Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 38 1 person

Chapter 38 There Is Someone
Lin Shaohua and the others looked at Yi Fei who was fighting against Yang Town, but they still stood there obediently.

It's okay for the secretary of the bureau chief to flirt with the chief, but it's inappropriate for the few of them to answer this question.

Even if there are only five people in the Special Affairs Bureau in Sioux City.

The relationship between them and Yang Zhen is not only the relationship between superiors and subordinates, but also the gap in strength level.

This gap is the most awesome.

When a person can come and go freely among thousands of horses and horses without any damage.

When a person can grasp the moon in the nine heavens on the body, catch turtles in the four seas, and cross the void to come and go freely.

When a person can do what is possible in mythology.

Is this person really human?
Lin Shaohua couldn't even stand up in the face of the coercion of Deng's team in battle. This gap was bigger than that of humans and ants.

And the D-level where Yang Zhen is located is the first node of this extraordinary road.

It is the goal that he has been thinking about day and night for the past few years, but it is still far away.

Lin Shaohua and the others looked at Yang Zhen with piercing eyes. It was this man who told them hope just now.

After Yang Zhen finished interacting with Yi Fei, he suddenly felt three pairs of eyes looking at him with more and more fiery eyes.

He twisted his body uncomfortably, slapped the table and said, "What are you doing looking at me like that! Look at your worthless looks! Do you know what you should do now?"


The three of them immediately adjusted their military postures with their heads held high.

"Please order the director!"

"The stewed chicken and rice not far from next door is good, haven't you eaten yet? Go buy five and come back."


Yang Zhen looked at them still standing there and was a little puzzled: "Why are you still not moving? Could it be that you let me buy it? Go and buy it soon and come back, I will tell you the secret of guiding spiritual energy."


The three left the office quickly.

Yang Zhen dragged the chair and sat down at the table, picked up a pen in the pen holder and started to spin it, and then said to Yi Fei, "Complain to Lao Deng, why don't you send a cook over, and you have to order takeaway every day."

On the other side, Wanda Commercial Street.

Wanda Commercial Street is a model that integrates eating, drinking, entertainment and shopping. There are expensive and cheap ones, which are suitable for the consumption level of most people.

Because of its wide popularity, it is often regarded as a landmark for meeting.

The sun is still a little bit brighter, although there is no sense of emptiness when the air is transpired during the scorching heat, but after a few steps, you will still break out in a fine sweat.

Fang Lin kept sticking out his tongue and followed the two girls.

The aura inside the four claws circulated automatically along the mysterious trajectory, always in a state of being attracted but not released.

In this state, he can quickly launch a deadly attack, and more importantly, he can ignore the ground that is a little bit hot.

Zhao Hanya stopped in her tracks, shook her long skirt and secretly said to Lin Yuqing, "Qingqing, I find it so cool to wear a skirt."

Lin Yuqing raised Liu Mei: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Hanya moved closer again: "Because the bottom is breathable~"


Lin Yuqing blushed and patted her to calm her down, then looked at the crowds around and said, "Has he arrived yet?"

"Let me ask."

Zhao Hanya opened Lin Yuqing's waist bag, took out her mobile phone and sent a message.

She seldom wears skirts and has no experience. She went out with her mobile phone, only to find that there was no pocket.

Seeing Lin Yuqing carrying the bag, she put it in her bag.

Fang Lin squatted on the ground sticking out his tongue to dissipate heat. If someone looked carefully, he would find that Fang Lin's butt was still a little away from the ground. He was still a little happy that he could think of such a way.

Are all junior high school girls these days so unrestrained in private?

Fang Lin heard the private conversation between Zhao Hanya and Lin Yuqing just now. He had heard that girls chatted in private on a relatively large scale, but now he saw it with his own eyes.

After squatting for a while, Fang Lin felt that he seemed to have a problem with his brain, wouldn't it be better to just stand up!

Fang Lin stood up, looked around, and keenly saw a well-known Michelle Ice City among the people coming and going.

So he dragged the rope and ran towards Michelle Ice City.

"Hey! Kaka!"

"Don't go!"

Lin Yuqing hurriedly adjusted the position of the bag, and then grabbed the rope with both hands, but she couldn't resist the slow and firm force at the other end of the rope.

In desperation, the two followed Fang Lin and ran in the direction of Michelle Ice City.

Lin Yuqing quickly discovered Fang Lin's destination, and the two of them stopped in front of Michelle Ice City.

There were still a few people queuing in front, so Fang Lin walked to the back of the line and squatted down, looking up at Lin Yuqing to show off his cuteness.


Lin Yuqing helped her forehead, and said helplessly, "Do you want ice cream?"


Hearing Fang Lin's response, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It really shocked her just now, Fang Lin suddenly ran in one direction, she couldn't pull it back, she could only hold on to the rope tightly and followed, she was afraid that Fang Lin would run away and lose him as soon as she let go .

Zhao Hanya looked at Fang Lin in surprise, then dragged Lin Yuqing and said, "Kaka has become a spirit? Isn't it forbidden to become a spirit since the establishment of the Federation?"

"I bought him ice cream once when I went shopping with my parents, maybe you remember it?"

"Tsk tsk, that's amazing. By the way, he's here. I'll let him come to Michelle Ice City."

Lin Yuqing bought strawberry-flavored ice cream and led Fang Lin to the side. After all, he couldn't feed Fang Lin in front of other people's stores.

She put the cup of ice cream on the ground, and Fang Lin leaned over to eat it.

When the sweet and icy cream came into his mouth, he felt a sense of happiness from the bottom of his heart. Eating ice cream in hot weather was really a pleasure, and he was not afraid of diarrhea.

It seems that Yang's mother bought some ice cream in the refrigerator at home, so she can secretly take it out and eat it next time.

As long as I only take the ice cream and don't make a mess of other things, Mama Yang shouldn't be angry.

After all, Xiaojie eats it too, right?
At this time, a boy walked around and looked around. He was wearing a pair of whitish but clean white shoes on his feet, white short sleeves, jeans and glasses. He looked tidy but a little thin.

When Zhao Hanya saw his eyes lit up, he waved his hands and shouted, "Li Rui! This way!"

Li Rui searched for the source of the voice, and finally saw a few people coming this way.

Maybe it was Zhao Hanya, who looked like her temperament had changed drastically, wearing a light yellow dress and combing her hair.

Or maybe it was seeing Lin Yuqing who was quiet and elegant with an LV on his back and a watch on his back.

Li Rui's eyes dodged for a moment.

Fang Lin raised his head to observe him when he heard the sound, and successfully caught the dodge.

But he thinks it's nothing, it's actually quite normal.

This Li Rui's clothes only cost a hundred and ten yuan. It may be that his experience of sitting at the same table with Zhao Hanya made him ignore some details.

It's only natural for people at the same table to get along day and night wearing school uniforms, but now when they meet outside, those neglected details come to the fore.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. The straight-line appearance and temperament of the two girls when they are not wearing school uniforms, plus the famous tags on their backs, it is normal for him to hesitate for a moment.

Although he doesn't know these brands, when delicate girls wear them and appear in front of him, the visual impact will let him understand how expensive they are.

Li Rui came over and greeted the two girls with some restraint.

Tsk tsk, sure enough, if you see a high-quality girl, you have to be brave to make a move. How do you know if you won't succeed if you haven't been rejected?

Don't you see that Li Rui has a play?

Zhao Hanya smiled and went up to hammer him around and said, "Why do you look so nervous?"

She pinched the skirt and turned it around and asked him, "How is it? Does it look good?"

Li Rui smiled silly and said, "It's pretty."


Lin Yuqing felt a little redundant.

"This is Lin Yuqing, my classmate and my best friend."

"Yeah, I've seen it, hello."

Lin Yuqing also nodded with a smile.

Up to this point, the atmosphere was a bit stiff, so Li Rui scratched his head and said without words: "It's quite hot today, I'm so tired all the way here."

Um?What did you say?
I am not tired.

Hearing what he said, Fang Lin immediately increased his tongue strength and ate the ice cream loudly.

Zhao Hanya looked at Fang Lin and laughed immediately: "Haha, he is not tired! This is Lin Yuqing's dog named Kaka, very smart."

"Oh, Hello."

As soon as the words came out, the two girls and Fang Lin looked at him.

Why do you feel that this boy is not very smart?

The cup of ice cream was relatively deep, and Fang Lin was eating ice cream all over his mouth, and there was some under there that he couldn't eat and he didn't bother to eat, so he stopped and raised his head.

With a suppressed smile, Lin Yuqing took out a tissue from her bag and wiped Fang Lin's mouth. Li Rui also knew that he had been stupid just now, so he stood there scratching his head.

"Okay, Kaka is finished, so let's go to the park?"

Li Rui hurriedly said yes as if he had received an amnesty.

Commonwealth Park is a free park, covering a very large area, with lakes, grasslands, lofts, forest views, and some recreational facilities such as roller coasters. It is a comprehensive park.

In their spare time, many people come to Confederation Park to get close to nature and relieve their mood. Many people also take their pets for a walk after dinner, which is very popular among the surrounding people.

However, Confederation Park is also three to four kilometers away from Wanda, and the group on a hot day does not want to walk.

Li Rui asked, "Shall we take the bus?"

"Take a taxi, pets are not allowed on federal buses."

Zhao Hanya said with some concern: "Will the taxi let Kaka get in the car? Or should I ask my father to take us there?"

Li Rui's legs softened instantly when he heard this.

Fortunately, Lin Yuqing said in time that this is not a problem.

In fact, it was not a problem. The driver originally refused to pick up the driver on the grounds that it would affect other passengers because of hair loss. Hearing Lin Yuqing's words of adding money, he immediately opened the door and let a few people get in the car.

In the end, Lin Yuqing paid 27 dragon coins for the car and 100 for the cleaning fee.

As for whether the driver will clean up the dog hair, it is up to the benevolent to see the wisdom of the benevolent.

In the park, a group of people walked on a tree-lined path.

Lin Yuqing led Fang Lin to the right, Zhao Hanya was in the middle, and Li Rui was on the left.

The park was a bit quiet after one o'clock, with dappled sunlight shining on the ground through the luxuriant leaves. Occasionally, a warm breeze that is unique to summer blows, gently brushing Fang Lin's hair.

Fang Lin stretched out his claws, trying to hold down the little sunlight that fell on the ground, but the sunlight quickly moved to the back of Fang Lin's hand.

Zhao Hanya kept talking, making herself laugh from time to time.

Lin Yuqing listened quietly the whole time, and occasionally looked at the surrounding scenery. She really enjoyed this moment, and the troubles in her study and life disappeared at this moment.

Suddenly, Fang Lin raised his head.

In front of the path, came a man wearing a black round cap and a light windbreaker.

In an instant, Fang Lin's hairs stood tall, a strong sense of threat rose in his heart, adrenaline was secreted rapidly, and his heart was beating.

This feeling is like sleeping on a recliner in the afternoon, suddenly a spider hangs in front of you, and you can clearly see the fine hairs and lines on its body.

A strong sixth sense told Fang Lin that this is an enemy that needs to be taken seriously, and maybe a desperate fight with his life can achieve a limit of 1 for 1.

Fang Lin was a little surprised, why did he have such a terrible idea for such a Buddhist person.

But this is indeed the first message that came out of his heart.

The man lowered his head slightly and walked towards them with unhurried steps.


Getting closer and closer.

The muscles of Fang Lin's whole body were tense, and the aura in his body was circulating rapidly. The first empty slot of the semi-finished product pumped out a steady stream of aura into Fang Lin's body, gradually forming a complex circuit throughout his body.

Zhao Hanya is still chatting happily about the embarrassing things she met.

Li Rui was still smiling approvingly.

Lin Yuqing was still looking up as if he wanted to see the blue sky through the gaps in the leaves.

Fang Lin felt that he was full of strength that wanted to explode, and he was ready for a surprise attack.

However, under the influence of talent and ability, Fang Lin is just an ordinary husky.

The faint smell of tobacco on the man's body clearly poured into Fang Lin's nose, and besides that, he also smelled a hint of gunpowder smoke.

He still has a gun!

In broad daylight, how could there be such a person in the Dragon Kingdom Federation?

The two sides kept approaching, and the man still lowered his head slightly, walked slowly past Fang Lin with unhurried steps.

"Hahahaha, you were dumbfounded!"

Zhao Hanya's laughter caught Fang Lin's ears again, Li Rui scratched his head naively in response to Zhao Hanya.

Lin Yuqing didn't know what was coming to her mind, she lowered her head and pouted at Fang Lin, making a grimace.

Fang Lin stuck out his tongue at him, and his tense body slowly relaxed.

What happened just now seems to be a normal passing by, just like things that happen in the Dragon Kingdom Federation all the time.


It was just passing by, he didn't know who I was, and I didn't know who he was.

Fang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but want to look back.

He slowly turned his head and looked behind him.

In Fang Lin's sight, the man also turned his head slowly.

Under the black brim, Fang Lin looked at Fang Lin with cold and sharp eyes.

 The [-]-word chapter is equivalent to updating two chapters today.

  In the new era, it can only be updated twice a day. Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket, and ask for a reward~
  In addition, if you have any comments on the recent plot direction, you can comment here, and I will consider it as appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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