Chapter 40
The second is to complete the complete subconsciousness of spiritual guidance as soon as possible, so as to start the milestone of dream practice.

Fang Lin's spiritual guidance in the empty slot can basically be completed subconsciously, just maintain a little attention.

But he has been stuck in the threshold of dream cultivation for a long time.

The quality of his sleep is really good now, as soon as he closes his eyes and lays down on the ground, he will soon become unconscious, and it will be the next day as soon as he opens his eyes.

Sleeping so hard that I don't know anything, let alone practice in sleep.

Alas, but after this calculation, he actually still has nothing to do now.

After the head and tail are tempered, they will really be free.

Because when the time comes, there is no need to worry about spiritual guidance.

And if the tempered body in the body wants to use it, the aura will automatically run along a certain complicated and mysterious path, bursting out with powerful power.

He seems to be on the hook, and there is nothing to practice.

But he thought about the mythical beasts he had read in novels before, such as dragons and the like.

It seems that if you eat, sleep and eat, you will be invincible when you grow up?
Want to practice some martial arts?Enjoy the feeling of working hard.

If I study for a month and lead to a breakthrough in the palm technique of cultivation, then I will have a sense of accomplishment.

It's not like now, my "Big Throwing Monument Hand" doesn't need to practice at all to reach the full level, alas.

The two girls, Lin Yuqing, had had enough rest. Looking at the pedal boats coming and going on the lake, they also wanted to go boating on the Jiangzhu. They were used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze.

And Li Rui seemed to have no personal opinion, he agreed with everything Zhao Hanya asked.

Old dog licking.

However, their personalities are quite complementary. Zhao Hanya is more aggressive and aggressive, while Li Ruiqing is thinner and softer.

The strong has to be strong, what about the girl who doesn't like being liked by the person she likes?Doesn't that girl have a domineering president in her heart?
Several people chose a boat with two rows of seats in the front and back with a roof.

With the help of the staff, I put on a life jacket and stepped onto the rickety boat.

As soon as he boarded the boat, Fang Lin could smell a distinct smell of water, the kind of lake water that cannot be described.

But it doesn't smell bad.

Li Rui was sent to the front seat to board the ship, and the two girls sat in the back row in charge of being beautiful and beautiful, and occasionally kicked their feet to experience the experience.

Lin Yuqing looked at the scenery with his right hand hanging over his eyebrows.

With the shelter of the roof and the surrounding water vapor, it feels surprisingly comfortable and not hot at all.

With the ups and downs of the pedals, the sound of hula la water comes continuously, adding a breath of life to the picturesque scenery.

"Rowling is really fun, Li Rui, have you ever accompanied a girl to row a boat before?"

Zhao Hanya suddenly asked.

"No, I only used to paddle with my parents when I was young."

Zhao Hanya nodded in satisfaction, took out her mobile phone from Lin Yuqing's bag and took a photo.

The two girls took a group photo at the back, and Fang Lin ran to the bow of the boat as if walking on flat ground.

The calm lake water was cut by the tip of the boat and scattered to both sides, and the breeze came over the surface, and Fang Lin felt a little excited in his heart.

There will be times when the wind and the waves cleave!
As soon as the ambition was halfway up, the speed of the boat slowly dropped.


Can you hurry up and go, the speed of the boat is so slow, I don't even have a sense of experience standing on the bow.

Fang Lin looked at the panting Li Rui dissatisfiedly, is the young man so young?
Li Rui seemed to see Fang Lin's dissatisfaction, and reached out to touch Fang Lin's head.

Fang Lin didn't give him this chance, why are you a man touching me?
Sioux City, Qingshui District Archives Bureau.

"What is spiritual energy training? Spiritual energy training is to sense the spiritual energy, absorb the spiritual energy, and control the spiritual energy to flow into the core of the spiritual energy."

"There are three difficulties.

First, how to quickly and accurately sense more spiritual energy?

Second, Reiki is in motion, how to let Reiki quickly absorb Reiki along your mind?

Third, there is a loss of aura entering the body. How can the absorbed aura fill the aura core with maximum efficiency? "

"Today, you have officially become members of the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau's operations team. Although you are temporarily unable to step into the D-level due to the problem of the concentration of aura, you still need to be familiar with the above problems!"

"Only in this way, when the future comes, you can quickly grow into an effective combat force to protect the interests of the people of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance from infringement!"

In the activity room, Yang Zhen paced with his hands behind his back and muttered.

The three members of the Special Affairs Bureau's operation team in front of them stood in a military posture with solemn expressions and looked directly at Yang Zhen.

Yi Fei sat on a chair not far away and watched Yang Zhen give lectures to the three members of the action team.

"First of all, the first question is how to feel the aura quickly and accurately. This varies from person to person. People with excellent talents have a higher affinity for aura, and naturally they can feel more aura."

"I can feel that the aura around me is as diverse as the people in the supermarket, and at the same time when it was said that Lao Deng was assisted by a god, I could even feel the aura particles flickering densely, like the Milky Way in the sky."

The three members of the action team were fascinated, and Yi Fei who was beside her couldn't help being moved.

What kind of magnificence is there for aura particles like the Milky Way?

For them, aura particles are like dim street lights on the side of the road at night, invisible from a distance.

"However, we can still hold onto the Yuan and keep the One, calmly and calmly, to assist our cultivation."

Several people were silent.

However, if these things are really effective, how could they not be able to break through in a few years.

The second question, Yang Zhen, is still a cliché, nothing more than natural talent.

The third problem is to practice the cultivation method developed by the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom Federation and the five B-level powerhouses. The introduction of aura along a special route can maximize the use of aura.

However, no matter how well the kung fu is practiced, it is like water without roots, and no matter how efficient it is, it will be blind if it has no spiritual energy.

After Yi Fei heard this, there was a trace of bitterness in her eyes.

Talent talent, what a cruel and true vocabulary.

No matter how hard you try the day after tomorrow, you can change him. Talent is like a huge gap, blocking her way forward.

Yang Zhen looked at the few people a little lonely, knowing that he still couldn't do without the word "talent".

He rarely became serious and said in a deep voice: "There will be hope."

Commonwealth Park, artificial lake.

The boat Fang Lin was in had been floating on the lake for a long time.

Because they wanted to have a more experience, several people did not choose electric boats, but chose to step on them.

Originally, Li Rui was relatively thin, but Zhao Hanya kept shouting in the back seat, "Go here and look there."

Li Rui, who was struggling with all his might, was completely numb after pedaling for 10 minutes, and his feet were a little out of control.

The atmosphere on board is a bit awkward now.

Li Rui blushed and said: "Let me rest, it will be fine soon." After that, he couldn't do it anymore, and occasionally stepped on it slowly twice for meaning.

Lin Yuqing was a little funny, she suddenly thought of Lin's father who was fed supplements by Yang's mother before.

bah bah bah!
How do you think about these messes.

She wasn't really worried, Li Rui just pedaled for too long and too hard, and the two of them, the first-year junior high school girls, could actually pedal hard.

Just float like this, it's fine.

Lin Yuqing leaned back on the backrest, his body relaxed.

The sound on the lake is very pure, it is a very natural and natural sound, which makes people very relaxed.

The black hair is occasionally blown by the wind and I don't bother to clean it up.

 2021 is over, happy new year everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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