Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 30 Your Dad Is Working Too Hard

Chapter 30 Your Dad Is Working Too Hard
Of course I can understand it.

All creatures in the whole world except human beings can understand each other. As for why the voices are different, it is a question of the structure of the vocal cords of each species.

(Do not bring the parallel world into reality)

All kinds of popular science bloggers, pet bloggers, and funny bloggers were involved in it again. Fang Lin estimated that this video would get at least 100 million or 200 million likes in the end.

He has seen many bloggers commenting that they will go back and make videos immediately to refute the superficial and ignorant ideas of the opposing debaters.

However, there is currently no scientific basis to prove this point. It is based on the experience of many experimental phenomena, unless they also become dogs like Fang Lin.

In addition to this seemingly serious but funny scientific discussion, some people also speculated that Fang Lin and Xueqiu must have a good relationship, and they started to chat about cp.

I really can't do anything, knock cpNo.1.

Mama Yang and Liu Jing put down their phones after watching the TV series for a while, and chatted while watching the TV series.

Liu Jing was wearing loose sports shorts that did not reach her knees, and her white and plump thighs were exposed.

The high temperature outside is more than 30 degrees, and the indoor climate is suitable. The floor-to-ceiling windows provide excellent lighting, and the warm sunlight shines into the house, making people feel warm.

Fang Lin put his head on Liu Jing's lap, and after a while of the faint fragrance, Fang Lin became sleepy and fell asleep.

The life of a pet dog is so simple and unpretentious.

But the good days are always short-lived. Fang Lin, who ate a roasted pigeon at noon to improve his taste, had just taken a two-hour nap when Yang's mother called him up.

Fang Lin glanced at the time in a daze, it was past three in the afternoon.

It is said that two o'clock at noon is the hottest time in summer, when the sun is the most poisonous and the ground temperature is the highest. Stepping on the ground is like being in a 360-degree oven in all directions.

But it was very hot after three o'clock, and the temperature of the grill hadn't dropped yet, so it was still unbearable.

Fang Lin was a little reluctant to go out. He didn't understand why he was going out, so he buried his head in the bed and pretended to be dead.

Yang Ma changed her shoes at the door and saw that Fang Lin was unwilling to move, so she walked in wearing her shoes and holding a dog leash.

Lifting Fang Lin's head and putting it in the circle, he said, "Let's go quickly, I forgot to go in the morning, and the seafood market will be closed later."


He really wants to eat big lobsters and big crabs. Is there a chance to taste the legendary king crab today?

Fang Linteng stood up suddenly, and followed Mama Yang out the door.

Yang Ma drove for four to ten minutes and finally arrived at the largest seafood market in Sioux City.

As soon as he entered the market, Fang Lin smelled a strong smell of the ocean. The tangy salty smell made him subconsciously block part of his sense of smell.

However, the air in the seafood market is still relatively humid, with a cool feeling.

Yang's mother took Fang Lin to pick and choose, and Fang Lin followed behind to look at the large and small stalls.

It's a pity that because of the angle of view, Fang Lin can't see clearly what is in many stalls with relatively high stands, and Fang Lin can still see clearly in stalls with low stands on the ground, or in transparent water tanks.

Now Mama Yang was standing in front of a shop. Fang Lin was a little curious as he looked at a giant squid with a sucker stuck to the wall in the tank flush with him. Some creepy dogs.

Then he turned his attention to the lower basket of crabs, perhaps because it had been sold for a day, and the rest looked a little listless.

Yang's mother was asking the store for the price.

"How do you sell oysters?"

"XX is a catty. Don't worry, my oysters are very big and very nourishing."

The fat aunt wearing a black valance said enthusiastically.

"Okay, give me three catties."


Is that so?
Fang Lin suddenly understood that it was to reward Father Lin, he thought he could eat seafood.

In the end, Mama Yang bought another yellow croaker and went home. After all, there were no lobsters or crabs that Fang Lin was looking forward to.

Back home, Mama Yang started humming a ditty and started handling the yellow croaker fish. Papa Lin got off work early today and stopped by to pick up Lin Yuqing, who had finished his military training, and the two went home together.

As soon as Lin Yuqing entered the door, she took off her military training jacket and threw it at the door, and then went upstairs to take a shower without love.

It seems that he is tired enough.

Father Lin hung up his coat and asked with a smile, "What delicious food did you make?" Then he strolled to the kitchen.

Mama Yang showed Papa Lin three catties of oysters and real steamed yellow croaker fish as if offering treasures.

".Yesterday wasn't"


Mama Yang interrupted him reproachfully, then she winked quietly and said, "Yesterday I was also a little tired and out of shape. Look at how good this yellow croaker is! It's very expensive. You ate all of these oysters." what!"


When the meal was ready, the whole family sat down at the dining table.

In front of Dad Lin was a knife and oysters stacked high, and the yellow croaker was also placed in front of him, with a small bowl of prepared sauce next to it.

Besides, there was a small bowl of rice in front of the others, and there was a plate of fried meat and shredded potatoes on the table.

Fang Lin's dinner today is a large piece of cooked beef with a hint of fish flavor. It should be steamed by the side when the fish is steamed.

Alas, Husky is speechless, so let's deal with it. Anyway, whatever he eats now feels delicious, even if it is steamed beef without seasoning, he can still eat it with relish.

After Xueqiu finished eating the cat food, he walked around the dining table, as if he could smell the yellow croaker.



Fang Lin told her not to worry about it, and be careful that Mama Yang will turn against you.

Xiaojie was a little puzzled why there were oysters and no rice in front of Papa Lin. He was a little greedy, so he reached out to get an oyster.


Yang Ma patted Xiaojie's hand with chopsticks to stop him.


Yang's mother stared at Xiaojie's big innocent eyes and said: "Dad is very tired from work recently, he wants to eat oysters, and asked Mom to make them for him. Mom will make them for you next time, okay?"

Father Lin smiled and nodded in Mama Yang's eyes, "Well, it's what I want to eat."


After speaking, Xiaojie turned his attention to the plate of steamed yellow croaker. The fragrance of the fish and the faint smell of vinegar whet the appetite.

He just wanted to grab a piece of fish, but was interrupted by Yang's mother: "This fish is also Dad's dinner today, the three of us can just eat these two dishes."

Xiaojie looked at the fried pork and shredded potatoes, and suddenly said sadly: "Mom, is our family bankrupt?"

Lin Yuqing, who was physically and mentally exhausted after a day of military training, felt that Xiaojie was so loud that he couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Why are you talking so much today? You can eat whatever you are asked to eat. Don't talk anymore. Eat quickly."


As soon as Lin Yuqing spoke, Xiaojie stopped complaining and started eating honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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