Chapter 39
The man sensed the gaze and turned his head away, but he didn't expect it to be a cute husky looking back at him while wagging its tail.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he stretched out his right hand from the pocket of the thin windbreaker and made a vague middle finger.


Suddenly Fang Lin felt that this man's temperament was not so dangerous. What's the situation with this damned desire to win?
On the surface, Lin still breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head away from looking at him.

You wait until my first empty slot is filled.

In this way, the two groups of people walked slowly in their respective directions.

As Fang Lin walked out of this tree-lined path, the scenery in front of him suddenly opened up, and there was a vast artificial lake in front of him.

The blue and lofty sky unique to summer appeared in front of Fang Lin, and the sunlight shone on the surface of the lake, reflecting a shimmering light and shadow.

Only then did Fang Lin relax completely, and the man also left the 3D map in Fang Lin's mind.

Just now, the empty slot that was continuously providing surging energy just now is like a stalled engine gradually quieting down.

Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya were a little tired from walking, so they found a pavilion by the lake and sat down to rest.

Fang Lin squatted in the pavilion thinking about the short experience just now.

To be honest, he overreacted a bit.

But he can't be blamed for this, whether it is the experience of more than 20 years or the recent dog life, he grew up in a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

You can be temporarily smug, or you can be blatantly Buddhist.

Except for himself, no one has put pressure on him to survive.

However, just now, the body's sixth sense crazily warned him that this was a threatening target.

For the first time, he really felt the pressure of survival, whether it was from that man or from his violent aura.

But what made him a little puzzled was that the aura fluctuations on that person seemed to be similar to the man he met in the community before.

So why didn't you feel threatened at that time?Just because they are official?

How does my sixth sense know that official people can't really hurt themselves?
However, Fang Lin did not think about this issue for too long, which is also a good thing for him.

If you can sense someone who is a potential threat to you every time, isn't this equivalent to a radar that identifies both the enemy and the enemy in a game?
Your own person is a green dot, and the opponent is a red dot.

It can no longer be Buddhist.

He's been slacking off a bit lately because everything is going in a good direction.

Whether it is his own cultivation or the quality of life, he has also adapted to this new family and these members.

He went to sleep directly at night recently, and didn't try to automatically guide the subconscious mind of the aura in his sleep.

The comfortable life made him somewhat ignore potential dangers.

It's too comfortable, how can it be like this?After reading so many novels, every time the protagonist acquires extraordinary abilities, extraordinary events will appear before his eyes one by one!
I have clearly met official personnel before, so why didn't I think that there might be bad guys lurking?

If there was a conflict with that man because of some things, how would he protect Lin Yuqing and get out of it?
Let's start working hard, Fang Lin!

As soon as Fang Lin made up his mind, he squatted there and began to guide the spiritual power into his body.

From now on, he will have to pass the test papers like the previous college entrance examination, and he will have to memorize words in the queue for meals!No, absorb spiritual power!
A look of astonishment flashed across Fang Lingou's face. When he mobilized his spiritual power, his limbs and body had already established a spiritual circulation and tempered it.

Fang Lin was a little unbelieving, and tried to continue to flow the spiritual energy into his body. The slight swelling feeling from his body made him sure that he had really finished tempering.

The aura in the first empty slot had almost dissipated, so Fang Lin was so frightened that he felt it carefully before he felt relieved.

An empty slot is equivalent to a piece of land, and ordinary practice is equivalent to opening up wasteland, and what increases is the upper limit of spiritual power.

The spiritual energy consumed by normal use will not affect the upper limit, and it will be restored soon.

It may be that I reacted too aggressively at the time, and my body sensed my will, and a burst of too strong spiritual power entered my body in an instant, and the body that should have been tempered in a week was completed ahead of time.

No wonder I felt so full of strength that I could beat Purple Potato Essence with one punch.

This seems to be another instinctive reaction of the body?A built-in explosive seed ability?

And there seemed to be no side effects, except that the aura evaporated for a short time, but the spirit was a little tired.

Can anyone else explode like this?
Fang Lin has too little information now, even if he cultivates, he relies on instinct.

He switched angles of view and looked around. The mighty blue light spots hung down from the sky like a galaxy, and were slowly absorbed by him to fill the gap in spiritual energy in his body.

The aura in the empty slot recovered at an astonishing speed, and soon reached the upper limit and started a new round of land reclamation.

Fang Lin suddenly thought of a question, if he could see such an obvious picture of aura being absorbed by him, could others see it?
Can that man feel it just now?
He subconsciously stopped practicing, but soon a message rose from his heart.

It turns out that aura can actually be regarded as an existence like air. Can you feel that others are breathing oxygen?

Unless it is a powerful machine washing the air, what if the machine is silent?
You can only feel that the air in this place is getting thinner and harder to breathe, but you don't know what happened, so you will leave this place.

After the question was answered, Fang Lin calmed down and continued to practice. This kind of information emerging from the heart of his body and blood did not make him doubt, but was very kind.

Maybe this is the blood inheritance of some kind of beast in the novel?
Could it be that his body has awakened the blood of the Husky King?Or is it the impact from the first time?

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, it's right to be invincible.

Wait, I will meet you when my empty slot is filled, and see if you dare to give me the middle finger and bite off your head.

Now Fang Lin summed up the next task.

First, continue tempering the rest of the head and tail.

In addition, the experience just now gave Fang Lin an idea.

If I can still achieve the explosive seed under stress just now, maybe I can rely on this to quickly complete the tempering of the body?
But, Fang Lin didn't dare to try it for the time being, because he was going to start tempering the muscles of his head next, what if the spiritual energy poured in too violently and caused a headshot?
When the body was pumped with spiritual energy just now, it was indeed very explosive, and the head was too special, so try to experiment with the tail later?
(End of this chapter)

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