Chapter 41

"Well, I kind of want to go to the bathroom."

Zhao Hanya blushed a little, put her hands on the abdomen of the skirt and clamped her legs tightly, and whispered to Lin Yuqing next to her.


Lin Yuqing shouted in surprise.

Zhao Hanya panicked and wanted to cover her mouth with her hand, but the urge to urinate came up again at this movement, and she quickly stretched out her hand to hold her stomach, as if this could relieve it.

Li Rui in front turned his head when he heard the movement, Lin Yuqing ignored Zhao Hanya's eyes and told him that Zhao Hanya was in a hurry to urinate and needed to go to the bathroom.

I really don’t understand what can’t be said about this, isn’t it the urgency to urinate?Today's junior high school students have a lot to do.

Fang Lin was very puzzled, will this lose face?He felt pretty cute.

Lin Yuqing also knew that Li Rui was a little tired, so she adjusted her skirt and sat on the pedal of the back seat to help him pedal.

The pedals of the boat are relatively low and will not be exposed, but it is really not easy to exert force.

Fang Lin watched Zhao Hanya's face getting redder and redder, and wondered in his heart that this little girl really wanted to pee, right?

Although people have three urgencies, they can't be so urgent.

But Lin Yuqing had to go to work, and he didn't want her to be tired.

So when Lin Yuqing put his foot on the pedal, Fang Lin also walked to the pedal and stretched out his paw to press the pedal on the right.

This pedal is the same style as the bike, but a little bigger.

When Lin Yuqing stepped on the pedal hard with both feet, Fang Lin was also supporting the pedal on the right to turn it vigorously.

So Li Rui felt instantly relieved.

Because the design of this boat is very strange, the pedals at the two positions are connected and keep the same speed.

When Fang Lin pushed the pedal hard, both Lin Yuqing and Li Rui felt that the pedal started to spin at a high frequency without much effort.

"Is it so easy for two people to step on this boat together?"

Li Rui couldn't help sighing as if he understood the truth of the world.

Lin Yuqing looked at Fang Lin with his paw on the pedal and turned Fang Lin along with the pedal, and joked, "Maybe Kaka is helping."

Zhao Hanya also became happy, and resisted the urge to urinate and took out her mobile phone to record a little bit of Fang Lin helping to step on the boat.

However, a few people thought that Fang Lin was just playing around, and didn't really think about that.

It really made you guess right, I was helping, didn't you expect it?
Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing and felt secretly refreshed. Could this be considered the mastermind behind the scenes?

Hey, there is a golden retriever on that boat?

Fang Lin stopped the strength in his hand and felt it.

Oh stupid male, that's all right.

Soon, he continued to control his strength and pushed up.

The public restrooms in Commonwealth Park are still very crowded. With Fang Lin's efforts, he disembarked and quickly sailed back to the shore.

Once ashore, Zhao Hanya staggered to the nearest bathroom, walking in standard duck steps.

Lin Yuqing silently took out her mobile phone behind her back and recorded this scene.

Li Rui thought about it for a while, pretending not to see it, and thumped his thigh.

This Li Rui is probably just an ear-splitting material, alas, when will the status of a man stand up!

Fang Lin thought indignantly, shaking coldly.

Oh yes, I am already a dog.

After Zhao Hanya went to the bathroom, the three of them and one dog continued to walk along the lake.

A little further ahead is the amusement park, and some laughter and screams can already be heard.

Humans are essentially social animals.

So it is easy to be affected by the atmosphere around you. For example, if you are in a very solemn atmosphere, it is difficult for you to be happy.

And if you are in a place where everyone is happy, such as an amusement park, such as Disneyland, the happiest place in the world, unless you really encounter something that makes you very sad and makes you feel pain deep in your soul, Otherwise, in this kind of place, it is very difficult for you to be unhappy.

The three people and one dog clearly felt the cheerful atmosphere of the amusement park at this time, and their spirits were lifted.

There are large and small amusement facilities, such as carousel, roller coaster, vertical take-off and landing, etc., because it is Saturday, many parents bring their children to play, and there are two or two sweet couples. Wear a smile.

There are also many vendors selling popcorn, cotton candy, etc., which is very lively.

Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya often came here to play since they were young, so they took Li Rui to the venue of the pirate ship skillfully.

The pirate ship is an entertainment facility that swings back and forth, with a moderate degree of thrill, and the angle of back and forth is not too large, and there will be no 360° rotation like a roller coaster.

So the two girls will try it every time they come here to play.

As soon as the two arrived at the ticket office, the ticket seller wearing a hat greeted them enthusiastically: "Are you here to play again? Oh, I have a dog! It's still a husky, how much did you buy it for?"

The uncle has big arms and a round waist, and his skin is tanned because of being outside all the year round, but the smile on his face is very warm, and it is easy to get close to.

"Uncle, this is family and cannot be measured by money."

"Oh yes, yes, I said the wrong thing haha, do you want to play? Arrange the next car for you?"

The three of Lin Yuqing looked at the swaying pirate ship and nodded.

20 for a ticket.

Li Rui was a little hesitant when he saw the price. Lin Yuqing paid for the boating and taxi just now, so it stands to reason that it should be his turn this time.

But he really doesn't have so many!He only carried 20 yuan all over his body, and he took it from the money he had saved.

Fang Lin noticed Li Rui's expression and guessed his situation.

How much pocket money is there for a child in the first year of junior high school?

His memory is a little fuzzy, but he knows that when he was in elementary school, his pocket money was a few yuan, and he spent [-] cents to buy a pack of instant noodles or spicy noodles between classes, and it was because many people gathered around to share some.

Li Rui's family background is not very good in terms of clothes. The 60 yuan for these three people is probably difficult to get out, right?
Fang Lin suddenly felt a little itchy in his stomach, squatted down and scratched it with his hind legs, and sighed in his heart that he couldn't afford a relationship without any money in his pocket.

You see, when children come out to play early in junior high school, they start at 60, and it’s okay for college students to go out for a trip.

What? AA?what
Or just eat soft rice like Li Rui is fine, don't AA.

It may be that people pay more attention to the people they like, and it is easier to understand them.

Without waiting for Li Rui to speak, Zhao Hanya said to the uncle: "Three people, I'll just scan the QR code." He took out his mobile phone and quickly paid.

Lin Yuqing didn't care. Yang's mother had never withheld pocket money, and the New Year's money was even ten thousand and ten thousand. As a result, she really didn't feel much about money, and she didn't have any special needs.

In her opinion, an LV worth tens of thousands is just a bag for carrying things, but this kind of bag is all in the house, so she just uses it casually.

An evening dress is more than 20 yuan, and it is a first-year junior high school girl every year. What kind of money concept can a girl have?

Whoever pays is the same, they are all out to play, just be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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