Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 43 Restless

Chapter 43 Restless
"It's all right."

Li Rui stammered and replied.

Zhao Hanya also felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. She was careless at first, but only after seeing Li Rui's reaction did she feel a little bit of intimacy between men and women.

Seeing Li Rui blushing a little, Zhao Hanya was about to stop, but suddenly felt quite interesting.

Is this the kind of teasing in a novel?
Although she is a girl in the first year of junior high school, she has already watched countless female dramas, and now many plots of domineering presidents emerge in her mind, but now the domineering president has been replaced by her.

She coughed lightly, then continued to touch the red mark and muttered: "Why is it all right, it's all red."

Lin Yuqing couldn't stand watching the two actors in the TV series, so she tugged on Fang Lin's rope and said, "Kaka, let's go first."

It's a pity, I want to watch it for a while, it's so interesting.

Fang Lin reluctantly followed Lin Yuqing away, Zhao Hanya temporarily let Li Rui go when he saw that something was going wrong, and continued to move closer to Lin Yuqing with a smile on his face.

Li Rui stood there scratching his head and followed.

A few people had just been on a pirate ship just now, and they were not very interested at the moment. No matter how exciting they were, it was not fun to wear skirts, and they felt that they were too old for the merry-go-round.

After all, they are all in the first grade of junior high school, how can they play that like a child again?
In fact, girls are quite interesting, and they reincarnate every 12 years.

Take merry-go-round as an example. 12 years ago, you might like to play with things like merry-go-round, but when you reach puberty after 12 years old, you will feel that you have grown up and don’t want to touch these things.

But when I went to college or graduated from college and fell in love, I felt like a little princess again. Is there a problem with the little princess who likes to play on carousels?

Now the two girls have reached the age of consciously growing up in the first grade of junior high school. When they see the children playing those games, they look at them with a kind of down-looking gaze.

So the few people didn't play any more projects, just walked and chatted along the amusement park together, enjoying the atmosphere.

What can students talk about?

Because there are men and women, many private topics between the same sex cannot be opened, so the topic of chatting returns to school life.

"Have you finished your math homework for the weekend?"

"No, some topics are the content of the next chapter, and I have to preview before writing. I haven't finished previewing yet."

"Master Miejue speaks too fast, I can't stand it."

Seeing Zhao Hanya and Li Rui complaining about the math teacher, Lin Yuqing asked in her heart, "Do you also think she speaks fast?"

Zhao Hanya nodded emphatically: "Quick, it's too fast. How could it be so fast in the past? It was only a section in a week's textbook, but now it's a unit a week."

Li Rui also nodded approvingly.

Lin Yuqing seemed to have found an organization: "That's right, let's forget about her speaking quickly, and I'll answer questions if I'm a little older in class."

Hearing this, Zhao Hanya was also a little strange: "Yes, why does the math teacher insist on you answering questions?"

Lin Yuqing vomited bitterly: "Who knows, I don't know how she ordered me, and then after sitting down, my deskmate mocked me for being stupid. I was so angry that I couldn't listen to a class, let alone know how to do it."

Zhao Hanya frowned: "Is your tablemate Wang Chaoyuan? The one who looks cheap?"

Lin Yuqing nodded, her mouth pouting angrily.

Li Rui hesitated for a moment and said, "How could this be? I heard him say that you look good in Thursday's physical education class."



Zhao Hanya was speechless: "How could there be such a strange thing?"

"Let it go! Let it go!"

While the few people were chatting, suddenly there was a burst of shouting in front of them.

A young man with his hat turned back skated along the road on a skateboard.

Rampage along the way, the pedestrians on the road frowned and dodged to both sides.

Perhaps it was because the pedestrians gave way to him along the way, and he continued to step on the ground to accelerate and enjoy the feeling of walking through the crowd.

"Let let, let let."

Passers-by who were walking in front of them gave way, revealing them.

The two girls chatted vigorously and didn't pay attention to the situation ahead. Seeing this situation, they were startled. Lin Yuqing hurriedly wanted to drag Fang Lin to the side.

Fang Lin frowned and felt a little annoyed. How can a fool skateboard on a road with so many people.

There seemed to be a surge of blood in the body, and the tempered body and the replenished spiritual energy began to stir.

Fang Lin felt more and more irritable, and gradually turned up.

Gan!To make way for you today, I am a dog!
Originally, I came out to play this time because I was full of anger because of the man in the windbreaker, but I didn't expect that some people who didn't have long eyes jumped out.

And according to the current speed, the two girls were obviously a little frightened, and might be a little slow to dodge, resulting in being hit.

With one more reason, Fang Lin took a step forward and stood in the way that must be passed in a daze.


Lin Yuqing was a little flustered and wanted to drag Fang Lin away.

The man in the hat saw a dog blocking the road in front of him and didn't dodge it. Maybe it was a technical problem and he didn't slow down.

Seeing that the skateboard was about to hit Fang Lin, Fang Lin jumped to the side, and kicked the man in the hat off the skateboard to the ground with a flying kick.

Fang Lin has already controlled his strength, but how simple is his tempered body?What's more, because he has energy in his heart, there is a trace of aura mixed in.

The man in the hat was kicked and flew two meters away, and just rolled in a circle to relieve his force, but he still fell on his back.

Struggling to sit up and cursing: "Fuck, that stupid dog!"

Some unbearable anger rose in Fang Lin's chest.

As soon as Fang Lin exerted his strength, the rope slipped away from Lin Yuqing's hand, and he walked slowly to the man in the hat step by step.

Something seemed to be steaming up in the blood and let out a loud roar, but Fang Lin remained calm on the surface, only his eyes were getting colder and colder.


The man in the hat was propping himself up with his hands and trying to sit up, but Fang Lin stepped on his chest.

The sudden force made him lie on the ground again, his head knocking against the ground.

He was a little confused.

Just when he was about to swear again, he suddenly felt a sharp object pressing on his neck, and he felt a real needle-pricking sensation, as if he was about to pierce his skin.

This force was well controlled, as if the blood would gush out from his neck in the next second, and it seemed as if nothing had happened.

It was as if there was a sharp dagger lying there, and the cut had been gently opened.

This feeling brought him a strong sense of fear, trembling all over but not daring to shake.

There was a sudden realization in his heart, it was the feeling of imminent death.

This feeling made him widen his eyes and dare not make a sound or move.

His eyes widened with fear, and he saw a pair of cold, ruthless eyes that were as beautiful as sapphires.

His first feeling was that there are such beautiful eyes in the world.

Soon, the increasingly sharp feeling on his neck reminded him that he was being pinched for his life by the owner of these eyes.

It really wants to kill itself.

The expressionless dog face and the seemingly increasing strength made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

It seems that the next second there will be a popping sound of a needle passing through the paper.

When did he experience this situation, his mind went blank.

kill him!

There seemed to be a voice roaring in Fang Lin's heart.

Such a lowly person dares to offend himself, such a bitch should not exist in this world!

kill him!


Lin Yuqing's anxious call reached Fang Lin's ears, and the originally light voice was full of worry.

This sound was like a clear spring pouring down from the head, and the irritability and evil spirit in my heart were instantly swept away.

He was stunned for a moment and withdrew his paws, stared at the man silently for a while before retreating.

As soon as Fang Lin retreated, Lin Yuqing held him in his arms and examined him.

"Are you OK?"

Zhao Hanya and Li Rui also surrounded him anxiously.

They didn't know what happened just now, they only saw that Fang Lin was about to be hit, he seemed to kick the man off the skateboard.

Then he walked over and put his paw on the man's chest.

They didn't know that the life of this man was in the hands of those humble dog paws just now.

The passers-by around gradually gathered around and discussed.

"Dogs are good!"

"Good kick!"

"That's right! I want to kick this rampant skateboard on the road."

"Don't be afraid, little girl. Hmph, I don't think there's anything wrong with his fall. If he asks you for something, I'll support you!"

The worried looks of the two pure, cute and fragile little girls completely aroused the protection desire of several uncles.

They cheered enthusiastically, and one of them let go of his son's hand.

They also only saw Fang Lin kicking the man down, and didn't pay much attention to the scene after Fang Lin walked up.

Didn't it just put the paw on the chest?My dog ​​and cat wake up like this every day.

The man in the hat lay on the ground in a daze for a few seconds, suddenly he felt hot and peed.

After he realized it, he quickly got up and glanced at Fang Lin in horror, picked up the skateboard beside him and ran away, ignoring his wet pants.

"Hahaha, this kid can't pee, right?"

"I'm laughing to death, you're still so arrogant with your guts."

"Little girl, is the dog okay?"

Fang Lin looked at Lin Yuqing who looked anxious, and licked her palm.

Lin Yuqing found out that Fang Lin was fine, and his tense heart relaxed.

She was really frightened just now. Too many things happened in a short moment. She was really afraid that Fang Lin would be run over to death by the skateboard.

Although Fang Lin arrived home not long ago, she slept with her every day. In the past, she was sometimes afraid to turn off the lights at night. Since Fang Lin and Xueqiu arrived home, she has slept soundly every night.

She had long regarded him as her brother in her heart.

If something happened because I brought him out, how should I face this?

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, and as her emotions increased, crystal tears began to accumulate in Shui Lingling's big eyes, more and more, more and more.

Tears finally broke through the bondage and flowed down Bai Nen's cheeks.

"Yo Yo Yo, why are you still crying, little girl?"

"Hey, who's child is so annoying, how can the parents rest assured that the next person will come out to play!"

"That's right, if I had this daughter, I would take her out to play every day."

A fat aunt squeezed over, took out a tissue from her bag, knelt down and handed it to Lin Yuqing, comforting him constantly.

A group of people are still cursing the skateboarder just now, and even the map cannon expanded to the skateboarder is not a good thing.

An uncle bluntly said that when he got home, he smashed the skateboard of his leather monkey.

Lin Yuqing sobbed softly holding a tissue, and kept thanking her uncles and aunts who comforted her.

Zhao Hanya and Li Rui also squatted beside her to accompany her.

Fang Lin was a little confused. He didn't know what happened to him just now. Before he had time to think about it, he found Lin Yuqing crying.

Whether to say it or not, her voice was always clear and clear when she usually spoke, and she cried softly.

Holding a tissue and sobbing a little bit, her big eyes conveyed a strong sense of empathy, which made people unconsciously empathize and want to comfort her.

Lin Yuqing squatted beside Fang Lin and hugged him, so Fang Lin stuck out his tongue to lick her tears.

Let it flow down drop by drop and lick it up.

The girl was amused: "Yeah Kaka, stop licking."

Fang Lin didn't care if she continued to lick.

"Hahahahahaha, okay, okay, I'm fine."

Lin Yuqing wiped her face with a tissue and stood up.

Seeing that she was fine, the people around her gradually dispersed after a few words of advice. Some of them would leave their phone numbers when they said anything, saying that they could testify if that person came to her.

Several people left after thanking them, leaving only a puddle of unknown liquid in place.

After this kind of thing happened, Lin Yuqing and the others lost their interest in going on. It happened that Papa Lin called to ask her when she would come home to pick her up, so she asked Papa Lin to drive to the south gate of the park.

"Let's go together and let my dad take you home."

"Okay, okay, just don't need to take a taxi."

Zhao Hanya was happier, and Li Rui, who originally planned to refuse, didn't mention it again, and just said that it would be fine to send him back to Wanda, and then he went home by himself.

A few people walked to the south gate of the park, and Dad Lin drove up after a while.

Father Lin drove a BMW X7 this time, and the big black travel-stained guy quickly stopped in front of them.

As soon as the door was opened, a strong fishy smell came out.

Lin Yuqing held her nose and said in disgust, "Dad, how did you drive this car!"

"Good afternoon, Uncle Lin!"

"Hello, uncle."

Zhao Hanya didn't mind, and greeted Father Lin generously.

Father Lin smiled and greeted them to get into the car. He let Li Rui sit in the co-pilot, and the two girls and Kaka sat in the back seat.

When everyone got into the car, he said, "I went fishing this afternoon. Just after that, your mother called and said that you came to the park to play. Let me pick you up."

"It smells a bit haha, bear with it, if you can't, just open the window to ventilate. I think the smell is quite nice, and it's a good bait haha."

It turned out that the car Dad Lin drove was for fishing. He usually went fishing with his fishing friends, and then came back with his things.

The car was full of the smell of those baits, and after a long time, the smell would be hard to dissipate, so Yang's mother simply asked him to drive this car to go fishing in the future.

Lin Yuqing was a little puzzled: "Then why did you come back so early today?"

Normally, Dad Lin would at least go home when the sun went down and it was too dark to see anything.

Father Lin coughed lightly: "The fish condition is not very good today."

 More than 4000 words, a bit late.

  Ask for all kinds.

(End of this chapter)

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