Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 268 Signing for Eve

In the northwest border of the vast Naraku Desert, there is a mysterious oasis.

Legend has it that this is the place where the goddess Naraku communicates with the world. Every time the goddess comes to the world, the oasis will appear.

Legend has it that this is a holy place to bathe in the brilliance of the gods. Even in the depths of the Nailuo Desert where storms can be seen everywhere, you can enjoy eternal peace and tranquility.

Legend has it that white camels, representing purity and good luck, can be seen everywhere here. They are the pets of the goddess, and they are also the precursor of the goddess.

The desert goddess has no religion or country of her own, and any traveler who gets lost in the desert and falls into despair can pray to her for protection.

At this time, this fabled oasis was being shrouded in pitch black night, and countless dreamlike, beautiful and charming moonlights rained down on the beautiful woman by the pool with astonishing power.

But at this moment, the falling stars were frozen in the middle of the night sky at the moment when the woman was about to be shattered, like meteors frozen in the night sky, like a picture.

The woman noticed something, and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw the picture in front of her, her pupils dilated for a moment, and then she returned to indifference.

Anyway, there is no resistance, whatever.

Basang also looked curiously at Fang Lin beside him, not sure what kind of medicine he was selling in his throat. However, people in the Western Regions have worshiped the strong since ancient times, so he didn't ask any questions, and waited quietly. Fang Lin's next move.

And Fang Lin naturally started a dialogue with Qi Ling in his heart.

"Master! Wait!"

"Don't just waste it like this!"

Qi Ling spoke anxiously, her eyes staring eagerly at Eve's consciousness as if looking at rare treasures.

Fang Lin frowned and asked in his heart: "As for?"

"As for it!"

"Master, I didn't realize it before. This is the product of Wuzhu's fusion of god consciousness and environmental consciousness. My God, this is too rare."

"God consciousness?"

"Yes, this is a unique training system. Its combat power is not considered weak, and it is even more powerful when cultivated to the top. The consciousness of gods is a bridge between gods and all things, which is very important for gods."

"For example, if a god has tens of millions of believers in a world, and every believer is chanting his real name and praying to him all the time, the consciousness of the god can easily collect and summarize the information of these prayers, and according to the degree of belief To help the gods selectively reply."

"It can be said that the consciousness of the gods is the eyes and ears of the gods and spirits system, possessing all kinds of incredible abilities, which are somewhat similar to the very top supernatural powers in the prehistoric mythology."

Fang Lin asked with great interest when he heard this: "The Great Desolation? Does it really exist?"

Qi Ling replied very honestly: "I don't know, but judging from the constantly improving power system of human beings in this world, if it really exists, it may be one of the best in countless dimensions and infinite universes."

"Hey master, don't change the topic, I will continue to tell you."

"The consciousness of a god is almost equivalent to the godhead described in the novel of this incident, representing the unique symbol and will of a god in the world, and it is almost impossible for the consciousness of a god to be separated from the god, unless the god encounters some terrible catastrophe and falls by itself Only the godless gods consciously fled subconsciously."

Speaking of this, Qi Ling has to sigh the miracle of the world again.

"According to my analysis, perhaps this divine consciousness happened to meet the formation of the cosmic spectacle, and it is very fortunate that this cosmic spectacle happens to be a story describing the time and space where it is located.

In this case, it was lucky to enter this secret realm based on the slightest connection generated. "

"Perhaps it has existed dimly for thousands or thousands of years. Finally, one day, the secret realm opened in a world beyond the unknown, and encountered a desert consciousness that was close to itself, thus becoming the current consciousness. biology."

Fang Lin was thoughtful when he heard this: "You mean, the reason why Eve's consciousness can be quickly promoted to B-level, the aura reserves are so deep, and the power of the desert can be mobilized is because it integrates the godhead?"

No wonder he was able to wrestle with himself.

"It can be said that, but she is still not your opponent, Master."

Qi Ling held it up a little.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Qi Ling seemed to be waiting for Fang Lin to say this. She smiled happily and said, "It is now a consciousness that has merged with the consciousness of the gods. You can completely put your brand on it and take it into the space of the earth."

"I happen to be too busy recently. If you have more servants, I can spare a lot of time."

"And if you take her in, you can also unlock a lot of new functions."

"For example, she can completely act as a channel for you to communicate with other dependents, and you can also use her to descend power across space."

"Master, don't you care about those people in the family now? Especially the little girl, she has embarked on the road of cultivation, and you may not be able to protect her all the time."

"But once you put this consciousness with the consciousness of the gods into the space, you can leave a trace of consciousness on her body to protect her all the time. Once you find a fatal danger, the consciousness will come down instantly, and you will solve the problem destructively. Easy to use."

Qi Ling is like a seductive old woman with a black belly, who has to give Fang Lin a little extra weight. Seeing Fang Lin lost in thought, she finally added.

"You can arrange for her to wear a maid outfit every day in the space like this."


"I don't need a maid outfit."

"Oh, I understand."

"Do you like her abstinent and aloof goddess temperament now, so as to awaken the desire to conquer in her heart? I can find a set of luxurious clothes full of noble atmosphere for her to wear every day."

Qi Ling was wearing a fairy dress but rubbing her hands together, as if she felt that she had poked someone's xp.

Fang Lin was really speechless about this Qi Ling who was becoming more and more humane and less and less in tune.

It seems that Qi Ling mentioned that her personality will be automatically generated due to her own personality changes.

But I am not coquettish, quite serious.

After Fang Lin made up his mind to find time to rectify Qi Ling, he asked, "But can it be safe?"

Qi Ling understood his worry in an instant, patted her chest and said: "Master, don't worry, as long as she accepts your emperor's brand, she will yearn for it from the bottom of her heart and obey your orders no matter what. Soul and rule, until annihilation."

"What if she doesn't want to accept it?"

Qi Ling said indifferently: "Then let me strip her consciousness and recycle the consciousness of the gods to cultivate a new one for you. Do you like the gentle and considerate type, the charming loli type, or the cold queen type? "

Fang Lin didn't care about Qi Ling's teasing words behind him, but focused on Qi Ling's previous reply.

He found that his Great Emperor Dimension seemed to be extremely restrained on certain things, and the relics and consciousness bodies found so far.

The relic may be because the Great Emperor Space itself is a similar thing with a very high level of personality, which seems to be able to absorb the core of the relic to strengthen itself, followed by this kind of consciousness.

It is not difficult to guess that after Eve's consciousness was stripped, the consciousness bred by chance in the hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of desert was like a random toy in Qi Ling's mouth.

Fang Lin didn't object anymore, since it was beneficial to him, why not do it?
"Go ahead, remember to finish cleanly."

"Don't worry, master, I guarantee that the big fool next to you won't see it."

Qi Ling rushed out of Fang Lin's body happily, and then flew towards the woman below with a smile under Fang Lin's induction.

The woman seemed to be indifferent to life and death, and the dry eyes in Fang Lin's eyes suddenly changed doubts, anxiety, and panic, and her beautiful body twisted unconsciously, as if something evil was easy to do. Ground broke through its own defense and entered its own body.

The next moment, the woman suddenly became quiet, and looked up at Fang Lin with empty eyes.

In the consciousness space, Eve tremblingly looked at the picture in front of him.

That is darkness.

The boundless tide-like darkness is also like an abyss, a deep and frightening abyss. The darkness in front of her eyes is filled with a frightening black mist, which surrounds her firmly, as if she is in a world without time and space. In a world without light, this black mist is everywhere.

Eve didn't dare to move consciously, because it seemed that if she took a wrong step in the black mist, she would fall into the bottomless abyss of darkness.

She is a creature with a conscious body, and this space of consciousness is her core area. Logically speaking, her consciousness is extremely strong, and no creature of the same level can invade it.

But what reassured her a little was that her god's will, which was shining with yellow holy light, was not far behind her, but it was like a lamp that would go out at any time in the endless black mist.

This endless twisted black mist seemed to be full of death and blood, full of sacrifices and killings. At this time, a tall throne that she needed to look up to slowly emerged from the black mist.

The throne seemed to be full of decay and filth, and the traces of trauma mixed with the heavy historical atmosphere made her breathless, but it seemed that there was a trace of restoration on the base of the throne.

At the same time, the black mist above the throne began to churn crazily, and the aura that seemed to be able to swallow and annihilate everything was accumulating more and more, which made Eve's consciousness a little terrified, as if some supreme existence was about to appear here .

Finally, in her nervous eyes, a pair of cold eyes with endless pressure appeared in the black mist above the throne, and the blue light seemed to be immersed in the soul.

Looking at these eyes, Eve suddenly became unbelievable.

This... is this the spirit beast just now?

Before she could think about it, the surrounding black mist began to unreasonably erode her consciousness and her most important core - the consciousness of gods.

What scares her the most is that her connection with her core is rapidly weakening.

This is the most important thing for her, and it is because of it that Eve's consciousness can change from an extremely simple, almost ignorant state where one thought takes a day to become what it is now.

However, at this moment, she could only helplessly watch her being taken away bit by bit, even if she was being slowly eaten away.

The light in front of her eyes was filled with darkness little by little, as if she would cease to exist forever in the next moment, and there was no trace of her existence in this world, this time and space, and was completely erased.

Her thinking began to slow down, as if her body began to slowly sink into the dark deep sea, and a trace of sadness flashed in her heart.

Is this the end of everything?

At this moment, a fairy-like woman in a long snow-white dress looked down at Eve, who was about to be swallowed by the black mist, and slowly opened her mouth.

"You, are you willing to surrender to my lord?"

Like a drowning person grasping at a straw, she wanted to shout loudly: "I do!"

However, it seemed that she was swallowed too deeply by the black mist, and she no longer had the ability to speak in the conscious world, or even move her body, and could only watch the light in front of her slowly disappear bit by bit.

Despair, utter despair.

However, at the moment when all her thoughts were lost, she was pulled out of the water like a drowning person by a pair of powerful palms, and the surrounding black mist quickly moved away from her.

Eve seemed to be born again, knelt down on the spot and breathed heavily.

"The contract is reached."

The condescending fairy in front of her spoke ethereally, and her voice was ethereal and slowly entered her ears.

At the same time, a bright light group slowly appeared from the boundless black mist above the throne, and slowly fell down after parting the surrounding black mist along the way.

It is like the hope in this endless abyss, which makes people feel warm.

So, it stopped in front of Eve, who was kneeling on the ground, and in front of the fairy standing gracefully in front of the throne.

Eve looked at the dark mist around her, felt the warmth in front of her eyes, and even had a hint of expectation in her eyes.

She is not stupid, she knows the strength of her core and her own strength, but the consciousness space she is proud of is like a doll that can be manipulated in front of this unknown black fog and the throne.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity.

Eve looked solemnly at the light group that was slowly changing in front of her, as if it was about to reveal its true form.

However, a flash of astonishment flashed across her beautiful face in the next second.

Because in front of her was a small silvery white dog paw-like radiant imprint.

Eve even felt that she had read it wrong, maybe it was the paw print of some kind of dragon claw or unicorn claw.

But when she observed carefully, there were four small dots on the side of a large oval.

Even a cute one!


She looked at the radiant mark of the dog's paw in front of her at a loss, and looked up at the fairy.

The fairy seemed to be enduring something, and after a while, she slowly said in an extremely elegant and noble manner: "This is the seal of the great emperor."

"Take it with your heart."

Eve blinked, seeing Qi Ling's solemn appearance, her heart also became serious.

Close your eyes and slowly feel the silver puppy paw in front of you.

The silver dog paw seemed to be attracted, and slowly flew towards Eve's chest.

It was slowly imprinted on her straight right chest, which was covered by two crossed strips of light-colored cloth.

Eve opened her eyes and watched curiously as the puppy paw on her right chest melted into her body and disappeared.

In the secret space, Fang Lin looked at Eve, who had empty eyes by the pool, and moved his right paw.

Hmm. It seems to feel good.

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