Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 33 The Depressed Lin Yuqing

Chapter 33 The Depressed Lin Yuqing
As for why Xiaojie and the others suddenly became obsessed with things many years ago, Fang Lin was not surprised at all.

Because when I was in elementary school, the whole class was actually like a small group.

One day, a person in a group who gets more attention, such as being lively or good-looking or studying well, etc., suddenly watched an animation or played a game, or read a new book, and then went to school with good friends Let's talk.

Good friends are likely to follow the trend and experience it together. In elementary school, the feelings of classmates were relatively pure, and there was no closed circle.

Therefore, it is very likely that the whole class will start playing a certain game, listening to a certain person's song, or reading a certain book.

Fang Lin experienced this situation many times when he was in elementary school.

The first time was that a certain very cute female classmate bought a complete set of Laughing Cat Diaries, and then gradually the whole class began to borrow her books to start reading, and a set of books was continuously circulated in the class.

The second time was about the events of the Ming Dynasty. This time it was a male student who was better at studying. The Chinese teacher saw the book on his desk and took it to read a class in the reading class.

After class, I praised the book wildly, and then the whole class started to borrow it again.

Generally, the first half of this book is political and the second half is military.At that time, Fang Lin was relatively young and a boy. After watching the more interesting part of Zhang Juzheng's politics, he simply skipped the politics of other departments.

Looking specifically at the later part of the battle, there is a plot that he still remembers vividly. A certain general hid in a tortoise-like iron-clad ship when he was fighting Japanese pirates, and was hit by an arrow that flew in and died.

Let's not mention games like Moore Manor that are circulated throughout the school.

So Fang Lin guessed that it was probably a classmate in Xiaojie's class. Whoever shared Huolishaonianwang, or played this cool video, started to follow suit.

Fang Lin stared at him and practiced for two hours. He felt tired from watching, but Xiaojie was still in high spirits.

It's really strange, are the kids nowadays so tenacious?

Fang Lin glanced at the time and it was 11:30, and his stomach started to growl.

Xiaojie was still watching Li Fei learning his movements on the screen, a set of very complicated back and forth suspension bridges, Xiaojie slowly practiced the first and more basic part.

Don't tell me it's really pretty. Although it looks simple, it's pretty good for a fourth-grade kid to be able to play like this.


The click sounded again.

After reading the news, Xiaojie thumped the table heavily, which startled Fang Lin.

Fang Lin hurried to check the chat message, it was still the message sent by the person whose profile picture was Altman and noted that he was a big fat pig.

"Lin Zhijie, haven't you practiced yet? I can practice casually~"

"I will perform for Chenchen during recess on Monday, hehe."

Fang Lin couldn't help but be amused after watching it. The intrigue among the elementary school students is quite powerful.

Xiaojie remarked the big fat pig on the opposite side, and Fang Lin thought that the opposite side should be a little chubby.

And what makes Fang Lin most interesting is who is this person named Chenchen?
She's probably a little girl, right?
Then there is something, Xiaojie is competing for favor with this Ultraman chubby?
Judging from the situation, this little fat man seems to have a high degree of completion.

But from Fang Lin's point of view, if Xiaopangdun also practiced this set of movements that Xiaojie watched, it would be almost impossible to say that it is almost impossible to do it in a short time.

Yoyo still has technical content, and it cannot be practiced casually, although most of the students are unable to complete the basic movements due to the limitation of the quality of the yoyo.

But this also shows that he still has some thresholds in disguise.

Fang Lin couldn't help but have a bold guess in his mind. Could it be that this little chubby man is so angry?
He picked a track he was already familiar with, pulled Xiaojie in, and showed it in front of the little girl named Chenchen.

Fang Lin secretly applauded this wonderful idea, and his fluffy tail wagged excitedly.

It's a pity that I can't see the scene of two little boys fighting for favor on Monday.

Fang Lin was very curious, what kind of little girl could attract Xiaojie?
With Lin Yuqing in front of him who is so quiet and cute, Bingbing plus version of Zhuyu, how can he fall in love with other people so easily?

At [-]:[-], Mama Yang went upstairs and grabbed Xiaojie, who had yelled several times not to move, down for dinner.

"Lin Wenshao, look at your son, he won't even eat after playing yo-yo! Let me see if you will buy it for him!"

Dad Lin, who was suddenly cueed, couldn't pretend to be dead anymore. He put on his face and said to Xiaojie: "Did you hear what your mother said? If you don't eat well, how can you use your strength to practice yo-yo?"

"Oh, got it."

Xiaojie responded sullenly.

Lin Yuqing also picked up a little bit of rice in the small bowl with chopsticks with a melancholy expression, but did not pick up the delicacies on the table.

At noon today, Yang's mother made grilled pork chops. The crispy and crispy pork ribs were filled to the brim on the plate, and a few stir-fried vegetables were also served with it.

Lin's father and Yang's mother saw that the two children were full of worries, so they didn't move their chopsticks for a while.

The room was relatively quiet for a while, only Fang Lin was gnawing on the ribs.

How delicious are these grilled ribs!

Sometimes the stewed pork ribs can't be chewed with firewood, but the taste of the grilled ones is awesome, with a long bone and slowly crispy and crispy meat.

Fang Lin noticed the gazes of Lin's father and Yang's mother, but he didn't care about it. It was the loud noise of continuing to gnaw during meal time.

Mama Yang sighed: "What's going on with you two today? Look at how delicious Kaka's food is, and look at the snowball over there, he hasn't even raised his head."

Papa Lin asked Lin Yuqing with a concerned face. Seeing that he had affected them, Lin Yuqing sat up straight and said, "It's nothing." He started to eat well.

On the contrary, Xiaojie started to complain about that little chubby man crazily, and Fang Lin also knew that the kid was named Liu Chao.

Said that he and Liu Chao had a bet on the yo-yo game on Monday, but they didn't practice well.I don't understand why Liu Chao practiced so fast and so on.

Fang Lin just wanted to say a word after listening.

You didn't say a word about that Chenchen!
Children in the fourth grade are still a little cautious.

Lin Yuqing silently ate half a rib, took two bites of vegetables, and after finishing a small bowl of rice, said: "I'm done," got up and left.

The eloquent Xiaojie stopped for a while, and after his sister got up, he continued to chatter.

Fang Lin, Lin's father and Yang's mother looked at Lin Yuqing thoughtfully, wondering what was going on with her.

But the good thing about Yang's mother and Lin's father is that they have given the children enough personal space since childhood.

When the children can't solve the problem and ask them for help, they will stand up and solve the problem perfectly.

In fact, most of the problems that the children see are nothing to Lin's father and Yang's mother.

Not to mention the children, even if it is an adult who encounters difficulties, it is nothing to Father Lin.

90.00% of the things in this world can be solved with money.

(End of this chapter)

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