Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 35 Special Affairs Bureau

Chapter 35 Special Affairs Bureau
Lin Yuqing was unhappy at lunch because he couldn't solve the equation?

But it's only a week since the beginning of school, so how can we talk about equations.

Fang Lin was a math teacher in the first grade of junior high school during his internship before. It seems that concepts such as rational numbers and irrational numbers should be right at the beginning.

Let students have an understanding and mastery of the basics of mathematics and science.

Because mathematics is the cornerstone of scientific development, even in chemistry, structures such as those unit cells also require mathematical calculations.

As mathematics is such an important basic subject, his teaching also runs through a student's entire learning career.

How to slowly present the subject of mathematics in front of students has been discussed and researched by countless experts and professors day and night.

Because mathematics as a subject is different from simple applications in daily life, it has some concepts and nouns.

In elementary school, starting from 1+1 equals 2, teach children addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and some shortcut calculation methods.

But how do you teach that 1+1=2?
This question, which even the world's top mathematicians cannot prove, naturally cannot write formulas in front of a group of ignorant children.

It can only be used if you have one apple, and I gave you another apple, how many apples do you have?
This kind of small problems in daily life to instill "+"

this mathematical concept.

And in junior high school, when children have the calculation concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, they return to the number itself.

Rational numbers, irrational numbers.

The numbers themselves have those divisions.

From the beginning of naming these nouns, efforts have been made to be easy to understand and teach.

Only then does the concept of unknowns begin to be taught, leading to equations.

But it's only been a week since school started, is this the key class?

Fang Lin smacked his lips, got up and followed Xiaojie to Lin Yuqing's bedroom.

Entering the room, Fang Lin found that Xiaojie had been pushed beside the desk.

Lin Yuqing cleared his throat and pointed to a question and asked, "Why can this equation be established by setting this to x? What does this equation mean?"


Xiaojie thought for a while and said: "It means that you set the required thing as an unknown number, and then you can treat it as a known number. Then establish a mathematical relationship based on the known information given by the topic."

Lin Yuqing's cute little face was full of confusion.

Xiaojie secretly sighed, knowing that this matter is not easy.

After half an hour of entanglement, Lin Yuqing finally knew how to do this set of questions.

Then he began to complain to Xiaojie: "Our math teacher's lectures are so fast, the most important thing is that the students in the class seem to have previewed in advance."

She propped her small face with her hands and continued: "When the teacher asked if it was finished, they all shouted there! Then the teacher continued to talk, without waiting at all."

Xiaojie saw that his sister was distressed, so he scratched his head and gave a suggestion: "You can also learn in advance."

Lin Yuqing looked at him dissatisfied: "I haven't learned it yet, how can I learn it in advance?"

Then he remembered that Xiaojie knew the equations in the fourth grade, so he drove him away out of anger.

After closing the door, he threw himself on the bed and hummed inexplicably.

Fang Lin jumped onto the bed and licked her face, trying to comfort her.

In fact, students in key classes are under a lot of learning pressure, and the atmosphere of competition is relatively strong. Most of the teachers' eyes will be on those students who are in the head.

Lin Yuqing was already in a bad mood, if he hadn't had to, who would lower his face and ask his brother a question?

So she hugged Fang Lin and complained bitterly: "The teacher speaks so fast, I can't blame me, right? Why do you say I'm stupid!"


"I'm not stupid at all!"



After speaking, he flung himself on the bed again. Fang Lin sat beside her for a while and found that she had fallen asleep.

Silently picked up the air conditioner and was dragged towards her, then slipped out and closed the door.

"Zhuo! Here again, I feel like I'm at odds with this place!"

On a black off-road vehicle, Yang Zhen complained dissatisfiedly to Yi Fei who was sitting in the co-pilot.

After speaking, he took a sharp puff of the cigarette in his hand, opened the window and threw it out.

Yi Fei's eyes hidden under the black sunglasses rolled a big white eye.

Yang Zhen seemed to have a feeling and said, "Did you roll your eyes at me?"

Yi Fei flicked the bangs of her short hair and said, "Can you look good, and you're a breeder?"

Yang Zhen said while starting the car: "What kind of breeder, is that also a soldier, okay? Your sunglasses are very handsome, and I will also fix one when the time comes."

"Are you still a soldier?"

"Isn't it okay to be a veteran?"

"Pfft~" Yi Fei laughed softly, "I didn't expect you to be quite self-aware, old soldier, don't you have sunglasses?"

Generally, the favorite of soldiers is sunglasses, basically everyone has a pair.

"My squad leader didn't let me wear it at the time, saying that I wouldn't recognize who I was if I wore sunglasses."

Yang Zhen answered casually, then remembered something, and said to Yi Fei annoyedly: "Did you tell Lao Deng about the two of us getting involved? Otherwise, he would send me to Suzhou City?"

Yi Fei was a little impatient: "I'm also in the game, okay? Why am I talking about this? Besides, what does the captain want to know is not simple?"

Speaking of which, she clasped her arms and teased: "The captain used to call Huan, but now he becomes Lao Deng as soon as he comes out?"

Yang Zhen secretly glanced at Yi Fei's chest which was still flat after hugging it with both hands, secretly disdainful.

He ignored Yi Fei's topic and said on his own.

"I really didn't expect it. I came to Sioux City to check the spiritual energy fluctuations, and then I was dispatched. I came here to set up a special affairs handling bureau for this dog day."

"Tell me, at least he will send me a few more people? Just the two of us playing ass?"

"Then there are so many people sent to you, how many awakened people are there in Jinling? The field personnel assigned by the captain will arrive tomorrow."

The two finally drove to the Archives Bureau in Qingshui District, Sioux City. This is a Qingshui yamen with only a few staff members, but it occupies a large area and there are many empty spaces.

So after research by Jiang Province's Special Affairs Bureau headquarters, it was decided to seal up the files and occupy the site.

It's just that the sign of the Archives Bureau has not been removed, but the interior has been cleaned up.

Yang Zhen proudly placed an extra small table in his director's office, with a sign with the words "Secretary" on it.

He wanted Yi Fei to sit opposite him normally.

Yi Fei didn't buy it, she would rather not see Yang Zhen for a day, and settled down in an office at the farthest point from Yang Zhen at the end of the corridor.

Yang Zhen shrugged, turned on the computer on the table and downloaded csgo.

The two of them were sent here because of the previous aura fluctuations. Expert research predicted that this might represent the deepening interference between Sioux City and the spirit world.

Sioux City may open the next passage in the future, so I arranged for two people to come over in advance to familiarize myself with the location.

However, the opening of the passage has enough momentum. Now that Yang Zhen and the others have left the Jinling headquarters, they are completely free and no one cares about them.

So what else can you do without playing games at work every day?
Yang Zhen got into a game and put on his earphones.

(End of this chapter)

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