Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 28 Ice Cream

Chapter 28 Ice Cream

People are always weird and fickle.

When I was a child, I stayed with my mother and ate lollipops, and watched the older children play around on bicycles. What I thought in my heart was when I would grow up and be so free.

When I really grow up and experience all kinds of troubles that only "big kids" have, I will recall the carefree childhood.

When I was young, every time I went to a dinner party with my parents, I would feel bored and wonder how to escape.

When I grew up, I don’t know when it started, but I suddenly learned to socialize and make friends at the dinner.

But each life journey is precious and unique to each individual.

Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing are now at such a carefree age, Fang Lin envies them in his heart.

Before graduating from university, he also tried to apply for a teaching internship in a middle school, but who would have thought that just a small middle school would have all kinds of connections.

The principal, vice-principal, various directors, and various professional title evaluations made it difficult for Fang Lin, who had experienced tremendous changes and felt socially fearful, to cope with it, so he finally became a charterer directly.

And Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing are born with such a condition, they have the condition that they will always be innocent and straightforward without catering to anyone.

Fang Lin admires Mama Yang and Papa Lin even now, and the words "rich second generation" on the Internet have almost become synonymous with all kinds of bad habits.

Alcoholism caused troubles and dragged cars into the situation, and Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing, who should be regarded as top-notch second generations in Fang Lin's opinion, are still kind and simple in their hearts.

But it takes only three days to learn good and learn bad. The first thing to bear the brunt is the influence of some bad friends. Fang Lin decided to take care of their growth personally. If he dares to learn bad, he will be responsible for setting things right.

The family came to Chanel's dress and ready-to-wear showcase again to choose, and Fang Lin was waiting outside the store led by a clerk wearing white gloves and a small vest.

Chanel's dresses are almost synonymous with women's luxury. The most advanced custom-made dresses are not only expensive beyond your imagination, but can reach millions.Moreover, there are very limited people who are eligible to buy it. After a celebrity buys it, this style will no longer be sold to others.

Yang Ma chose a sky blue sparkling crystal dress for Lin Yuqing.

After putting it on, Lin Yuqing pinched the edge of the sky-blue skirt with both hands and turned around in front of the mirror, as if a princess from a fairy tale had come out.

The whole family was very satisfied. After the selection, a white-haired tailor who was resident in the store came out. After measuring the size, Dad Lin paid 23 yuan to buy the dress. After it was finished abroad, it would be shipped back by air. , almost a year ago.

Similarly, he chose a small suit worth 8 yuan for Xiaojie.

At this time, Mama Yang's anger had already dissipated, and the family was ready to return after the World Shopping Day activities.

When he got to the first floor, Xiaojie saw an ice cream shop, so he tugged at Mama Yang's arm with his left hand, and raised his right hand holding the phone to point to the ice cream shop.

"Mom, I want to eat ice cream."

Mama Yang was in a good mood and nodded in agreement, then frowned and said, "Xiaojie, you are not allowed to play game consoles while walking."

Fang Lin followed a few people to this ice cream shop, looked up and looked at the sign saying ZAKUZA**, what brand is this?

An egg roll 26, Lin's father bought one for each of Yang's mother, Lin Yuqing, Xiaojie and Fang Lin.

Fang Lin didn't expect that he still had a copy, and he hadn't eaten ice cream for a long time.

Father Lin is a nice person and can deal with it.

Fang Lin subconsciously wagged his tail, waiting for Father Lin to untie his muzzle, and then licked off most of it with his tongue. After swallowing it, he took the rest and the egg roll in his mouth. mouth.

Raise your head and chew while swallowing to prevent the egg roll from falling off. Well, the taste can be cold and creamy.

Desserts can make people happy, and people who like desserts tend to be less likely to be depressed.

The summer night was still a bit hot, and the group of people had no intention of continuing to go shopping after leaving the mall, so they drove home together and ended the shopping activity that everyone was happy with.

After experiencing the air conditioner in the car and the coolness of the underground garage, Fang Lin didn't want to stay outside and wanted to go home and turn on the air conditioner.

I don't understand why he hates the hot weather, there are always some fine beads of sweat coming out of his nose, and he has to keep sticking out his tongue to dissipate heat, which makes him feel stupid.

In the novels I read before, people who have achieved success in cultivation can not only fast but also endure various extreme weather.

When can I stop sweating in summer?

Walking into the unit door, Fang Lin couldn't bear to go home and rushed to the elevator.

"Hey! Kaka!"

Xiaojie, who was leading him, saw that Fang Lin couldn't be held back, so he could only run along with him.

Fang Lin maintained the speed that Xiaojie could keep up with, and rushed to the elevator entrance, only to find a man in a suit with a gloomy face standing beside the elevator.

"Huh, I'm exhausted!"

Seeing Fang Lin stop, Xiaojie finally breathed a sigh of relief, with his hands on his waist and his chest rising and falling.

Fang Lin curled his lips inwardly, how could he be so imbecile as a little boy, thinking that when he was a child, he would jump up and down and run wildly outside until ten o'clock every day before being called back to sleep by his parents.

But now no one calls him home after playing late.

At this time, Xiaojie also noticed the man who was also standing at the elevator entrance, so he pulled Fang Lin towards him and stood silently.

When the man saw Xiaojie, a smile appeared on his face and he said, "Did Xiaojie go out for a walk with the dog just now?"

Before Xiaojie spoke, Father Lin and Mother Yang came over with Lin Yuqing.

Seeing this man, Yang Ma's eyes faintly flashed a hint of dislike, and then quietly fell half a body behind Lin's father.

Father Lin stood next to the man and said, "Old Ren, are you so busy? Just got off work?"

Yang Ma took advantage of the situation and stopped next to Lin's father, separated from the man and faced the elevator.

The man smiled and said, "How can you commute to and from get off work on time every day like a big boss like you, I should pay more attention."

Then he looked at Mama Yang and asked, "Are you guys out shopping?"

Yang's mother still ignored him, pressed the elevator and walked in. Xiaojie walked in with Fang Lin and Lin Yuqing.

Lin's father said with a smile: "She got into trouble with me and is angry."

"Ham, it's not necessary between husband and wife."

The man and Father Lin also walked into the elevator, chatted casually, and the elevator stopped on the third floor. The group of people got out of the elevator and went home separately.

After the man opened the door, his face became gloomy again.

"Come back! Have you eaten yet? Let me warm it up for you again? I came back very late today."

Liu Jing greeted him with a smile, reached out to take the man's coat and hung it on the shelf at the door.


The man replied lightly, walked to the sofa in the living room, sat down, crossed his legs and smoked a cigarette.

Liu Jing took a cup of hot water, placed a plate of sliced ​​cantaloupe on the coffee table in front of the man.

"Are you in a bad mood? The supermarket is still in a bad mood?"

The man nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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