Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 32 1 Fire

Chapter 32
At that time, Dad Lin was also taken aback for a moment and then replied: "Let's see how the two of them feel about each other when the time comes, they have to fall in love freely, right?"

Tsk tsk, Dad Lin's work really makes people feel comfortable, if he agrees, wouldn't it be possible for him to really have sex with the dog.

Although his physical instincts did not refuse, Fang Lin still refused in his heart.

A little thirsty, Fang Lin ended his memories, lazily stood up from the nest, pouted his buttocks and stretched hard.

Studies have shown that stretching can make people feel good physically and mentally, and regular stretching can increase people's sense of well-being.

Fang Lin walked slowly to the balcony, went to his exclusive water purifier and drank enough water, and walked into the room leisurely.

It was nine o'clock in the morning on Saturday, and the weather outside was still a bit hot, Fang Lin didn't want to stay outside for too long.

Who doesn't like an air-conditioned room!After becoming a dog, he likes it even more. If he had a choice, he would rather stay at home 24 hours a day.

Originally as a husky, his blood instinct wanted to exercise to demolish the house, and after being baptized with spiritual energy, he always felt a sense of restlessness during that time.

Every morning when I run in the morning, my whole body feels active and humming comfortably.

However, with Fang Lin's strengthening and tempering of his body and the practice of spiritual energy, the first empty slot has been filled to less than half, and now Fang Lin can gradually control his body's instincts.

He can relax in the Buddhist system without any other reactions.

Yang's mother was drying clothes on the balcony. Seeing Fang Lin coming in slowly like an old man to drink some water, and then slowly leaving the balcony, she couldn't help joking: "If it weren't for people saying that your husky blood is pure, I would have thought you What kind of variant is it?"

Fang Lin turned his head and gave Yang Ma an innocent look, wagging his tail and went upstairs.

He was going to play with Xiaojie for a while to see if he was playing any new games.

Fang Lin traveled through time because of playing games. As a serious nerd, it was common for him to unknowingly discover that it was dawn while playing games.

It's a pity that now I'm a husky and I can't play any games.

Xiaojie has started school now, and school ends at 04:30 every day, but Yang's mother usually asks him to do his homework at school for an hour and a half, and after completing all the tasks, he will pick him up at six o'clock.

The main reason is that Xiaojie's Yucai Primary School and Lin Yuqing's No. [-] Middle School are just across the street, and they are both very top schools in elementary and junior high schools.

Elementary and junior high schools are allocated to go to school. If you buy a house in a nearby school district, even if you steal the school principal’s wife, he will not be able to prevent you from enrolling.

So one can imagine how exaggerated the housing prices in this school district are.

Yang's mother was too lazy to pick him up at 04:30, and Lin Yuqing at six o'clock, so she simply asked him to finish his homework and come back.

There is one thing to say, in fact, the homework in elementary and junior high schools is not so exaggerated.

Many students who love to study finish their writing in the time between classes, and those who procrastinate until twelve o'clock in the middle of the night usually go home and take out their schoolbags.

I haven’t read two words before eating. After dinner to digest food, it’s too late to play with my mobile phone before I know it. The efficiency of writing while playing is too low.

In less than an hour, Xiaojie basically finished all his homework. He wandered around the class and went to the teacher's office. It was six o'clock, and Yang's mother came to pick him up and go home.

Strange to say, with this approach, Xiaojie did not enroll in any remedial classes. He just completed his homework on time and quickly every day, and Xiaojie's grades were among the best in the class.

However, Xiaojie was not at home during the day, so Fang Lin's fun was much less. It happened that Fang Lin was going to see what he was doing this Saturday.

Arriving in front of Xiaojie's door and finding it closed, Fang Lin jumped forward looking at the angle, held down the handle and opened the door.

He had to control his own strength, not to jump too high, and not to pull the handle off.

In the room, Xiaojie didn't play games, but stood in the room and played with a yo-yo.

Fang Lin called it a good guy in his heart, he had played with this thing before when he was a child, and it was all brought by Huolishaonianwang.

It's just that he didn't have that much pocket money when he was a child, and he bought a lot of yo-yos for a few yuan each, but the quality was not good.

It can't spin for a long time, let alone make movements when thrown out, just let it spin by itself for ten seconds.

However, Xiaojie's equipment obviously looks a lot more high-end. He wears a black glove on his hand, the rope is fluorescent green and the color is very bright, and there is a double diamond logo on the yo-yo.

The whole yo-yo is silver, and it looks like a good material.

Seeing Fang Lin coming in, Xiaojie ran over in surprise, looked outside the door and said, "Wow, Kaka, how did you come in?"

Seeing that he was curious, Fang Lin kicked the door shut with his hind legs, then turned around and jumped up to open the door again.

"You can open the door yourself! You can jump really high."

That's up to you!Hurry up and play the yo-yo and let me see.

Xiaojie touched Fang Lin, then stood back, looked forward seriously, stood still for a few seconds, and then released the yo-yo with a vicious flick.

The yo-yo crossed a beautiful parabola and began to spin vertically, and then Xiaojie swung the yo-yo to his left hand with a strong right hand.

The rope of the yo-yo circled around the fingers of the left hand, and the yo-yo smoothly stopped and rotated on the stretched rope between the left hand and the right hand.

Whoa!And a little technical.

Fang Lin watched Xiaojie's next move expectantly, and saw that Xiaojie kept this posture for a few seconds and suddenly let go of the rope and retracted the yo-yo.

Xiaojie patted his forehead with his left hand and said to himself: "What are you going to do next, I forgot again!"

Xiaojie ran to the computer desk in his bedroom and played the video.

"a fire
burning heart
Burn away the confusion in my heart

raging heat is energy

Hardened King Kong
to be pondered

a ball of fire
burning heart
Breaking through obstacles without being cowardly
grow to break through

youth years
I'm in charge! "

Suddenly, this familiar melody sounded from the stereo on the desk, which set Fang Lin on fire.

He glanced at the monitor, and it turned out that Xiaojie was watching Huolishaonianwang, in which Li Fei was performing cool moves. His cool moves accompanied by exciting background music made Fang Lin seem to have returned to his youth.

How can someone watch TV to learn technology?It's really strange.

Xiaojie looked at it and forgot that he was going to practice skills. He pulled the ergonomic chair and sat on it to zoom in and watch the video.

After a while, "Didi."

With a click sound, Xiaojie opened the message.

Fang Lin looked at it, and it should be a classmate in his class who sent him a video, which showed a picture of his classmate playing a yo-yo.

After watching it, Xiaojie's face changed, and he didn't reply to the message. He turned on the video and rewinded to the beginning, and finally started to practice against it.

(End of this chapter)

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