Chapter 36
After breakfast on Sunday morning, Fang Lin went upstairs early and came to Xiaojie's room.

Xiaojie is sitting in front of the computer playing Q Pet Da Le Dou, and is challenging the students in the class to practice leveling one by one.

Fang Lin jumped on the bed and found the game controller next to his pillow, so he picked up the controller and went to the end of the bed and lay down.



When Xiaojie turned his head and noticed him, Fang Lin pretended to be an ordinary dog, patted the buttons of the game controller, and then tilted his head to stare at Xiaojie.

You know what I mean?

Xiaojie walked over thoughtfully, turned on the game console and stayed on the game selection interface.

Then he coughed lightly and said, "Choose what game you want to play, Kaka."

After speaking, he waited excitedly for Fang Lin's reaction.


Why don't you drag me around?
Fang Lin was speechless, and continued to slap the handle frantically.

"Okay, I'll choose for you."

Xiaojie took the handle and chose Super Mario, then threw the handle in front of Fang Lin.

Muttering in his mouth: "I thought you really knew how to play games."

Hehe, I was afraid to scare you, little brother, when I showed my strength.

While Xiaojie was playing with the computer, Fang Lin began to operate it with relish.

There was another bold idea in his mind.

If Xiaojie came over and asked him to turn on the game console before going to school every day, wouldn't it be a good time for him to play.

No, he doesn't even need to open it, can I open it myself?

No, the game console is on the table, and my body and claws are not easy to close.

If Yang's mother came to find her, she might not be able to turn it off in time, and might break the game console if she was in a hurry.

When will I be able to have the ability like a mage's hand, everything will be convenient.

I am still far away from releasing my spiritual energy.

Fang Lin already felt that the empty slots in his body might be equivalent to energy cores.

As the first empty slot was filled more and more, Fang Lin found that he could use the spiritual power in the empty slot to strengthen his actions.

Moreover, the speed at which he absorbs the aura and the efficiency of filling it is also gradually increasing, far exceeding the initial estimate.

In another week, the first empty slot should be filled.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin also felt a little excited, not knowing what would happen then.

But then I thought that I am a dog now, what can I do even if I am already invincible?

It's not the troubled times of the past, the law and order in the Dragon Kingdom Federation is so good, alas.


Fang Lin continued to slap the handle, occasionally dealing with Xiaojie and pretending to be stupid.

After eating at noon, Fang Lin lay down in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked at the outside world while reminiscing about the snowflake beef that Yang's mother had fried for him just now.

To be fair, he was really a Buddhist person before, and he was indeed quite a Buddhist dog after his rebirth.

But now I am inexplicably looking forward to the outside world. As my abilities become stronger, the impulse in my heart seems to be somewhat irrepressible.

Perhaps deep down in my heart, I long for a more colorful life?
Lin Yuqing wore a small blue and white floral dress, her hair was tied up in a gentle manner, and she went downstairs on small white sandals.

"Going out to play? Kaka!"


Fang Lin's ears pricked up immediately, and he quickly got up and rushed to Lin Yuqing's side.

Lin Yuqing was startled by the rapid momentum, she clamped her skirt and squatted down, patted the dog's head and said, "Okay, ok, dog, I see you are in a hurry."

Mama Yang sat on the sofa watching this scene and said sourly: "It seems that I didn't take you out to play. I will take you shopping all day tomorrow."

Fang Lin pretended not to hear, his ears drooped and his buttocks turned to Mama Yang, ignoring her.

Yang Ma said again, "Have you brought everything?"

Lin Yuqing nodded and showed Mama Yang the white Apple phone watch on her wrist, and then pulled the white LV sports bag on her body.

There are essentials such as mobile phone toilet paper, and a bottle of anti-wolf spray.

"Okay, go ahead and be safe."


Fang Lin yawned, but unfortunately he couldn't speak, otherwise he would have said that he didn't have to worry so much at all.

Even if a hooligan in iron skin comes, don't expect to get any benefits.

He has now grown to Yang Ma's thigh, about 50cm, almost the size of some adult dogs.

Fang Lin didn't reject this kind of body change either. Not to mention the size of a Siberian tiger, it's fine to grow up to the size of an ordinary lion.

It would be cool to go out with Lin Yuqing on his back.

Lin Yuqing took out a sports vest and put it on for Fang Lin, then took a bottle of mineral water and put it in the side pocket of the vest.

"Hey, it's so convenient, let's go!"

Lin Yuqing didn't muzzle Fang Lin, and walked out the door holding the rope.

Zhao Hanya was already waiting at the gate of the community. She was also wearing a light yellow dress, with a bun on her head, but there was still a piece of hair behind her head.

Seeing Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin coming out, she rushed to greet her: "Hey, you guys are finally out, hello Kaka~"


Fang Lin responded to her.

Lin Yuqing was a little surprised: "Why are you wearing a skirt?"

In her impression, Zhao Hanya has always been a carefree image and rarely wears skirts.

Lin Yuqing looked at her hair: "You still tie your hair up? Are we going there to play?"

Zhao Hanya blushed and said, "Federal Park~"

"Go boating?"

"It's all right."

Lin Yuqing nodded and said casually, "Shall we go directly?"

Zhao Hanya looked at her toes and said, "Let's go to the nearby Wanda to gather first."

"Huh? Anyone else?"

"Li Rui."


Lin Yuqing stopped and pulled Fang Lin away from her and said, "What's going on?"

"He called me out to play, I'm embarrassed to be alone~"

Zhao Hanya saw Lin Yuqing's expression as if she had eaten Xiang, she came up and hugged Lin Yuqing's arm, shaking and coquettishly saying: "Qingqing~my Qingqing~, come with me, you can help me to investigate by the way. "

Lin Yuqing was annoyed by her shaking and said: "Okay, okay, but didn't you agree to be each other's sisters and not fall in love! We have only been at the same table for a week, and you two see each other right?"

Zhao Hanya was too shy at what she said, her snow-white cheeks turned red, she lowered her head, and played with the belt around her skirt with her hands.

Lin Yuqing was stunned by her shy look. When will "Hedong Lion Roar" look like this?
Zhao Hanya felt a little embarrassed when she realized it, and stomped her feet: "Will you accompany me?"

Lin Yuqing sighed and said, "Go, okay, isn't it just a light bulb? I have to help you check it out."

"Hey, I knew Qingqing was the best."

"Of course, my mother and I have watched The Legend of Zhen Huan several times, and I will be able to see through Li Rui at a glance."



Fang Lin shook his head and walked into the distance with the two girls.

(End of this chapter)

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