Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 31 Appointment Seeds

Chapter 31 Appointment Seeds
I don't know when it started, it feels like the time has been pressed fast forward, and the days pass like running water.

Especially the leisure time passes faster.

Entering the summer in September, it has begun to gradually come to an end, but it seems to commemorate that I have been here before, and I have become more and more irritable in these last days.

Before they knew it, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie had already started school for a week, and Fang Lin's four paws and calves had also been tempered.

He found that the speed of his tempering was gradually increasing, and the next step was to temper his torso.

After the tempering was completed, I was a little uncomfortable at first, but after running every morning, as long as I don't use my spiritual power often, it's fine.

After tempering the muscles of the whole body as soon as possible, that is the embryonic form of the real extraordinary.

You must know that the whole body is an organic whole. Whether Fang Lin slaps or scratches, he needs the strength of his whole body.

Judging from the current situation, after using the spiritual power, the claws can smash the stones without pain, and I am afraid that they can become invulnerable.

Put it on the battlefield in ancient times, it is equivalent to a bug with heavy armor all over its body, and it is extremely sensitive and lethal.

However, it is estimated that there is still a certain distance from hard resistance to bullets, but Fang Lin feels that the tempering of the body has only reached the limit of his current stage.

After his spiritual cultivation has improved, his body should be able to be further tempered.

He has not tempered his whole body yet, but he has already dreamed of the dream of crossing the void with a sanctified body in the novel.

And daily life is also ordinary. Last weekend, Lin Yuqing's military training had just ended, and when Xiaojie was about to start school, the whole family went for a picnic together.

Originally, he planned to go fishing at the riverside camping club that Mama Yang said, and Papa Lin very much agreed with this proposal.

But later, because he didn't know why, Yang's mother got angry, and finally decided to drive to a beautiful campsite in the suburbs for camping.

Next to a huge lawn, there are beautiful mountains and rivers. On the lawn are large and small tents, and there are many people who are very lively.

Liu Jing didn't make it in the end, Fang Lin actually hated her a little bit.

It stands to reason that Liu Jing is a little younger than Yang's mother, and Fang Lin's favorite type is the best figure, but Fang Lin still has a strange feeling.

It's like watching a tragic heroine of a TV series in the past, feeling angry and indisputable, scolding the stupid woman while watching.

He has already discovered that Liu Jing's character is very innocent, like a little girl who hasn't grown up. Fang Lin can vaguely feel that her heart actually has negative energy, and a large part of it should come from her strong desire to control husband.

But every time she came to Mama Yang's place, she was always smiling and happy, and never vented her negative energy to affect others.

Fang Lin didn't know whether this was an advantage or a disadvantage. If she could complain to Mama Yang like a normal woman and mourn her misfortune, Fang Lin wouldn't be so angry seeing her like she is now.

He also understands why Yang's mother was angry at the beginning. She obviously invested a large part of the money in the beginning of the business, so why should she be so humble?
Still trusting her husband so much, and being so obedient, this is simply an anomaly in today's society.

And what makes Fang Lin most angry is that this kind of woman who only exists in fairy tales, beautiful and beautiful, the Gu family invests in helping men, obeys everything, but meets a different kind of man.

My wife is not allowed to go out to play normally, what?
Since Fang Lin easily tore up a soda can with his right paw during morning exercise a few days ago, a small flame seemed to be ignited in his heart.

With a sharp blade in his body, he will kill himself.

What he wants most now is to live freely and happily. If this was in ancient times, he might sneak in at night and kill that man.

This TV show is too boring to watch.

And Fang Lin's popularity on the Internet is also slowly increasing.

Mama Yang has more than 170 million fans, and the last two popular videos have reached more than 100 million likes in the end. Although they didn't break the 200 million like Fang Lin thought in the end, they are still a lot.

In fact, Fang Lin himself had never been a video blogger before, so it was too easy to think about traffic.

Afterwards, although Mama Yang was too lazy to edit the video and stopped updating it for a week, she recently edited some recent life pictures and scenes of going camping and made a video by herself.

Mama Yang didn't want to bother Papa Lin all the time, the main reason for that time was to see him rest on weekends, otherwise she wouldn't let him cut it.

But Fang Lin felt that although Mama Yang was a top student who graduated from Magic Cross, she was still lacking in video editing skills.

No matter in terms of key control or screen switching, the selection of background music is quite different from the previous video.

But the video is mainly an expression of content. There are two traffic codes, Fang Lin and Xueqiu, and the video has hundreds of thousands of likes.

At that time, Papa Lin grilled a grilled fish for Xueqiu, and Xueqiu, the idiot, took a bite out of it. It was so hot that she hopped her feet, and after eating it with tears in her eyes, she went to Papa Lin's feet to beg for comfort.

The little head rubbed back and forth on Papa Lin's leg, meowing to ask him to have more.

What embarrassed Fang Lin the most was that many of the campers on the lawn brought their pets with them.

Although Fang Lin has been growing up, he is still not as big as those adult bitches.

So he was surrounded by a group of all kinds of little bitches, mainly because his appearance after being baptized by spiritual energy was too outstanding.

The fur as a whole is shiny, black where it should be black, and extremely white where it should be white, and those sapphire-like eyes are becoming more and more charming, even Yang Ma is sometimes fascinated by his eyes, let alone those of the same race bitch.

Samoyed, Golden Retriever, Labrador, Alaska, Husky, etc., all kinds of qualities, sniffing around his ass.

A lot of male dogs saw it and gathered around to watch the fun, wondering if it was that handsome boy who was so awesome.

If Fang Lin was reborn as a man who looked better than Pan An, he went out to play with a group of people, surrounded by a group of gorgeous beauties asking for WeChat, and then a group of men watched enviously and hated him.

Then this is a perfect pretense and slap in the face plot.

But the current situation is because many dogs are surrounded here, and the owners all come over when they see the movement, pointing at Fang Lin and laughing wildly to take pictures, making Fang Lin feel like a monkey being watched.

Because there are so many people, and some dog owners are here, he can't use his spiritual power to slap all these bitches away, right?
It would be great if I could master the spirit pressure Longwei in the novel, once the dog's power comes out, it will scare all these bitches away.

The family is the owner of a female husky, and even found Lin's father, wanting to make an appointment for Fang Lin's first wave of seeds when he grows up.

Fang Lin was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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