for the lack of entity and difficulty in moving, other Whether it is the spiritual energy reserves or the power of heaven and earth that can be mobilized, it is even close to catching up with Fang Lin.

How terrifying is this?
Even if there is a strange B-level wild spirit beast that wants to cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom, it has to go to a no-man's land on the border or practice next to the two A-levels, or even better in some places far away from the country. Distribute resources to practice on the secret base.

Not to mention the huge desert surrounding the town.

At this moment, Eve looked at Fang Lin and continued to ask, "What about you? A spirit beast with a noble bloodline, why do you want to be with humans? We are all different species to them, and there is no need to kill each other."

Basang frowned when he heard this.

This Eve's consciousness actually wanted to shake the color in President Lin's heart, and the good feelings that had just risen suddenly disappeared and even became extremely disgusting.

Just as he was about to speak, Eve interrupted him and said, "Humans, all I want is a piece of quiet land, and I can also guarantee that the desert will not continue to expand outward to affect your land."

She paused here, and then continued to state the pros and cons to Basang.

"If I continue to exist, then this hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of desert will no longer have any wind and sand invading your human territory. At the same time, I can also share with you [-]% of the various natural materials and earth treasures produced by the desert, etc. , all of your clansmen who come in to pick will be under my protection."

"Are you finished?"

Basang asked indifferently, he seemed to have turned into a vicious wolf of the Western Regions again.

"First of all, I want to correct you. The territory you mentioned has been an inseparable part of the Dragon Kingdom since ancient times, and you don't know how to merge with the secret realm inexplicably to have a spiritual consciousness. land resource."

"Second, we have the right and the ability to have access to all the resources of our land with or without you."

"Third, President Lin is a legal citizen of the Dragon Kingdom and enjoys the protection of the Constitution."

"Fourth, you have seriously threatened the personal and property safety of surrounding citizens, and you have committed specific violations. For law enforcement officers who violently resist law enforcement, there is no place for you here."

"President Lin, let's do it."

Basang said lightly, looking at the sky with his hands behind his back.


Fang Lin was speechless.

This Basang, Bidu let him pretend alone.

Before he could move, the woman below had slowly floated up, her eyes were full of coldness: "If that's the case, you should be buried here."

In an instant, the boundless wind and sand reappeared, carrying the overwhelming power of the world, forming a world of sand.

Before coming in, Fang Lin got the news from Qi Ling that there is a suspected A-level energy source here, but it has no power of law.

There is no doubt that this A-level energy source is Eve's will in front of him.

The desert consciousness of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers is integrated with a secret realm known as one of the wonders of the universe that does not know how to generate and intercept other time and space. It is not uncommon to have such a source of spiritual energy. It might even grow into an A-rank.

But unfortunately, I met Fang Lin.

Without the power of law, Fang Lin is not empty at all.

The main opponent is a living being with consciousness, no matter what form it is, there will be limits.

In the final analysis, Eve's current consciousness is a body of consciousness generated with the help of this desert. It doesn't mean that the other party represents the entire desert, but the current connection is deeper.

After the other party dissipated, the Eve Desert was still the desert that existed in history for thousands of years, and there would be no change.

And after this consciousness and the secret realm are fused to form the core, it is impossible to say that it has all the reserves of spiritual energy in the entire desert.

Again, as long as the other party is a living being and not nature, no matter what form it is, there will be limits.

And Fang Lin is the limit of all creatures of the same level.

The moment the wind and sand swept through, the night suddenly fell, and the bright moon with the ancient atmosphere slowly emerged across time and space again.

The endless wind and sand were immediately shrouded in the deep night and disappeared without a trace.

Soon, the moonlight falls.

From Basang's perspective, he could only feel two terrifying forces of heaven and earth crushing each other, like two ocean waves colliding. Who can crush who depends on the final decision.

He took out the big knife from his waist, but after feeling the little aura left in his body, he decided to run a little further away first, as long as he didn't affect President Lin and didn't hinder him, his task would be considered complete.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, two 10 minutes...

The world full of yellow sand began to gradually show signs of defeat, and the vast moonlight under the boundless night began to gain the upper hand.

The seemingly endless moonlight smashed into the opponent's power of heaven and earth one by one like falling stars, and the rumbling energy fluctuations seemed to overturn the entire desert.

Finally, under Eve's unbelievable eyes, the world of wind and sand collapsed, and she spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell weakly to the ground. At this moment, it seemed that the whole secret realm was sad, but it was useless.

There should be some problems in this secret realm, and maybe it has also generated its own consciousness.

When this consciousness chose to merge with Eve, it actually betrayed the secret realm itself to some extent.

Fang Lin is not an enemy of the secret realm.

The boundless moonlight began to hit her body with unparalleled strength.

Eve watched the countless moonlights and slowly closed her eyes.

"Master, wait!"

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