Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 29 That's of course

Chapter 29 That's of course
Liu Jing went to heat up the food, brought it to the restaurant, sat down and asked, "Can I have some more chicken wings specially made for you?"

The man waved his hand silently.

"Okay, then I'll eat first, I'm hungry too."


After two bites of rice, Liu Jing hesitated and said, "Do you want me to help you? I see that you come back in a bad mood every day, and I feel sorry for you, I"

Before finishing speaking, the man interrupted: "Stop talking, I'm very tired now, and I don't want to discuss this topic."


The room fell silent.

Liu Jing lowered her head and patted the meal a few times, then said, "Qianqian's family said they were going to have a picnic this weekend and invited me to go with them. Shall I go?"

The man became a little impatient: "It's good for you to stay at home, why do you have to go out and run around?"

After speaking, he got up and went upstairs.

Liu Jing sat alone at the dining table and silently ate dinner after nine o'clock.

But different families on the same floor in the same building are another story.

Fang Lin was also a little tired after walking around for so long. He felt physically and mentally exhausted, and he didn't understand why.

It stands to reason that his physical fitness is not a problem at all for walking for two hours, but shopping is like getting a debuff (debuff effect) that accelerates the loss of physical strength.

In the video, there are often scenes where a woman walks a pet dog and collapses. Such a big golden retriever is paralyzed on the ground and does not want to move. .

The two children washed up early and returned to their rooms.

Lin's father cleaned up the kitchen with Yang's mother in the kitchen, prepared the cooking materials for tomorrow morning and chatted for a while, then walked to the stairs to go upstairs to rest.

After looking around at this moment, Mama Yang looked at Papa Lin with a strange expression and said, "Go take a bath." After speaking, her fair face suddenly turned red.

Papa Lin realized something in an instant, he yawned, went straight to the sofa, sat down and said, "There seems to be a ball game tonight, I'll watch it later."


Yang Ma smashed the dough on the chopping board and stared at him with her hips crossed.


Father Lin sighed and dropped the remote control he had just picked up, and slowly went upstairs along the stairs.

As if accepting the arrangement of fate, the footsteps were slow and solemn, and the left hand even faintly supported the lower back.


Satisfied, Mama Yang lowered her head and quickly sealed the dough with transparent paper, washed her hands and went upstairs.

The steps going upstairs were light and agile, mixed with a hint of excitement.

Fang Lin shook his head, middle-aged men are difficult.

"Kaka, go to sleep."

The door of Lin Yuqing's bedroom on the second floor opened, and she yelled at Fang Lin who was nestled in the living room.

When Fang Lin went upstairs and skillfully jumped onto the end of the bed and got down on his stomach, he found that Xueqiu had already stayed on the bed early.

Now she is completely familiar with life, sleeping everywhere in the room every day, or playing on the cat climbing frame that Yang's mother bought her, and coming to Lin Yuqing's bed early at night to wait for sleep.

After Lin Yuqing lay down, she also leaned over to the pillow and lay down, said good night to Fang Lin and closed her eyes.

Fang Lin shook his tail, and after Lin Yuqing touched his head, turned off the light and lay down, he quietly tempered his left paw with aura.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Liu Jing knocked on the door on time.

"I'm coming, hehe."

She happily sat on the sofa and patted the dog's head. She came to Mama Yang wearing yoga clothes every day, but she had never seen her do yoga. She sat on the sofa and started watching dramas while eating the snacks on the coffee table.

"Hey, why is it a palace?"

Yang's mother sighed in her heart when she saw that she was happy and not worried at all, and she stopped mentioning yesterday's incident and said: "I finished watching yesterday, let's review the others."

I don't know why Gongdouju is so popular among girls, especially housewives in their 30s.

And after watching it many times, you will become familiar with it, so you can chat while watching it without worrying about missing any plots.

Liu Jing suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, the video you posted yesterday became popular again, with more than 70 likes in one day!"

Then he hugged Fang Lin's head, kissed him and rubbed him, and said, "I didn't expect Kaka to be so considerate and comfort my frightened sister."

"Really, let me see."

Yang's mother took out her mobile phone and turned on Douyin to watch it. As usual, Fang Lin leaned his head over to watch the excitement.

In the video, a very cute puppet cat first arrived at the new home, frightened by fear, curled up and hid in the corner of the sofa shivering.

There were worried expressions on the faces of the two children, and the wise father Lin, who was wearing a famous watch, also frowned in the video and had no choice.

Just when the cat was trembling more and more, making people worry that she might faint suddenly, the handsome husky appeared on the stage.

Aww, meow.

A few cross-lingual exchanges calmed the cat down, and what made the netizens boil the most was the two cute creatures with jewel-like eyes silently staring at each other, then slowly touched their noses, and glanced at Wannian.

The number of retweets reached an astonishing 60, which is only 10,000+ behind the number of likes.

Countless netizens in the comments couldn't help chirping, saying that this picture really hit their girls' hearts.

There is a high praise 5.3w comment for writing a small composition like this.

"I had a bad day, really bad, so bad that I felt like my whole life was gray and meaningless.

I went back to my rented house and threw myself on the bed staring at the ceiling in a daze, asking why God treated me like this?
Until I stumbled across this video by accident, it was like giving me a shot of stimulant. It turns out that cute pets can really dispel your bad mood for the day.

I decided to also buy a husky to accompany me, hoping that he can also give me strength like Kaka. "

Someone below was cheering her on, and someone said: "I think he can really give you strength, let you beat his strength (dog head)."

There is also a blogger who is famous for taking pictures of his own house demolition and huskies, and posted an emoji covering his face with a smile and crying, and everything is silent.

Fang Lin also prayed silently to this girl in his heart, hoping that she could buy a husky that would not tear down the house and not commit crimes. Otherwise, how would he face such a scene when he returned home after a tiring day.

In addition to this kind of relatively normal comment, there was a crooked building again as expected.

"So cats and dogs speak the same language, right?"

This comment has as many as 10.7w likes. It is estimated that the phone has been ringing since this comment was sent, and it has never stopped.

The following netizens were clearly divided into two factions. One side supported it and said it was interoperable. Otherwise, Fang Lin persuaded the cat to come back after it was obviously about to be drawn.

Some sand sculpture netizens even said that the animal languages ​​in the world are all interoperable, but humans don't know it.

The other faction said that there was no mutual communication. In the video, Xueqiu only felt Fang Lin's emotions, which made her feel the peace of mind in a strange place.

Fang Lin's dog grinned and stuck out his tongue happily, sand sculpture netizens really could argue about anything.

Do you still think about it?
That is of course
(End of this chapter)

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