Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 27 Who Has Super Powers?

Chapter 27 Who Has Super Powers?
"I am back."

Father Lin opened the door, happily changed his shoes and walked into the living room.

"What delicious food did you make tonight? I'm craving pasta tonight."

Yang's mother gave him a sideways look and sat holding Xueqiu more dignifiedly, without talking to him.

Papa Lin noticed something was wrong and glanced at the sofa, and found that Lin Yuqing was looking at him with her mouth pursed, and Fang Lin, who was in her arms, was also looking at him with his dog's head stretched out.

Pa Lin pushed his glasses and sat next to Ma Ma Yang, staring at her side face motionless.

Mama Yang couldn't help but turned her head to look at Papa Lin, and Papa Lin quickly tapped Mama Yang's mouth when she turned around.

"Hey! Shame, shame!"

Lin Yuqing frowned as if seeing something unclean, and stretched out her tender hands to cover Fang Lin's eyes.

Why are you covering my eyes?What haven't I seen?

Fang Lin hastily stretched out his claws and pulled Lin Yuqing's hand away.

Mama Yang's 33-year-old well-maintained face flushed brightly, and she slapped Papa Lin.

"What are you doing! The child is still here!"

"What's for dinner?"

Lin's father looked at Yang's mother with a smile.

Yang's mother grabbed Xueqiu's butt angrily and said, "I didn't do it!"

Papa Lin shrugged and thought for a while and said, "Today is August 8th, do you know what day it is?"

what day?
All four pairs of eyes looked at Papa Lin.

"During World War II, there was a nurse named Alice in the Allied Forces. She had long golden hair and was very beautiful."

"At the same time, she was also very brave. When the German army broke through the hospital where Alice was, she used her body to block the wounded."

"In the end, she died gloriously. She used to live in a peaceful and peaceful town, and her favorite activity was shopping, so people set August 29th as World Shopping Day every year to commemorate her."

"On this day, people will take to the streets to express their appreciation for the hard-won peaceful life."

After hearing these words, Mama Yang was stunned for a while and asked, "Is it true?"

Father Lin got up noncommittal and said, "Let's have barbecue tonight. I'll take out the electric grill, cut some meat and roast it. Let's go shopping after eating."

Yang Ma was still thinking about the story just now, so she responded casually: "Oh."

Lin Yuqing blinked her big pure eyes and asked, "Mom, is this true? Alice is so brave."

Yang's mother touched Lin Yuqing's head and smiled at her without saying a word, then put down the snowball in her arms and said to her, "Go and call Xiaojie down for dinner. You don't need to prepare anything for barbecue, just cut it and bake it now." .”

"it is good."

Fang Lin had some admiration for Papa Lin. In all likelihood, Papa Lin made up this story, but who cares?

Mama Yang herself was not a really self-willed woman. Papa Lin passed a step to change the subject, and Mama Yang passed along smoothly.

After all, he was also angry because of other people's affairs, so he didn't want to vent his anger on Father Lin. He was also very tired sitting in the company's separate big office fishing.

At the dinner table, Lin's father finally found out why Yang's mother was angry, and said after putting a baked chicken wing on Fang Lin's plate.

"What this old man did was indeed wrong. It's fine if he doesn't want Liu Jing to do business with him, and it doesn't limit her life like this."

"Hmph, I think he is sick, mentally ill! Machismo, too strong a desire to control, is not a good thing, I warn you, Lin Wenshao, stay away from him."

Mama Yang cut a piece of barbecue and stuffed it into her mouth and said indignantly.


Fang Lin jumped at Papa Lin's feet to remind him that it was time to get him something to eat.

This time, after Mama Yang cut the meat for the barbecue, she became the hands-off shopkeeper. The tongs were in the hands of Papa Lin, and he roasted them for the family.

Snowball only took a bite of beef at first, and then went back to eat his own cat food.

Lin's father picked up a piece of net rice with his own chopsticks and gave it to Fang Lin. Fang Lin whined twice and looked at the plate with cumin on the table.

Father Lin laughed dumbfounded: "Okay, okay." After dipping it in cumin, he gave it to Fang Lin, and Fang Lin chewed and swallowed it.

Barbecue has no soul without cumin. Fang Lin is now an extraordinary dog ​​who pursues quality of life. How could he eat barbeque dry?

The family ate for more than an hour, and then Dad Lin drove the family to a high-end business district.

It was a pity on Fang Lin's road, because he was already sure that the Rolls-Royce Phantom next to him was his family's car, and he had never been in it before.

Father Lin is too low-key. Reasonably, if he had a little golden man, he would definitely drive it every day.

This business district is a relatively high-end shopping mall in Sioux City. It is full of major luxury brands, unlike ordinary shopping malls where stores are next to each other.

In an area where every inch of land is expensive with a lot of people, it still takes a long distance to find another luxury store.

There are not too many people in the whole shopping mall, but they are relatively quiet. The people who come here also have a little financial strength. It costs a few thousand to buy a T-shirt, and ordinary people dare not come in.

Although Fang Lin could enter the shopping mall with a muzzle, he could not enter the store, so every time he went to a store, Xiaojie led Fang Lin to stand at the door.

Fortunately, there are seats at intervals outside, so that Xiaojie's young mind will not collapse.

Walking around in front of the GUCCI store, Xiaojie skillfully took out the Switch handheld and started playing. Fang Lin squatted aside. After 10 minutes, when Dad Lin came out, he had another light green GUCCI shopping bag in his hand.

Fang Lin observed boredly, and it really made him observe some details that he didn't know before.

It turns out that Gucci's shopping bags are light green, Hermes' shopping bags are orange, and Chanel's shopping bags are black.

It turned out that the clerks were all wearing suits and white gloves.

It turns out that when you come out of the store, you will be greeted with a slight bow.

Fang Lin saw some subtle changes in his heart as he looked at these magnificent luxury stores with numerous lights and expensive exhibits under soft lighting.

Tell me, who has superpowers?

He looked up at Papa Lin with a smile on his face, Mama Yang who was mature and elegant, Lin Yuqing with clean eyes, and Xiaojie who lowered his head to operate from time to time, and grinned.

"Anything else to buy?"

Lin's father was carrying a few colorful shopping bags, and turned his head to ask Yang's mother who was holding his arm.

"I haven't bought evening dresses for my two children this year, and I have to wear them to attend your miscellaneous dinner parties near the end of the year."

Xiaojie keenly heard this sentence and said with a bitter face: "Mom, I don't want to save some money, okay?"

Yang Ma smiled and said: "What's the matter, you can just go to eat somewhere, and you can go there after eating and playing with your mobile phone?"

Xiaojie retorted: "That's what I did, but some uncles I don't know always come and touch my head and say that I have grown taller and handsome, and I don't know what to say."

Father Lin said gently: "It's nothing if you can't overcome this difficulty? If you really can't, this year you can follow your sister and eat as soon as you're full. I'll send you home."


Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing's eyes lit up when they heard this.

 The number of investors suddenly increased from 7 to 36 yesterday, which is a bit confusing.

  Can this thing be bought?Could it be that someone who bought his own book accidentally bought it for me?
(End of this chapter)

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